Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 19: Iris 19┃I... love you very, very much


Mu Qin really felt that his eyes had been opened, and he couldn't wait to ask Zhou Yue about the effects of other tarot cards, as well as the difference between the upright and reverse positions of the tarot cards, but before Mu Qin could ask, the two of them suddenly Heard some noise from outside.

Because the rain had stopped at night, the environment became deep and quiet, and even the slightest noise was very obvious, so both Mu Qin and Zhou Yue instinctively kept silent, turned their heads and looked outside the door.

Zhou Yue carried Mu Qin up to the third floor of the apartment building before, but now the noise seemed to be coming from downstairs.

Zhou Yue walked quietly to the door of the room and listened for a while, then turned her head and whispered to Mu Qin: "Honey, I don't want you to leave, but you'd better not stay with me now, you go find someone else, I will Go it alone."

Mu Qin was a bit reluctant: "But..."

Zhou Yue still smiled at Mu Qin: "You can try to protect others, but I will hunt them down without hesitation. Except for you, everyone else in this orphanage will die."

When Zhou Yue said this, he was smiling, or it could be called a smirk, his attitude was very serious, and he seemed to have such awareness... the awareness of becoming a murderous executioner. Because of this awareness, he can give up his principles and beliefs without any scruples.

"What is the standard for the game system to kill you? If you don't kill everyone, you will die, or do you only need to kill some people? And... If you didn't kill people, how will the system judge?" Mu Qin specifically wanted to know this .

Zhou Yue replied simply: "If there are less than two, I will die. Exactly two meet the standard, but I don't have any reward points to get. If a person dies but I didn't do it, it can only be counted as half of my head. "

Mu Qin felt a little uncomfortable when he heard the words, and bit his lower lip: "This is forcing you to kill people."

"The system forces me to kill people, but you don't have to do it." Zhou Yue seemed to be signaling Mu Qin, "I don't want you to deliberately betray others in order to help me. Mu Qin, if you feel uncomfortable, please do so in the following Time, do what you can to help your teammates and stop me."

Mu Qin didn't speak. He stared at Zhou Yue for a while, with mixed feelings in his heart. After hesitating for a long time, he finally sighed silently and said to Zhou Yue: "I understand. No matter what, we will meet again later. See, I won't recognize you again."

"That's it." Zhou Yue said softly and gently, "Treat me as an enemy, Mu Qin, I don't mind, but I like you, I... love you very, very much."

Mu Qin couldn't continue to listen to Zhou Yue's words. He walked out of the small and empty room quickly without turning his head, and left the room where Zhou Yue was.

When Mu Qin left, Zhou Yue watched his back go out. When Zhou Yue couldn't see Mu Qin's back at all, Zhou Yue lowered his head and continued to play with his death card disguised as a fool's card. Then he suddenly took it out of his pocket. He took out another tarot card, looked carefully, and found that the tarot card that Zhou Yuexin took out was a dirty-looking card, and the face of the card was the reversed fool. It was picked up by Zhou Yue.

Then Mu Qin walked to the stairwell on the third floor, and quickly went downstairs. When going down the stairs, he did not deliberately lower the sound of his footsteps, but went downstairs quickly, so he soon met The person making the noise downstairs.

As Mu Qin expected, it was Xu Fu.

It seems that Xu Fu came to the infirmary on the first floor of the apartment building to find some medicine. His leg was injured as Mu Qin expected. He seemed to be clamped by himself with a wooden board, and now he was wrapped in a white bandage.

When Mu Qin and Xu Fu met, Xu Fu just came out of the infirmary. He may have noticed the intricate blood stains all over the floor, and the inside of the infirmary that was turned upside down. He also heard Mu Qin's hurried voice when he went downstairs. The sound of footsteps, Mu Qin didn't know what Xu Fu was thinking in his heart, Mu Qin's mind was full of Zhou Yue who was still upstairs.

Mu Qin thought of what the other party said when he and Zhou Yue parted, took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. At this time, Mu Qin had to pretend that he had never met Zhou Yue before, and didn't know the identity of Zhou Yue's killer. At this time, Mu Qin always thought that Xu Fu was the killer, so...

When Mu Qin saw Xu Fu, he quickly put on a defensive posture, because Xu Fu was standing at the top of the stairs, and Mu Qin couldn't go up the stairs, so he could only stand on the stairs and stare at Xu Fu.

Xu Fu didn't come forward to attack Mu Qin, but stood on the spot and looked at Mu Qin. After the two looked at each other for a while, Xu Fu spoke first and said, "Calm down, I have something to discuss with you."

Mu Qin replied unceremoniously: "Are you discussing how to kill me?"

"I'm not a killer." Xu Fu argued for himself, "You are all newcomers, and there are still many things you don't know about this game. I'll tell you the information, and it won't be too late for you to make a judgment after hearing it."

