Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 170: Return and End 25┃Every gain must be lost


Mu Chen's father, Mu Feng, is a master in the field of love, so I won't talk about his superb skills in flirting with girls. In addition, the excellent genes of the Mu family allow him to have a handsome face, not to mention his background and background. Character and morality, these two points alone are enough to make countless women yearn for it.

But it is a pity that, as Mu Feng's son, Mu Chen failed to inherit his father's handsome appearance. Mu Chen looked more like his mother. This face makes it inexplicably ordinary.

It's the kind of face that, at first glance, is just a common face, but after a long time, it looks a little good-looking.

Mu Chen has used this plain face for more than ten years. He can see it every morning when he wakes up and looks in the mirror. Of course, he is very familiar with his own face.

But after this incident, when Mu Chen saw his own face in the mirror in the hospital bathroom, Mu Chen was shocked to find that his face had changed!

Of course, it doesn't change into someone else's face completely and completely overnight. If I have to describe it, it's like Mu Chen's ordinary public face and another stranger's face, the two are blended together .

The characteristics of the corners of the eyes, the curvature of the eyebrows, and the straightening of the bridge of the nose, a subtle but not subtle change formed what Mu Chen saw now.

If Mu Chen had Korean plastic surgery technology at that time, the feeling would probably be like having a certain celebrity's beautiful nose or mouth on his face, which is indescribably weird.

Mu Chen, who was uncertain in his heart, comforted himself that this was an illusion. He thought that one half of his face might be disfigured, pulling the facial nerves on the other half of his face, making his face look a bit... strange now, maybe it will recover after the wound heals. .

But this is just his self-consolation, he has not actually recovered, and it will get worse and worse.

During the days in the hospital, Mu Chen woke up every day to find that his face was changing. His unique facial features were gradually replaced by another face. He felt that his face was being eroded by the face of a stranger. , as if being eaten.

At least outwardly—he was becoming someone else.

And the whole process was horrifying beyond description.

What's even more frightening is that no one seems to have noticed his change at all.

During the hospitalization, Mu Chen kept asking the doctors, nurses, and even patients in the hospital for verification, hoping that they would find that his face was becoming weird, but those doctors and nurses only treated Mu Chen's wounds, as for the other half of his intact face. How has the face changed? They don't care.

Mu Chen took out his ID card and showed it to others for comparison, hoping that someone could see the difference, but everyone who saw Mu Chen’s ID photo laughed and said: “It’s normal for the ID photo to be different from the real one. Yes!"

He was transferred from the hospital to a nursing home for half a year, and was discharged from the hospital at the end of the recuperation.

In half a year, not only Mu Chen's broken leg recovered, but also his disfigured half face was roughly repaired by the plastic surgeon through surgery, but the repaired appearance was not what Mu Chen imagined.

Because the plastic surgeon repaired it according to the other half of his good face.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, Mu Chen rushed home, found all kinds of photos he had taken before, and compared them in the mirror one by one, he was able to clearly identify the difference between himself now and before, it was definitely two people!

His face is almost completely invisible from before, as if the plastic surgeon who operated on him didn't just repair the scars on his face, but directly transplanted someone else's skin onto his face, He has obviously become someone else, but no one has discovered this!

Mu Chen returned to school, trying to find those teachers and classmates who were more familiar with him to verify. Then something even more astonishing happened. Every teacher and classmate who saw him could recognize him as Mu Chen at a glance.

I have changed my appearance, why do they still recognize me

Mu Chen couldn't understand, he pointed to his face, and asked the other party if his face looked a little strange? Those people replied: "Strange? Where is it strange?"

"Don't you see that my face is different from before!?"

Those people looked left and right, and said with a smile: "Stop making trouble, you are Mu Chen, what's the difference?"

Mu Chen almost broke down and shouted: "It's just different, this is not my face, take a closer look!"

The more emotional Mu Chen broke down and screamed, the more he aroused the pointing and sideways glances of many people around him, and those classmates who were familiar with him couldn't help but backed away to distance themselves.

But the distraught Mu Chen had no time to pay attention to his social status and interpersonal relationship. He left school, returned to his empty home, stood in front of the mirror, and stared blankly at his strange yet familiar face.

So far, Mu Chen's face has completely changed in his opinion. If you don't look at the height and figure but only look at the face, Mu Chen thinks that it should be impossible for people who have known him before to recognize who he is. right.

But the fact is completely opposite to what he thought, the people around Mu Chen didn't even notice his change at all, and those people were able to take it for granted, pointing at Mu Chen's strange face and calling out his name.

