Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 193: Resurrection from the Dead 19┃What is the essence of human beings?


Mu Qin felt that his mental power was unprecedentedly strong, so that he could even directly control others through very simple verbal hints, just like controlling Zhang Ya.

But his body became weaker... weaker than ever.

The former may be the expansion of the marginal world, coupled with the increase in spiritual power brought about by the fusion of his and Zhou Yue's souls.

And the latter... Mu Qin is not sure, maybe it is the effect of the rule amendment? After all, Mu Qin should be a "creature" that can only exist in the marginal world.

He doesn't belong in reality, so the rules are trying to drive him away, weaken him and turn his body into foam, and Mouchin can disappear like a little mermaid.

Weakness is the warning given to him by the rules, telling him that if he does not want to disappear, he should leave here as soon as possible, return to the edge, and stay where he should be.

"It didn't eliminate me directly..." Mu Qin continued to talk to himself, "but gave me a buffer time."

Zhou Yue heard Mu Qin talking to himself in his mind, and said, "Honey, if you feel that you are in danger, please mentally merge with me immediately. I guess... there is no way for the rules to directly erase your existence."

"Why are you so sure?" Mouchin said, "What if it did?"

"If the rules really wipe you out." Zhou Yue didn't hesitate at all, and calmly planned to give her all for Mu Qin, "Then I, who is fused with your spirit, will definitely be wiped out immediately."

Mu Qin smiled: "Do you want to live and die with me?"

"If we really get to the point where we have to die... yes, of course." Zhou Yue said these words with incomparable tenderness and a bit of extreme madness, "Even if you don't want to, I will drag you along die."

This guy is lying.

Mu Qin easily saw through Zhou Yue's timidity, "You obviously hope so much that I can live, you hope that I will be eternal, and you even made an eternal wish for me."

"Mu Qin..." Zhou Yue hoarsely called out Mu Qin's name.

"Don't be afraid, Zhou Yue." Mu Qin comforted him softly, "I won't die."

"And the rules really can't eliminate me easily..." Mu Qin said, "You are right about this. I come from the dream world. As long as the edge doesn't disappear, I will always exist."

"Because of this, if the rules want to eliminate me, they must first erase the marginal world...but this is precisely the most difficult first step."

"I guess... To erase a world probably requires an unimaginably huge force!"

"In addition, the players on the edge are all human beings, and they are all humans from the present world. The growth of the edge is also due to the wishes of these humans. This may be the root cause."

"These players and their desires have connected the fringe with the present world. Rules are special forces that exist to maintain the stability of the present world. It cannot kill humans at will, even dead humans."

"So it can't cut off this connection, it can only maintain the stability of the surface."

"What we imagined—the fringe world is completely wiped out by the rules—there is a high probability that this worst outcome will not happen, and the rules can only ensure that things will not develop out of control within a certain range."

Zhou Yue raised a question: "Then we manufacture a large number of human bodies and revive players on the verge of large-scale resurrection. Such behavior... won't the rules interfere too much?"

Mu Qin said: "This is not clear, you have to try it to know. Cruise dared to experiment with so many human souls to resurrect his species... Then it seems that there is not much difference between us resurrecting players?"

Zhou Yue shook her head: "It's better not to be happy too early. Mu Qin, promise me, just like I said just now, as long as you feel that you are in danger, immediately integrate with me spiritually, and I will be on standby for you at any time."

Mu Qin likes the way he is determined to do everything for himself, as if Mu Qin is always the most important thing in Zhou Yue's world, and he doesn't care about everything else.

It's all mine... Seems a little selfish, but Mouchin genuinely thinks it's really nice.

Perhaps Zhou Yue could also feel Mu Qin's excited attitude, so Zhou Yue made a pun and said with a ambiguous smile: "Don't think so much, my dear Mumu, since we have already started, let's do it to the end! "

Mu Qin was teased by his words, and he couldn't help but feel a little turmoil in his heart. Unfortunately, Zhou Yue was not in front of him, and Mu Qin, who couldn't hug his lover, could only regretfully say, "Are you okay over there?"

Zhou Yue looked up at Cruise who was studying the player's message in front of the blackboard, and secretly replied in his mind: "No problem."

It's really no problem. Cruise, following Zhou Yue's suggestion, wrote his number on the blackboard. Soon after, some players asked him to make a voice conversation.

And there was more than one. Cruise looked at the several applications that popped up on the personal system panel in embarrassment. There were five or six people who wanted to talk or video with him, and one person wanted to visit him directly.

