Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 167: The Return and the End 22┃This is so exciting


Mr. He's partner is a native of Estonia, whose English name is Ned. Ned has a wide nose and a long face, and looks like a very sinister and cunning guy.

Ned's age is estimated to be about forty years old, and he always wears a gray wool cap. He can speak four languages, Estonian, Finnish, Russian, and English.

Ned's superficial identity is the boss of a certain logistics company, but in fact, whether he is still running some unknown business is not something that Mr. He can know in detail.

Just looking at the ultra-luxury lineup and powerful private armed forces owned by this Mr. Ned, one can tell that he has an extraordinary background and is not someone to be messed with. However, the cooperative relationship he has established with Mr. He is very harmonious.

Earlier, Ned led his armed squad to break through various strongholds of the fringe cult. In the finishing work after this, Ned soon discovered that the crystal stone they had been tracking was missing.

In order to trace the whereabouts of the crystal stone, Ned began to interrogate the captives they had captured, and asked about the possible whereabouts of the crystal stone from a group of prisoners.

The captives told Ned that when they transferred the crystal stones as usual that day, they were guarded and stolen, and someone inside stole the stones without permission.

The leader of the prisoner gave the identity information of the guy who stole the stone. His name was Xi Yi, who was also a native of Estonia. He was 34 years old, 1.82 meters tall, and a vagrant.

See was last seen wearing a gray sweater, dark blue jeans, and a dark green windbreaker.

In order to catch up with Seey, Ned quickly organized his own team to check nearby surveillance cameras and possible witnesses one by one. After several hours, he finally found a driver who had driven Seey.

The driver said that he did drive a man in a dark windproof cloak around seven or eight in the evening, and that man went to a relatively remote town.

Clinging on to the only clue, Ned and his team rushed to the remote town immediately. When they arrived, it was already around four or five o'clock in the morning. sleep.

After searching and waking up some of the town's residents, Ned found what Sey might have left behind.

A resident of the town near the edge of the forest told them that around nine or ten o'clock last night, a sneaky person stole the lantern hanging at the door of their house, and then went towards the forest.

Ned almost didn't stop, and immediately directed the team to the direction of the forest.

At the same time, Jin, who was in a light sleep, felt that someone patted his cheek. He struggled to wake up from sleepiness, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the old man who claimed to be an 'alien' holding a lampstand, Staring at him in the dim light.

The candle was flickering, and the light illuminated the old man's cheeks covered with gullies, and the muddy eyes rolled in the eye sockets.

Jin was startled by the weird old man, his heart skipped a beat, but he calmed down quickly because the old man raised his left hand and gestured to him with a "shh".

"Someone is coming." The old man whispered, "They are chasing after you. We are about three kilometers away from us. Their footsteps are very fast. I am afraid they will come here in less than twenty minutes."

Jin sat up from the bed, and just about to say something, the old man reached out and pressed Jin's shoulder, and continued: "Pack up your things, let's get out of here."

"Where should we go?" Jin was a little dazed.

The old man said: "I'll take you to visit my spaceship... Oh, I wanted to wait until dawn before setting off, but the group of pursuers behind you is really annoying, and I don't want to deal with them, so before I come , let's take a step first."

Jin had no choice but to nod to show his obedience. He felt that the old man had extraordinary abilities. He could know that the enemy was coming from three kilometers away, and he could know it 20 minutes in advance, either because he had detection equipment or someone with similar special functions. ability.

After all, the old man has clearly stated that he is an alien, so what is impossible

It took Jin a few minutes to tidy himself up. When he went to bed, he only took off his coat and didn't bring much with him, only the crystal stone was more important. The alien old man never took the stone, so Jin had to put it on himself.

The old man was leisurely and leisurely. He packed slowly, put on his clothes, and took a lantern and a backpack with some food.

He opened the door and beckoned Jin to follow, Jin could only clenched his fists, took a lantern by the way, and followed him.

As soon as he went out, he saw a desolate and silent jungle. It seemed that some flickering lights could be seen in the distance, and some chaotic human voices could be heard. The old man was right, there was indeed an unexpected visitor.

The old man led Jin to the back of the wooden house by the lake. He squatted down and pushed aside the thick fallen leaves scattered on the ground, revealing a square wooden door inlaid on the ground.

Then the old man opened the wooden door, revealing the dark entrance, gestured to Jin and said, "Go in."

Jin used the lantern in his hand to illuminate the entrance of the cave. Below was a long staircase, the kind of random stone staircase, leading to nowhere.

The old man was urging, so Jin had no choice but to leave, and went down the cave first. The old man followed after him. He fiddled with the entrance of the cave for a while, probably using fallen leaves as a camouflage to cover up the wooden door at the entrance of the cave.

After the camouflage was done, the old man closed the solid and heavy wooden door, and the chirping of insects and birds in the forest on the ground was immediately cut off and disappeared, and the entire tunnel was extremely silent... as if in another world.

"This tunnel is very long and deep. Because it will pass through the ground of the nearby lake, there will be some accumulated water and it is still very cold. I hope you can bear it." The old man said to Jin as he walked forward, "My There was something wrong with the spaceship a long time ago, and I hid it at the bottom of a river in order to hide from human eyes and eyes while repairing it."

