Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 188: Resurrection from the dead 14┃There is no second three hundred years


The flow of time in the edge world is different from that in the real world. In this weird dream world, an hour is equivalent to a minute in this world.

In other words, even if you have nothing to do in the fringe world, wandering, eating and drinking, wasting hours or even dozens of days, the real world outside is only a few hours past at most.

This mechanism means that players can do more things in the game, and their time is infinitely extended. This strategy of extending the time is also to enable players to play the game better.

Although in some cases, this is not a good thing.

It is worth mentioning that the safe house in the edge world is not the same.

In this small white room with overlapping spaces, its time flow is normal, just like the real world.

A minute passes in the real world, and a minute passes in the safe house. An hour passed in the real world, and an hour passed in the safe house.

This is Zhou Yue's real purpose. He wants to trap all players in a small space where the time flow rate is the same as the real world!

Immediately afterwards, in this small space, Zhou Yue would play games with these players.

He will issue some messy tasks for the players to do, and seriously monitor the actions and psychology of these players, predicting the next move of each player, pretending that he is doing something serious.

But monitoring this group of players is actually meaningless at all. The reason why Zhou Yue did this was to delay Cruise's time, and to divert Cruise's attention.

By the way, Zhou Yue also wants to test the players a little bit, pick a few good ones from them, and wait for Mu Chen or Mu Xing to go out to steal the bioprinter and print the bodies of the players, Zhou Yue will pick these good ones Players throw out to create chaos.

Kill three birds with one stone.

The strategy was very well thought out, but it was quite difficult to implement it. After all, Cruise kept turning on the virtual screen, staring at Zhou Yue from the side, which made Zhou Yue feel a lot of pressure.

Zhou Yue can only turn her back to Cruise, try not to talk or look at each other, and focus on the matter at hand, so as not to show any flaws.

As long as Cruise keeps staring at Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue lowered her head, her eyes flickering under her bangs. Then he looked up and witnessed the panicked communication and interaction of various players on the blackboard.

"You are the most perfect, Zhou Yue." While Zhou Yue was staring at the blackboard, Cruise on the next screen was still trying to talk to Zhou Yue.

"How can I be worthy of the word 'perfect'." Cruise's praise made Zhou Yue laugh at herself, "Even if you praise me like that, I won't listen to your order to get out of this world of."

"I said, I want to stay here." Zhou Yue's words were firm and unwavering.

Cruise's face became distorted again, and he said in a low tone: "Stay here? What are you doing here? Are you waiting to die?"

"You can think so." Zhou Yue stood up straight, approached the blackboard in the safe house, and touched the chaotic writing on it, "I want to destroy this place, along with myself... together."

"Why?" Cruise couldn't understand, he questioned loudly: "Don't you humans all want to live well?"

"I'm probably a different kind, so I don't want to live at all." Zhou Yue smiled, "I'm going to die here, dragging the whole marginal world into the water."

"Are you kidding me? Zhou Yue!" Cruise felt angry. Although he couldn't understand human emotions very well, he was using a human body now, so this kind of angry emotion came naturally. On his brain, no matter how hard he tried to suppress it, he couldn't stop the anger from spreading.

Zhou Yue noticed that Cruise's emotions were out of control, and he found this alien very interesting.

Because Cruise doesn't seem to be good at hiding his emotions, his emotions will be clearly displayed on his face. Cruise himself noticed this too, so he has been trying his best to restrain his emotions so that he can keep his face expressionless.

It's a pity that Cruise didn't do well... It can even be said that he did very poorly. This poor performance makes Cruise's expression become distorted and weird once he loses control of his emotions.

This is a guy who can easily lose control of his emotions - Zhou Yue judged so.

Probably because he wasn't originally human? So you are relatively new to the expression of human emotions? Coupled with being uncomfortable and not being able to properly express happiness or sadness

Thinking like this, Zhou Yue thought of an interesting thing.

Cruise and his race were originally a race without joy and sorrow. Due to the different development of civilization and technology, Cruise has long been completely accustomed to an emotionless mental state, and this habit has lasted for thousands of years. In the human shell, it cannot be completely changed.

The "calmness" without emotional fluctuations can indeed bring a lot of benefits to Cruise. When encountering difficulties and obstacles, Cruise can also rely on his own calmness to deal with them calmly.

The premise is that Cruise also has his own "body".

The body structure of aliens is different from that of humans. Before Mu Chen showed Zhou Yue and Mu Qin his memories, Mu Chen’s memories showed the appearance of aliens. Although the appearance of aliens is similar to that of humans, So a little bit similar, it is also an upright walking creature, but there are still great differences.

The reason why aliens such as Cruise can use spiritual communication without any obstacles should more or less have something to do with their body structure... especially the brain structure.

