Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 168: The Return and the End 23┃Go, of course


"So... do you want me to be the ruler?" The old man replied to Jin's question.

"No, of course I don't mean that." Jin shook his head slightly, suppressing the slowly rising weird feeling in his heart, "I just feel strange, for you, what is the earth, human beings, and us in your mind? The presence?"

"Your question is very interesting." The old man raised the corners of his mouth and smiled ferociously. "Let me guess, the reason why you asked me about the earth and human beings is to deduce my purpose from it, right?"

This is indeed Jin's purpose, and Jin doesn't bother to hide his thoughts. He knows that it is quite stupid to hide it in front of smart people, so Jin said bluntly: "Yes, I really want to know your ultimate purpose when you come to Earth. .”

The old man shook his head regretfully: "There is no ultimate purpose, I am just a passerby passing by the earth, unfortunately I made a mistake on this planet, and now I am just trying to redeem everything."

"Although I'm not a smart person, I don't like people lying to me." Jin expressed his dissatisfaction with the old man's answer.

"I'm not lying..." the old man subconsciously argued.

"No, you're lying!" Jin said so firmly, he stared at the old man with blazing eyes, "You said, you are because of the brothers Amu and Ashin who saved your life, That's why you gave them the crystal stone with the highest technology on your planet, right?"

"That's right." The old man nodded in agreement.

"And it's this that makes me feel weird." Jin Guai laughed, "Obviously, the technology on your planet is far superior to ours. These technologies help you, allowing you to investigate geology, ignore water pressure, and be alone. Digging through underground tunnels under rivers and lakes, you can tell from thousands of meters away that there are enemies following me, and you also have a body that looks like an old man, but possesses physical strength far superior to that of a young man."

"You like this came to the earth hundreds of years ago. You said that your spaceship failed and had to make an emergency landing on the earth, I believe it. You said that the earth's environment was not suitable for you to survive at that time, so you changed into an animal body, I also believe it. But You said that you were too happy to come to a new environment, so you controlled the body of the reindeer to run around, but you were attacked by a bear, I don’t believe it.”

"I don't believe that you will run around on a planet that is completely foreign and unknown to you without any protective and medical equipment, and you will be attacked by a bear as a result? This kind of lie, only Three hundred years ago, those innocent children would have believed it!"

The old man laughed suddenly, and laughed out loud. He lowered his head and covered his mouth, and couldn't restrain himself from laughing hahahaha.

And Jin didn't care what the old man was laughing at, he still stared at the old man: "Take ten thousand steps back, even if it is true, you are so stupid, running around without any protective medical equipment, and you were really attacked by a bear. You were rescued by a pair of silly brothers, and you gave them the highest technology on your planet to show your gratitude."

"If this is the case, then your views on the earth and human beings are even more important." Jin took a deep breath and raised his head unconsciously. "I will never know what an alien is thinking."

"But think about it differently. If one day, the civilization of the earth develops enough to carry out long-distance interstellar travel, and I drive a spaceship to a strange planet that is far behind the earth, the aborigines on this planet are very important to me Like slightly smarter monkeys. One day, these monkeys did me a little favor, so I decided to send them a high-tech gadget, like a... supercomputer or something?"

"Monkeys are just monkeys, no matter how smart they are, do you think they can use computers?" King asked in a slightly sarcastic tone, then he shook his head and answered, "No, they can't."

"Monkeys and human beings are very different, just like you and me, we are separated by hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years of evolutionary history, civilization, and technological differences. Our body structure and ideology are completely different. , even if you give us monkeys a supercomputer, we will not understand its structure, principle, let alone how to use it."

"So if it were me, I would really like to be grateful and polite, I wouldn't give these monkeys a supercomputer because I know they won't use it, it's free, I'd give them something else, fit them The current civilization technology can make them understand, and even I will give them some knowledge or information directly, which is far better than that super computer."

When Jin said this, he asked the old man aggressively: "Then what do you think? Knowing that us monkeys will never use your stupid high-tech, you still gave it to us."

"You are very smart." The old man commented on Jin.

Jin denied the old man's evaluation: "No, it's just that someone told me not to believe anything you said before, so I have a skeptical attitude towards everything you said."

"Did Amu say that?" The old man didn't get angry, his attitude was very calm, and he continued to walk forward with the lamp.

"Yes, he warned me," King replied.

"You all feel that my purpose is not pure, and I have ulterior motives."

The hoarse voice of the old man echoed in the narrow passage, echoing round and round, and he laughed in the echo: "Well, I admit it."

"But even if you force me to admit it, what can you do?" Under the dim light, the old man's face was slightly hideous, "You are nothing but an ant."

