Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 180: Resurrection 06┃ is on Mu Qin


Mr. He didn't know how to refute Mu Qin's insistence, so he simply greeted two assistants and asked them to push a wheelchair for Mu Qin and let him sit down properly.

Then he said to Mu Qin: "It's the first time I've seen a commander sitting in a wheelchair... Well, in fact, I'm not good at fighting. I'll ask Ned for his opinion. If he agrees, I will help You brought in an elite squad."

"Thank you, Mr. He." Mu Qin said sincerely.

"Don't thank me in a hurry, things are not yet settled." Mr. He returned to his desk and began to use the computer to contact Ned who was still trapped in the underground tunnel. Although Ned and others were more than ten meters away Underground, the communicator still works well and can receive signals.

After Mr. He contacted Ned, he briefed Ned about Mu Qin's request, and Ned on the video side asked in Russian: "Does he really know where the thief is?"

"Yes, I think he knows." Mr. He raised his head and glanced at Mu Qin again.

Ned, who was trapped, looked around at his companions. In the dim light, their faces were gloomy and heavy. In the dark and damp underground, there were constant drops of water dripping from the cracks in the soil layer and rocks above their heads. The accumulated water had already overflowed their calves, and there was not much time left for them.

"I can give him a team, but I don't trust him," Ned said. "I can't let the elites I have spent a lot of time and money to cultivate easily go into danger and let someone who doesn't know the bottom line command me." The team is at risk."

"Tell him, He Xian." Ned continued, "He can tell the whereabouts of the thief, and act as an assistant or consultant, but the main task of catching the thief and on-the-spot command can only be handed over to the team leader. Come."

Mr. He relayed Ned's words to Mu Qin. After hearing this, Mu Qin thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's fine, but I hope the team will take me along with me. I want to go with the team!"

"They can't guarantee your safety, especially if there is an accident in the process of catching the thief, the team members will ignore you even more." Mr. He tried to persuade Mu Qin, "You are inconvenient to move now. It's not easy to escape... Do you really want to follow in person? Or use the communicator for remote assistance?"

"I have to follow." Mu Qin insisted, if he didn't follow, how could he connect with Muchen

Mu Qin was so stubborn that Mr. He was very embarrassed. Mr. He asked Ned's opinion again, but Ned couldn't control so much: "If he wants to follow the past, follow him! I can't deal with these things now! He Xian, Did I gather the rescue team you organized?"

"We're already gathering, what about your side? How long can you last?" Mr. He entered the state.

Ned looked at the slowly rising water on his side, and replied: "In an hour at most, the water will completely submerge us, our equipment will be scrapped one by one due to flooding, and we will not even be able to inform you of our situation at the last moment." situation, so hurry up, please!"

Mr. He nodded, temporarily cut off contact with Ned, then stood up and started working. He asked his assistant to take Mu Qin away to make preparations. Give him some assistive equipment.

Back at the edge of the world, Muchen was talking to Zhou Yue. He was about to hand over a very important task to Zhou Yue, and only Zhou Yue could complete it.

"Next, I will give you the identity of the administrator, and I will also give you the identity of the marginal will." Mu Chen considered, "The administrator's identity is easy to say, but the identity of the marginal will is not easy to transfer, because this The thing is very similar to the 'king' of the Butterfly Throne, and the mechanism is also similar. In other words, you have to 'kill' me to get this identity."

"However, the 'killing' I'm talking about is not killing in the usual sense."

"The marginal will is protected by the world. Even if you stab me to death with a knife now, I will not really die. To really kill the marginal will, you must destroy my conscious body, which is my soul, and let me fly away that way of dying."

"But we all know that you can't really destroy me, otherwise the following plans will not be able to proceed normally, so we have to take some... special measures.

Zhou Yue asked: "What kind of method?"

Mu Chen unconsciously glanced at Mu Xing next to him, "When I took this identity from Mu Xing, I once 'killed' him in the name of A Mu, but at the moment of his death, I made another wish and shaped the identity for him. The new identity allowed his soul to be reborn."

"This behavior deceived the mechanism of the limbic system, allowing me to successfully obtain the identity of the marginal will. And you can also use a similar method to snatch it from me."

Zhou Yue frowned in disbelief and said, "What should I do? Do I want to make a wish for you too?"

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "I'm not a missing body like Xiao Xingxing or Mu Qin, it's useless for you to make a wish for me."

"And in today's fringe world, in order to make a wish come true, the person making the wish must have enough faith and spiritual power, especially if there is not much friendship between you and me. If the wish is not sincere, it will not come true."

"There must be enough friendship..." Zhou Yue thought for a moment, then suddenly asked Muchen: "Then if I make a wish for Mu Qin, will it come true?"

Mu Chen stared at Zhou Yue with deep eyes for a long time, and instead of answering, he asked with a smile: "Think about it yourself, if you make a wish to Mu Qin, will the wish come true?"

"It will." Zhou Yue said almost without thinking, "It will definitely happen."

Mu Chen smiled even more: "So you see, whether this wish can be realized or not, the parties involved know it well."

"Since I can't make a wish for you, what should I do?" Zhou Yue was puzzled, "It's impossible to really kill you, right?"

