Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 177: Resurrection 03┃People who shouldn't exist


Mu Xing instantly understood the meaning in Mu Qin's eyes, so he lowered his head and thought for a while, and said to Mu Chen: "The 'contagion' among dreamers existed before I became a marginal will, otherwise the early marginal world The more than a thousand people can't get in, and Amu won't call me to end the thousand-man war."

"And when I became a marginal will..." Mu Xing paused.

He may have finally let go of a certain burden, became frank, and said his dark history without hesitation: "In order to collect the wishes and beliefs of mankind, I used the Butterfly Throne and the King to invade the world, and master those dreamers. trend."

"And in the process, I found that those dreamers are easy to gather together, they will gather together because of the same problems and troubles, and become a marginalized group of society. At that time, I just guided it a little...the marginal religion appeared."

"That is to say, even if you don't channel it at the time, fringe cults will still emerge, but they will appear later, and they may also appear in other forms ... such as scattered terrorist groups and outlaws," Mnuchin said. .”

"Yes, that's true." Mu Xing nodded in agreement.

Mu Qin emphasized loudly, "Then can I make a bold guess? Aliens don't need a few human souls, what they need... are many, many human souls."

"The ethereal thing like the soul is not easy to capture, and it is extremely easy to collapse and dissipate and be damaged when exposed to the air."

"If you want to obtain a large number of stable and healthy souls, simply build a laboratory and use money to recruit volunteers, the experimental materials you can get obviously do not meet the expectations of the aliens, so he throws 'viruses' into the crowd, In this way, souls can be obtained quickly and continuously."

Mnuchin pointed out: "But this is actually just the first step. The fringe world is just his temporary testing ground. He is just testing the effect of this 'virus', testing its spread and growth."

"And the soul fusion experiment that happened to Mu Chen is the second step, to prove the feasibility of two strange souls being able to fuse."

"After the second step of the experiment is successful, the third step is to test the feasibility of the fusion of human souls and alien souls. I believe that the results of this experiment will come out soon... With the guy's ability to grasp the situation and make arrangements, he must have already The stall where we chatted has implemented the plan."

"If the third step is successful, then the fourth step..."

Before Mu Qin finished speaking, Mu Xing, who was listening silently, came to a conclusion: "The fourth step is to release more viruses... Since they want to obtain a large number of souls, the aliens will definitely throw more similar fringes on the earth." The thing at the core of the world, its contagiousness will cause a large area of human beings to fall, and collectively become delirious dreamers."

"Then he will kill these dreamers, and in this way, a large number of human souls will enter the space of the marginal world..."

Listening to their analysis one by one, Mu Chen couldn't help but put his hands on his forehead, and sighed with a wry smile: "I've actually thought about all the problems you mentioned, but so what? I've said it! With our current strength, we can't do it at all. Potentially stop the aliens' plans."

Mu Qin didn't care what Mu Chen thought at all. He ignored Mu Chen's words and continued to analyze: "Aliens have the immortality technology to store souls. Since they are 'immortal', their population will naturally accumulate day by day. reduce."

"At the same time, technology has developed to the point where they can leave their home star system, can travel long-term interstellar travel, and even find suitable planets along the way to develop alien colonies. These all prove that their civilization has developed long and has a large population..."

"The current population of the earth is more than 7 billion. Assuming that they also have the same population, then it is estimated that the souls of all human beings will be enough to completely revive their population."

Mu Qin shook his head: "If their population is larger than ours, there won't be enough souls, so they will raise humans in captivity, just like raising domestic animals, let us reproduce offspring, so as to cultivate more souls for them to use."

"The best situation is that their population is smaller than ours, but this is not much better. In order to control the dominance of this planet and become the king on the earth, they will undoubtedly try to suppress human beings. We still cannot escape being A fate of slavery."

After Mu Qin finished speaking, he stared at Mu Chen fiercely: "I don't want to be a hero, Mu Chen...to be selfish, I just want to save my future with Zhou Yue, and for this, I must avoid future troubles!"

"Yes, of course you can!"

"But what can we use to compete with the powerful alien race?" Mu Chen sneered: "Tell me about your plan! As long as it can impress me, I will do my part to cooperate with you!"

Mu Chen didn't think that Mu Qin would come up with any good plans. Mu Chen used to be as high-spirited as Mu Qin now, and proudly wanted to do something to defeat that damned alien, no matter it was to save anyone.

But all the plans he thought of were rejected by himself.

Because of all the plans, he could foresee the end of failure.

