Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 192: Resurrection 18┃Struggling... Is there any point?


Cruise believes that Zhou Yue specially organized this game to allow players in the marginal world to make wishes, and to win card points from each other by making wishes.

Wishing on the edge of the world has a special meaning.

Deep down, wishing is the pillar of this dream world, and wishing is the food that supports and continues the existence of the world.

On the surface, making a wish is a very simple act.

Any player can make a wish. They can think about it in their hearts, or say it with their mouths, and express what they want and dream of in some way—even if they don't express it.

As long as the desire is strong enough, then their dreams will come true.

But how to make desire strong

This requires an ingenious opportunity and a simple guide.

That's why Zhou Yue released a death video to all players, telling them that the fringe world will be destroyed in four hours, and the fear brought about by death will motivate the players to make wishes, and their desire to survive will reach its peak at this moment.

In order to survive, grab other people's cards by any means.

No props, no weapons, no skills, players lost everything.

Only one's own will can become the only blade of all players in the marginal world, and only those who hold this blade can survive.

Cruise likes this game, even though he thinks he is doomed not to be the winner in this game, because he can't make a wish.

Human desires come from desires. Some people want money, some people want power; some people like to travel the world and become famous all over the world, and some people want warmth, stability, love and family.

In order to satisfy that heart full of holes, everyone has paid an innumerable price.

But this has also played a positive role. In order to satisfy their hearts, people are working hard and greedily climbing up, and this has promoted the development of human civilization and even the progress of science in disguise, enabling the continuation of human beings on earth. to date.

But the Cruise family has no such desire.

The Cruz family has a collective consciousness, which means that they have no privacy, share resources, and share weal and woe with each other. It is a utopian society in the true sense, that is, utopian socialism.

Beauty, equality, and no oppression are like paradise.

Their world sounds really good, so good that competition and fighting have been eradicated by them.

But we all know that once a creature loses the ability to compete and kill, and loses the animal nature in its bones, it is tantamount to being eliminated by the environment.

Even if you get "eternal life", it can't stop the decay from inside.

So Cruise doesn't wish, he doesn't have that urge, at least not before.

Live or die... neither is what he wants.

But now, he does have something he wants, he wants to revive his species, he wants to inject vitality into these decayed souls... I am afraid that he has already realized the fundamental crux of his species.

So what Cruise wants is not only the human soul... but also the animal nature in the human soul, which must be a powerful booster that can instantly give Cruise the entire race a perfect new life.

For this wish, he felt that he had achieved more than half of it.

There are more than a thousand active player souls in the fringe world, all of them are perfect. And the souls of those dead and eliminated players were temporarily imprisoned, sleeping in the bottom dark world.

Although these are inferior products, they are much better than ordinary people.

Cruise intends to use these player souls as the first batch of "boosters." Once his soul experiment is completely successful, he can use these human souls in the marginal world as medicine and inject them into his kind.

But there is still a short distance to go before the complete success of the soul experiment. Originally, Cruise wanted to test it on Jin, but Zhou Yue was killed halfway...

However, Zhou Yue looks much more perfect than Mu Chen's experimental product!

Cruise wants to obtain Zhou Yue's soul data in order to help him obtain better experimental results in the next experiment. The premise is that Zhou Yue must actively cooperate, otherwise the experiment will not be easy.

Let's end it quickly.

Cruise stood in front of the blackboard in the safe house, looking at the messy players leaving messages on the blackboard, thinking silently in his heart.

He can't wait to end this inexplicable boring game, return to reality, and take Zhou Yue to do experiments. He is sure that Zhou Yue will definitely bring him unexpected surprises, and his goal is about to succeed up.

So, let's get this over with! Game over, back to reality!

At this moment, Cruise didn't know that he was making a wish.

And not only him, but other players are also making wishes, actively or passively, consciously or subconsciously, for their own purposes, making various wishes.

I want to survive, I want other people's cards, I want to escape from the marginal world, I want to return to reality.

All of them believed Zhou Yue's words, as long as they became the winners in this game, they would be able to live and get a new life.

So on this day, in this short period of four hours, the fringe world was filled with all kinds of strong desires, and it expanded rapidly.

"Rules always like to eliminate all the irrational things that appear in the world..."

After all, Mu Qin is not disabled. Although he slept for a long time, his body was very weak, and he lost a lot of weight, but in Mr. He's base, Mr. He gave him glucose and nutrition injections, and now he has recovered up.

He felt that his limbs were gradually regaining consciousness, and he seemed to be getting better, so he no longer needed Zhang Ya's support, and walked forward slowly by touching the wall, trying to catch up with Ivan and the others in front of him with Zhang Ya.

Zhang Ya was now slightly liberated from the state of being controlled by the mind. He clearly remembered that he had acted according to Mu Qin's simple command.

This terrified Zhang Ya deeply. He was a little confused and didn't understand what was going on.

"What did you do to me just now?" Zhang Ya hesitated for a long time, and finally asked Mu Qin this question in the deep underground tunnel. His voice trembled slightly and echoed.

