Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 187: Resurrection 13┃You are the most perfect


This is bound to be an unusual day.

Especially those players who chose to rest in the safe house instead of playing the game.

They are the most able to intuitively understand that things are gradually starting to be unusual.

As we all know, players who wander and survive in the fringe world are usually placed in safe houses by the system if they are not playing the game.

This so-called safe house is a very special superimposed space.

What is an overlay space

It may be difficult to describe in words, so let’s directly explain the result of superimposed space—in fact, it means that hundreds of thousands of players in the marginal world are all stuffed into the same safe house, but they can’t see each other .

They are in the same space, but they all think they are alone.

Only the walls in the safe house can show the fact that they are densely packed into a small space—the words carved or written on the walls can be seen by other players.

And this also creates a platform for players to communicate. They call the wall that can be engraved a "blackboard" and often leave messages to each other on the blackboard.

At the same time, the safe house has a self-healing function, and the words carved on the wall will slowly disappear after a period of time, which is conducive to the rapid communication and privacy protection of players.

But today, this unusual day.

All the players staying in the safe house discovered a strange thing!

I don't know who it was, but carved several lines of very huge words on the blackboard.

The font of each word is so huge that it cannot be covered with one hand.

These lines of words filled the wall, and the players who carved the words used special red paint to trace their own handwriting.

As a result, the entire wall seemed to be splashed with blood, and the bloody words were clearly and sharply printed on the eyelids of all the players in the safe house.

This passage reads:

—Hello to all players in the fringe world.

I'm the new god of the fringe who took office today.

Right now, this very moment! I will give you a chance to escape from the edge world and be born again. It will be possible for you to leave this terrible dream and return to reality to start a new life.

But I cannot entrust this opportunity to you one by one. It requires all of you to take action to seize it.

I am not merciful, so I will only give priority to those who are "powerful".

Next, I will close all the running games in the edge world, whether it is the player who is playing the game or the player who is about to play the game, you will be directly sent back to the safe house at this moment.

Your personal system will broadcast a countdown to you every minute, reminding you how much time is left. The countdown is four hours. After four hours, Rimworld will be reduced to nothing and all data will be erased.

And within these four hours, I will issue different tasks to you through each of your personal systems. If there are special conditions to be followed in the task, the personal system will remind you.

Only the priority players who complete the task perfectly can get the chance to "escape".

Thank you for participating in the death game on the edge of the world, which will be the final game.

This passage was bloody printed on the blackboard, and it didn't fade away with the passage of time. It always maintained bright colors and was placed in front of all players who could see it.

The entire fringe world seems to have been precipitated by the appearance of this passage.

The players who were communicating on the blackboard stopped writing. They were silent for a while, as if they were struggling to digest the facts.

Immediately afterwards, the blackboard that had been quiet for a moment erupted.

"what happened?"

"is this real!?"

"Is there any player who just entered the game and was bounced back? Come out and say something!"

"Yes... I am!"

"Me too, I was bounced back to the safe house as soon as I entered the game!"

"I was bounced back during the game... I was almost killed by a ghost..."

"... there is really a countdown, my system just told me the time!"

"3 hours and 58 minutes left."

"What to do? Does anyone know what's going on? How did it suddenly become like this!? Isn't the destruction of the fringe world in four hours really a joke!?"

"Don't worry, since the countdown has already started, let's wait for the task!"


Unlike the chaotic and noisy players in front of the blackboard, Zhou Yue is squatting in a safe room at the moment, holding a brush stained with red paint, looking at his masterpiece on the wall.

This passage was handwritten by Zhou Yue. Of course, he could ask the system to print this passage directly on the wall, but he still chose to write it by hand.

Cruise still surrounded Zhou Yue, observing Zhou Yue through the virtual screen, and said to Zhou Yue: "Are you really going to do this?"

Zhou Yue never gave him a bird.

Cruise said that he was very happy. He dissuaded Zhou Yue: "I suggest you better not do this. Even if you become a marginal will, you can't let these players out."

Cruise thought that Zhou Yue was the kind of player who wanted to escape from the edge world wholeheartedly. By chance, he fused his soul with others and was able to use the spiritual blade. Only then did he successfully kill the former edge will, thus obtaining the identity of a god .

After obtaining the god position, Cruise felt that Zhou Yue naturally wanted to leave the marginal world very much.

