Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 172: Return and End 27┃ Only by fighting and plundering can we survive


The man did not deceive Mu Chen. In the space behind the door engraved with unknown characters, the air was indeed very oppressive. The scarcity of oxygen made Mu Chen feel dry and suffocated. sensitive.

And when Mu Chen calmed down and finally had the opportunity to observe the surrounding scenes, Mu Chen was shocked by the "transparent crystal coffins" filled or floating in this huge space.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Chen followed the man through these crystal coffins, and clearly saw the bodies of various aliens lying in the coffins.

"What are these?" Unable to hold back his curiosity, Mu Chen cautiously asked the strange man who led him the way, even though his rationality was honking, warning him not to casually ask something that might bring him great harm. Troublesome question.

But at that time, Muchen didn't realize that he was boarding an alien spaceship.

He always thought that the man who brought him here was a human being, if not a human being, he was some kind of creature on Earth. The other party possessed weird powers, which reminded Muchen of stories about various ghosts and demons, such as Tales from a Liaozhai Studio.

But Mu Chen never considered the possibility that the other party was not from Earth at all.

After all, Mu Chen was just a teenager in high school at that time, he was only fifteen or six years old. There are always yearnings and imaginations for magical things in his mind, but his fantasies are not huge, and they are only limited to this tiny planet.

Future science, planets and galaxies, and the distant universe, these things have only been briefly described in Mu Chen's astronomy and geography, and they only stay at the stage of concept... not even concept.

That's why he didn't understand, and that's why he was able to naively ask the man of unknown origin such a question.

And the man answered him generously: "It's just some pieces of meat."

"Meat... pieces of meat?" The answer he got made Mu Chen inexplicably terrified. He looked around at the neatly placed crystal coffins and the huge bodies inside the coffins, and he couldn't help getting goosebumps all over his body.

"A body without life, just some pieces of meat." The man continued in a low voice.

"It means they are dead, right?" Muchen understood.

"Dead?" Surprisingly, the man didn't seem to understand the definition of death, or was not good at understanding it. He even thought for a while before replying, "Yes, they are indeed dead."

"Then..." Mu Chen thought about it, "You put them in the coffin, are you going to bury them?"

"Bury?" The man suddenly smiled, and at the same time he looked back at Mu Chen, Mu Chen felt that there was a bit of disdain in that gaze.

"Did you know? The continuation of every life is maintained by killing and plundering." The man seemed to change the subject, talking about something unknown, "As long as you are alive, you will murder for food."

"You humans are like this, and so am I." The man's words had no deep meaning, but his words stopped at the point.

Although Mu Chen didn't understand the meaning of the man's words at all, but the man obviously didn't intend to explain anything to Mu Chen, and simply walked straight forward.

Seeing him leaving, Mu Chen was afraid of being left where he was, so he had to follow closely.

The space behind the door is extremely huge. After walking through rows of tightly arranged coffins, the number of which must be thousands, the man led Mu Chen through a metal corridor, went up and down the elevator, and then came to a small room inside.

This room was about the size of a twenty-square-meter bedroom, and it contained a complete set of beds, tables, chairs, and bookcases, as well as a separate small bathroom.

The entire small room adopts a European and American pastoral tone, the furniture is mostly carved wood, and the walls, floors, and ceilings are in a comfortable beige color. It's just that there is no window in this room, only a dark red metal door for entry and exit, and the closed space seems to be very oppressive and suffocating.

"I arranged this room according to your human aesthetics... from now on, you will live here." The man's sudden decision made Muchen stunned.

Muchen was shocked immediately and said, "You want me to live here?"

"Yes, do you have any comments?" The man said in a natural tone.

"No... no, I just..." Mu Chen opened his mouth.

Of course, Mu Chen couldn't have any opinion, even if he had, he didn't have the guts to say it to this man who made him feel a little scary.

So he could only hesitate for a moment, and said tactfully: "Let me stay here... is there anything I need to do?"

"I don't need you to do anything." The man's voice was indifferent, and his expression was also indifferent, "You just need to stay here for a while, and when the time is up, I will let you go back."

"Just live here and do nothing?" Mu Chen couldn't believe it. He had a bad premonition and a subtle sense of crisis.