Jin's complexion was as usual, but his heart was beating wildly. He tried his best to ease his slightly impatient breathing, clenched his fists, nails penetrated into his palms, but kept a calm tone on his mouth, and said: "I understand, so the earth and human beings , in your opinion, they are all ants."

"Don't be so anxious to analyze my heart, my friend." The old man joked, "I still want to show you my spaceship. Do you still want to go?"

"..." Jin paused, and replied calmly: "Go, of course."

At the same time, in the marginal world, Mu Chen had already lifted the silence, and was hanging Mu Qin and Mu Xing up with thorns to let them calm down.

But Mu Chen had selfish intentions, because he couldn't wait for a minute, so he was a little reluctant to let his cute little Xing Xing suffer, so he simply called Thorn to put Mu Xing down, trying to hug him back into his arms.

Mu Xing was also angry because of the quarrel with Mu Qin, and his face was so sullen that he was very upset. As soon as Mu Xing was hugged by Mu Chen, he started to get angry. He raised his paw and scratched Mu Chen's face, as if he really It was a cat, and Mu Chen reacted quickly, grabbed Mu Xing's waving hand, and hugged the person funny.

As soon as she was hugged tightly, Mu Xing became obedient, her head leaned obediently on Mu Chen's shoulder, and her chest was close to Mu Chen's, forming a posture of dependence... Mu Chen knew that it was because of Little Xingxing's lack of sense of security. Depend on him for his sake.

"Why can he put it down, but I still have to be hung up!" Mu Qin, who was still hanging in the air, couldn't see it and protested.

Mu Chen touched the little Xingxing who was lying honestly in his arms, and said to Mu Qin: "In order to prevent you from conflicting again, I plan to keep you at a safe distance... Well, I know it's uncomfortable to be hung up, so I'll change your position for you Bar."

After speaking, Muchen controlled the thorns again, let them weave into a thorn chair in mid-air, and let Mu Qin sit on it. After finishing all this, Mu Chen couldn't help smiling and said to Mu Qin: "How is it? Are you comfortable now?"

"...not bad." Mu Qin adjusted his sitting posture. The thorn chair Mu Chen gave him had no thorns on it, but was full of all kinds of white flowers, which was quite beautiful.

By the way, Mu Chen even made a bed of thorns for Mu Qingyun, who had been sleeping next to her, but the bed of thorns was also covered with small white flowers, making the unconscious Mu Qingyun seem to be lying on a tribute bed. The coffins filled with white flowers always give people an ominous implication.

After the two parties calmed down, Mu Chen began to discuss business with Mu Qin. Mu Chen said, "I apologize to you on behalf of Xiao Xingxing, Mu Qin."

"I don't need your apology," Mnuchin said.

"No, it's very necessary." Mu Chen said as he picked up the little star, like a cute and soft rabbit, and then said to Mu Qin, "You may feel that all the disasters you have suffered in the marginal world , all because of this guy."

"Isn't it?" Mu Qin really couldn't look at Mu Xing with a sense of relief, he turned his head away, "Many people died because of him, including my parents."

"I can't say that you are completely wrong, but there are some blames, and you can't just let him bear it alone." Mu Chen sighed.

"Let me tell you... what happened to me, Muqin."

"Let us fully analyze the cause, process and current result of all this, and I will tell you the truth shrouded in fog, everything I have seen, heard, and comprehended, today, you can understand .”

Mu Chen is Mu Feng's illegitimate son.

The Mu family has a big business. It used to be a scholarly family a long time ago. Later, it turned to business and started a small business. Although the business is not exported to foreign countries like Zhou's company, it is also well-known in the capital.

The master of the Mu family has three sons and a daughter, the eldest son Mu Yun, the second son Mu Jin, and the third daughter Mu Ru. These three sons were all children born to Master Mu and his wife when he was young.

But later, Master Mu's wife passed away due to illness, and Master Mu remarried when he was in his forties, and married a beautiful and young second wife in her twenties, and Mu Feng was born by this second wife. The child is also Master Mu's youngest son.

As the youngest son, Mu Feng has been doted on at home since he was a child. It can be said that he is a collection of thousands of dotes on him. The main reason is that Mr. Mu loves his little son very much. Not daring to pick the moon, pampering Mu Feng lawlessly.

Mu Feng, who grew up under such a bottomless pampering education, can imagine what kind of ghost he will be when he grows up.

So Mu Feng became a playboy, a bully, domineering, arrogant playboy.

Mu Feng has learned to form cliques to fight and make trouble since he was in elementary school. When he was in junior high school, he teamed up with a few gangsters and beat up their class teacher. go to jail.