Jin listened silently and didn't speak, but his heart couldn't stop beating wildly. It was impossible not to be excited, because Jin realized belatedly that he was about to witness a spaceship! A spaceship from outer space!

He can even go inside the ship, and he can see technology from another civilization.

It was so exciting that Kim was thrilled.

So Jin temporarily forgot everything about the marginal world at this moment, and forgot that the source of all disasters was brought to him by this seemingly gentle, polite and approachable old man in front of him.

After that, Jin followed the old man in the tunnel for about a few minutes, and soon heard the faint sound of chaotic footsteps and subtle human voices on the ground above his head.

King realized that the group of pursuers who were following him, probably members of the fringe cult, were on top of their heads.

Jin didn't know at this time that the Fringe Cult had already been kicked out by Ned and his armed team, so it was not the followers of the Fringe Cult who followed Jin's footsteps, but Ned.

Jin didn't know about this, but it didn't mean that the alien old man didn't know about it either. The old man did indeed possess some special reconnaissance equipment as Jin had guessed. These devices allowed the old man to clearly observe the group of pursuers on the ground above his head. They had good firepower and were well-trained.

The old man who noticed this whispered to Jin: "I made a little camouflage for the wooden door at the entrance of the cave, but I'm afraid they will find something strange in a short time. Let's go quickly, after we pass the lake, I will activate the pre-emptive With the mechanism set up here, the lake water will seep in and flood the tunnel, and then they won't be able to catch up with us."

After the old man said these words, he immediately accelerated his pace. Jin was surprised to find that this old man who seemed to be over fifty years old was walking so fast. He was obviously just walking, but Jin had to trot to keep up.

The underground tunnel was indeed as cold and damp as the old man said, and it was also very dull and suffocating. Water drops seeped from the walls from time to time, and puddles of water overflowed the heels of shoes on the ground. The lantern carried by the old man flickered on and off. The dark environment always reminded people of bad illusions.

At this moment, Jin suddenly heard a creaking sound behind him. Jin recognized this sound as the sound of the wooden door at the entrance of the underground tunnel being pulled open, followed by a sentence in Russian with a strange accent: "They under!"

"I've been found, go!" The old man reached out and grabbed Jin's arm. He kept urging Jin to move forward with a hoarse and low voice. Jin was dragged by him and started to run forward. Halfway through, he couldn't help but marvel at the old man's physical strength.

In such a narrow, dark, cold and oxygen-deficient environment, Jin was out of breath within a few steps, but the old man was still walking vigorously, and the hand holding Jin's arm was very strong, causing pain in Jin's arm.

The pursuers from behind had already descended into the burrow to keep up, their flashlights shining in the distant darkness, shouting to come towards Jin and the others.

The old man was almost running with gold in his hands. He was a rickety old man carrying a grown man with a height of 1.8 meters, but his speed was unbelievably fast. In less than a minute, he ran to the end of the tunnel and came to a relatively open place. basement.

After running to the basement, the old man threw Jin casually. Jin was thrown dizzily by him, and was thrown to the ground and rolled around in a circle.

When Jin finally got up, the old man over there had already started to activate the device he had set in the cave in advance.

That device is, to put it bluntly, a bomb.

During the process of setting up the bomb, the old man pointed to the stairs at the other end of the basement to Jin, and said, "Climb to the stairs over there now and wait for me."

Jin Deling immediately scrambled and climbed up the stairs in the basement. When he reached the top of the stairs, he turned around and found that the old man had already set up the bomb and followed him.

The old man held a tiny button in his hand, still holding Jin's arm, and said: "When I activate the bomb, the tunnel will collapse, and the lake above the tunnel will be flooded. If the pursuers are smart enough, they still have time to run out. If you are stupid, you can only die here."

"Another thing to mention, there will be a little vibration on our side when the explosion occurs. Don't be afraid, keep going." The old man decisively pressed the explosion button in his hand, followed by a loud bang—

The power of the bomb the old man set up was not huge, but it was enough to cause the tunnel to collapse, and it might also cause a small earthquake, because Jin felt the ground shaking around him, and fine sand and stones continued to fall from the top of his head.

"Won't this place also collapse?" The stairs that Jin and the old man climbed before the explosion lead to another tunnel, which is separated from the previous tunnel by a basement and is not connected, so the collapse of the tunnel over there is not a problem. It will affect Jin here.

The old man comforted him and said, "Don't worry, I investigated the geological structure here when I was digging the tunnel, and I also made supports, so it won't collapse."

"Did you complete these tunnels by yourself?" Jin couldn't imagine how the old man dug out this long underground passage.

"Be imaginative, my child." The old man laughed fiercely, "I am also an alien who came to your backward earth from a highly evolved civilized planet. How could such a simple thing not be possible? "

"If you are really that powerful..." Jin swallowed, "I thought you would do even more amazing things. After all, you have technology far beyond the earth. You can completely rewrite the history of mankind, and even become an unprecedented ruler on the earth." or. But you didn’t do that.”

What Jin said made the old man walking in front pause, stopped, turned his head and raised the lantern in his hand, under the dim light, those seemingly cloudy eyes stared at him without blinking. with gold.