Of course, Cruise will not let Zhou Yue leave easily. He said triumphantly to Zhou Yue: "After becoming a marginal will, your soul is bound to this world. If the marginal world is destroyed, you will also be destroyed." followed by destruction."

"I know you really want to escape from this world, I can help you!" Cruise whispered in Zhou Yue's ear, "You have a very perfect soul, perfect and precious, so I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to use strong methods against you... I need your cooperation."

"As long as you are willing to cooperate with me to do some small experiments, I will release you from the marginal world, and I will create a perfect new body for you. You can go anywhere you want, and you can ask for anything. You can say it straight!"

This seemed to have finally moved Zhou Yue. Zhou Yue no longer ignored Cruise as before. He turned to face the virtual screen and asked, "Anything is fine?"

Seeing that Zhou Yue was willing to talk to him, Cruise was very excited and shouted: "Yes! You can ask for anything!"

"What if I say I want to kill you?" Zhou Yue tilted her head and stared at Kurus, her eyes were bloodshot.

Zhou Yue's words made Cruise puzzled: "Why do you want to kill me?"

"There is no other reason, just because I want to, so I will kill you." Zhou Yue is very casual, doing his own way.

Cruise actually lowered his head and thought about it for a while, then nodded, and said to Zhou Yue; "Yes, as long as you are willing to cooperate with my experiment, after the experiment is completed, I can let you kill me."

"I want you to die." Zhou Yue evoked a malicious smile and said emphatically, "You know I can do that kind of death."

Zhou Yue's words reminded Cruise of his spiritual blade, the power of which could definitely crush a person's soul.

Cruise thought of this, not afraid of being overjoyed, and became even more excited: "No problem, whatever you want!"

Zhou Yue narrowed her eyes and looked at Cruise, thinking that this is really a guy with a brain problem.

"You are not afraid of death..."

"Of course, I'm never afraid of death." Cruise puffed up his chest in front of the screen, folded his hands on his heart, and showed a subtle expression on his old face.

"I've lived a long, long time, maybe hundreds of years? Maybe thousands of years?" Cruise seemed to be thinking about his age, but soon he gave up thinking. "Oh, no way, I can't remember."

"But these are not problems." Cruise spread his hands, "Death is just another interesting journey for me. Even if my soul is gone, a part of me will continue to wander in this universe. In a corner, re-condense into a brand new me."

Cruise's definition of death seemed a bit novel to Zhou Yue, but it was not what Zhou Yue wanted to know. Zhou Yue calmly turned her head away from Cruise, and said at the same time: "Since this is the case, then I I still won't kill you."

Zhou Yue's sudden repentance made Cruise stunned for a second, and his expression froze for a second. Then Cruise came to his senses and asked in confusion: "You don't want to kill me? Or do you have other requests, no matter what they are? can... ”

"I don't want to make any demands on you." Zhou Yue interrupted him forcefully.

As she spoke, Zhou Yue raised her head to look at the words she had just written on the wall.

He smirked: "I never thought about escaping from the edge world, I want to stay here."

"No, no, no—" Cruise didn't understand what he meant, and Cruise shook his head in a panic: "You can't stay in this world, didn't I just say that? If the marginal world is destroyed, you will also be killed." destroy."

"So what?" Zhou Yue looked indifferent.

"You can't be destroyed!" Cruise's expression was a little ferocious, he clenched his fists unconsciously, and his tone was full of anger, as if he didn't understand Zhou Yue's thoughts.

But his emotions were only distorted for a second, and soon Cruise returned to normal, and once again dissuaded Zhou Yue with a gentle tone: "You are excellent, Zhou Yue. Such an excellent you should not die in such a place."

"I know what the world has done to you, it's trapped you here, it's made you miserable, and I'm the one who caused it."

"You can hate me as much as you want, just like you said just now, it's okay to kill me, I can satisfy you whatever you want." Cruise guided Zhou Yue step by step, "But you have to come out of there first ... You don't want to be trapped in such a small space until you die, do you?"

"Why do you care so much about my life and death?" Zhou Yue asked knowingly, his eyes flickered, and he said to Cruise pointingly, "Obviously you are not afraid of death yourself, but you are afraid of my death because I treat you Is it of unusual value?"

"More than that!" Cruise praised Zhou Yue, "Your value can no longer be measured by any unit! As long as I can succeed in you... Zhou Yue, you are the most perfect."