Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 179: Resurrection 05┃Continue to squeeze the surplus value


"Why don't you use me as a bait first, and send the stone and the soul to his door as experimental materials, which will not only delay your time and divert your attention, but also allow you to grasp the movement of the alien, right?" Phantom Mu Chen The words of Jin instantly understood the other party's true thoughts, which made Jin very angry. The angry Jin wanted to stand up from the throne again, but those thorns entangled him tightly and suppressed him.

Bright red warm blood flowed on his body, but it was hard to extinguish the anger in Jin's heart.

"So I was used as a gun by you!?" Jin roared, "Aren't you happy!? Should I laugh three times to express my gratitude to you!?"

Phantom Muchen shook his head slightly: "I admit that I do have this idea, and I didn't expect this idea to succeed so thoroughly. I'm sorry, I'm very sorry."

Mu Chen's sincere and straightforward apology made Jin unable to utter any words of condemnation for a while. He had nowhere to vent his anger. He could only vent his anger by hitting the armrest of the Butterfly Throne with his fist, and the thorns wrapped around his arm As a result, the thorn penetrated deeper and blood flowed profusely.

Phantom Mu Chen blinked, and said to Jin gently and calmly: "I want to tell you some bad facts, in fact, I not only use you as a gunman, but also want to use you as a cover, taking advantage of you and the alien It’s a place for people to deal with, so that I can smoothly take my brother out of the marginal world and get out of the grasp of that alien. As for what will happen to you after my brother and I escape, I haven’t thought about it.”

Jin was even annoyed by him: "It's a pity that I was foolish enough to believe that you would find a way to end the edge world and end this disaster, but in the end you just wanted to escape by yourself!"

"Yes, I just want to escape."

Jin leaned on the back of the throne decadently, now he knew that no one could help him, the alien would capture him back sooner or later, he had no other option at all.

"No, you have." As an administrator, Mu Chen could read Jin's thoughts to a certain extent, so he answered the questions in Jin's mind, even though Jin didn't ask them.

Jin didn't believe him at all, and shook his head, "Stop talking, I'm at the end of my rope, and I have nothing more value to squeeze for you."

"Unfortunately, for me, you still have a lot of surplus value that can be squeezed." Mu Chen was relentless towards Jin, and his words were cruel inside and out, "So I want to continue to squeeze your value, Even if it annoys you."

Jin sneered: "Are you talking about seeing what value I have!? The aliens are about to come after me! He wants to take me back and use it as his experimental product! Just like what I did to you back then, I don't have time to chat with you leisurely in this kind of ghost place now!"

"Don't worry, he won't come so soon."

"An hour in the edge world is equivalent to a minute in the real world. At least here, you have as little as an hour and as many as several hours to think about the response plan."

"Besides, if he wants to take your soul out of the fringe world, he must at least have access to the fringe system. I am still the administrator, as long as he has contact with the fringe system, I will know immediately."

"I can send you away." Mu Chen said suddenly, "Send you back to the real world, really return to the real world, the kind that comes back from the dead, instead of relying on the power of the Butterfly Throne."

Mu Chen's words stunned Jin for a while, and after a while Jin came back to his senses, and looked at Mu Chen's phantom questioningly: "Are you lying to me again?"

"The disaster is imminent, how can I still deceive you?" Phantom Muchen lowered his head and thought for a moment, organized his words a little, and then told Jin all the stories about the alien in a straightforward and concise manner.

After listening to what Mu Chen said, Jin's brain went blank for a while, and it took him a long time to recover from the "crash" state, and silently stared at Mu Chen: "You mean, that damned alien may Intent to capture the souls of all mankind to completely revive his species?"

Mu Chen said: "Even if they don't seize the souls of all human beings, they must use their own technology and civilization to conquer the earth after the resurrection of some species. They are a powerful race and there is no need to be subservient to humans."

"This is the conclusion I reached after discussing with Mu Qin and the others." Mu Chen replied, "Mu Qin persuaded me, and he insisted that I could cooperate with them and do something together to save everything... In fact, I have nothing in mind Bottom line, but... it's really worth doing something about."

The conclusion that Mu Chen said was actually something that Jin had expected a long time ago. During the conversation with that alien just now, Jin could clearly feel the ambition of this alien, and he also knew that the other party came to the earth. What kind of peaceful and friendly purpose did you come here for

After thinking for a while, Jin stared at Mu Chen and sneered: "That's right, that alien has been talking sweetly in front of me. He lied to me that the soul fusion experiment would not affect my own will. Such remarks are really stupid , just look at your current appearance! I can know what kind of impact the soul fusion will have on me!"

Muchen paused, expressing subtle disapproval of Jin's speech, and sighed: "Although I have always insisted that my will has not been influenced by Amu, in the eyes of you and many others, it may not be Such."

Jin didn't want to start an unnecessary discussion with Mu Chen on the proposition of "sequelae after soul fusion", he silently calculated the time in his heart, and then said to Mu Chen: "What do you want me to write about? Just say it." !"

