Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 178: Resurrection from the Dead 04┃An experimental subject with the same disease and sympathy for each other


"People who shouldn't exist?" These concepts put forward by Mu Xing made Mu Qin feel a little palpitating, which made him unable to help but reach out and touch his chest to feel the beating of his heart, as if to verify his existence.

Zhou Yue, who was spiritually connected with Mu Qin, also heard Mu Xing's speech at this moment. Zhou Yue seemed to be scared, and a certain string in her mind was touched. So much so that Zhou Yue instantly snatched control of her body from Mu Qin, and shouted loudly to Mu Xing:

"What do you mean!? Are you saying that if you use the rules, my Mu Qin will disappear!?"

"I don't know." Mu Xing shook his head and expressed regret, "After all, the fringe world has existed for so long, and the rules have not directly erased the entire fringe world and its related things, so I think... the rules probably cannot be erased. Things that actually exist can only be balanced against one another by small, constant revisions until some kind of balance is found."

"But it's also risky, right?" Mu Chen didn't like this kind of risky proposal, he grabbed Mu Xing's hand and held it tightly in his own, "If we use the rules to deal with those aliens, in case too much If you go too far and let the edge world disappear, you... "

Mu Chen couldn't help becoming nervous while talking, stepped forward and hugged Mu Xing tightly, and said in a panicked voice: "This is not good, we can't take such a big risk, I absolutely Do not accept!"

"But...we don't have the power to fight against the aliens now. If we don't use the power of rules, how can we defeat them?" Mu Xing thought this proposal was very good. He looked at Mu Chen seriously.

"Mu Qin is right!" Mu Xing continued, "We really should find a way to stop that alien. If we don't do anything now, then when all human beings fall, everyone will be killed by those aliens." Creatures master slavery, and then there's nothing we can do about it."

"Besides, even if I can escape from here with you now, where can I escape to next time?" Mu Xing leaned his head on Mu Chen's shoulder, and dependently grasped the knot on Mu Chen's back. Clothes, "I am very grateful to you, Mu Chen."

"You gave me my most desired wish, so in order to repay you, I want to be with you all the time, not just a short encounter."

"I didn't do this for your reward." Mu Chen said hoarsely.

"I know." Mu Xing smiled, "You love me."

Mu Xing just hugged Mu Chen for a while, and soon they separated. Then Mu Xing turned his head and glanced at Mu Qin beside him.

Mu Qin's face was gloomy, his head was lowered and he didn't move. He didn't look at Mu Chen or Mu Xing, his eyes were vague and he didn't know where he was seeing. His fuzzy appearance made Mu Chen and Mu Xing realize that he might be talking to Zhou Yue in the spiritual world.

Mu Chen and Mu Xing kept quiet and didn't disturb him. After a while, Mu Qin came back to his senses.

However, it was not Mu Qin who came to his senses, but Zhou Yue. Zhou Yue took over the control of this body again, and he said to Mu Chen: "Mu Chen, you still have the status of an administrator, so can you help me?" Do you have a favor?"

"What's busy?" Muchen asked.

"Help me get my memory back." Zhou Yue said, he paused for a moment and glanced at Mu Xing, "Before, I played a game with Mu Qin and Mu Xing, and that game was forcibly ended due to some accident. But in the game, I have been in a state of amnesia. My memory was taken away by the limbic system and has not been restored. Although I can know what happened before through the spiritual connection and memory sharing with Mu Qin, but at this moment , I still want to find my own memory."

"It's no problem, I'll help you connect to the system, and your memory will be restored soon." Mu Chen closed his eyes, opened them again in less than a minute, and said to Zhou Yue: "The memory data has been transmitted to you , you may have symptoms of a trance."

Zhou Yue did experience the symptoms of a trance, but it was short-lived. His eyes were only dazed for a moment, and then he stabilized, lowering his head as he was thinking about something.

Muchen asked him how he felt: "How does it feel?"

Zhou Yue was silent for a long time before smiling bitterly and said: "Mu Qin really has no reservations about me. The memory he shared with me and my own memory, except for some differences in perspective and feelings, all other details are correct. A single hair Not a single drop of…”

"What do you mean... Mu Qin is not here now?" Zhou Yue's words made Mu Chen realize that Mu Qin had left.

"Yes, someone in the real world is looking for him, so he temporarily cut off the spiritual communication with me here." Zhou Yue said, "However, we can still communicate with each other as soon as possible... Next, I will replace it." Let him discuss it with you."

"This way of spiritual communication is really convenient." Mu Xing said suddenly.

Zhou Yue glanced back and forth between Mu Xing and Mu Chen, "Can't you do it?"

"It can be done, it's just a kind of spiritual connection that I can control him unilaterally." Mu Chen raised his hand and rubbed the little star's head, and said with a smile: "wait for the next time to expand to a two-way connection, my little star seems to be a little jealous of you guys .”

"No, I didn't!" Mu Xing protested in a moderate voice, a subtle rosiness appeared on his cheeks, and Mu Chen, who was next to him, felt itchy, and leaned over to rub Mu Xing's face.

