Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 189: Resurrection 15┃A more real and cruel world


Only by firmly controlling Cruise can the boulder hanging in Zhou Yue's heart fall to the ground.

It's not enough just to attract Cruise's attention, who knows if the alien will suddenly change his mind and choose to leave Zhou Yue here and go about his own business on a whim.

If this is the case, then what is the use of Zhou Yue's delaying tactics

So Zhou Yue had to find a way to "catch" Cruise.

After thinking about it, it seems like a good plan to lure him in to play games with him.

Sure enough, after Zhou Yue made this request, Cruise bowed his head and thought for a moment, then nodded to Zhou Yue on the screen. After all, he valued Zhou Yue very much, and Zhou Yue's request... At least on the surface, there was nothing excessive about it.

"I can go in and play that game with you." Cruise still had some vigilance and doubts, and asked, "But you have to tell me what kind of game it is first... I have to make a little preparation for this."

"You still have to make preparations?" Zhou Yue was horrified, and then said with a mocking smile: "Aren't you supposed to be omnipotent? It's just a simple game, why bother Woolen cloth?"

"I don't know what you're thinking, Zhou Yue." Cruise stared at Zhou Yue intently, "Your hearts are always full of secrets that I don't understand or understand."

Zhou Yue understood the meaning of Cruise's words, and also knew the concerns in the other party's heart. So Zhou Yue didn't refute, and spread her hands to express her indifference: "Okay, since you don't want to believe me, then..."

"It's actually not difficult, Cruise." Zhou Yue said, "After all, I'm different from you. I consider myself a 'kind' person, so I won't let you play any killing games with me."

"I just want you to come in... and get in touch with the players here."

"This world created by you, these people imprisoned by you, don't you want to experience it, witness it with your own eyes, and see what they look like?"

Holding Mu Qingyun, who was still sleepy, Jin fixed her on the throne, several thorns wrapped around her body, and Jin pulled out the thorns one by one.

Using the pile of cards that Mu Chen gave him before, Jin Chenggong and Mu Qingyun switched places, letting Mu Qingyun temporarily replace Jin to sit on the throne.

At the same time, Jin also activated the defensive "enchantment" that Mu Chen had set up for him in the throne map early on. At least for a long time, this throne map will become a small barrier, and the edge system will not monitor it. And Mu Qingyun will spend a long and deep sleep in the safe barrier.

"How's it going?" Jin, who had set everything up, turned to ask Mu Xing who was resting in the corner.

Mu Xing sat on the ground with his head bowed and his hands covering his chest. He was panting slightly, dripping with cold sweat, and looked in unbearable pain.

Then he shook his head slightly at Jin, and replied: "No, Mu Chen is injured too badly, he needs to sleep for a while... Sure enough, I have to take over this task."

"Okay, I get it. But at least it turned out as you expected, right?" King asked.

"Yes, you just need to act according to the plan." Mu Xing took a deep breath, as if something was brewing.

Not long afterward, Mu Xing raised his head to look at Jin, "I'm ready, come on."

According to the designed blueprint, Mu Chen should have gone to the present world at this moment to steal the alien Cruise's machine—a machine that basically has the same function as a "3D bioprinter".

But Mu Chen was still seriously injured, and the power of the spiritual blade was beyond imagination. Fortunately, they also expected this situation, so they could only come up with a backup plan, and Mu Xing stepped forward to replace Mu Chen's duties.

Mu Xing and Mu Chen are connected spiritually and share some of their memories, so when Mu Xing arrives in this world, he only needs to act according to the memory Mu Chen gave him and everything will be fine.

But in fact, this is the first time for Mu Xing to leave this world that has trapped him for three hundred years, and go to the real world that he has always dreamed of.

What kind of feeling this is, Mu Xing can't tell, he tried his best to escape from the marginal world before, but he couldn't do it no matter what. Now he let nature take its course and no longer insisted, but got the opportunity easily.

If you plant flowers deliberately, the flowers will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will make shade.

Because of this, Mu Xing felt an indescribable excitement and panic in his heart, but Jin in front of Mu Xing could not feel this kind of complex and contradictory emotions, nor could Mu Chen who was sleeping in Mu Xing's body.

He could only suppress himself silently.

At this time, Jin followed Mu Xing's words and started to act. To let Mu Xing go to the real world, naturally he can only be killed by the body he is currently inhabiting, and Jin is the most suitable executioner on the scene.

Since Mu Xing is no longer a fringe will... Mu Chen is no longer, their current identities are similar to "black households" in the fringe world, they are not registered by the system, and as long as they are killed, they can leave here quietly.

Jin's hand holding the knife trembled a little.

