Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 175: Resurrection 01┃Your soul belongs to me


"There's nothing wrong with that." The old man didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his behavior and cognition at all. He tried to persuade Jin, and he said: "The souls in the marginal world are all dead people in reality. Once these dead Leaving that virtual world, sooner or later, is doomed."

"It's better to accept the gift I gave them than to wither and disappear." The old man walked to one of the "crystal coffins" while speaking.

He touched the smooth surface of the coffin with wrinkled and rough fingers: "Think about it, a dead human soul, plus a weak soul from our family. Two equally fragile souls are fused together, will become complete."

"At that time, I can still use my technology to reshape this complete soul into a brand new human body, and our family can unknowingly integrate into the big human family."

"We can bring new technologies and new civilizations to human beings, so that you humans can achieve 'evolution' spanning tens of millions of years in the shortest possible time. You can get such mutually beneficial and happy results without paying any price. Why would you want to reject me?"

Speaking of this, the old man seemed to be a little excited. He stared at Jin, "Actually, you can too, my friend... Your name is Jin, right? If I'm not mistaken, you died a long time ago and lost everything."

"But you now have a chance to be resurrected, as long as you follow what I just said, as long as you are willing to accept 'our soul'."

"Just like Amu?" Jin just felt horrified, "Accept the soul of someone from your family, merge with him/her, accept his/her consciousness, and destroy the original self?"

"I didn't intend to destroy you." The old man frowned in embarrassment, "Why can't you understand? Our family has been dead for too long, and the remaining souls are basically fragments of memory, emotion and consciousness. Shards can't destroy you at all."

"I just want some carriers, carriers that carry our technology and civilization, so that our family... can continue to survive in this universe!"

Jin didn't know how he should feel. He looked at the gray-haired old man in front of him with an expression almost in awe, so that he took a step back unconsciously.

"It seems that you don't understand me." The old man knew Jin's resistance when he saw Jin's body movements. The old man shook his head slightly and sighed, "I should have understood that your human mind is too narrow. If you are willing to accept me, why don't you let me do something tough, it's good for both of you, isn't it?"

There was a threat in the old man's words, and the malice made Jin tremble and his hairs stood on end. He backed away again, thinking of "running away" flashed in his mind, but soon Jin realized that he had nowhere to go escape.

This is the inside of the spaceship of the aliens, and it is their territory, and Jin, who is helpless and extremely stupid, was sent to his door by throwing himself into a trap. What else can he do except submit obediently

Realizing this, Jin couldn't retreat any further. He stood there, at a loss, staring blankly at the old man in front of him with wide-eyed eyes, as if he was completely stupid.

The old man said threatening words, but his performance was not oppressive, and he slowly approached Jin in an amiable manner. Seeing that he did not resist, he smiled in relief, and put his hand on Jin's shoulder: "I believe you You can still understand me, right?"

"Come with me." The old man said, firmly grasping Jin's arm, "Although I have tested the compatibility of souls between humans and humans on Muchen, I have not tested the compatibility of our race. Compatible with your human souls, because the souls of my compatriots are too weak, and I can't blindly sacrifice them... Just right, you are here! I don't think you would mind if I do a little experiment on you. "

Kim certainly didn't mind, and there was no room for it.

He could only be dragged forward by the old man stiffly while trembling in his heart. He didn't have time to record the route he was dragged through, and he just felt that he was taken into a relatively open space and in front of some kind of device that looked like a console in a daze.

This console has a strange shape, like an altar made of crystal, the surface of the altar is engraved with messy unknown fonts, and there are many colorful patterns.

The old man forcibly searched his body, took the crystal stone he was carrying from his golden pocket, and placed the crystal stone in a groove in the center of the crystal altar.

The crystal stone was easily set into the altar, and its size and quality obviously matched the altar perfectly.

After placing the crystal stone, the old man touched the unknown fonts and patterns on the altar with his fingers, and the fonts and patterns touched by him glowed even brighter.