Mu Qin didn't compromise so quickly, it was unnatural to compromise too quickly, so he frowned and looked at Xu Fu: "You just killed Cheng Guoxu, and now you are still sophistrying that you are not a killer? I don't believe every word you say, If you're going to do it, it's best now!"

Perhaps Xu Fu knew that it was not so easy for him to convince others, so he tried to be patient and said: "In this game, players who are not killers will deduct reward points for killing each other."

"Your words have further verified your identity as the killer!" Mu Qin made his defensive attitude more obvious, and he took a few steps back.

Xu Fu seemed to have a headache, he rubbed his temples and said: "I mean... I think you should have noticed that players who enter this game basically have a criminal history, that is to say, entering this game People in the strange world are all sinners. And one thing in common is that you are all connected to this orphanage."

Mu Qin listened to Xu Fu's words, and showed a thoughtful look slightly, and lowered his defensive attitude. Mu Qin replied: "Yes, I can see this too...Why? You have to ask me before Have you ever committed any crime?"

"I have nothing to do with any crimes you committed before." Xu Fu said, looking Mu Qin up and down, and said, "But I know the crimes committed by Cheng Guoxu. This guy is a serial murderer who tortured and killed children. The orphans in this orphanage were killed. One of the children he killed was my sister. My sister was abducted by human traffickers before, but later the human traffickers were detected by the police, and more than a dozen abducted children were rescued. The police did not find out my sister's biological parents and place of birth in the first place, so they could only temporarily send her to an orphanage, but when my family found her, my sister had already been killed by this murderer."

Xu Fu said a long series of words, and at the end he seemed to be gnashing his teeth a bit: "My parents were so angry that they both died of illness after seeing my sister's body. After that, I have been tracking down the trace of this murderer for more than ten years, but because of conflicts with others I started fighting and beat someone to death by mistake, so I went to prison. Thinking that my sister’s murderer hadn’t been found yet, I was so anxious that I finally tried to escape from prison, but it didn’t work, and I was directly shot dead by the police.”

"So, you killed Cheng Guoxu in this game, did you finally avenge your sister!?" Mu Qin deliberately frowned to express his disbelief: "The family members of the murderer and the murderer appeared in the same game In the same map, such a coincidence that seems like a fantasy, do you think I will believe it?"

"I don't know why this happened." Xu Fu said seriously to Mu Qin, "But it's true, most of the maps in this game are based on buildings or scenes that have existed in the real world, and people who enter this map People are definitely related to this map. I don’t know if it will be the same in the future, I only experienced two game reincarnations.”

Mu Qin suddenly thought of Zhou Yue. Is Zhou Yue also related to this orphanage

Or it is just because Zhou Yue and Mu Qin have a relationship, so they entered the orphanage map with Mu Qin because of the joint relationship, just like Qiu Zijia, Qiu Zijia and the Iris Orphanage are not directly connected, just because The elder brother who was killed by Qiu Zijia was an orphan in this orphanage, so he came in.

"Don't you know why everyone has something to do with the map?" Mu Qin seemed convinced by Xu Fu's words.

Xu Fu expressed his conjecture: "I think... probably the game system is deliberately creating conflicts."

"Creating conflicts?" Mu Qin suddenly understood Xu Fu's meaning: "You mean that this game intentionally lets people like us who are connected to the map come in, not only let killers hunt them down, but also let them kill each other?"

"I think so. If we have conflicts and conflicts, we will distrust each other, suspect each other, and even kill each other. The game reduces our chances of uniting to deal with killers. It may be for the balance of the two hostile parties... After all There is only one killer, and we have five."

"Okay." Mu Qin said, "Thank you for telling me the information, but you didn't come up with any concrete testimony that you were not the killer. Even if you killed Cheng Guoxu because of personal grievances, the body that died on the stairwell Didn't you kill it?"

"Corpse?" As soon as Mu Qin said, Xu Fu seemed to remember, and suddenly looked up and down the stairwell: "That corpse is gone!?"

"You don't know?" Mu Qin pretended to be surprised, "I thought someone dragged the body away, so I just went upstairs to check, but I didn't see anyone..."

"No, it wasn't dragged away!" Xu Fu looked at the messy bloody footprints on the ground... and then looked at the series of footprints in the infirmary. The scour of the fire became dimmed, but Xu Fu still saw the clue, "That guy left by himself!"

Mu Qin slowly led the topic to the direction he wanted, and expressed his astonishment to Xu Fu: "The corpse will stand up and walk by itself!?"

"You don't understand!" Xu Fu became a little anxious, "In this game, only killers have the function of resurrection."

Mu Qin dared not believe it: "You said... the killer will be resurrected!?"