His mood is also very complicated, because his current situation is inexplicably similar to Mu Xing's.

Not long ago, Jin was just a puppet under the control of Mu Xing. He stayed in the fringe world for several years, helping Mu Xing to do things during the period, as Mu Xing planted a force among the players.

In order to protect his own consciousness, Jin even made himself develop a "superficial personality". As long as this kind of personality feels the approach of Mu Xing's spiritual power, it will subconsciously activate, making Jin a somewhat crazy believer.

Mu Chen's intervention changed everything. Mu Chen obliterated Mu Xing, who was a marginal will, and reshaped him.

The reshaped Mu Xing no longer has the huge, distorted and daunting ideology before, nor the cold and chaotic power. As long as Jin can't feel this power, the superficial personality will not be triggered.

Probably won't trigger again in the future.

Thinking of this, Jin felt a little ironic. This "god" he had always hated and feared was now in front of him, becoming a lamb waiting to be slaughtered under his hands. This scene is extremely ironic.

Of course Mu Xing would not resist. He knelt on the ground, lowered his head and closed his eyes, and folded his hands on his chest. His and Jin's identities seemed to be reversed, as if Mu Xing was the real "believer" at this moment, and he was using the most A humble gesture, praying to some great deity.

No, in this world... there are no real gods.

Jin clenched the knife tightly, stretched out his left hand to hold Mu Xing's shoulder, raised the knife slightly with his right hand, and said to him in a low voice: "I offended... Don't worry, it will be over in a moment."

It's really just a moment.

Although sometimes, Mu Xing would feel that this moment was infinitely elongated, and his consciousness was like duckweed floating in the ocean, drifting away with the waves.

Then he awoke, and came—reality.


Mu Xing opened his eyes wide in a trance, looking at the surrounding environment. He found himself lying in a "crystal coffin", and some parts of his body were inserted with thin hoses.

This so-called crystal coffin is actually a petri dish used by those aliens to preserve their bodies. It is filled with an unknown transparent liquid, which is colorless and odorless, and seems to be ordinary water.

But if it is ordinary water, it cannot be easily inhaled into the lung circulation and exhaled again.

Mu Xing looked at the body he had now. It was not his body. It should have belonged to Mu Chen. It had been kept here by the alien Cruise decades ago, and it was in a long-term semi-frozen state. state.

The growth and metabolic cycle were delayed, and this body retained its youth. Coupled with the maintenance of those unknown liquids in the crystal coffin, it did not weaken due to long-term inactivity, and was still full of vitality.

Clenching a fist a little, you can even see the protruding tendons and blood vessels on your wrist when you exert force.

Mu Xing couldn't describe his feelings at the moment, is this the real world? Is there any difference from Fringeworld

Mu Xing pressed his hand on the transparent glass of the "coffin", and felt the icy temperature of the glass. Using his eyes with good eyesight, he could see that there were countless coffins arranged neatly outside his own coffin.

Some are placed on the ground, and some are suspended in mid-air. Each coffin is connected with some thick pipes, and there are vaguely human bodies in the coffins.

Here is the reality. I went from a dream... to reality.

Perhaps it was the detection of Mu Xing's awakening, the crystal coffin that closed Mu Xing seemed to have activated some function, and the unknown liquid inside began to descend with a clatter, and the liquid flowed through the water outlet under the coffin.

When the liquid drained away, the door panel of the crystal coffin opened automatically, and even the hoses inserted into Mu Xing's body fell off automatically, but there was no bleeding, and there was only a red mark where the hose pierced.

Mu Xing, who was completely naked, was stunned for a second, then crawled out of it, and took the first breath of fresh air from the real world.

The lungs are convulsing, and the fluid left in the lungs is bubbling from the mouth and nose.

Mu Xing couldn't help coughing, but he covered his mouth and nose and didn't dare to cough too loudly. He always felt that the sound would attract something or wake up the creatures in the coffins that filled the hall.

But in fact, his cough didn't disturb anything, and the surrounding area was still silent, and the light tube above his head was shining with suitable light, neither dazzling nor too dim.

Mu Xing finally realized the difference between the real world and the marginal world.

Mu Qin, Zhou Yue, and Mu Chen have all lived in the real world, and they probably don't feel much of it, but Mu Xing, who has always been born and lived in a marginal world, can actually feel this subtle difference.

The body is heavier.

Mu Xing looked at his arm and moved his leg again.

It feels colder to the touch.

The bare soles of the feet touched the cold floor, and the biting cold hit the heart.

The light is more natural.

Mu Xing looked up at the light above his head, as if seeing this kind of light for the first time, his eyes were full of surprise.

Yes, this is indeed the real world, a more real and cruel world.