"It's nothing." Mu Qin didn't bother to explain, nor did he have the energy to explain.

"No, you definitely did something, otherwise I wouldn't..." Zhang Ya didn't know how to describe it, "I have no way to disobey what you said."

"Then don't disobey, just obediently do what I say." After walking a few steps, Mu Qin couldn't help panting, and sighed, "I won't let you die, don't worry."

Zhang Ya shook her head, "I don't understand."

"It's normal that you don't understand, because I don't understand too much." Mu Qin smiled, "I just want you to do what I say, and then you really do what I say, it's as simple as that. "

"What do you mean? Super powers?" Zhang Ya was surprised by this magical plot.

"Maybe." Mu Qin couldn't walk anymore slowly, stopped on the spot, leaned on the wall and frowned.

"It's really strange. My body... obviously just slept for a few days. Although I did a lot of things in that world, it only took a week or two in this world? How could my muscles shrink and become so weak? ?”

Mu Qin paused suddenly when he said this, because he suddenly remembered what Mu Xing had said.

Mu Xing once said that they are all thought bodies, special existences produced by human wishes.

Although human desires lead to the birth of the thought body, the wish is not the only source of energy for the thought body, but the marginal world. Only when the marginal world exists can the thought body exist.

However, the marginal world and the real world are two contradictory worlds.

They should be two parallel lines and should not have any intersection. But the Cruise family forcibly took control of the marginal world through some means. The Cruise family did succeed, but their success was not stable.

The emergence of rules happens to demonstrate this.

Because the rules have been modifying the influence of the marginal world on the real world, those unreasonable forces, unreasonable things, and unreasonable people will be corrected or eliminated by the rules.

It can be seen that the original intention of the rules is not allowed, and its various revisions mean that it is trying to straighten the bent lines again.

But why is the effect so low

The fringe world has obviously been having an impact on the real world. The crystal stone can continue to spread its infection and turn more people into dreamers, and drag away the souls of the dreamers to let them enter the fringe world.

Mu Xing can control these dreamers to form a cult, and he can also control the kings to possess ordinary people in this world unscrupulously.

These are effects, but the rules do not correct them. It could have restored those poor dreamers to normal, and made it impossible for the king to invade the world, but it didn't do that.

Or, are the rules lazy? It only requires superficial peace and stability. As long as the ecosystem in the real world can function normally without errors, it doesn't bother to correct those small-scale changes

Mnuchin couldn't judge how the rules were operating according to the standard line.

If these small-scale changes are not worth it to correct, then if the scope is expanded, it will definitely take action.

As long as the fringe world's influence on the real world and its scope of influence are greater than a standard, the rules will come out in full force. Its power is so powerful that it can restore everything to normal in an instant.

However, assuming that this point is really reached, the uncontrollability of the ending is too strong.

Because as long as it is done even a little bit too much, the marginal world is likely to be directly eliminated by the rules, and the rules will even rewrite all the history caused by the influence of the marginal world in the past hundreds of years on the earth.

There is a high probability that the Cruise family will cease to exist. Amu and Ashin never met the reindeer again, and they may still die in a pirate raid or a forest fire.

He Erqiu did not become a guardian, let alone He Qiu.

The tragedies caused by the infection of crystal stones disappeared, and those poor dreamers also had their normal situations and lives.

The dreams I had and the wishes I had made also disappeared completely.

Then, no thought body like Mu Xing or Mu Qin would exist.

"I don't exist." Mu Qin looked down at his palm and muttered to himself in a trance.

He couldn't describe his mood at the moment. In fact, Mu Qin was not afraid. The only thing Mu Qin felt was surprise at the fact that he never existed in the real world.

The fringe world is becoming stronger, and Zhou Yue is making all players fall into panic and anxiety through four hours of game time. These players' desire to survive is at its peak at this moment, and they will try to seize other people's cards according to Zhou Yue's prompts.

These players are powerful people who have been tempered in various ways, with extraordinary will and outstanding ability. Their frequent and violent desires make the edge world expand rapidly.

Dream world, the more dreams, the bigger the world.

At the same time, the influence of the expanded dream world on the present world will also expand. The rules should naturally find this kind of mutation, and it will definitely take some actions, but to what extent will it do it

As always, lazily maintain the superficial peace, or simply wipe out all people or things related to the marginal world? In this regard, Mu Qin could not predict.

Maybe it was a failed plan.

They will fail completely, and they will not be able to stop the ambitions of the Cruz family, and they will not be able to prevent the earth from falling, and prevent all human beings from becoming a booster for the Cruz family to resurrect themselves.

After all, Cruise is different from the radical ones. Cruise is so step-by-step and determined. He obviously knows the power of the rules, so he never acts rashly. He is willing to spend hundreds of years slowly brewing this feast of resurrection. .

Step by step, he integrated his own ethnic culture and foreign objects of the marginal world into the earth's ecosystem and into human beings. Next, he will spend a long time resurrecting his species, and he will undoubtedly succeed.

Struggling...does it make any sense