Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 184: Resurrection 10┃ is like magic


When Mu Xing rushed to the map of the throne where Jin was, Jin had been preparing for a long time, and at the moment he was hugging Mu Qingyun who was in a coma, and placed her on the throne.

Mu Qingyun has been in a coma for a long time. In order to act in front of Cruise, Mu Chen and Zhou Yue couldn't keep her in the original map of the throne, nor could they stay with Mu Chen, so they sent her to Jin early. , let Jin take care of him.

Taking advantage of Mu Chen's marginal will, Jin asked for a few tarot cards from Mu Chen. During the process of counting the cards, seeing Mu Xing appear, he asked, "How is it?"

"I need a little time." Mu Xing covered his chest with his hands, and said slowly, "It is used to repair Mu Chen, he was seriously injured."

Jin worried: "Is it serious? If Muchen loses his ability to move, then..."

"I'll take over from now on." Mu Xing said calmly.

Jin raised his head and stared at Mu Xing with deep eyes for a second.

Mu Xing noticed Jin's eyes and glanced at him: "Do you think I can't be trusted?"

"My thoughts are not important, as long as Muchen trusts you, then I can only trust you." Jin replied.

"If you cared about me because of the past, I can apologize to you now." Mu Xing took a deep breath unconsciously, "I'm very sorry, Jin."

"I don't need to apologize, it's useless, and you're not the only one who made a mistake." Jin shook his head, he didn't want to talk about it, "Let's talk about something meaningful."

"Alright." Mu Xing nodded slightly, took a step forward, and approached Jin.

On the small armored vehicle, six heavily armed mercenaries sat upright in their seats. Although there were only six of them, they were an experienced and vicious assault team.

The captain of this assault team is a Russian named Ivan. Ivan spoke English with a Russian tongue twist. Although the pronunciation was a bit weird, his articulation was unexpectedly clear.

At this moment, team leader Ivan was squatting in front of Mu Qin, put his hand on Mu Qin's shoulder, and asked in a worried tone, "Mr. Mu?"

Not long ago, Ivan and his team had to take Mu Qin, a "disabled person," into an armored vehicle. They had to arrive at the mission area within 20 minutes to carry out the mission of "catching thieves."

In this task of catching thieves, Muqin's duty is to guide and advise.

It's a pity that Mu Qin, the guide or consultant, didn't do a good job, because he could only sit in a wheelchair and was extremely weak. Before they set off, Mr. He urged Ivan and his team to take on the responsibility. responsibility to take care of Mu Qin.

Ivan was extremely dissatisfied and puzzled.

In his opinion, Mu Qin looked sickly, and was unable to take care of himself in a wheelchair.

Such "weak chickens" can't go to the battlefield with them at all, and obviously they only need to be remote guides. Their communication equipment is very sophisticated, coupled with the overall level and quality of the team, it is impossible to find the mission target location.

Bringing Mu Qin is like bringing a bottle of oil, and he is distracted to take care of the patients during the task, which is really annoying.

But Ivan is just a team leader, Mr. Ned is the commander-in-chief, and Mr. He is the second-in-command.

The commander-in-chief was not there, and Mr. He had the full power of commanding. Mr. He asked Ivan to bring Mu Qin to perform the mission together, and Ivan could not refuse.

Reluctantly, together with his partner, he moved Muqin and his wheelchair onto the armored vehicle.

Mu Qin immediately ordered the driver to let the armored vehicle go forward with the rescue team organized by Mr. He and the others, and listen to his command after arriving at the rescue point.

After saying this, Mu Qin lowered his head, nestled in his wheelchair and did not move.

Mu Qin's face was extremely pale, and his figure was very thin. He looked as if he was dead as he slumped on the wheelchair with his head down. If it wasn't for the slight heaving of his chest, Ivan and the others would really have thought he was dead.

Ivan and his companions exchanged glances with each other calmly, but no one said a word. They all sat in their seats without saying a word. There was silence in the armored vehicle, only the rolling sound of the wheels and the shaking of the carriage. .

Twenty minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and seeing that the rescue point was approaching, Ivan wondered whether Mu Qin should give them some hints and tell them where the thief was, so that the driver could change lanes in time.

So Ivan left his seat and walked up to Mu Qin a few steps. When he got closer, he found that Mu Qin seemed to be asleep, so he had to put his hand on Mu Qin's shoulder to try to wake him up.

He politely called "Mr. Mu" a few times, but Mu Qin didn't respond at all. Ivan became a little impatient, grabbed Mu Qin's shoulders and shook it twice, then raised his voice and shouted: "Mr. Mu!"

Under his shout, Mu Qin finally came to his senses. In the blink of an eye, his dark eyes showed some confusion, and he looked up at Ivan foolishly.

Ivan's heart trembled slightly, touched by Mu Qin's soft expression and blank gaze, he couldn't help holding his breath, and his tone became gentle: "Mr. Mu, are you okay?"

Muqin was suffering from a terrible headache at the moment, and Ivan's voice sounded like a low rumbling sound when some kind of liquid flowed in his ears. He couldn't hear it clearly, and asked instead: "What?"

"The rescue point is coming soon. We need to know the specific hiding place of the thief before we can plan how to go next." Ivan asked bluntly what he wanted to know.

"Yes... yes, I have to tell you where the thief is." Mu Qin was very confused. Just now, in order to support Zhou Yue in using that ghostly spiritual blade, he had to carry out mental linkage with Zhou Yue. It was so huge that Mu Qin couldn't support it.

The dizzy Mu Qin couldn't organize his words well. He wanted to tell Ivan the destination, but found that it was extremely difficult for him to even speak at the moment.

Really bad.

Mu Qin thought to himself that he was too weak. If I get to the spaceship of the alien Cruise later, I don’t know how to connect with Mu Chen, I can only rely on Ivan and his elite team in front of me...

If the rescue team organized by Mr. He can successfully rescue Ned and others who are trapped in the underground passage, they can also let them rest and help as a backup.

Thinking of this, Mu Qin raised his hand and grabbed Ivan's arm suddenly.

Muqin looks so weak now, Ivan didn't expect him to be able to move so swiftly, and the hand that grabbed Ivan's arm was very strong, Ivan only felt that his whole arm was pinched by Muqin I felt a dull pain.

"Destination... I can't tell..." Mu Qin intermittently, trembling and panting, "It's too troublesome, I use this method... tell you..."

"What way?" Iwan didn't understand Mu Qin's meaning for a while, and couldn't help staring at Mu Qin with wide eyes.

At the same time, Mu Qin also raised his head and looked directly at Ivan. The eyes of both sides were connected. At that moment, Ivan felt as if he saw the boundless and graceful starry sky through Mu Qin's dark and deep eyes.

In the next second, Ivan felt a sharp pain in his brain, as if something forcibly drilled a hole in his forehead and stuffed something into his brain.

Immediately afterwards, Ivan saw some pictures-roads, jungles, underwater passages and strangely shaped spaceships.

Seeing these pictures, Ivan's eyes widened in astonishment, and he even opened his mouth stupidly, looking stunned.

He reacted after being dazed for a few seconds, looked at Mu Qin suddenly, and said in a voice full of fear: "You just..." In some weird way, a series of memory images were stuffed into his brain.

It's like magic.

Mu Qin smiled miserably at Ivan, but didn't speak. It was difficult for him to stay awake, and he fell asleep again with his head down.

Seeing that Mu Qin was drowsy, Ivan didn't bother to wake him up, and knocked on the inner window of the armored vehicle cab to signal the driver to stop.