Cruise didn't know these people at all...and he wasn't very interested in them, they just went out of their way to support Zhou Yue's game.

But there is no way, Zhou Yue is nestling on the sofa behind him and staring at it. It is impossible for Cruise to just sit in the safe room and do nothing for these four hours.

Cruise thought for a while, randomly chose one of the players numbered 2777, agreed to the other party's voice chat application, and then chatted with this player.

Player 2777 seems a bit reckless... or frivolous? As soon as the voice application was approved, he immediately asked Cruise, "Are you a woman?"

Cruise was a little dazed by the sudden question, and he was taken aback for a moment before replying indifferently: "No."

"It's okay for men..." 2777 had expected that there were not many female players in this game, and it was indeed not so lucky to be bumped into by him. "Then what do you look like? Can you take a photo and send it to me?"

Cruise was even more confused, and felt that the other party was inexplicable. He turned his head and looked at Zhou Yue who was dozing on the sofa, stabilized his ups and downs, and calmly replied: "Why should I send you a photo?"

After Cruise entered the fringe world, the limbic system reshaped his body, which was his old man's body when he was young. He was a white man with a height of 1.88 meters, and he was very handsome with blond hair and blue eyes.

The 2777 words here are astonishing: "What else can you do by posting photos? Of course it's dating! I have to see if your looks suit my taste..."

Cruise has been on the earth for so long anyway, so he doesn't know what it means to have sex, but...

"Are you kidding me!?" Cruise was really stunned, "In this case... you're looking for me just for sex!?"

"Otherwise? It's impossible for me to snatch cards from other people. I don't have any props and skills. I need the other party's consent to enter someone's house. I can only try to play emotional cards!" 2777 said with confidence, not at all implicit.

"And playing the emotional card may not necessarily be successful. After all, the survivors in this kind of place are all human beings... Someone will die. I have already prepared myself mentally. Can't I have a good time before I die?"

Cruise couldn't take it anymore, he decisively cut off the voice conversation with 2777, stood in front of the virtual screen of his personal system, and fell into self-doubt of doubting his life for a while.

"Hahahaha!" Zhou Yue, who was lying on the sofa over there, heard the conversation between Cruise and 2777 completely, and couldn't help laughing, "It's so interesting! Hahaha! Cruise, do you want to go on a date with him?" Give it a try, hahaha!"

"How is it possible to try!?" Cruise glared at Zhou Yue angrily, "This is the game you want me to play!? These players are simply..." Cruise couldn't find any adjectives to describe it for a while.

Zhou Yue spread her hands and shrugged, and said with a smile: "This is human beings, shouldn't you have known it long ago?"

"I refuse to talk to these people!" Cruise began to lose his temper. "This kind of game is meaningless! These players can't make a wish at all, and they don't even think about escaping! They have no prospects!"

"Thousands of players, after you only talk to one of them, you feel that they have no 'prospect'?" Zhou Yueruo stared at Cruise, "I'm curious, Cruise, you don't even know the essence of human beings?" Do not understand, but want human souls, why?"

Of course Zhou Yue knew why, but at this moment, he had to pretend that he didn't know Cruise's ultimate goal.

But Zhou Yue's words alerted Cruise, and Cruise asked Zhou Yue: "Why do you think I don't understand the nature of human beings?"

"You don't even want to accept an 'invitation' from a human being." Zhou Yue said ambiguously.

Cruise was pissed off by him again, so angry that he even began to swear: "Fart! Can I understand the essence of human beings by agreeing to this kind of inexplicable dating invitation!?"

"Of course." Zhou Yue said nonsense in a serious manner, "Every creature is very complicated, especially a human being with rich emotions. You have to have close contact with him to know what kind of person he is, right? ?”

"I don't need to understand this." Cruise said, "I have thoroughly analyzed the body structure, mental outlook, and soul state. I have already learned about you humans and can't understand it any more!"

"It sounds like you have dissected some people thoroughly." Zhou Yue crossed his arms, "But it's a pity, even if you understand this, you can't become a human being."

Zhou Yue's words contained deep meaning, but when Zhou Yue said these words, he had a casual expression. But Cruise seemed to be awakened by him, and his face became gloomy.

Impossible to be human

Cruise's purpose is to revive his species, for which he must combine the decayed souls of his own people with the living souls of human beings, so that their family can be truly saved.

But as Zhou Yue said, they cannot become human beings.

It's just that to survive on the earth, becoming a human is a key step that must be taken.

Which part is the problem

"You said that I don't understand the essence of human beings, so tell me, what is the essence of human beings?" Cruise wanted to get an answer from Zhou Yue.