Zhou Yue didn't know if Mu Xing was jealous, anyway, he was very jealous of Mu Xing and Mu Chen now.

Zhou Yue also wanted to hug Mu Qin intimately, but pure spiritual connection could not satisfy him, and the feeling of not being able to touch people made Zhou Yue feel as if there was an empty piece inside her body.

Zhou Yue, who was in a complicated mood, couldn't help conveying this soft miss to Mu Qin repeatedly in her mind.

If this disaster can end smoothly.

Please stay with me forever.

At the same time, Jin was being pressed on the console of the crystal stone by the alien.

"Your soul is mine."

Consciousness was sunk into an abyss as noisy and silent as the sea, and these words echoed in Jin's mind all the time. At that moment, he felt that his thoughts were frozen, frozen into ice cubes by ultra-low temperature, and the feeling of freezing was so Obviously, even the fear froze for a moment.

So in less than a second, Jin felt that he had spent hundreds of billions of years.

Then the frost melted, consciousness came back, and King quickly understood the true meaning of the alien's words, "Your soul is mine."

Kim is back on his throne on the edge of the world.

He had exchanged places with Yu Sui before, and he replaced Yu Sui on the Butterfly Throne that Yu Sui should have been sitting on. According to the agreement, Yu Sui would come back to handover with Jin after finishing his own affairs.

But in the middle of the mission, Yu Sui traded his soul with Mu Chen in exchange for the soul of his wife Mu Qingyun, so Yu Sui can never come back.

Jin, who was left alone on the throne, could only sit here forever, waiting for someone to end everything.

No, no one can end this!

Jin, who regained his consciousness, only felt that he was having difficulty breathing, his eyes turned black, and his thoughts were lost. He struggled to get up on the Butterfly Throne. He wanted to get off this restrained chair, but it was impossible. As soon as he got up, the thorns around the Butterfly Throne moved and quickly wrapped around him.

The sharp thorns of the thorns pierced deeply into his skin, and soon Jin's body was dripping with blood, but Jin didn't realize it, and took a strong step forward, trying to free himself from the shackles.

He must be freed.

Because the alien is coming to get him.

As long as he thinks that his soul will be fused with the soul of an unknown alien creature, Jin will feel unspeakable fear, which even makes him tremble with fear. He doesn't know what he will become after the soul fusion, Fear of the unknown made him refuse to accept these.

But he can't escape, even if he can give up the body of this world and escape back to the edge world, but the aliens will soon use the crystal console to lock Jin's soul, and pull Jin out of this butterfly throne. Go, get out of this dream world.

Before he was caught, King knew he had to do something.

What should he do

By the way, let's contact Muchen first.

Jin recovered from his panic and forced himself to calm down. The thorns around him were still tightly restraining his body. Jin took a slow and deep breath, relaxed his limbs, and sat back on the throne again.

He had to contact Muchen, and had to find a way to contact Muchen.

Although Jin doesn't know whether Mu Chen is trustworthy or not, at this moment Jin has no second choice.

Either be captured by the alien and be used as a guinea pig, or try to find someone to help him.

Jin chose to find someone to help him, and it seems that the only person who can help him at this moment is Mu Chen... an experimental subject who has the same illness as Jin.

At this time, how to contact Muchen became the first problem that Jin had to face.

Jin quickly thought of using the power of the Butterfly Throne. The Butterfly Throne allows the king to cross space to possess ordinary people in this world. Naturally, it can also allow the king to possess an ordinary player at will in the marginal world.

But the problem is, Jin doesn't know where Muchen is and what he did. Even if Jin possessed himself on an ordinary player to look for Mu Chen, he might not be able to find him for a while.

Mu Chen and Jin had an agreement, and Mu Chen asked Jin to go to the present world to steal back the crystal stone, and asked him to return the crystal stone to the alien after stealing the stone.

As for what to do after returning the crystal stone to the aliens, Mu Chen did not explain.

This inevitably made Jin doubt Mu Chen's motives. Why did he let himself go to the fringe gods to steal that crystal stone back? And why did he return the stone to the alien himself

"In order to grasp the alien's action rhythm in advance." Just as Jin was thinking like this, something that surprised him happened. A phantom appeared in front of Jin's eyes, which was Mu Chen's phantom.

It's not an entity, it's just a phantom similar to 3D imaging. It's Mu Chen's avatar left here in Jin's place in advance. As long as Jin's consciousness returns to the throne in the marginal world, the phantom avatar will be activated.

Although it was just a phantom, the phantom Mu Chen stared at Jin closely, his gaze was as real as it was, which made Jin have the illusion that the other party was real.

Phantom Muchen said: "Even if I don't let you steal that crystal stone back, the alien will get back the stone sooner or later and find someone to carry out soul experiments. So I thought, instead of waiting for the alien, I don't know what to do." Time to get back the stone and experiment with someone I don't know or understand... how about..."