This is impossible! No matter how face-blind it is, it's impossible!

In panic, Mu Chen belatedly recalled what happened before he entered the hospital. He was beaten by those gangsters, his legs were broken and his face was broken, and he was thrown into the garbage dump in that uninhabited back alley.

It was there that when Mu Chen was in a trance, he met a strange man of unknown origin, and the strange man asked Mu Chen a strange question: "Do you want a new life?"

This question seemed to be still lingering in Mu Chen's ears, and Mu Chen always thought it was a dream.

But now, Mu Chen suddenly realized that this was definitely not a ridiculous dream, but something that actually happened!

He did meet a strange man in that deep alley and was asked some strange questions.

But what is so surviving is that Muchen actually responded to the other party's question.

So that person really gave Muchen a "brand new life"!

He even changed Mu Chen's face, and this face was very strange. After the change, he could not be discovered by others, and he could still be recognized by people he had known before.

Although I don't know how the principle is realized, this kind of "magical" script was performed on Mu Chen himself.

Muchen felt that he was going crazy, he tore his cheek with his fingers. But while he was crazy, he was strangely calm. He repeatedly looked at his brand new face, and it had to be said that it was a face that could be called "beautiful".

Mu Chen, who lacks vocabulary, doesn't know how to describe it, he just thinks it's "good-looking".

I don't know who this face originally belonged to, or that weird person who changed Mu Chen's face just randomly combined a good-looking face for Mu Chen.

But the good-looking face is indeed pleasing to the eye, especially this face belongs to Mu Chen now.

For a moment, Mu Chen forgot the distress that the face change brought him, and was immersed in "his own beauty". I can't help but look at my own appearance repeatedly.

And Mu Chen has always hated his previous appearance, not because he thought it was ugly, but because he felt that his facial features resembled his scumbag father.

Mu Chen doesn't like Mu Feng, although Mu Feng never treated Mu Chen badly materially, but apart from money, Mu Feng never gave him anything else, such as love.

Therefore, Mu Chen didn't recognize Mu Feng as his father. He always wanted to make money when he grows up, and pay back the account that Mu Feng raised him, and from then on, he would make a clean break.

The weirdo who changed Muchen's face really asked the right question.

Mu Chen really wanted a new life, he hated that he could only be Mu Chen, an orphan without father and mother, sitting in an empty room, wandering on the fringes of society.

He even felt that the lives of the poor and homeless on the roadside were better than his. Because he feels that if he doesn't want to give him love, then let him have nothing from the beginning, instead of letting him taste the sweetness, and then push down his dreams and happiness one by one.

That was so painful, more painful than having nothing at all.

Mu Chen slowly accepted the fact that his face had been changed. Anyway, he didn't have the ability to change his face back, so that was all he could do. And he had a hunch that the weirdo who changed his face would definitely come back to him, so he just had to wait obediently.

Sure enough, as Mu Chen expected, two weeks after Mu Chen was discharged from the hospital, that strange man really came to his door.

It was a particularly boring afternoon. There was a knock on the door of Mu Chen's house, and Mu Chen went to open the door. Outside the door stood a man in a gray coat and a black peaked cap. Nothing special.

Such a nondescript person can make Mu Chen subconsciously sigh in his heart when he saw the other party for the first time: "Here we come."

This strange man is not afraid of strangers at all. As soon as Mu Chen opened the door, before Mu Chen could open his mouth to invite, the man just went on his own... He walked into the house forcefully, took off his shoes after entering the house, and opened the door directly. The shoe cabinet next to him carried a pair of slippers to wear, and he almost regarded Mu Chen's house as his own.

Mu Chen's heart was beating violently at that time, and he saw some clues from this ordinary man with no characteristics, but Mu Chen couldn't describe the specific clues.

So he calmly invited the man into the house, greeted him to sit down in the living room, and served tea and water.

After doing this, Mu Chen and the man sat face to face. The man took a sip of the tea that Mu Chen poured, and asked with a smile, "How is it? Are you satisfied with the new life I gave you?"

The other party's words made Mu Chen realize something. Mu Chen touched his cheek and said, "You did this? My face... how did you do it? Who are you?"

"You don't have to care who I am, because I won't tell you." The man shook his head, "I'm too lazy to tell you."

"You still have a chance to go back on your word now. I can change your face back if you want."

"Of course you can also choose to accept all of this. I will actually fulfill your wish and give you a brand new life, but before you get this new life, you must do one thing for me."

Muchen understood, "In other words, I have to pay the price, right?"

"Of course." The man smiled, "Where there is gain, there must be loss."