Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 169: Return and End 24┃That's not my face


The incident of stabbing someone with a knife in a street fight caused Mu Feng to get into a lawsuit. Because the victim was seriously injured, Mu Feng was convicted of intentional wounding by the judiciary.

Fortunately, the Mu family was rich, and after paying the victim a large amount of compensation, the court lowered the punishment as appropriate, but in the end Mu Feng still got a year in prison.

This year's prison was almost as good as it was not. Mu's family managed relationships, talked about love and gave gifts, so Mu Feng stayed in there for less than half a year before coming out.

After this incident, Master Mu finally realized that he had failed in the education of his youngest son. But it has come to this point, even if you want to save it, there is no way to start.

Master Mu had no choice but to send someone to strictly guard Mu Feng, and let people follow him wherever he went. At the same time, he withheld the pocket money given to Mu Feng to see how he could dance without money.

When Mu Feng was twenty years old, Master Mu arranged a commercial marriage for him in an attempt to restrain Mu Feng through marriage. The marriage partner is the daughter of one of Master Mu's business partners, and both parties know everything about it, so they can be assured.

It worked at first.

Mu Feng was also frightened by this incident. After living for twenty years, he finally realized that there is such a thing as law in this world.

In order not to continue to go to jail, he obediently obeyed the arrangement of his family for a long time, saying that he dared not go west, which really made Master Mu feel relieved.

It's just that Mu Feng's honest duty only lasts for a while, and he is not a person who keeps his own way in his bones. Besides, the wife he married under a contract marriage is neither funny nor rigid, and Mu Feng has no interest at all. Longing for the colorful world outside.

But Mu Feng became smarter this time and learned to keep a low profile. He behaved well in front of Master Mu, which made Master Mu relax the economic restrictions on him.

With money, Mu Feng even ignored the wife he had just brought back. He spent all day drinking and drinking outside, and kept countless women. That's why he had the illegitimate son Mu Chen.

Mu Chen's mother is a stupid woman who has been deceived by Mu Feng's sweet words all the time. She always thought that Mu Feng was single and that he was ready to marry her, but when the children were born, she realized that Mu Feng not only had a wife, There are a bunch of mistresses like her outside.

Mu Chen's mother didn't want to continue living like this, so she took Mu Chen away from Mu Feng's side on impulse.

It's a pity that this woman's life is not good, she took Mu Chen to work outside, and when Mu Chen was about seven or eight years old, he got breast cancer and died.

Mu Chen became an orphan without relatives or reason overnight. Out of responsibility, the relevant government departments contacted the child's father, so Mu Feng rushed over and took Mu Chen away.

Mu Feng didn't have much affection for this son who was picked up for nothing, but he didn't want to make troubles, and he didn't want to make Master Mu angry. Master Mu is very old now, if he wants to let him know that Mu Feng doesn't care about his wife, not only has he kept a bunch of mistresses outside, but also provoked an illegitimate child, he might get sick from anger.

Mu Feng simply rented a small house, hired a nanny, raised Mu Chen in it, paid living expenses and tuition fees every year, and planned to leave him alone when he was eighteen years old.

When Mu Chen was taken over by his father, he was still in elementary school. His grades were pretty good, and his teachers praised him for being smart and a good seedling.

It's a pity that after being taken over by Mu Feng, although Mu Feng would give Mu Chen the so-called "tuition fee" every year, he was unwilling to go through the admission procedures for him. How can a school accept an eight-year-old child without parents going through the admission procedures? No one cares about problems at school.

Therefore, Mu Chen stayed at home for a long time, left unattended and with nowhere to go.

Fortunately, there are still good people in this world. The nanny who was hired by Mu Feng to take care of Mu Chen saw the child as pitiful, so she pretended to be Mu Chen's mother and helped Mu Chen go through the enrollment procedures, sending him to continue studying in a nearby elementary school. Junior high school and high school.

Although the tuition should be paid by Muchen himself, Muchen is really grateful to this nanny.

Because this nanny will even continue to pretend to be Mu Chen's mother when the school holds parent-teacher meetings or activities that require parents to attend. This behavior continued until she was fired by Mu Feng and was no longer Mu Chen's nanny, and it never stopped.

Although the relationship between this nanny and Muchen is not particularly close, and she has her own husband and children to take care of, she is willing to insist on doing this for Muchen.

She taught Muchen the most important lesson, making Muchen realize that there is still a beautiful and kind side in this world.

Unfortunately, Mu Chen's fate still cannot be changed.

Without parental education, relying solely on the teachings of school teachers, it is impossible for the young Mu Chen to grow into a mature and well-behaved young man. He will only be bullied more in school, and then learn bad things and get infected. Bad style, with some strange people.

Although he is so smart, every teacher who has taught him said that as long as he studies hard, he will have a brilliant life in the future.

But learning can't satisfy a child's longing for family affection.

Losing his mother since he was a child is equivalent to not having a father. Mu Chen is just a child, no matter how smart he is, he is still just a child.

Facing the adults around him who still choose to stand on the sidelines even though they understand the situation, and the classmates in school who don't understand and don't bother to understand him, Mu Chen is afraid, at a loss, at a loss, and has no sense of security.

So Mu Chen spent a lot of time looking for people similar to himself. If he couldn't get the love and attention of his family, then he hoped that he could at least get comfort from his own kind or friends.

