Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 174: Return and End 29┃Understanding of Self


Thousands of corpses of aliens piled up like a mountain, and this is only what Mu Chen saw in his sight. There may be more corpses in places Mu Chen did not see.

Because the spaceship of the aliens has a larger internal space than Mu Chen imagined, and it may have functions such as space expansion and space extension.

This allowed the aliens to free up a lot of room for the bodies.

At the same time, the existence of corpses also proves the fact that a large number of aliens died.

This is a puzzling point. Obviously these alien visitors have the technology of "immortality", but they did not use it to resurrect their companions, but let the large number of dead bodies lie in the "coffin".

Although these "coffins" appear to be a life support device, the fluids and connected equipment in the "coffins" seem to keep the shell alive.

But with so many "coffins" piled up here, Mu Chen would never believe that they don't need to consume... Then let's assume that these devices consume electricity. Mu Chen thinks that the power consumption alone is a big expense.

Many questions forced Mu Chen to draw various assumptions in his mind.

The first hypothesis is to assume the cause of death of this group of aliens. If they are due to accidents encountered during space travel, resulting in a large number of deaths.

If this assumption is true, Mu Chen thinks that the most important thing they should do right now is to drive the spaceship back to their home planet to rest, or directly send a distress signal to ask for help from the home star.

However, no matter whether it was returning to the home planet or sending a distress signal, the alien who experimented on Mu Chen did not choose these two options. Instead, he ran to the earth and fiddled with a fringe world.

At the same time, he shamelessly ran in front of human beings, asking for cooperation and help, and lied to those innocent and kind guys that he was just an interstellar traveler, and casually rested the spaceship when passing by the earth. The appearance of the edge world is a mistake he made accidentally, and he is working hard to make up for the mistake!

This situation inevitably made Mu Chen wonder, could it be that the alien has nowhere to go back? That's why he left the room full of corpses of his companions alone, and insisted on dominating the earth

This possibility is very high, but Mu Chen is not 100% sure. Perhaps for aliens, the energy consumption of corpse life support equipment is not large, and the soul or consciousness of companions can also be stored in a marginal world. So these corpses are left like this, and it is not a problem at all to be a decoration for three hundred years.

There is also a second hypothesis, which is to assume that these corpses are not corpses.

Because the aliens themselves have said that on their planet, if people die, their bodies age or are destroyed, they can first preserve their consciousness, and then move their consciousness into a new body after making a new one.

As a result, the hundreds of shells placed in the spaceship may not be the "corpse" that Mu Chen thought, but the "new shells" freshly baked.

However, so many "new expelling shells" mean that there are correspondingly large numbers of souls waiting for these shells, which also confirms the dilemma that a large number of aliens have died and souls have nowhere to go.

Immediately afterwards, the incident went round and round and returned to the same question... Why did you leave so many companions to drive the shells? They had to stay on the earth for more than 300 years, during which time they exhausted their means to promote the birth and development of marginal worlds and the abnormal death of many human beings.

After much deliberation, Muchen finally came up with an idea. What if the alien really has no place to go back to

Both the home planet and civilization are extinct, and this spaceship and the few aliens on it may be their last bloodline and hope.

During the long and long space voyage, people on the spaceship died or hibernated one by one. When only the last person remained, the spaceship arrived on the earth.

Naturally, there is no need to say much about the next thing, coming to such a planet that "has a lot of life" and "has a more suitable environment and resources".

For this group of alien visitors who are almost exhausted, it is like meeting an oasis in the desert.

However, the aliens did not immediately invade the earth and enslave human beings with lightning speed. This may be because it also encountered a problem.

The bodies of these aliens are not adapted to the earth's environment, and the earth's air is poisonous to them. If they don't want to wear "space suits" or wear "oxygen masks" to live on the earth, they only have an option.

Transform the earth into an environment suitable for their survival

No, let's not talk about how much resources, time and energy it takes to transform the environment. In other words, after the transformation is successful, most of the life on the earth will be extinct, and the ecological circle formed by animals, plants, and microorganisms will collapse in a straight line, which is not much different from directly destroying the earth.

Naturally, it is impossible for alien visitors to travel thousands of miles to destroy the earth. They come here to seek a new home. In order to integrate into this home, they have to adapt to the environment here.

For them with the "immortality technology", this should not be a difficult task. After all, they only need to find a group of humans, or simply create a group of humans to drive the shells, and directly move the consciousness that was preserved earlier, and everything will be fine. up.

But somehow, they didn't, and it's possible... there was no way to do so.

The structure and size of the container are different, what kind of impact will it have on the inner soul will

This point is unimaginable for Mu Chen and others who are confined to the small planet of the earth. As long as the alien doesn't give a definite answer, they will never know the truth for the rest of their lives.

But then again, it doesn't matter whether you know the truth or not. At this stage, Mu Chen and the others just need to figure out that this group of outsiders can't do it.

They can't directly transfer their souls to humans, so they experimented on Mu Chen and others, creating a testing ground as large as the fringe world.

This conclusion means that Mu Chen and the others still have a chance to make a comeback.

Meanwhile, on the alien spaceship, Kim is talking to an alien creature disguised as a widowed old man.

