Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 181: Back from the Dead 07┃Eat that person


"No wonder." After listening to Mu Xing's words, Zhou Yue suddenly realized, "So you started to use believers in the present world and fringe religions to help you inquire about Mu Qin's news, and you also tried every means to force Mu Qin to return to the fringe world —My father has some relationship with fringe religion, so you ordered my father to send me to Mu Qin's side."

"I was very, very jealous of you, Zhou Yue." Mu Xing said to him, "Although I can't correctly understand the feeling of 'jealousy'."

"I subconsciously believe that Muqin, who got Amu's soul, is the same person as Amu. So when I saw that Muqin liked you so much, I felt very uncomfortable and very irritable."

"So you should all know the next thing." Mu Xing bowed his head at this point, "Fortunately, now I understand that Mu Qin is not A Mu, which actually makes me breathe a sigh of relief."

Mu Chen next to him reached out and rubbed Xiao Xingxing's head, messing up his black hair.

Mu Xing didn't mind Mu Chen rubbing his hair into a chicken coop. He unconsciously covered his face with his hands, and said sullenly, "This is really... great."

"It's really great." Zhou Yue said with lingering fear, "If that ghost Mu's soul really escaped to Mu Qin's body and merged with Mu Qin, I would definitely be scared to death!"

"Hey! Respect me, okay!?" When Mu Amu Chen heard this, he immediately raised his hand in protest, "Amu isn't that bad! Look at me, I'm fine! "

Zhou Yue glanced at Mu Chen with cold eyes, and smiled perfunctorily: "You are fine."

This is exactly the look in the eyes of scum!

Mu Chen was not angry at all, he pressed his temple in a funny way, and said to Zhou Yue: "Okay, our topic is too far away, let's get back to the topic."

"Zhou Yue, I just asked you how the spiritual connection with Mu Qin is connected? And you answered me." Mu Chen said, "Now I want to ask you the second question, in the state of spiritual connection with Mu Qin Next, have you tried to 'swallow' Mu Qin away?"

Zhou Yue didn't understand the meaning of Mu Chen's question at all. He froze for a moment and asked inexplicably, "You said you want me to 'swallow' Mu Qin? What do you mean?"

"It's like me blending with A Mu's soul." Mu Chen pointed to himself, then pointed to Mu Xing, "Can you blend with Mu Qin's soul? Take Mu Qin's memory, emotion and even himself Eat them all, replace him, even become him."

"No..." Zhou Yue widened her eyes in horror, shook her head and said, "I can't do this!"

"Of course I didn't ask you to do this." Mu Chen smiled at him, "But I think you should have had this experience, especially when you first connected with Mu Qin."

Zhou Yue has indeed had this experience.

Fully merged with Muqin, soul, consciousness, emotion and memory are all mixed together. Although Zhou Yue and Mu Qin's "complete integration" did not take long, and they separated after less than a minute, the sensation was quite amazing.

Amazing experience...but also very bad.

No, it should be said that it is very, very bad!

Probably because Mu Qin and Zhou Yue love each other too deeply, perhaps this kind of relationship between the two can no longer be simply described as "love".

Their bond, indeed born of love, ends up in a dire situation.

Zhou Yue couldn't use any words to describe the thread between him and Mu Qin. That thread, which seemed soft and easy to break, was harder than steel.

From emotion, blood to soul connection.

So Zhou Yue knew that the "soul fusion" between them was a terrible and bad thing.

Because as long as either Mu Qin or Zhou Yue takes their guard a little bit lightly, they will indulge in the pleasure regardless of each other, and enjoy the satisfaction of filling the vacancy in each other's hearts.

Just like that forever fused together, really become the same person.

That is actually a very tempting idea, because Zhou Yue knows that as long as he does this, Mu Qin will belong to him forever, and he will never be able to leave him again. From now on, until death and even reincarnation, no matter where he goes , they will be together forever.

How nice it is! Have you not always longed so desperately? To be with Mu Qin forever, not to be troubled by any difficulties and obstacles, to really get him... devour him!

"Zhou Yue?" At the other end of the spiritual bridge, the person felt Zhou Yue's violent psychological changes and emotional fluctuations, so he asked gently in Zhou Yue's mind: "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou Yue stood in a daze, and Mu Chen at the side also saw some clues, and opened his mouth to bring Zhou Yue, who was wandering in the sky, back to reality.

"Are you alright?" Mu Chen stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue came back to her senses, opened her mouth to say something, but finally said, "It's okay."