He got acquainted with some people, some punks who wandered the streets all day long, fighting, drinking and making trouble like him.

Mu Chen foolishly thought that he could find resonance with these people... They are very similar, aren't they? They were all abandoned by their relatives, respected by teachers and classmates, away from the seemingly harmonious but hypocritical group, and wandering on the fringes of society.

More importantly, these people said they would accept Mu Chen, they threw an olive branch to Mu Chen, and extended their hands symbolizing "friendship".

Mu Chen was really innocent when he was young, and he didn't know how to distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, and good or bad people's hearts. If someone said a few nice words to him, and expressed some concern verbally, Mu Chen would believe it and would do his best for it.

It's just that those gangsters are not at all uneasy and kind. The reason why they accept Muchen is because they are short of money.

Although Mu Chen didn't care about his mother, but at least his father had money and was willing to provide Mu Chen with a large amount of living expenses every month, and the gangsters were attracted to this.

He said that he wanted to be friends with Mu Chen, and that he would be brothers in the future, but then he turned around and started making excuses to ask Mu Chen for money every now and then.

At that time, the silly and sweet Mu Chen even gave it back a few times. But he was not stupid after all, gradually realized that something was wrong, and after he felt something was wrong, he was not willing to give money.

Mu Chen didn't want to give the money, the gangsters immediately turned their faces, and began to verbally provoke, sarcasm and sarcasm Mu Chen, but Mu Chen was unmoved by this. These gangsters saw that Mu Chen was soft and refused to eat, so they simply started to be hard.

That night, the gangsters formed a group to trouble Muchen.

At that time, Mu Chen didn't know how to fight, and his combat power was zero. In addition, there were five or six gangsters, and it was hard to beat four hands with two fists.

So Mu Chen was beaten badly by those gangsters. The gangsters broke one of Mu Chen's legs, robbed him of all his money, and dragged Mu Chen by the collar for a while in a remote alley.

During the dragging process, the sharp broken stones and shards of glass on the ground caused great damage to Mu Chen. His hands, feet and other places not covered by clothes were ground to bloody flesh, and his face was also scratched. His blood A long trace stretched out in the alley.

The hooligans were playing around, cheering with Mu Chen's wallet full of money, throwing the bloody Mu Chen at the garbage dump in the depths of the alley at random, and then swaggering away, they only wanted a moment of pleasure and carefreeness, as if He never considered what consequences his actions would have on Muchen.

Muchen lay dying in the garbage dump and lost consciousness. The dirty garbage dump was surrounded by flies and insects, which would only make his wound infection worse and bleeding would not stop.

Moreover, at the garbage dump site, the cleaners will not come to deal with it until at least tomorrow morning, so no one knows that Mu Chen was left there alone. will die.

It was that night, when he was dying, Mu Chen met the uninvited guest from the mysterious outer space.

The uninvited guest was not a gray-haired old man at the time, but a young man wearing a gray coat and a peaked cap, no more than thirty years old by appearance.

After the gangsters had left for a while, the young man walked up to Mu Chen. He didn't mind that Mu Chen's face was covered with blood, so he reached out and patted his cheek to wake him up, and then asked him;

"Do you want a new life?"

"... a new... life?" Mu Chen forced himself to raise his head, his vision was blurry and gloomy, and he couldn't see the other person's face clearly.

"New name, new appearance, new family and friends, a complete makeover, saying goodbye to the past self, and becoming another person." The strange uninvited guest laughed softly, "This is a brand new life, you want ?"

Muchen thought it was a dream, a dream before death.

So he felt that it was just a dream, and it was not an exaggeration to answer, so he replied: "I want... I want."

This is indeed what Mu Chen wants deep in his heart. He is extremely tired of his own life and the situation he faces, but he doesn't have the courage to die. He obviously just wants a little warmth, but why is it so difficult to achieve?

The uninvited guest was still laughing, and seemed to say something to Muchen again. But Muchen was too weak, and there was rumbling in his ears, but he couldn't hear clearly. So Mu Chen tried hard to raise his head a little higher, get closer, and listen to what the stranger was talking about.

The simple movements consumed all of Mu Chen's strength in an instant, and he fell into a coma again. When he woke up the next day, he was already in the hospital.

The doctor told him that a kind person sent him to the hospital and paid for the medical bills in advance, but the person did not leave his name or any contact information.

Mu Chen asked the doctor about the details of the kind-hearted man's appearance, but the doctor still shook his head and said something strange: "I don't know why, but I just can't remember that person's face."

He couldn't find a benefactor who saved him, and Mu Chen didn't think much about it. He felt that if the benefactor really wanted to be rewarded, he would come to him by himself.

Mu Chen, who survived, was recuperating in the hospital with peace of mind. He had a leg broken by those gangsters, and he needed a splint and plaster. He might have to be hospitalized for recuperation.

But during the recuperation, Muchen realized a terrible problem that was happening to him.

He found that his face had changed.

As a result of being beaten and dragged by those gangsters, Mu Chen's face was ground by stones and broken glass, and half of his face was bloodied and basically disfigured, but fortunately, the other half of his face was intact.

The problem lies in the intact half of the face.

Because Muchen realized that it was not his face.