Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 194: Resurrection from the Dead 20┃Language is the most vital part of civilization


"The essence of human beings? This is too easy to interpret..." Zhou Yue tilted his head and said nonsense, "Greedy."

"Greed?" Cruise heard it funny, "That's it?"

"Not only greed, but also many things, such as cowardice, cowardice, selfishness and so on..." Zhou Yue counted on his fingers, and concluded, "In short, it is ugly, yes... an extremely ugly essence."

"In order to survive, all creatures will try their best to oppress the living space of other creatures and strive for more resources for themselves." Crews said, "If you attribute this behavior to 'ugliness', then not only humans, but all the people on the earth Creatures are ugly."

"What about you? Is your family also ugly?" Zhou Yue asked.

"If you have to interpret it this way... yes, it's very ugly." Cruise didn't think it was a derogatory term, he said it with a proud look.

"Sounds good, Cruise. Ugly you and ugly humans."

Zhou Yue thought for a while and said, "But you must pay attention to one thing, the lower limit of human ugliness is beyond your imagination, just like the fighting in this small marginal world, human ugliness is not only aimed at other creatures, but also at human beings themselves. "

Not the same as your peaceful, good, utopian society.

In human society, what kills the most... is people.

Cruise was stunned for a moment, so that the whole person stood still in place.

Indeed, he has never thought about this issue at all.

Cruise's population is a huge and infinitely expanding population. Because of collective consciousness and immortality technology, their population has not decreased but has been increasing for a long period of time. There are basically no conflicts among the same race, and it will not be like the earth. Humans are so... fighting each other so hard.

Even if Cruise's soul experiment is successful, he successfully combines the souls of the same race with human souls, and then puts these fused souls into human society... What will it look like

In the thousands or even tens of thousands of years of the evolutionary history of the Cruise family, they have always been a community of destiny, developing together with the outside world, and have never had the experience of setting off a bloody storm internally.

But if it is really combined with human society, change is a certainty.

Cruise couldn't help but wonder: Are the folks really ready for this change? Or is my plan still too hasty, maybe I should take some measures into account in this regard.

Looking at Cruise's pensive expression, Zhou Yue knew that he had accurately grasped the loopholes in the opponent's plan and even thought, and he shook Cruise.

Think about it carefully, although Cruise is possessed by a human body, he can't grasp the emotions that belong to human beings. Although the plan for human society is perfect, it also reveals contempt for human beings.

He used to be part of a collective consciousness, but now his fellow clansmen are in deep sleep, and no matter how powerful Cruise is, there is only one person.

There's no need to be that scared at all.

Although it cannot be underestimated, it is not necessary to treat it like a snake and avoid it.

"I found it..." Putting on a large coat that didn't fit her body, Mu Xing searched for a long time in the quiet interior of the spaceship with bare feet, looking for the room that Mu Chen said was connected to the red "cable" outside the door.

Cruise's spaceship doesn't look big from the outside, it's about the same size as a small civil aircraft in modern society, but after entering the interior, you will realize the extraordinary space.

The space expansion technology may have been used. In short, the space inside the spaceship is terribly large. The long corridors and rooms dazzle Mu Xing. It seems that there is a similar elevator transportation device here, but Mu Xing does not know how to use it.

Therefore, Mu Xing could only rigidly focus on the stable area containing a large number of "coffins" and spread his search around. As soon as he saw a red "cable" outside a certain room, he went in and observed it, and asked Mu Chen to come forward and identify it. Is the machine in the room the bioprinter.

The good news is that for the sake of convenience, the aliens placed this printer, which specializes in making biological shells, very close to the stable area where a large number of shells are installed.

So Mu Xing went back and forth twice, and after seven or eight rooms, he found it.

"Is this what you call a 'bioprinter'?"

Mu Xing is not very good at describing the appearance of this machine. It is bigger than Mu Xing imagined. It is a black metal cuboid three to four meters high and five to six meters wide.

The shape design and texture are very sci-fi, just like things that only appear in movies.

There are also two cylindrical transparent containers embedded in it. These two transparent containers can be opened to enter. The size of these two transparent containers can accommodate one person, and they are also filled with repair fluid.

Mu Chen said: "I have operated this machine before. It can create the bodies of two different creatures at one time, and can import genetic data to let it create a body of a specified image. It can also randomly fabricate a new body on the spot... just like the Internet. It’s like pinching people in a game.”

Mu Xing couldn't help admiring: "It's really advanced!"

"Indeed." Muchen said, "With such high technology that is hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years ahead of humans, it's no wonder that Cruise always looks arrogant."

"Why did Cruise ask you to learn how to operate this machine?" Mu Xing walked up to the black technology and observed its operation panel.

Mu Chen seemed to be unbearable to look back on this, and smiled bitterly: "He not only conducted soul experiments on me... He also conducted anatomical analysis on my body. He may think that since I have merged with Amu's soul, the body should also be synchronized with the soul. , so I want to fuse the genes of the two people."

