Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 161: The Return and the End 16┃The sword and the shield are in the hands of man


Three hundred years ago, after the reindeer entrusted the mission of guardian to Heerqiu, they left Herqiu's sight.

At that time, Heerqiu thought that the reindeer had gone away, that it had embarked on the road to return to its own planet, and embarked on a journey to find a weapon to destroy the crystal stone.

But in fact, the reindeer did not leave the earth in the first time as He Erqiu imagined.

It actually stayed on Earth for a while.

Because it needs to make double insurance.

The mission of the guardian cannot be entrusted to Heerqiu alone, even though the reindeer endowed Heerqiu and his descendants with great vitality and strength, so that they will not be wiped out in the torrent of time.

But accidents always happen uncontrollably under unpredictable circumstances. If the guardian He Erqiu fails unfortunately, won't this planet go into extinction? So Caribou argues that it also needs a second layer of insurance.

"I am the second layer of insurance." Mu Qingyun said to Zhou Yue.

"The alien from 'the most beautiful planet' gave my ancestors a mission." Mu Qingyun shook her head and denied her words, "No, that may not be my ancestors, but three An ordinary person a hundred years ago, he and she were very unlucky, was chosen by that reindeer and became the guardian."

"However, unlike the He family who are also 'guardians', what we guard is not the core crystal stone of the marginal world, but a memory."

Mu Qingyun said: "A memory that can be passed on to future generations along with the genes."

"This memory is very special. It has three characteristics, uniqueness, changeability and confidentiality."

"Uniqueness means that this memory can only be held by one person. For example, if a passes on the memory to his offspring b, then a will forget all the memories related to it."

"Variability means that this memory can not only be passed on to offspring through genes, but also can be passed on to a stranger who has no blood relationship with you through methods such as 'exchange of blood' and 'sexual union'."

"Confidentiality is even simpler. It means that the content of this memory cannot be disclosed to others through any means of communication, and the inheritors who get the memory will spontaneously keep their mouths shut."

Zhou Yue suddenly realized what Mu Qingyun meant, and explained Mu Qingyun's words with a very interesting concept: "That is to say, this is a memory bag with its own password. It can pass through blood, sex, and , and mother-to-child transmission, but it is unique, and you can no longer have it if you give it to others.”

"Very interesting way of understanding." Mu Qingyun commented with the corners of her lips curled up, "That's true, that's why I'm not sure whether my ancestors got the memory at the beginning and passed it down to me from generation to generation. And Or someone three hundred years ago got the memory and didn't want to bear it, so he lost it to my ancestors."

"According to what you said, why didn't Mu Qin get the memory?" Zhou Yue accurately grasped the core of the problem, "He was born by you, right?"

"Xiaoqin... is not a human being." Mu Qingyun shook her head, "He has no way to get this memory from me through human genetics."

"So..." Zhou Yue paused, "You didn't pass this memory on to your husband? You were dying at the time."

"Yu Sui is not suitable." Mu Qingyun continued to shake her head, "He is timid and weak, this memory will make him collapse, and he has no ability to complete the mission of inheritor in memory."

"It will make people collapse, and the 'mission'... That is to say, the content of this memory is shocking, and there are tasks that must be completed, which cannot be undertaken by people without certain mental abilities." Zhou Yue's understanding ability is very strong. , Mu Qingyun admired him a little bit.

Mu Qingyun smiled and said, "I can give it to you."

"Give it to me?" Zhou Yue was surprised for a moment, then calmed down quickly, "Do you think I am suitable to inherit this kind of memory?"

"Giving you is equivalent to giving Mu Qin. This situation is just right, and it is exactly what I want."

Mu Qingyun stretched out her hand to Zhou Yue, and she continued, "In the real world, the inheritance of this special memory must be passed on through the interaction of cells carrying genes, so there are blood, sex, and transmission methods between parents and children. .”

"But this is not the real world, but a fringe world made of dreams. I just need you to open your heart and relax, and then we can simply shake hands, and I can directly send you the memory package through spiritual connection."

Zhou Yue couldn't believe it: "... so simple?"

"It's that simple." Mu Qingyun smiled and stared at Zhou Yue, and at the same time stared at Mu Qin behind Zhou Yue, "In fact, the moment I came to the edge of the world, my mission as a guardian has been completed. So it doesn't matter whether you give this memory to others, but I want you to see... take a look at the hidden truth."

Zhou Yue only hesitated for a moment. The fear of the unknown once made him hold back, but soon his thirst for knowledge and curiosity overcame everything, and he bravely held Mu Qingyun's hand extended to him.

Immediately afterwards, just as Mu Qingyun said, just a simple handshake, and that special memory package was poured into Zhou Yue's mind like a scourge.

"Give this memory to you, and I will forget everything related to it, so I can no longer answer any of your questions, and you have to find all the answers yourself." Mu Qingyun said in her last words After exhorting Zhou Yue, she held Zhou Yue's hand tightly and closed her eyes.

"This was a mistake, my child." In the raging fire, Ashin saw the shadow of a reindeer swaying in front of his eyes. Under the light of the fire, the reindeer's hair and eyes shone bright red.

