Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 171: Return and End 26┃ is my guess


I must have lost my mind to agree to go with this guy.

Muchen packed his things and left his own home with that man of unknown origin.

The man took him a long, long way, took him away from the cities and villages, and came to the uninhabited wilderness.

"You won't be seen here." The man explained, and then he took out something from his pocket. Mu Chen couldn't help but take a closer look, and found that what the man took out from his pocket was a square The metal box is densely carved with tiny words.

The man seemed to press a certain switch on the box, and the box began to light up with a white light, and then the man threw the box on the ground at random, and a magical thing happened.

That box seems to be a projector

Mu Chen didn't know if it should be described like this. In the era Mu Chen lived in, the lowest-end mobile phones had never appeared, let alone computers.

But at that time they had TV sets, black and white or color TV sets, but the TV screen was very small, a big boxy iron box with a small narrow screen on it, and there were only a few official TV stations.

This kind of TV set was very valuable in that gray era, and many people got married as a bride price or dowry, which was such a TV set.

It's just that Mu Chen doesn't have the concept of being worth money or not. Mu's family is not short of money, and his rich father will never treat him materially badly. Such a TV is also installed in the small house he rented. machine.

In addition to televisions, there were movie theaters in that era, which were a way of showing movies using old-fashioned projectors projected onto white curtains. Mu Chen remembered that in his first semester of high school, the school had organized students to watch movies on the playground, using rented projectors and tape movies, and setting up a huge curtain to play them.

Mu Chen can't remember the content of the movie that was played at that time, but he still remembers that after the screening, he went to observe the old-fashioned movie projector with the classmates who watched the fun. The teacher who operated the projector briefly introduced the mechanical principle to him. ... To be honest, he didn't understand.

But I also vaguely know the working principle of this projector, which is a projection method of light.

At this moment, the small metal box thrown by the strange man also seems to have this kind of light projection method. There is a tiny round hole at the top of the small box, and light radiates from the hole, forming a circle in midair. Huge light gate.

Holographic stereoscopic 3D imaging is a technology that has not yet been fully realized in modern science. Just like this displayed in front of Mu Chen, who was ignorant and sweet at the time, was definitely an impactful scene, enough for him to be frightened and stupefied.

But the man who led Mu Chen over was silent and didn't give any explanation to Mu Chen. After he released the door of light, he stepped forward and walked straight into the door of light.

The light gate is not only a holographic stereoscopic image, but also a stereoscopic image with a dimensional channel, which swallows up the man's figure in an instant.

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, he was so frightened that he stood still and didn't dare to move.

After a while, another hand stretched out from the Guangmen, beckoning to Muchen, followed by a voice: "Come in."

Mu Chen finally came back to his senses, so he had to grit his teeth and follow up bravely. He walked through the light gate tremblingly, and then felt a slight chill all over his body, as if being drenched by sudden cold water.

But when Mu Chen passed through the light gate, accompanied by a burst of whiteness in front of his eyes, after his vision returned to normal, Mu Chen subconsciously lowered his head to check his body, and there was no water on his body.

Then he began to look around, and found that he appeared in a simple and narrow underground tunnel out of thin air. Surrounded by walls of rocks mixed with mud, underfoot is a muddy road with numerous small puddles.

"Short-distance teleportation is limited, and my spaceship has anti-transportation equipment, so I can't directly teleport to the interior of the spaceship, so I can only settle here first." The man explained casually, but Mu Chen didn't understand at all.

The man also realized that it was useless to explain to Mu Chen, paused for a moment, turned his head to look at Mu Chen, and said bluntly: "Forget it, come with me."

After finishing speaking, the man carried an old-style lantern that came out of nowhere, and led Mu Chen forward.

Mu Chen didn't dare to speak, he was uneasy, he repeatedly questioned himself in his heart, was it right or wrong to follow this unknown stranger

Thinking about it carefully, from the moment Mu Chen decided to follow this man, he had no other options.

Because this man obviously has a lot of background and impure purpose. No matter from any aspect or angle, Mu Chen is no match for this person.

If Mu Chen regrets now and wants to leave, he will offend the other party if he is not careful, and what kind of consequences this will cause, Mu Chen can't imagine, he has no choice but to obey.

I can only pray to God to bless me.

Mu Chen kept comforting himself in his heart. After realizing that there was no way to retreat, Mu Chen felt as determined as if he was sinking a boat. He walked heavily, followed the strange man through this long and dark underground passage, and then entered An "underwater channel".

It is the kind of channel built deep under the water, using transparent glass to isolate the river water, and constructing a promenade with a semicircular cross section. Standing in the promenade, you can see colorful underwater scenes through the glass, fish species, shrimp and crabs, aquatic plants, reefs, etc.

This looks like the bottom of a river

The reason why Mu Chen guessed that it was the river here instead of the ocean was because all the aquatic creatures he saw were freshwater fish, and the water quality was still muddy and gray.

Walking to the end of the glass corridor, there is a metal gate that is also densely carved with small and unknown characters. The man who led the team stopped in front of this gate, and turned his head to look at Mu Chen beside him.

"The air inside is not suitable for human beings. You may feel a little suffocated when you go in later, but it's okay, just bear with it." The man smiled grinningly when he said this, and that smile was weird The distortion made Mu Chen feel a chill in his heart.