This feeling made Mu Chen feel very regretful. He regretted why he followed this strange stranger to this strange place so easily and easily.

Even though Muchen knew he had no choice, he still couldn't help but imagine in his heart, if he had rejected this strange man and not agreed to his request...would everything have been different

The man seemed to see Mu Chen's state of mind, and he rarely comforted Mu Chen: "You don't need to be burdened, I won't hurt you, you just need to stay here for a while, and then you can recover completely and unscathed." Go back to your own world."

The other party's emphasis on the words "integrity" and "unscathed" made Mu Chen even more frightened.

"You once said that you would make me pay the price." Mu Chen clenched his fists unconsciously, looking directly at the strange man in front of him, "I want to know what the price is? It's just that you let me live with you for a few days. sky?"

The man said impatiently: "Didn't I say that? I will give you a new life. So I will turn you into 'another person', and you accept this condition."

Inexplicably, Mu Chen seemed to be enlightened in an instant, and he suddenly understood the meaning of this terrible man.

So he stared at the man with wide eyes: "What do you mean by giving me a new life, is turning me into an 'other'? A real 'other'?"

The corner of the man's mouth raised a terrifying arc: "You don't understand what I mean now, do you?"

Mu Chen shook his head, he suddenly felt fear, but this fear was hazy, separated by a layer of illusory white mist. It was also difficult to express this kind of fear from Mu Chen's face. His facial nerves were stiff and distorted, and he couldn't move at all, as if he had been cast a petrification spell by a wizard.

It took a long time for Mu Chen to calm down a little, and continued to shake his head with a forced composure: "That's not right, you are talking about giving me a brand new life, not 'other people's life'!"

"I'm not a god, my friend." The man turned his head slightly to look at Mu Chen, "I can't create a 'new life' for you out of thin air, so I can only use other people's templates on you."

Mu Chen couldn't help reaching out to touch his face: "Then my face is also that person's face, right?"


"Who is he and what is his name?"

The man smiled: "Amu, his name is Amu. The single name is Mu, so others call him Amu... However, the real Amu died a long, long time ago, so from today, you are Amu Mu."

"What about the original me?" Mu Chen couldn't help stretching out his hand to grab the skirt of his left chest, "What will become of me as Mu Chen?"

The man suddenly approached Mu Chen's face, his sudden movement made Mu Chen tremble unconsciously, his eyes widened.

"One thing, I hope you understand clearly." The man lowered his voice, grinning grinningly, with that threatening tone, "Since you stepped into my territory today, you have become my experimental product, just like a scientist's hands. Like the guinea pig in the movie, you have no right to ask me any questions, and I have no obligation to answer you."

It was obvious that the man was tired of Mu Chen's constant questioning.

So he reached out his hand unexpectedly, grabbed Mu Chen's skirt tightly, dragged him, threw him into the white room, and then slammed the door shut, locking Mu Chen in the room.

This man's strength was astonishing. Although Mu Chen was only sixteen years old at the time, he was already about 1.75 meters tall, at the age when his height and weight were desperately increasing.

But this man casually lifted Mu Chen up, and Mu Chen felt that his feet were stuck in the air for a few seconds, just like carrying a chicken, he threw Mu Chen into the room at will, and let Muchen rolled on the ground twice.

When Mu Chen stood up dancing, what he faced was a cold, tightly closed metal door.

Mu Chen rushed to the door, trying to push and pull the door, but no surprise, the door was locked from the outside, and he was locked up.

It was only at this time that Mu Chen felt the real fear. The white mist covering him disappeared, and the icy lake water flowed over his knees, waist and abdomen, and the top of his head little by little, gradually swallowing Mu Chen slowly.

He didn't yell or curse angrily, he just stood in front of that door for a long, long time.

"He imprisoned me there." Mu Chen narrated, "As he promised, he didn't do anything to me that could hurt me. I live there, and I eat and sleep every day."

"It's just that my range of activities is very small, limited to that small room. That guy will give me some books, paper and ink for me to read and write to pass the time."

"I use paper to record what happens every day."

In the beginning, Mu Chen's life was boring, accompanied by a sense of panic that gradually extended and intensified in his heart in a strange and closed environment.

But he was still calm, and he had planned what he should do next.