The old man said to Jin: "I placed too much hope on Mu Chen, I gave him Amu's memory, brand-new knowledge and power, strengthened his spirit, and made him a 'weapon', but unfortunately he is not a machine …”

"He has so many emotions. The complex emotions of human beings doom him not to complete the tasks I give him. I have already expected this."

Jin stood beside the old man, and he could understand every word the other said, but when these words were combined, it was difficult for Jin to understand the meaning of the old man.

Jin didn't force himself to try his best to understand the meaning of the other party's words. He focused more on the surrounding environment. Those "crystal coffins" arranged neatly and densely shocked him, as well as the strange body inside the coffin...

Looking around the situation, Jin asked the same question as Mu Chen back then, uncontrollably, Jin asked: "What are these?"

The old man paused and sighed: "Why do you humans always like to ask the same question?"

But the old man still answered Jin, and his answer was slightly different from the answer he gave to Mu Chen back then. He said: "These are my dead companions... They are waiting for a new life, and that day is not far away."

"It means you're going to revive them, using your so-called 'immortality technology', right?" Jin felt a little strange, "I always thought you were alone... because your words and actions, past and present, reveal Because of the fact that you are a 'lone wolf', I thought you should be the only one on the ship."

The old man glanced at Jin thoughtfully, and said with a smile: "With all my companions dead, I am naturally alone."

"Then what will you do?" Jin clenched his fists unnaturally, trying his best to calm himself down and think, "Is there any relationship between resurrecting your companion and the fringe world you created?"

"You are sharper than I thought. You are very strong in spirit or will. What a good soul." The old man looked at Jin with strange eyes, as if he was estimating the value of gold in his expression. It made Kim feel uncomfortable.

"I once told He Erqiu that I would help him revive Amu and Ashin a hundred years from now, and today, I have fulfilled my promise." The old man turned his gaze away from Jin and nodded. Without looking back, he headed in a certain direction, Jin paused for a moment, and followed.

"You said you fulfilled your promise, but Ah Mu is not really Ah Mu." Jin insisted, "Now Ah Mu's real name is Mu Chen, even if Mu Chen has Ah Mu's memory, it doesn't mean he is Ah Mu .”

"No, he already is." The old man didn't change his face, as if he was very confident about it, "Since I ordered him to enter the marginal world to kill the marginal will, he has gradually become the real Amu. Especially when he Refusing my order, refusing to kill Brinkman Will, this has proved that he is the brand new Amu."

"What do you mean?" Jin didn't understand.

"Because Marginal Will is Amu's 'brother', the 'brother' whom Amu loves deeply. As long as Muchen accepts the existence of this 'brother' and falls in love with this 'brother' as deeply as Amu, It means that Muchen has completely assimilated with Amu, and has completely accepted Amu's emotional memory and thoughts."

"The same is true for Ashin, as long as he falls in love with this 'brother' and tries to be with him."

When the old man said this, he smiled: "That's why I said I succeeded. Both Amu and Axin have been resurrected."

"What's the point of resurrecting the dead three hundred years ago? Is it just to fulfill the promise?" Jin seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and kept asking the old man. He felt that the old man at this moment would not refuse his question.

"I am a person who keeps my promises, so it is necessary to keep my promises." The old man said, "However, I did all this because I wanted to do an experiment on these brothers."


"My companions have been dead for too long." The old man glanced at the cold "coffins" piled up around him.

"I should have told you before that in this world... no, all life in this universe exists as a hazy energy body after death. This is what you humans usually think of as 'soul'."

"Souls cannot exist forever. They consume their own energy every minute and every second of their existence. As time goes by, souls will slowly dissipate, turning into primitive particles, and blending into the heaven and earth."

"Many souls will slowly abandon their memories, emotions and even themselves in the process of dissipating." The old man sighed, "becoming a pure energy body without any self-thoughts."

"Even on our planet, we preserve these souls by creating a spiritual space similar to the 'marginal world', but we still can't completely prevent the 'death' of these souls, at most it slows down the process of extinction .”

What the old man said made Jin completely understand.

Jin was surprised and said: "You mean, your companions... have died for too long, so their souls have already..."

"Yes." The old man nodded, "In addition, our family achieves eternal life by changing the body, and in the process of changing the body, the soul will be more or less worn out, so the soul of our family is very weak. "

"We have no way to continue to change the body, because the soul is too weak to withstand any bumps, we can only think of other ways to achieve our 'eternal life'."

Jin suddenly felt creepy and chilled down his spine, "The other way you call it is to make a fuss about our human soul? Just like what you did to Mu Chen, let a person who originally had a complete self-will become 'another person' '?"

"It's not a completely different person." The old man took it for granted, "Muchen still retains his original self, but has been integrated into Amu's personality habits and emotional memory."

"What's the difference between that and being 'another person'?" Kim couldn't help himself from turning up the volume.

"It depends on your understanding of self-will." The old man looked at Jin with sharp eyes, "What is the so-called 'self'? Is it the will formed by the condensation of emotions and memories? If someone with you With exactly the same feelings and memories, can you say that person is you?"

Jin opened his mouth, but he couldn't answer.