Zhou Yue remembered that the heads of these aliens were very large, with a long convex back, and many strange tubular bodies growing on them, and these tubular bodies were connected to the spine on the lower back. Also because their brains are so big and heavy, they have an extra tail for balance.

In the eyes of humans, this is a particularly strange body structure.

However, it is very possible that it is because of this strange structure that these aliens have developed brain intelligence, maximized abandonment of emotions, strengthened spirits, and used spiritual communication. At the same time, they have evolved into a social system with the theme of spiritual communication.

The human body and brain are completely different from these alien creatures. At least the brain of a normal human being is extremely emotional. People's life behaviors, social behaviors, words and deeds are all related to people's EQ.

So the question now is, what does Cruise look like as an emotionless alien with his soul shrunk inside a human shell

Zhou Yue stared at Cruise for a while. Looking at the distorted expression on the other person's face, he understood a little. This is actually a problem of hardware mismatch and incompatibility. Cruise's soul cannot be compatible with the human body. .

That's why he behaved so weirdly, and he was eager to implement his soul fusion experiment to solve the problem caused by the fusion of two souls as soon as possible.

As long as the repulsion that occurs when souls are fused can be removed, Cruise will be able to fuse the souls of the same race with the souls of humans without any scruples. resurrection on earth.

Is that so, is that so

Zhou Yue squinted her eyes, unconsciously revealing a bit of cunning.

That said, the guy will be in a hurry because he's running out of time. Incompatible spirits and bodies are forcibly matched, and they will definitely wear each other out. Even if the body can be replaced, the damage to the soul cannot be easily removed.

The reason why Cruise wanted to carry out the soul fusion experiment, and the reason why he did everything possible to cultivate suitable experimental materials, was not just to save his kin...

Also to save himself.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Yue had already figured out a lot. Although most of it was Zhou Yue's own guess, he thought he might as well try it out in this direction.

Zhou Yue said to Cruise: "Do you want me to get out of the marginal world that much?"

"It's not that I think, it's that you have to come out!" Cruise seriously emphasized, looking a little crazy, "You have to survive, Zhou Yue."

"But I don't want to go out, what should I do?" Zhou Yue pondered.

"Then I'm going to have to use some tough stuff, even if it hurts you," Cruise said.

Zhou Yue changed her mind, showing a hint of displeasure on purpose, and then said with a smile: "Although I don't know what your so-called tough tactics are, are you not afraid that I will commit suicide directly in front of you now? I am very capable of killing people. Strong."

Cruise clenched his fists, obviously being caught by Zhou Yue. He was really scared, afraid that Zhou Yue would run to commit suicide before he forcibly pulled Zhou Yue out of the marginal world.

That's very troublesome... no, it's just terrible! Cruise knows that it is difficult to find another perfect experimental material like Zhou Yue!

Moreover, Mu Chen had already been killed by Zhou Yue. In a short time, Cruise could not create a second Mu Chen as a reference. If you miss Zhou Yue now, how long should you wait next time? He didn't have another three hundred years to spend.

"Why do you have to think about dying? Zhou Yue, what are you dissatisfied with!?" Cruise still tried to soften Zhou Yue's attitude.

"There is no dissatisfaction." Zhou Yue said, "It's better to say that I am very satisfied. I enjoy everything I get in this world, and then I think I should use death to draw a perfect end to them."

"Is there really no room for it?" Cruise stared at Zhou Yue's reckless appearance, hateful and helpless, he said, "If you insist on this, then it seems that I still have to use some extraordinary means , even if you can only get some fragments of your soul in the end, it is still worth it."

"Wow! It's scary!" Zhou Yue pretended to be scared, trembling with her hands folded over her chest.

He just pretended, and soon returned to normal, and continued to grin at Cruise, "Well, since you want me to help you with that bloody experiment so sincerely, there is no room for discussion between us. "

"What do you want?" Cruise was already very annoyed, even if Zhou Yue let go now, it didn't make Cruise happy, he glared at Zhou Yue suspiciously, he thought Zhou Yue might do it on purpose The purpose of forcing him to get angry is to test his bottom line.

Even if he knew that he was being tricked and played like a monkey, Cruise could do nothing. For the first time, he realized that he was inferior to these cunning humans in some aspects.

"Give me some time, Cruise." Zhou Yue imitated Mu Chen and called Cruise's name.

"I finally became the 'Master God' of the fringe world. I haven't had a good experience yet. You want me to go out from here. It's really a pity."

"That's all?" Cruise felt that Zhou Yue must be endless.

"Of course more than that." Sure enough, Zhou Yue pushed forward, "Cruise, I want you to come with me."

Zhou Yue's words stunned Cruise, "With you?"

Zhou Yue took a sudden step, leaving from the edge of the blackboard engraved with bright red characters, and approached the virtual screen floating not far away. He walked up to the big screen and looked at Cruise at the other end of the screen: "I I want you to come into the border world and play a game with me... "