Ashin was lying on the ground without moving, beside him lay Amu who had been dead for a long time, he couldn't bear to leave his brother's side, and still held Amu's hand tightly.

The flames became more and more fierce, and the flames became more and more arrogant. The bright red light tried to swallow everything around, dispelled the darkness, and became so bright.

"Wrong?" Ashin thought in a trance that this was a dream. Before he was swallowed by the flames, he followed the voice in the dream and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You should live, not die here." The reindeer said to Ashin.

"Why can't I die?" Ashin murmured, "I want to go with my brother, wherever he goes, I will go."

"What if I say, I can bring your brother back to life?" The reindeer's voice was hoarse and low, but it was very clear in Ashin's ears.

Ashin woke up a lot in an instant. He opened his eyes and looked at the reindeer. He asked, "What are you? Reaper? Devil? Hell messenger?"

"Humans always create things with unfounded beliefs to explain things they can't understand." The reindeer paced slightly, shaking the heavy antlers on his head, "Forget it, your backward civilization means that you can only understand to this extent .”

"So you can regard me as a god of death, a demon, and a messenger of hell." The reindeer said, "I want to make a deal with you. I can bring your brother back to life, but you need to pay some price."

"What price?" Ashin didn't even question it, he was willing to believe the lies of a talking reindeer when he was dying.

"Let's not talk about the price, tell me your wish." The reindeer went straight to the point, "tell me what you want the most, the most urgent need... wish."

"I..." Ashin was stunned for a moment, then replied slowly, "I want to be with my brother."

I want to be with him forever, in whatever form.

"Eternal fetters... I understand, then use this theme to create such a world." The reindeer said, "Stupid and weak human beings, although I once regretted giving you the so-called 'eternal life', I still hope You can acquire and inherit this civilization... because, in fact, it is the last civilization on my planet."

"The last civilization?" Ashin didn't quite understand the reindeer's words, he stared into the reindeer's eyes in a flash of fire.

"The seeds left after the demise." The reindeer explained, "Our civilization has been destroyed, I have nothing, and I don't expect to restore the former glory, I just want the crystallization of civilization to continue somewhere. So... If this seed can germinate successfully, it will be your helper. If it fails, please destroy it."

"I don't understand..." Ashin didn't quite understand. He wanted to ask more, but the reindeer had already moved his head and stepped on Ashin's chest with his hoof. For sixteen-year-old Ashin, , the reindeer was much bigger than him, and his hooves pressed against his chest, making him unable to move.

"I will let you be together forever." The reindeer said, "but the word forever, the boundary is too vague, and creatures cannot achieve true eternity, so I can only let you...reunite in an alternative way."

"If the 'love' between you is really unswerving, can transcend the limitations of time and space, and can still recognize each other after everything has been destroyed, then you can truly meet again."

"It's just a heavy price, because I will take your souls."

After the reindeer said these words, it suddenly raised its front hoof, and then stepped on Ashin's chest fiercely, causing Ashin's heart and lungs to be injured immediately, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

After all, it is an adult stag, and it is easy to subdue a child like Ashin, not to mention that Ashin is so weak at the moment and has no heart to resist.

Ashin, who was vomiting blood, couldn't move at all, so the reindeer got off him, picked up the dead branches that were on fire with their antlers, and threw them on Ashin and Amu.

Tongues of flame spread along the corners of their clothes little by little.

When he was swallowed by the flames, Ashin didn't feel much pain, he just felt dizzy, like having a long nightmare, when he woke up, he had appeared in the marginal world, and Forget about the conversation with the reindeer before dying.

And shortly after Amu and Ashin died, the reindeer went to Herqiu and appointed him as the "guardian". It told Heerqiu that the power of this crystal stone was a complete mistake and should not exist. The message sent to He Erqiu clearly reveals a sentence - try to destroy the crystal stone by all means, but the stone must be preserved before destroying it.

But after Herchu, the reindeer went to find and appointed another guardian.

What's even more astonishing is that the message it gave to the guardian was completely different from the message it gave to Herqiu—it asked the guardian to do his best to protect the marginal worlds and not allow them to be destroyed. "

"Why does it do this?" Mu Qin and Zhou Yue started a discussion in the spiritual connection network, "While wanting to destroy, but at the same time choosing to protect."

"Besides, this guy's destruction really wants to destroy, and the protection is also true protection." Zhou Yue flipped through the memories Mu Qingyun gave him in his mind, "After it arranged for He Erqiu and another guardian, it will follow the agreement It set off to find weapons, and judging from this memory, it probably really wants to bring back weapons that can destroy the crystal stone and the edge world."

Mu Qin said: "However, in the memory that our mother gave us, there is also a complete record of how to protect the marginal world from the hands of weapons. What does this mean?"

Zhou Yue thought for a while: "The sword and shield are in human hands."

"Sword... and shield?" Mu Qin seemed to have understood a little bit, "It was obviously the fuse that he personally lit!"

"It deliberately gave the crystal stone to Ah Mu and Ashin, and it also deliberately opened the border world. It obviously seriously injured Ashin and burned them to death. It took their souls and threw them into the border world. It has only evolved to where it is today, but at this point, it wants to stay out of it!"