This is impossible! The enemy is like a huge Mount Tai, but how can ant-like human beings shake the mountain

Muchen's guess was right, Mu Qin really didn't have a better plan at this moment.

But Mu Qin felt that he couldn't give up. He always had a bad premonition. He felt that if he listened to Mu Chen's persuasion and disregarded others' prudence to protect himself, the situation would be even worse in the future. He could even foresee the scene of the fall of all mankind. At that time, it will be difficult for them to have a chance to fight a turnaround.

This premonition is strong, and Mu Qin always trusts his intuition very much.

But how to act? Can it really shake the tree like a mayfly

At this moment, Mu Xing suddenly made a very interesting suggestion, he said: "How about using the rules?"

Mu Qin and Muchen turned to look at him in unison.

What are the rules

Strange to say, no one really understands what the rules are. Even Mu Xing, who has been a marginal will for hundreds of years, can't tell everyone what the rules are.

But he knew it was a magical "power".

It was not created by that alien, nor unique to humans or the earth, but an invisible force that exists everywhere in the entire universe.

This invisible force will regulate the trajectory of living or non-living things, and correct the confusion and abnormal changes in time and space. It will make things that should happen happen, and things that should not happen will never happen.

Mu Xing has a deep understanding of this. During the years when he became a fringe will, he often tried to use the power of the fringe world to cross the boundaries of time and space to interfere in the real world. At this time, this so-called "rule" would pop up frequently. Fix his interference with reality.

It is a pity that Mu Xing cannot accurately judge the standard of "rule amendment".

In the past, when he tried to possess someone in this world like the King of the Butterfly Throne, the rules would definitely jump out to stop him, eject him from the possessed person, and even bounce him back to the marginal world .

After repeating it several times, the rule's rejection of Mu Xing became more and more intense, and it evolved into the fact that as soon as Mu Xing's spirit invaded the world, the rule would instantly kick Mu Xing back.

So Mu Xing stopped doing useless work. He felt that his mental strength was too strong, which caused the strong attention of the "rules", so he failed repeatedly.

Therefore, he created the Butterfly Throne, cultivated a group of "kings", and used these kings to interfere with the present world, but this time he succeeded.

But it is not completely successful. Although kings can possess human beings in the real world, the time of possession cannot be too long, and if the language and behavior after possession are too ostentatious, the "rules" will still bounce these kings back to the marginal world. And fix what kings do in the real world.

The "marginal religion" developed by Mu Xing in the real world has also been amended by the "rules". The followers of the marginal world cannot intuitively know the existence of the marginal world. The believers call the marginal world "that world" Or "dream world".

The title for the marginal will is "that lord" or "lord".

All in all, the detailed information of the fringe world cannot appear on a large scale in the real world, but... a small part can.

If only a small number of people know the fringe world, and if it does not cause large-scale spread and abnormal behavior, it will not attract the attention of "rules", and the rules will not deliberately modify the behavior and memory of this small group of people.

For so many years, Mu Xing has done a lot of tests in order to find out the standard of "rule modification". He found that this peculiar "rule" actually exists to maintain the "stability" of time and space.

The real world and the fringe world are two completely different spaces, and their forms of existence and expression are very different. They are like two parallel lines, moving straight forward without interfering with each other. So according to common sense, the two spaces can never intersect.

But that group of aliens used their unique technology to create such strange spaces as the edge world, and also used this space to store souls, forcing the straight lines of the edge world to have inflection points, and made this line and Earth's worlds converge.

This is probably a very wrong behavior.

Perhaps from the very beginning, the "immortality technology" of this group of aliens should not have existed. After all, all living and non-living bodies in this universe cannot achieve true "eternity".

Even the biggest and brightest stars in the galaxy will burn out one day. Immortality is something that only exists in people's vain fantasies.

Therefore, no matter what means these aliens have achieved the "immortality technology" and created the "marginal world". Mu Xing felt that such behaviors were wrong, and it was precisely because they were wrong behaviors that "rules" appeared and tried to correct the space-time disorder caused by these mistakes.

Mu Xing believes that this so-called "rule" is the power exerted by the real "god" in the dark to protect the entire universe.

Unlike the artificially created false gods like Marginal Will, the "rules" are very powerful and unparalleled.

Mu Xing told Mu Qin and Mu Chen all his understanding of the rules, but in fact, it was difficult and painful for Mu Xing to express such an understanding.

Because, assuming Mu Xing's understanding is correct...

Then the fringe world is something that "should not exist" under the correction of the power of rules, and "soul bodies" like Mu Xing and Mu Qin are also people that should not exist.