Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 185: Resurrection 11┃Very cold and silent


Mu Qin used an unimaginable way to directly implant the memory picture into Ivan's mind. From this, Ivan obtained some information, and possibly a small part of the emotions and obsessions that originally belonged to Mu Qin.

This is not just using the spirit to convey messages, but also a kind of spiritual suggestion. Although Ivan's own consciousness is very clear, he does feel a strange feeling entrenched in his heart.

This strange emotion did not belong to him, but he was driven by it.

Ivan did not question or become hysterical, he stopped the armored vehicle, and let the driver of the armored vehicle get out of the vehicle alone, so that the poor driver endured the cold under the cold moonlight, and walked forward to find Mr. He's rescue team to meet up.

And Ivan himself sat in the driver's seat of the armored vehicle, stepped on the accelerator and drove to the scene in Mu Qin's memory.

There is no one in the forest nature reserve, and even the chirping of insects and birds cannot be heard.

It is said that hundreds of years ago, an extremely tragic forest fire occurred in this forest nature reserve. The flames not only brought great disasters to the animals in the forest, but also destroyed many precious plant resources, causing soil erosion and air pollution.

The harsh consequences of the fire were gradually repaired through continuous tree planting and cultivation by the people in the surrounding area for hundreds of years, and finally this beautiful forest was restored to its most primitive form.

The armored vehicle finally stopped near a river deep in the forest, and Ivan had to park the car here because Cruise's spaceship, where their mission was located, was hidden under the water of the river.

The current is so fast and the water pressure is so heavy that it is impossible to enter that spaceship just by diving.

So they resorted to other methods, such as digging a hole in the ground near the river, digging through and connecting the underground passage that Cruise had arranged before, so that they could enter Cruise's spaceship.

Fortunately, the underground passage arranged by Cruise is not deep from the ground. As long as you find the right location and dig about seven or eight meters deep, you can dig through.

The armored vehicle had the excavating tools that Muqin had ordered in advance. With the help of six strong mercenaries including Ivan, it was not a problem to dig a passage.

The question is, when the tunnel is dug through, should Ivan and the others go in

Ivan and his team had previously been ordered to catch the thief who stole the crystal stone.

This is an ordinary task that does not seem to have any abnormalities. Mr. He who issued the task did not explain anything in advance. He only said that if something abnormal happened at the moment, he would listen to Mu Qin's full authority to arrange it.

I explained in advance that there was only this, and after I finished speaking, I threw them a bunch of weapons and excavation equipment, and let them drive out all the expensive armored vehicles.

From the very beginning of the mission, Ivan was able to detect the many traps inside, not to mention the weapons and equipment that far exceeded expectations, and he had to take care of Mu Qin, a "sick and disabled person", on the way, and finally the place where the thief was hiding... It was too much. Weird!

Mu Qin used a strange method to directly transmit a "memory data packet" to Ivan mentally, and the data packet contained the silhouette of Cruise's alien spacecraft.

Therefore, Ivan can be 100% sure that the thief who stole the crystal stone is hiding in this alien spaceship.

An alien spaceship!

Ivan felt horrified just thinking about it. Could it be that he... really wants to take his five good brothers who have lived and died together to the inside of an unknown flying object that has not been investigated beforehand

Or, they are actually the vanguard investigation team in the name of "catching thieves"

Should I contact Mr. He or Mr. Ned? Ivan stood at the entrance of the dug hole and thought about this question, but he quickly remembered the words Mr. He said before he set off.

Mr. He said: "Any unexpected problems that arise during the mission will be resolved to Mu Qin, and all will be under Mu Qin's command."

Ivan turned his head and looked at Mu Qin, who was still unconscious in the armored car.

Command a fart!

Look at the half-dead look of this guy! Ivan and the others can't bring a patient into the pit, can they

But if you are worried about leaving Muqin alone on the armored vehicle, you have to leave someone to watch Muqin and the armored vehicle.

The six-member team had to leave one member to guard Muqin and the armored vehicle, while Ivan took the remaining four people down to the weird alien spaceship to find out.

This configuration is actually quite good. In case something happens to them on the road or they encounter danger, they can also retreat in time and call the team members who stayed at the entrance of the cave to come and respond.

Ivan discussed with his teammates for a while, and they all felt that this plan was very good, so they appointed the thinnest Asian in the team to stay as a guard.

Ivan's elite team brings together people from four different countries. Ivan and another teammate are Russians, plus two Americans, one British and one Chinese-Korean mixed-race Korean.

Because Mu Qin is Chinese, Ivan and the others thought it would be better for Koreans of Asian descent to stay and guard them.