"Well... this is indeed a problem." Mu Chen pondered for a moment, then glanced at the little star beside him.

Mu Xing was also looking back at Mu Chen, the cute little Xing Xing dependently grabbed a corner of Mu Chen's clothes with his claws, and shouted in a small and soft voice: "Brother!"

Mu Xing looked at Mu Chen with sparkling eyes, coupled with the small gesture of calling out to his brother in a low voice, so cute that Mu Chen felt his heart was soft in a mess.

"Actually, I have an idea." Unable to resist the little star who is more and more able to play pitiful, cute and sympathetic in front of him, Mu Chen sighed and said to Zhou Yue, "This idea is quite risky."

"Let's be honest, no matter what idea we have, we have to try it now." Zhou Yue replied.

"Before I tell you this idea... Zhou Yue, let me ask you a question: how did you connect with Mu Qin?" Mu Chen suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

Zhou Yue was stunned for a moment, glanced at Mu Xing, and replied honestly after a long while: "Mu Qin and I were swallowed by Mu Xing at the time... well, Mu Xing was still at the edge of will at that time, and his consciousness was a giant. It's filled with the souls of more than a thousand people, and it's chaotic."

"So in order not to get lost in it, Mu Qin and I were connected spiritually through mistakes and built a bridge."

"About this... I'm really sorry, I'm sorry, Zhou Yue." Mu Xing suddenly apologized.

Zhou Yue was taken aback by Mu Xing's apology. Of course, he would not get angry because of this, and said with a smile: "No need to apologize... To be honest, the reason why I have such a close relationship with Muqin is that you facilitated it. thank you."

"At that time I thought..." Mu Xing seemed to want to say something, turned his head to look at Mu Chen beside him, and was a little embarrassed, "Forget it, don't mention it."

Mu Xing didn't say anything, but Mu Chen explained for him instead: "Mu Xing always thought that Mu Qin's memory fragments were on Mu Qin, so he thought that Mu Qin was his 'brother'."

Zhou Yue understood what Mu Chen meant, "You mean, Mu Xing has always mistook Mu Qin for you?"

"Yes." Mu Chen nodded helplessly and amusedly, "He mistook Mu Qin for Ah Mu and kept chasing Mu Qin for this reason. But he has a thin skin. Never admit that."

"I'll admit it... I'm not weak."

Mu Xing whispered to Zhou Yue: "Zhou Yue, let me tell you some facts first, I think you will be interested."

"Actually, after Amu made a wish to create me three hundred years ago, I realized at that time that he wanted to renege on this wish and obliterate my existence. I was very angry and didn't want to die, so I resisted fiercely and was with Amu. During the duel, he used some tricks to lock him up in the darkness at the bottom of the border world."

"I also ate the soul of his younger brother Ashin to get revenge on Ah Mu. I paid a lot of money to lock Ah Mu up at that time. In addition, as the creator, Ah Mu always wanted to go back on his wish, I As a result, its existence has become unstable.”

"Ashin is Amu's younger brother, and their souls have a strong bond, so I think that only by eating Axin can my soul be stabilized."

"But after eating Ashin, I suffered an unexpected impact." Mu Xing said with his head down, "Although the impact was not visible at the beginning, you can already see how serious it is now, right?"

"I don't admit that I am Ashin, but I am convinced that I am Ashin." Mu Xing felt a little awkward, "With this kind of contradictory mood, I became a marginal will. Brother... Let Amu out, that darkness has a draining effect on the soul, if you don't make a decision as soon as possible, Amu will die completely."

"I wanted to let him out, but I was very scared. I fought with my own entanglement for a long time, until three hundred years passed, and I finally tried to step into the dark cage, only to find that the cage was empty. "

"Amu's soul is gone, and there is nothing left."

At this moment, Mu Chen interrupted and said, "Actually, at that time, Amu's soul was taken away by aliens using the console, and it was used for experiments."

Mu Chen continued: "Before me, the aliens tried many times to fuse Amu's soul with other human souls, but they all ended in failure."

"I am the only successful experiment." Muchen spread his hands.

"That's true, but I didn't know at the time that the alien intervened and took Amu's soul away." Mu Xing frowned aside, "I thought Amu's soul had disappeared, but I felt that even if Even if it dissipates, there should be some traces left behind, I don't believe that Amu is dead, because if he is really dead, I, as the missing body born according to his wish, will definitely be able to feel it."

"But I don't feel anything, so I firmly believe that Amu is alive and has survived in some form."

"I guessed a lot, and finally thought that Amu's soul might be attached to a player in the fringe world to survive. I was very anxious and started to check all the players in the fringe world at that time."

"And it was at that time... Mu Qin's parents, Yu Sui and Mu Qingyun sent Mu Qin out of the fringe world in a way that even I didn't know. I speculate that this may have something to do with Mu Qingyun's identity as the 'guardian' .”

"Mu Qingyun is dead, and her husband Yu Sui is also trapped on the throne. I don't think they are a threat, so I don't care about this couple."

"I focused all my attention on Muqin who had been sent away. I connected the disappearance of Amu with the sending away of Muqin, and I firmly believed that Amu's soul was in Muqin's body. Chin."