Before the words were finished, the man had already reached out to push the metal door.

Mu Chen unconsciously... took a deep breath the moment the man pushed the door, and then held his breath.

The man's hand didn't even touch the surface of the door, and the door opened by itself.

The way the door is opened is very novel, at least in Mu Chen's view, it is indeed novel, because the door opens and closes from the middle up and down, like some kind of huge beast opening its sharp teeth.

After the door was opened, Mu Chen didn't have time to see the scene clearly, because the space behind the door was very bright, and the light shone head-on in the dim underwater passage, which was so dazzling that Mu Chen had to squint his eyes.

It took a long time for Mu Chen to get used to this drastic change in light. He found that the man had left him and took the lead to enter the door, leaving Mu Chen alone in the underwater glass corridor outside.

The bright light behind the door made Mu Chen hesitate for a while, the unknown and mysterious world unfolded in front of his eyes, full of unimaginable charm, so that every cell in Mu Chen screamed for knowledge want.

But reason clearly told Mu Chen word by word that the world inside the door symbolizes "danger". If Mu Chen stops here, he will be safe and will not have to face unknown threats or bear unnecessary pressure. will always live in safety.

In fact, he didn't think for too long. Mu Chen was by no means a weak or indecisive person, so he just stood still for a while, and finally supported the door frame and entered the world inside the door.

"What's inside the door?" When Mu Chen's story came to this point, it seemed that he was deliberately intriguing, so Mu Chen stopped talking.

So Mu Qin, who had been listening intently to his story, couldn't wait, and asked Mu Chen, "I mean, what you entered was an alien spaceship, there should be something special inside, right?"

"Yes, there are indeed some interesting things in there." Mu Chen squinted his eyes as if recalling, "I saw many people."

"People?" Mu Qin didn't understand, "Who?"

"Aliens." Mu Chen tried his best to organize the language, and replied, "It's not a living alien, to be precise, it's a body with a lifeless soul, which is made of transparent material, similar to a coffin. There are a lot of such coffins in the container, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw these transparent coffins neatly packed inside."

"There are at least a hundred of these coffins. They are not only placed on the ground, but some can also be suspended in mid-air. They are arranged neatly in suspension. Each coffin is connected to something like a pipe. The coffin is filled with light blue water. Unidentified liquid, they look like... Vessels used to cultivate some kind of living things."

"What do those aliens look like?" At this time, Mu Xing, who had been obediently huddling beside Mu Chen and listening to him, asked, grabbing Mu Chen's sleeve, "What do those lying in the coffin look like? "

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, then looked down at his cute little Xingxing, and said with a smile, "Why do you want to know this?"

"What aliens look like... everyone wants to know." Mu Xing tried to cover up his curiosity, he straightened his lips and looked serious, but his hands were tightly clutching Mu Chen's sleeves.

Mu Chen was so cute by his arrogant little appearance, he couldn't help hugging him and rubbing him.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Chen recalled: "I don't know how to describe it. They are very similar to humans in appearance, and they also have limbs. They should walk upright."

"But they have tails... um, sort of like a lizard or a snake tail? The tail seems to be for balance, because they have a big head that's not very balanced compared to the body, and they have a protruding back of the head with a Lots of tube-like limbs connected to their back spine."

"It's unimaginable to describe." Mu Qin tried his best to follow Mu Chen's narration to draw the picture in his mind, but unfortunately Mu Qin's imagination was not very strong.

Muchen replied: "I can show you."

After finishing speaking, Mu Chen waved his hand and conjured many luminous particles, which gathered to form a three-dimensional illusion. Mu Chen used these luminous particles to show Mu Qin the exact appearance of those aliens.

Except for the tail, and the tubular limbs that connect the back of the head to the spine. These aliens are indeed very similar to humans in other aspects, with almost the same facial features such as eyes and noses; hands and feet also have five fingers, slender and flexible, and there is not much difference in male or female genitalia.

Like humans, aliens have degenerated body fur, smooth skin, and long or short hair on their heads, but the hair is white.

Presumably, they wear clothes or armor just like people on Earth to keep warm and defend themselves. Their blood is not red, and there is no melanin deposits, which makes their skin and sparse hair appear an eerie white or light blue color.

Finally, these aliens are much larger in size than the people on Earth. Each alien is about two to three meters tall, not to mention weighing several hundred kilograms. Adults on earth are like children in front of these aliens. They are like little giants, who can rub the earthlings on the ground with one hand.

After observing the faces of these aliens, Mu Qin said to Mu Chen with some doubts: "You told me earlier that the alien who brought the crystal stones to the two brothers Amu Ashin and his mother star civilization Extinct hundreds of billions of years ago, is that so?"

"Yes." Mu Chen replied.

"Is this the fact that the alien told you himself, or is it your own guess?" Mu Qin asked again.

Mu Chen blinked and replied, "It's my guess."

"Then how can you assert..." This answer made Mu Qin want to say something, but Mu Chen interrupted him roughly, and said firmly: "But I have full evidence that this guy is definitely a lonely interstellar traveler .”

"What evidence?"

Mu Chen didn't say it directly, he continued to control those shimmering particles, and interpreted his memory in mid-air, "I can't describe it, just see for yourself."