"You mean... do you want me to continue squeezing your surplus value?" Muchen asked.

"Nonsense!" Jin took a deep breath, "Do I have any other choice?"

"Okay, then do as I said." Mu Chen began to direct Jin, "First of all, let me introduce to you the partners who participated in the operation together. In addition to you and me, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue will also have their own tasks. And my younger brother Mu Xing... is the 'ex-marginal will'. There may be other characters joining, and Mu Qin or Zhou Yue will explain to you at that time."

"I need your cooperation, because for a long time after this, I will go to the present world and steal that alien's machine to make a suitable human body for you, which will waste a lot of my time, so I You can no longer play the role of 'commander', and you must do your best to cooperate with your partners while fighting on your own."

In the real world, Mr. He is preparing in his laboratory and office, just now his partner Ned sent him an urgent message.

Ned said he tracked down the thief who stole the crystal and followed him all the way into a forest nature reserve in the northern part of Estonia.

The thief was very prescient. He knew in advance that he would be followed, so he set a trap in the forest reserve early in the morning. He didn't know how to dig a tunnel under the hunter's cabin deep in the forest. , and also installed explosives in the tunnel!

Ned and others didn't know the truth, and led the team to follow the thief's footsteps into the tunnel, but the other party detonated a bomb, causing the tunnel to collapse. Ned and his party used the equipment they carried with them to set up the brackets. Although their lives were safe, they were still buried in the tunnel.

To make matters worse, since the tunnel is above a lake, the cracks opened by the explosives allow the lake water to seep continuously. Ned and the others were in a fault in the tunnel, and the lake water trickled down from above their heads, slowly filling their shelter.

The situation is very urgent. If they don't find a way to escape as soon as possible, Ned and his party will be drowned alive by the lake full of water in the tunnel.

So in desperation, Ned could only urgently contact Mr. He in the base for help. He asked Mr. He to bring a group of people over with digging equipment to help dig out Ned and others trapped in the tunnel.

The forest nature reserve where the thief is hiding is quite close to the experimental base of Ned and Mr. He. Mr. He is now leading the team to set off, driving on the highway at a speed of 120 miles, and can catch up in less than 20 minutes. Go to where Ned is.

But the excavation work may take longer than the rushing time. You must know that Ned and others are trapped in an underground tunnel near a lake, and the heavyweight lake water is pressing on their foreheads. It is self-evident that the more than ten people who accompanied him were rescued.

Using the computer in his office, Mr. He notified the directors of various departments at the base, asking them to gather in the conference room for an emergency meeting, discuss the establishment of an emergency rescue team, and find someone who is proficient in soil excavation to direct the work.

At this moment, the door of Mr. He's office was pushed open vigorously.

"Mu Qin!?" Mr. He looked up, immediately got up from his seat, and walked quickly to support Mu Qin who broke into his office.

Mu Qin is now physically weak, and his long-term sleep caused his muscles to atrophy. His strength should not have recovered so quickly. He should lie on his bed and rest.

"Why did you come to my place?" Mr. He looked at Mu Qin with a slightly reproachful look, but said gently, "Lie down and have a good rest!"

After finishing speaking, Mr. He glanced at the two assistants who came behind Mu Qin. He clearly ordered these people to take good care of Mu Qin. Can't they complete this task!

Mr. He's two assistants read the warning in the boss's sight, and lowered their heads aggrievedly. They also wanted to stop Mu Qin from running around, but Mu Qin ran so fast! It is hard to imagine that a patient who is so weak that his muscles are atrophied can have such a strong explosive power!

Mr. He sighed, knowing that it was useless to blame his two assistants, he simply comforted Mu Qin patiently: "What's the matter with coming to my place? If it was about capturing the prisoners earlier, I have asked Ned to people did it…”

"No, it has nothing to do with that!" After the eruption, his body was so weak that Mu Qin couldn't even stand still. He could only hold Mr. He's arm tightly to support himself, and at the same time raised his head to stare at Mr. He and said : "I just heard from your assistant... your partner named Ned is hunting down the thief who stole the crystal stone, right?"

"Yes..." Mr. He froze for a moment, and answered honestly.

"I know where the thief is!" Mu Qin held Mr. He's arm tighter, staring at Mr. He with fiery eyes, "I'll take you there."

Mr. He's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't ask Muqin where he got the information, and said directly: "But Ned and his team fell into the trap of thieves and are now trapped in an underground tunnel. I have to take people Go save them!"

"It's not a problem," Mouchin said. "You can give me another team. We will split up. You go to rescue Ned, and I will lead someone to catch the thief."

"Stop joking!" Mr. He supported Mu Qin to lean on him, and he refused without thinking, "You can't even stand firmly! Still want to lead the team to arrest people?"

Mu Qin smiled weakly at the corner of his mouth: "Don't underestimate me! Anyway, I am also from the army. Even if I don't have much combat power now, I can always be a commander."