After finishing all this, the old man glanced at the sluggish Jin beside him, and smiled at him: "Your soul is still in the marginal world, so next... I will take your soul from the core of the marginal world." Pull it out, and connect your soul into the virtual space where my companions are, and let you and one of my companions perform soul fusion."

"This is a risky test." The old man turned his head and stared intently at the crystal stone set into the altar in front of him. "Over the years, I have conducted many similar experiments on humans."

"I kept mixing two crippled souls, but the results almost all ended in failure... Most of them went crazy, collapsed, had confused memories, couldn't maintain themselves, and died in the constant repulsion and attacks on each other."

"I learned from my failures, worked hard to study, and finally discovered the crux of my many experiments..." The old man was talking to himself, and he praised, "I really underestimate human emotions."

"I once thought that you human beings are extremely selfish... because you have too many and too rich emotions, and these emotions, whether beneficial or unhelpful, affect your thinking and decision-making, and also affect your attitudes and concepts towards people or things. "

"And on my planet, the brain and spirit of me and my kind have been connected to each other since birth, and language and writing are only the medium of spiritual communication."

"We can easily know other people's thoughts and emotions, no matter how far apart, as long as the spirit is still connected, we can instantly transmit information. We communicate, work, and develop in this way, and we rarely have misunderstandings, entanglements, or conflicts with each other. Hate and love."

"There are no secrets and lies, only forward or backward for a common goal. There is no sense of shame, no shame for making mistakes. There are not too many negative emotions such as worries and fears, so you can always maintain the supreme calm."

"I'm not really human after all, so at first, I couldn't understand why you humans have so many, so many negative emotions?"

The old man shook his head: "The two fused souls are constantly in conflict because of this terrible negative emotion. You have too many secrets and lies, full of shame and subsequent fear, these emotions overwhelm your soul, so I failed, and every time I experiment, I can only reap failure."

"When I realized this, I started making changes to my experiments."

When the old man said this, he suddenly lifted Jin beside him with one hand, and pressed his whole body on the icy crystal altar. The crystal altar was extremely cold. his skin.

Now the body that Jin is controlling is not his own body, his body is still on a butterfly throne in a marginal world.

In fact, after Jin was brought into the spaceship by this strange alien old man, in a very short period of time, he had already obtained enough and amazing information from the old man.

Jin can completely abandon this body on the spot, return his consciousness to the marginal world, and then hibernate to avoid the persecution of the old man.

But soon Jin realized that it was futile to do so, especially after seeing the old man set the crystal stone on the matching crystal altar, Jin knew that he would never run away.

Assuming that the crystal stone is a mobile hard disk, then this crystal altar is like a computer. After the hard disk is plugged in, the data in it can be transferred, modified and deleted at will through computer operations.

Gold is nothing more than data on a hard drive.

This realization made Jin feel annoyed, but he didn't know what he should do at this moment!

Now, this alien is going to take his soul out now! Merge with another alien soul!

Just thinking about this kind of thing made Jin feel horrified!

What would I become if I "bonded" with an alien? Am I still me

There was no extra time left for Jin to think, the old man grabbed Jin's neck forcefully, lowered his voice, and whispered to him like some kind of snake: "Now, your soul belongs to me."

"According to what you said, the ultimate goal of the alien from the 'most beautiful planet' is to use us humans to revive his species on Earth... If this is the case, what should we do? What? Can we stop them?"

No matter how incredible the guess is, Mu Qin has to admit that Mu Chen's guess is very likely to come true.

"I don't know if I can stop it..." Mu Chen seemed unsure. It was obviously a very serious and urgent matter, but he seemed perfunctory at the moment, spreading his hands, "And in the final analysis, I don't have much idea to do it." Stop whoever, after all, what the alien did to me...is beneficial to me."

Muchin seemed to understand what he meant: "So you... are you going to stand by him?"