"The original body was disembowelled and unusable, so Cruise brought me a shell that I don't know. The shell was not compatible with my soul. After my soul went in, I vomited blood there. "

"Cruise was busy doing experiments at the time, maybe he was lazy? He used an unknown method to directly print the use of the machine into my brain, and asked me to come to the printer to make a new body. "

"I still remember how I was vomiting blood and creating a new body for myself... Well, the blood was cleaned up by the cleaning robot."

After listening to Mu Chen's words, Mu Xing suddenly hugged himself tightly with both hands, then squatted on the ground, shrinking into a small ball.

Muchen was puzzled by his actions: "What are you doing?"

Mu Xing replied seriously: "Hug you!"

Mu Chen thought it was funny, and felt that his little star was very cute, so he said: "I can't feel it when you hug me like this! By the way, we will make you a new body soon, and then you can hug!"

Mu Xing was right when he thought about it, so he set off immediately, activated this magical bio-printer under Mu Chen's instructions, and then began to input genetic data information.

Muchen copied all the genetic data information of thousands of players in the marginal world.

He used his mental power to reproduce this information in his memory bank, brought it out of the marginal world, and brought it back to the real world.

But he has the genetic data of so many players, but he doesn't have Mu Xing's.

Mu Xing is just a thought body, a product of dreams. He has no name, no parents, no face, let alone genetic data.

"Sure enough, I still use Ashin's genetic data for you." Mu Chen thought about it, "But I'm a little worried, you don't like being recognized as Ashin by me."

Mu Xing lowered his head and said softly, "No... I..."

"I don't dislike... because, because no matter what I become, I'm still your little star."

Mu Chen was a little dazed, as if he didn't expect his little Xing Xing to say such a thing, so Mu Chen was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly said happily: "Baby, I want to kiss you!"

Mu Xing didn't speak, blushed and continued to operate the bio-printer, inputting Ashin's genetic data into the system.

It is not difficult for the aliens to operate this machine. Although the operation mode is very different from that of human smart devices, the most difficult thing is actually the text.

Mu Xing and others couldn't understand the alien's writing. The system panel is densely packed with script-like characters. If you observe carefully, you will find that these characters are of the same type as the characters engraved on the crystal stone.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, this machine seems to have language options that can be adjusted." Mu Chen added in Mu Xing's mind.

When Mu Xing heard this, he was shocked immediately: "Can you still adjust the language? Can it be adjusted to Chinese!?"

"I don't know about this." Mu Chen said, "When Cruise taught me how to operate, he actually implanted information similar to the manual directly into my brain. I just need to follow the steps in the manual and operate the machine step by step. , even if you can’t understand these alien characters, it’s completely fine.”

"It's mentioned in the manual that the language of this machine can be adjusted. As long as the system's built-in language options include Earth Chinese, maybe... it can be changed to Chinese?"

"Adjusting the language is not a difficult operation, let's try it!" Mu Chen squeezed Mu Xing from the position of body dominance, took control of the body by himself, and began to tinker with the machine in front of him.

He quickly found the "Language" item on the system control panel, and saw a long list inside, flipped through the list, and actually found the option "Chinese" on it!

And not only Chinese, but also English, Japanese, French... As long as there are languages on the earth, these lists are all there.

"There is really Chinese! And it's not just Chinese!" Mu Xing was shocked when he saw it.

"It's not surprising." Mu Chen thought of a certain possibility, and he couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, and said this possibility: "Cruise stayed on the earth for hundreds of years, for the sake of his soul experiment and integration. The plan of mankind, he will definitely figure out and understand the development of human technological civilization, and language is the most crucial part of civilization."

"If Cruise's plan is successful... just like me and you." Mu Xing listened to Mu Chen's words, and couldn't help but follow Mu Chen's thinking, "Every human being will perform soul fusion with a strange alien and become into...into something indescribable."

"Those aliens will replace humans." Muchen said, "Taking over our civilization and technology will also take over our language, so these languages are prepared in advance!"

"The reason is that one day, if humans are really replaced by them, when they return to this spaceship as humans, it will obviously be more convenient to operate the spaceship in human language..."

"But it's really great!" Mu Chen seemed excited about the spaceship.

Mu Xing didn't understand Mu Chen's meaning: "I don't understand, why do you think 'that's great'?"

"Think about it, since this bioprinter is loaded with the language of the earth, then I bet that Cruise must also load the language of the earth with the main system of his spacecraft!" Mu Chen became even more excited.

Mu Xing finally understood Mu Chen's meaning belatedly, he was horrified in his heart, and said: "Could it be that you want to..."

Mu Chen touched the machine panel of the bioprinter, and the corner of his mouth curled up a little crazy, and said, "Yes, it's exactly what you think!"