Mu Chen looked at Zhou Yue with some questioning eyes, as if thinking of something, he suddenly smiled: "You don't really want to eat Mu Qin like I said, do you?"

Zhou Yue suddenly raised her head to look at Muchen.

Mu Chen spread his hands and said, "I can tell what you're thinking just by looking at your expression... Don't worry, this kind of thinking is normal."

"Did you know? Zhou Yue, soul fusion is also divided into fit. The higher the fit between two souls, the stronger the mutual attraction."

"On the contrary, if two souls with low compatibility are forcibly combined, the sense of rejection will be very serious. This situation is particularly troublesome. The severe sense of rejection will even make the two souls go crazy. The alien's soul fusion experiment failed. The main reason is also derived from this.”

Mu Chen shook his head: "But it's none of my business. When our plan is completed, you can eat your little Muqin however you want."

"The reason why I mentioned 'soul fusion' is mainly because it is related to my next plan."

"How do I... seize the identity of the marginal will without killing me? You only need to do the following—"

While Mu Xing was speaking, he stretched out his hand and pushed his lovely little Xing Xing to Zhou Yue, "First, Zhou Yue, you attack me. It is best to attack my soul with a mental attack and damage my soul."

"Afterwards, after my soul is damaged, I will let Mu Xing 'swallow' me through my spiritual connection with Mu Xing, which is what I just said about soul fusion."

"Immediately after Mu Xing ate me, my soul consciousness would be suppressed and eaten by him, as if I had disappeared."

"The 'disappearing me'-this situation is like 'the weak and collapsed death caused by the damage of the soul', which will deceive the judgment mechanism of the limbic system and make the system judge that I am dead."

"The inheritance model of marginal will is the same as that of the King of the Butterfly Throne. The system will choose the culprit who caused my 'death' as the next marginal will. Therefore, Zhou Yue, who attacked and weakened me to death, is the new 'god' gone."

Zhou Yue instantly understood Mu Chen's thoughts, and couldn't help agreeing: "I see, this is indeed a good way."

"Although the method is good, but..." Zhou Yue suddenly thought of the weird mentality he had just now, the mentality that strongly wanted to eat Mu Qin and become one with him.

"Would it really not affect you?" Zhou Yue looked up at Mu Chen and Mu Xing.

Mu Xing explained from the side: "Mu Chen and I are different from you. We are both products of forced soul fusion, so don't worry, we have a strong ability to control this kind of thing."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Zhou Yue nodded after hearing the news, relieved a lot, "Since the plan has been finalized—it's not too late, let's start!"

The alien glanced at the person in his hand.

This person's original name was Wulfta, and he was one of the members of the fringe religion. Jin manipulated Wufta's actions through possession, but now...

Jin's consciousness has left Wulftar's body and returned to the edge world.

Wolf Tower is worthless.

The aliens didn't kill Wulfta directly, but threw Wulfta everywhere... The aliens were very powerful, and after throwing it like this, Wulfta fell heavily on the ground and rolled around. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and the pain immediately woke him up from a deep sleep.

The waking Wufta looked dazed, and hadn't figured out the situation yet. He stood up and sat on the ground, looking up at the "alien" in front of him.

The alien still maintains the image of an "old man" at this moment.

"Who are you?" Wufta didn't understand why he appeared in such a strange place as soon as he opened his eyes, and was in the same room with a strange old man.

He immediately asked to find out his situation: "Where is this?"

The old man ignored him, and continued to bend over and move on a crystal table. The old man's ignorance made Wulfta, who was not very good-tempered, a little angry, so Wufta stood up and walked behind the old man.

Wulftar put his hand on the old man's shoulder and shouted, "Hey! Don't ignore me, what are you—"

He couldn't finish his sentence.

The old man raised his hand and pushed it lightly, seemingly unintentionally, and Wulfta flew out like that!

Wulfta who flew out hit a metal wall not far away. This hit was particularly hard, because the wall was even slightly dented by Wulftar's body.

Poor Wulfta slid off the wall and lay limp on the ground, life and death uncertain.

"Don't make noise, I'm busy." After knocking off the guy who got in the way, the alien began to talk to himself, "Your souls are so precious, I don't want to kill people if it's not necessary."

After finishing speaking, the aliens continued to use the crystal console to search for Jin's soul in the marginal world.

"Strange...how is it out of control?" The alien manipulated for a while, and seemed to encounter some obstacles, which made him frown displeased.