Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 160: Return and End 15┃Everyone is dying, even God is no exception


While Mr. He and his partner were discussing further countermeasures due to the disappearance of the crystal stone, Mu Qin, who had been waiting in the laboratory, felt strange in his heart.

More than ten hours have passed since Mu Qin returned to the present world. Out of caution, Mu Qin has been keeping in touch with Zhou Yue through the assimilated spirit. Zhou Yue is currently in good condition. Qingyun stayed in the throne map honestly.

Both of them are bound to the throne in the throne map, sitting on the same chair, and cannot move.

During this period, the childlike Mu Qingyun repeatedly tried to get off the chair, but was pricked by thorns and cried bitterly, which made Zhou Yue comforted with a headache for a long time before it stopped.

And this is what puzzled Mu Qin the most.

Because the faceless man didn't come to trouble the two of them!

Is it the calm before the storm, or is there something wrong with the Faceless Man, someone or something getting stuck

Mu Qin is thinking about the various problems he is currently facing.

The biggest doubt is the appearance of Mu Qingyun. It stands to reason that Mu Qingyun should have died a long time ago. Later, Mu Qin came to the marginal world to save Zhou Yue, and happened to meet his biological father. Echo also proved Mu Qingyun to Mu Qin. news of his death.

So why does a dead person suddenly appear

Did someone "resurrect" her

Mu Qin had to figure out the reason from Mu Qingyun, so he asked Zhou Yue to help communicate with Mu Qingyun, but this was an extremely difficult task.

"Mom." It's a pity that no matter how difficult it is, I have to do it. Zhou Yue called Mu Qingyun like this to attract her attention, and asked her, "Do you still remember how you came to this place?"

Mu Qingyun probably didn't understand what Zhou Yue was saying at all. She looked at Zhou Yue with a mentally retarded face. After a while, she realized that she pointed at Zhou Yue angrily and said, "You are not allowed to call me mother!"

Zhou Yue was more confident than Mu Qingyun, and said, "Your son is my wife, of course I can call you mother!"

Halfway through the speech, he became short of breath: "Well, how about calling your mother-in-law?"

Mu Qingyun's eyes widened, and her expression became even more retarded. She obviously didn't understand how her good-looking son became a "daughter-in-law"

At the same time, Mu Qin, who was in constant spiritual contact with Zhou Yue, also heard Zhou Yue's speech, and was so angry that he poked Zhou Yue in the sea of consciousness: "Don't say strange things to my mother!"

Zhou Yue was wronged: "It's okay, anyway, she is like this now, she can't understand what I say."

Unexpectedly, Mu Qingyun over there, after thinking about Zhou Yue's words for a while, suddenly became enlightened, and stared at Zhou Yue in disbelief: "You are taking advantage of my son!"

Zhou Yue's face froze, and he coughed twice to try to ease the atmosphere: "No, no, how could it be, mother-in-law!"

"You still dare to call me mother-in-law! You must have taken advantage of my son!" Mu Qingyun's IQ seemed to be turning around and heating up, and she became more determined when she heard it. She grabbed Zhou Yue's collar and strangled him in frustration, " Say! How did you take advantage of my son!?"

When it comes to taking advantage, Zhou Yue's mind is full of disharmony with Mu Qin, especially when confronted with Mu Qin's mother, Mu Qingyun, he is embarrassed to mention this, and his face turns red slightly. Stuttering: "No, really not... Let's just, just an ordinary relationship..."

"Did you kiss him!?" Mu Qingyun suddenly asked.

Zhou Yue was stunned by this question, and Zhou Yue was taken aback for a moment, before replying stupidly: "Of course I did."

"What about hugs?"

"Also... also hugged..."

Mu Qingyun's face seemed a little gloomy when she heard the words, she became depressed, lowered her head and muttered: "I haven't hugged my own son much."

When Mu Qingyun gave birth to Mu Qin, she was really weak.

The environment at that time was also very tragic. Yu Sui was trapped on the throne, and Mu Qingyun could not and would not leave him. Under such extreme conditions, the two chose to spend the rest of their lives together on the map of the throne.

But as a king, Yu Sui has the God of Death card, he can't die without eating or drinking, but Mu Qingyun can't, she has to eat to survive. There is water in that throne map, but food is extremely scarce.

Mu Qingyun, who couldn't eat enough, was always in a state of malnutrition. In addition, there was another child in her stomach that needed nutrition, so during the October pregnancy period, Mu Qingyun lost weight, but her stomach bulged high.

During the period, Yu Sui cut his own flesh and blood to feed her, but it didn't seem to work. Mu Qingyun still couldn't get nutrition, and became weaker every day. Yu Sui was in great pain. Ken.

She warned Yu Sui that if Yu Sui made her lose her child, she would die.

Mu Qingyun's obsession with the child was so persistent that even Yu Sui felt horrified.

Only on this point, he couldn't understand Mu Qingyun. In his opinion, Mu Qingyun was far more important than a child.

And Yu Sui is also very puzzled... The border world is a dream world. If he didn't remember the basic rules that the system gave him, then the players in the border world should be sterile.

Therefore... it is impossible for Mu Qingyun to become pregnant.

Yu Sui felt scared and repelled by this child who appeared inexplicably and grew up with Mu Qingyun's blood, but he couldn't go against Mu Qingyun's wishes.

Mu Qingyun seemed to be on the verge of collapse. Yu Sui didn't know what kind of blow it would be to her if he killed the child.

He didn't want Mu Qingyun to die. But he also knew that if Mu Qingyun was allowed to weaken like this, she would also die.

He should have sent her out, at least leaving this throne map, she might live a better life.

But such a result did not happen in the end. The selfish and indecisive Yu Sui was afraid of losing and being left alone, so he never dared to suggest Mu Qingyun to leave the map of the throne.

