Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 166: The Return and the End 21┃The possibility of putting it in a plastic bag


Mu Chen hugged his little Xingxing and sat on the throne. Because of the restrictive nature of the throne, it was inconvenient for them to leave. Mu Chen controlled Thorn on the throne and asked Thorn to notify Zhou Yue and Mu Qingyun who were temporarily distracted by him.

Earlier, when Mu Chen said that he would take his little Xing Xing alone for a while, Zhou Yue temporarily left the throne with Mu Qingyun, who was still in a coma, and squatted in a remote corner on the map of the throne, waiting for Mu Chen Solve the problem.

After squatting and waiting for a while, she finally saw the thorns Mu Chen used to notify them to go back. White flowers bloomed on the thorns, and Zhou Yue knew that Mu Chen was done.

So Zhou Yue immediately rushed back with Mu Qingyun on his back. He put Mu Qingyun down and asked Mu Chen about the progress, "Did you succeed? Got the status of marginal will?"

"No, I'm just..." Mu Chen hesitated, and looked down at the little star in his arms. Mu Xing is not asleep now, he is very awake, but he seems a little shy and embarrassed. He tightly clutches Mu Chen's clothes, raises his head to look at Zhou Yue, but quickly lowers his head again.

Mu Chen reached out and rubbed his head, coaxing: "Good boy."

Mu Xing glared at Mu Chen for a long time with almost resentful eyes, but Mu Chen remained unmoved, and still looked at his little Xing Xing with gentle and tiresome eyes.

Mu Xing had no choice but to compromise. He turned cold, turned his head to stare at Zhou Yue, and said in a voice without emotion: "I have been deprived of the identity of marginal will, but this does not mean that this identity will immediately change. It fell on Mu Chen's head, of course, it will not be easily inherited by you or Mu Qin."

When Mu Xing spoke, his face was cold and his voice was cold, but Zhou Yue always felt that he seemed to hear a trace of unwillingness and annoyance when he had no choice but to hear in his voice.

Like a cat with fur all over, baring its teeth, but unable to move because it is hung in a plastic bag.

This is quite interesting, Zhou Yue can suddenly experience Mu Chen's weird taste.

He couldn't help but start thinking about the possibility of putting Mouchin in a plastic bag...

Mu Qin, who was in sync with Zhou Yue's thinking, naturally understood his thoughts at the first time. This made Mu Qin helplessly roll his eyes in his heart, and silently took away the dominance of Zhou Yue's body, and started a dialogue with Mu Xing as the home court.

"How do we get that status?" Mnuchin said.

Mu Xing was quite perceptive, and when he heard Mu Qin speak, he immediately knew that there was a replacement. His tone of speech to Mu Qin was a little softer, not so cold, but more gentle.

Mu Xing said: "The identity of Marginal Will is actually a role similar to 'game manager' and 'gm'. There are two ways to obtain this status. One is to find the founder of Marginal World."

"Who is this founder? It is the person who made the fringe core and first opened the fringe world... If Muqin has read Ashin's memory, he should know that the alien who came to the earth inexplicably is the founder. He has' Source code', who can switch, rewrite, and destroy everything in the marginal world at will, he is the owner of the highest authority."

"It is obviously unreliable to ask the founder for permission. We don't know where the founder is, and we don't know whether he is willing to give permission."

"So we can only consider the second method, which is to let the limbic system recognize you."

"Admit me?" Mu Qin didn't quite understand, he said in surprise: "Isn't the limbic system something you fiddled with?"

Mu Xing smiled: "I don't have that kind of ability... The marginal system existed long before me. As an administrator, I can indeed influence and control the system to a certain extent, but I can only do so Much. Strictly speaking, the limbic system is the real 'peripheral will'."

"What do you mean by this?" Mu Qin felt that he had deduced something bad from Mu Xing's words, but subconsciously, Mu Qin felt that it felt like himself.

"Marginal will... The explanation of this name is: the self-will of the marginal world." Mu Xing stretched out his finger and pointed to himself, "I am just a thought body born from the wish of human beings, no matter how powerful I have. It may become the self-will of a vast world."

"Then if you're not a marginal will? Why did you call yourself a marginal will before?" Mu Qin thought of Mu Xing's previous appearance, which made Mu Xing grit his teeth a bit, and couldn't help squinting his eyes and staring at him.

"I'm the representative." Mu Xing said simply, looking away without any trace.

"Representative?" Mu Qin didn't quite understand.

"Represents the marginal will." Mu Xing thought for a while, reached out and patted the armrest of the Butterfly Throne beside him, and said, "If you really don't understand, look at the Butterfly Throne in front of you. This map is a miniature marginal world, the map The Butterfly Throne in the movie is the real marginal will, and I am just the king sitting on the throne."

"The king has never been the subject, but the royal chair, which symbolizes power and strength."

Mu Xing spread his hands and laughed at himself: "So without this chair, I am nothing."

"At least, the game mode of the Butterfly Throne is indeed guided by me. The Throne mode represents the projection of my subconscious mind's impression of the world. It can also be regarded as a hint to many players in the game. I use this way to tell them the truth of the world. … those who seek the truth will naturally understand.”

"The truth? What is the truth?" Mu Qin couldn't help but began to sneer at the other party, "You are just further driving people who are chasing hope into the abyss, and using your self-righteous and self-comforting way, trying to make everyone who enters this world , all polluted into a deep black like ink."