This Chinese-Korean mixed-race player also has a Chinese name, Zhang Ya.

Zhang Ya can speak Chinese, but the accent is a bit strange.

And he is better at speaking English than Chinese.

Zhang Ya's mother is Chinese, but he only lived in Hong Kong with his mother for a while when he was very young.

After her mother died of illness, ten-year-old Zhang Ya was taken to South Korea by her father, where she became a Korean citizen. At the age of twelve, he moved to Singapore with his father to do business. After the business failed, his father took Zhang Ya around the world to do some illegal business.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ya's father was in the illegal trade and was shot to death because of the conflict. Zhang Ya was sixteen years old at the time, and was taken away by a passing mercenary to be raised, and soon began a life of ups and downs.

More than ten years have passed, and Zhang Ya has almost never returned to South Korea, and never considers South Korea to be his motherland. He has passports and different ID cards in various countries around the world, both real and fake.

So to be precise, Zhang Ya should be considered a stateless person.

Two years ago, Zhang Ya met the current captain Ivan in Estonia, and the two had some common language. After that, Zhang Ya stayed in Ivan's team and became a member of the team.

It can be said that although he has Asian blood, he can speak simple Chinese and even has a Chinese name. But Zhang Ya has very little impression of China. Apart from Mr. He in the base, Mu Qin is the second Chinese he has seen in these years.

Ivan had already taken four teammates other than Zhang Ya to explore the cave. Zhang Ya, who stayed by Mu Qin's side, seemed a little restless. He frequently looked at the watch on his wrist and counted the passage of time.

The evening wind howled in the dark forest.

It was already around three to four o'clock in the middle of the night, and it was the darkest moment before dawn. The dense branches and leaves covered the night sky. Except for the light from the flashlight and the lights of the armored vehicles, the place was pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers.

Zhang Ya suddenly heard a groan in the silence, which startled him, and it took him a moment to realize that the groan came from Mu Qin.

Zhang Ya hurriedly went to the armored vehicle to check Mu Qin's condition.

Mu Qin actually woke up and opened his eyes in the wheelchair. When Zhang Ya turned on the lights inside the armored vehicle, he found Mu Qin staring at him.

"What time is it?" Mu Qin asked in Chinese.

Zhang Ya looked at his watch subconsciously, and subconsciously also reported the time in Chinese.

"How long have I been asleep?" Mu Qin asked again.

"It's probably less than half an hour since you fell asleep after talking with the captain." Zhang Ya replied. He was surprised to find that he was still fluent in Chinese, which he hadn't spoken for many years.

"Where's your captain?" Mu Qin glanced around, only Mu Qin and Zhang Ya were in the armored vehicle.

Zhang Yadao: "We dug through the underground passage, and the captain took the other four people down to investigate first—investigate the so-called alien spaceship? I don't know, at least that's what the captain said."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Mu Qin took a deep breath, supported the armrests of the wheelchair with both hands, and sat up straighter.

"You are very weak. The captain thinks it is not suitable to wake you up." Zhang Ya frowned slightly, trying to prevent Mu Qin from moving his weak body, but suppressed the urge.

Zhang Ya had no choice but to say indifferently: "You should take a good rest, the captain will be back soon."

"Do me a favor." Mu Qin raised a hand to Zhang Ya, "Help me up."

Seeing Mu Qin stretching out his hand for help, before Zhang Ya could react, his body had already taken the lead and reached out to support Mu Qin without hesitation.

Zhang Ya was surprised by his impulsiveness, and quickly dissuaded Mu Qin: "You should have a good rest."

"Help me up." Mu Qin repeated, in a commanding tone, with a firm tone that could not be refuted.

Zhang Ya felt that Mu Qin spoke very strangely.

For some reason, he felt as if he couldn't disobey Mu Qin's order. As long as Mu Qin spoke in that commanding tone, his body couldn't help but move on its own... He really helped Mu Qin up.

Mu Qin put his arm on Zhang Ya's shoulder, using Zhang Ya as a large crutch, and walked a few steps against him, feeling his numb body gradually warming up, and his consciousness recovered a little.

"Take me to your captain." After assessing his physical condition, Mu Qin ordered again.

Zhang Ya found that he really couldn't resist this man's order, and his body acted on his own initiative. He picked up some equipment and put it on Mu Qin's hand, and tied Mu Qin to his back with a seat belt. Then Mu Qin came to the hole they had dug before.

The cave was equipped with cables and pulleys for easy going up and down. Zhang Ya carried Mu Qin on his back, stepped on the steps hanging from the rope, and went down with a "shua".

Using the rope, he slid to the bottom and landed safely in the underground passage.

The underground passage was very cold and silent.