But he thought, if one day Mu Qingyun couldn't hold on any longer and wanted to leave, he wouldn't stop her.

However, Mu Qingyun never expressed such intentions.

Later, the child was finally born, and Mu Qingyun only had time to breastfeed the child twice, and then died of weakness in Yu Sui's arms, turning into a cold corpse.

No matter how he escaped, Yu Sui was still lost. This was a destined ending.

He didn't dare to face the child Mu Qingyun left behind, because he was worried that he would transfer his anger and hatred because of the loss, and he couldn't help but blame the child for losing Mu Qingyun.

He must hate Mu Qin.

So Yu Sui "threw" Mu Qin, who was not yet full moon, out of the fringe world almost immediately.

Interesting to say, Mu Qin, who was born in the marginal world, can be sent to the real world.

Yu Sui couldn't explain the reason, but he just felt that way, and Mu Qingyun told him before he died that he could use the power of the throne to send Mu Qin to the real world like a white card.

The king's white card, a blank card, some people also call this white card "ace", which means that this card symbolizes the "power" and "strength" of the Butterfly Throne.

This is a very special card.

As we all know, except for the soul, no one can take out the things in the marginal world, and the matter of the real world cannot be brought into the marginal world.

This white card is the only exception.

It can be taken out of the fringe world by the king. When the king uses the power of the throne to possess the people in the world, this card seems to be able to follow the king's soul back to the world and appear in the real world in a weird way.

It has the same effect as the crystal stone. People who touch it can easily become dreamers, but its effect is weak, and people with a little bit of willpower will not be easily infected by the white card.

However, this white card will have a completely different effect in the hands of the king. If the king personally lures someone in a dream with the white card, it is easy for the other party to degenerate into a dreamer.

Zhou Yue is a typical example.

As for Mu Qin, the nature of Mu Qin seems to be a bit similar to this strange card. He can be taken out by Yu Sui using the power of the throne, so he is the only "human" who can easily leave the marginal world for hundreds of years.

It is also because Mu Qin has no "adhesion" to the fringe world, and Mu Qin, who has weak feelings, is not easy to fall into dreams, so there is no way to make him a dreamer.

Therefore, the later Faceless Talents tried their best to bring Mu Qin back to this world, and used Zhou Yue as a bait to hook Mu Qin into a trap.

After finally catching Mu Qin and using the throne to trap Mu Qin, but just trapping Mu Qin is not enough, the Faceless Man also wants Mu Qin to make a wish, and wants Mu Qin to make a wish for himself willingly.

It's a pity that faceless people will never be able to truly appreciate the complexity of human emotions. To make an eternal wish for someone, it takes a lot of determination and perseverance...

Or, he has actually realized it, so deep down, the Faceless Man probably knew... that he would definitely fail.

It's just not reconciled.

Just dying.

In this tragic world made of delusions and wishes, everyone is dying, even God is no exception.

Zhou Yue felt that Mu Qingyun might have started to recover her memory, because the expression on her face looked very sad, as if she remembered something.

"Mother-in-law?" Zhou Yue called her carefully, carefully choosing his words.

Mu Qingyun didn't bother with Zhou Yue's address anymore, she looked much more normal, and asked Zhou Yue in a calm tone: "What's your name?"

"Uh... I, my name is Zhou Yue." Zhou Yue was startled by Mu Qingyun's sudden seriousness, and felt a little trembling for some reason.

"Zhou Yue... What year, month and day is it now?" Mu Qingyun asked again.

This time, Zhou Yue was more and more sure that Mu Qingyun's IQ and memory had recovered. She didn't know how far she had recovered, and she didn't know what caused the recovery, but she looked really normal now.

Zhou Yue didn't dare to deal with her with the sloppy attitude just now, he subconsciously sat upright, put his hands on his knees obediently, as obediently as a primary school student, and answered xx year x month x day aloud.

Mu Qingyun was silent for a while after listening to Zhou Yue's answer, and sighed: "Is that so... so many years have passed."

She didn't sigh for too long, and quickly lifted her head to look at Zhou Yue: "I can't stay in this state for too long, my memory is very confused, and I'm mentally disturbed... I don't know how long I can live."

"How come?" Zhou Yue immediately became serious, "I promised to take you to see Mu Qin before, so I will let you survive, and we even pulled the hook!"

Mu Qingyun suddenly raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, this woman had a very pretty smile, especially her face was so similar to Mu Qin's, Zhou Yue lost his mind for a while.

"I solemnly swear now that the agreement between me and you will not be counted." Mu Qingyun said such a sentence suddenly, which made Zhou Yue stunned again.

"Don't pity the dead, and don't make any promises with the dead. You shouldn't waste your chance on the dead."

Zhou Yue pursed her lips, frowned, and struggled for a while and said, "Should I say that you are worthy of being mother and son? Even the words you say are the same."

"Oh? Did Xiaoqin tell you the same thing?" Mu Qingyun seemed very happy, full of pride, "You really deserve to be my precious son!"

"That's not the point!" Zhou Yue rubbed his temples with a headache, "I thought you wanted to see him...or, I thought he wanted to see you."

"I can feel Muchin's thoughts and emotions, our spirits are currently in a... indescribable connection. Although he said the same thing as you, 'Don't waste the opportunity on the dead', he actually It’s just a stubborn mouth, and I really miss my mother.”

"Is that so..." Mu Qingyun suddenly lowered her head and covered her face with her hands, "That's right."

Zhou Yue felt that she was crying, but when Mu Qingyun raised her head after a long while, except for some red eyes, there were no tears at all.

"Since your spiritual assimilation connection is just right, I want to tell you an important thing about this magical edge world."