"So..." Muqin laughed, "Stop being hypocritical! I wish you told me from the very beginning that you are a wicked, cruel, cold-blooded executioner who plays with anyone. Because you haven't done any good at all. , and can't do anything well!"

"You are too conceited, Mu Qin." Mu Qin belittled and blamed him face to face and mercilessly, which inevitably made Mu Xing feel uncomfortable, and there was a smell of gunpowder in his words, and they couldn't help but start to attack Maimang.

The conversation was obviously not pleasant, and Mu Chen, who was watching, tried to stop their quarrel, and Mu Chen said: "Don't quarrel, we still have important things—"

Mu Xingniao didn't like Mu Chen, so he interrupted him directly, raised his voice and said to Mu Qin, "full of evil? Cruel and cold-blooded? What a ridiculous adjective, Mu Qin, don't you really treat yourself as a human being?" right?"

"There are far more than tens of millions of biological species on the earth, and countless species have become extinct due to human indiscriminate wars, hunting, pollution, etc. There are so many dead lives, but none of you will say that you are full of evil Cruel and cold-blooded, you will only say that this is a world of natural selection and survival of the fittest."

"Cruel and despicable, timid and cowardly, but you still regard yourself as the king on this planet. Once other life forms threaten your life and freedom, you will accuse the other party of being an executioner, and drive each other to death under the banner of justice." .”

"I'm just acting according to your rules." Mu Xing also sneered, "The fringe world has evolved into a mode of natural selection and survival of the fittest. However, here, you are no longer the king of the world, so you If you don’t get used to it, if you have an opinion, just push the responsibility to my head, right?”

"Absurd words and predation of the weak in an attempt to clear your responsibilities, do you dare to be more selfish and stupid?" Mu Qin sneered sharply, "No matter how powerful the Butterfly Throne is, it is just a chair, and the king sitting on it is just a chair." The one who really dominates and wields power."

"The same is true for the fringe world. Since you sit in this position and have the ability to influence it, you can naturally make it look better. But you have 'prejudice' and 'contempt' for human beings, and maybe you also have 'jealousy'." ', talking about the survival of the fittest, but your so-called survival of the fittest is actually murdering, plundering, and playing with others wantonly, and the people in the entire marginal world are your toys!"

"Oh, I see, what you mean by survival of the fittest is yourself, you are the only 'fit', the only one who is qualified to live, the only god here, everyone else is rubbish, trash, You deserve to be destroyed and trampled on, trampled under your feet by you, a bastard who has been stripped of his godhead and is useless!"

"You ruined everything, and even ran up to me and justified that you were not wrong!"

"I didn't!" Mu Xing looked grim, unable to hold back, he pushed away Mu Chen who was trying to trap him, jumped up from the throne, and rushed towards Mu Qin with all his teeth and claws.

Mu Xing's movements were too sudden and fast, Mu Chen didn't react for a while, and actually let him jump out like that, and let him jump on Mu Qin's body.

Mu Qin was also taken aback. At that moment, Mu Qin tried to retreat to avoid Mu Xing's jump, but when he stepped back, he stepped on a thorn next to the throne. The thorn had no thorns, but was very slippery, which made Mu Qin's center of gravity unstable. Ass sits on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Xing jumped on him, but unfortunately, Mu Xing couldn't stand still, and couldn't hold back his strength, so he almost slammed into Mu Qin's arms, and his forehead hit Mu Qin's chin. The pain caused both of them to tremble!

Maybe it was too painful, Mu Qin instinctively wanted to rub his chin, but he forgot that Mu Xing was still in his arms, and instead of touching his chin, he pressed the back of Mu Xing's head with his hand. With such a slap on the back of the head, Mu Xing's entire face was pressed into the socket of Mu Qin's neck. His head hurt and he felt uncomfortable, and he began to dance in Mu Qin's arms.

Mu Chen on the throne looked helplessly at this funny scene, and then he snapped his fingers, and the thorns obediently crawled over, entangled Mu Qin and Mu Xing's hands and feet, and hung them in mid-air.

"Have you quarreled enough?" After hanging the two of them up, Mu Chen seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "You have been arguing here for a long time, and you didn't say a word about important things. You can't get back the wasted time."

"He started it first!" Being hung in the air didn't affect Mu Xing's blame at all.

Not to be outdone, Mu Qin roared, "It's obvious that you deserve to be beaten!"

"I'm just fulfilling my duties as an 'administrator'! Working hard to expand the marginal world, without me, how could this world develop to the size it is today!?"

"No one expects this kind of world at all, okay!? I don't care how much effort you have put into it, I just know that I want to destroy it right now!"

"You are committing suicide!" Mu Xing screamed, "Where did you come from in the world without borders, Mu Qin, if you want to die, don't drag me! I have come this far in order to survive! And you have not paid anything !"

"I haven't given anything!?" Mu Qin laughed loudly, "What a stupid joke! If I hadn't paid, how could I have wasted time here with scum like you? How about the day!"

Mu Chen was even more helpless, he covered his forehead with a headache, his ears were filled with the voices of Mu Qin and Mu Chen chattering non-stop.

After a while, Muchen seemed to remember something, so he clapped his hands and shouted: "Speak!"

As soon as he yelled, Mu Xing and Mu Qin fell silent immediately, because they couldn't make any sound no matter how much they opened their mouths at the moment, so they had no choice but to shut up and burn each other with hostile eyes.

"It's my fault." Mu Chen sighed, "I shouldn't have let my little Xing Xing talk to you guys. I wanted you to reconcile, but it seems to be getting worse..."