Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 195: Resurrection 21┃ rewrites sad facts


If Cruise's main system language of the spaceship can be adjusted to Earth Chinese, then Mu Chen and others can try to operate this alien spaceship!

Yes, it's an alien spaceship!

It is intact, maybe it still has abundant energy, and it can carry a group of people to travel in space, fly across interstellar time and space, and cross the boundaries of the universe.

Not only that, but the technological essence of Cruise and his family is condensed inside this spaceship, which may be equipped with super powerful weapons or high-tech products beyond the imagination of people on earth, as well as knowledge, data and civilization stored in the system.

It is no exaggeration to say that this spaceship is more than just a spaceship.

It is treasure.

It is a treasure that contains countless gold, silver and jewels, but is guarded by evil dragons.

But now, this evil dragon was lured away by Zhou Yue.

"Honey, let's go do something... crazy!"

Mu Chen clicked on the option marked with the word "Chinese" on the panel, and the bioprinter system paused for a few seconds, and then the panel was refreshed, and the system language was indeed converted to Chinese!

After the language conversion, on the panel of the bioprinter, many options and texts that were previously incomprehensible became immediately clear at a glance.

"It's so easy, I just changed the language." Mu Xing looked at the machine with a Chinese operating system, and couldn't describe his mood at the moment.

Mu Chen said: "The rapid development of technology was born to serve laziness... It doesn't make much difference when it is applied to aliens. Their systems are also designed for convenience and speed. As long as the system language becomes the text we are familiar with, Then operating these systems is no longer a hassle.”

After getting acquainted with the Chinese system panel, Mu Chen quickly noticed that this bioprinter has two functions: "one-click import of genetic data" and "automatic production of organisms".

Some clues can be seen from the names of these two functions. When you click the question mark button next to these two functions, auxiliary instructions will appear.

"It's great to have these functions! I can import the genetic data of thousands of players into the database of this machine at one time, and then let it automatically produce human bodies according to the list."

"After the manufacturing is completed, a special robot will come to transport the new body to the stable area for storage."

Mu Xing said, "What did Zhou Yue say?"

"Zhou Yue said that if he chooses a suitable candidate in the game, he will kill that person and send his soul out of the marginal world. The soul that returns to the present world will automatically return to the world under the guidance of the body made here. on the body."

Mu Chen thought about it and said: "But the main problem is that we can't predict how many winners Zhou Yue will choose in the end, so to be on the safe side, we have to create the shells of all players, no matter they are alive in the fringe world." or eliminated.”

"What is the total number of people?" Mu Xing asked again.

"In fact, there are already nearly ten thousand people. The total number of people who have entered the fringe world and become players so far is 9,970. During this period, 7,102 people were eliminated. The number of people who are still active is 2,868. We must give priority to making these 2,868 players bodies...but that's still too many."

Mu Chen raised his head and looked at the huge bio-printer in front of him, and said: "This machine works for five minutes at a time, and can 'print' two bodies, that is to say, it takes two minutes and thirty seconds for a pair of shells, and 2,868 people need …about six thousand five hundred minutes, equal to more than one hundred hours, equal to almost four days.”

Mu Xing shook his head: "We don't have four days."

"Yes, we only have about three hours left now." Mu Chen racked his brains to think, and he thought of something for a moment, "By the way, among the 2868 people, choose the one with the strongest mental power Let 100 people make the shell."

"Spiritual power?" Mu Xing seemed to understand something, "I see."

Mu Chen said: "According to the rules of the game formulated by Zhou Yue, he probably wants to select those players with stronger mental power as the first main force. In the player data I copied, there is a limbic system that infers the mental power of the players. The evaluation form will be made according to the top 100 of the evaluation form, and there will be no problem."

"Of course, the most important thing now is to create a new body for you." Mu Chen put Little Xingxing first, and began to input Ashin's genetic data into the bioprinter system.

Everything went smoothly, Mu Chen skillfully controlled the machine, and the machine began to hum. This 3D bioprinter successfully outlined the bones and internal organs of 16-year-old Ashin, followed by blood vessels and muscles, and finally the skin and hair.

In a few minutes, a human shell quietly appeared in the incubator built in the machine. Ashin was suspended in the repair solution, with his eyes closed, as if he was sleeping peacefully.

Using the operation panel, Muchen emptied the repair solution, opened the incubator, and exposed the freshly prepared body inside to the air.

Then Mu Chen walked over and carried out the naked person inside.

I can't believe it, the person in my arms still has temperature, can feel the pulse, and the newly born heart beats tenaciously, making people marvel at the miracle of life.

Even though it is a copied life form, he is still alive and truly living in this world.

Mu Chen held the head of the person in his arms and looked at the familiar face of the other party. Maybe the part belonging to A Mu was touched, and Mu Chen couldn't help shouting in a low voice: "A Xin..."

After more than three hundred years, his Ashin finally came back to life in this world.

Even in such a way, there seems to be no regrets.

"Sure enough, I'm looking forward to Ashin even more, right?" Mu Xing seemed to lose his temper because of Mu Chen's "Ashin", whispering in Mu Chen's mind, "Ah, Ashin has come back to life! I'm so happy!"

Mu Chen couldn't help laughing: "Don't make trouble, you know what I mean."

Mu Xing didn't reply, he paused for a while before saying: "Then kiss me, brother."

Today, more than three hundred years later, rewrite the sad truth.

Mu Chen lowered his head and stared closely at the ruddy lips of the person in his arms. He couldn't help but raise his hand and rub it slowly with his fingertips, tracing every inch of the other person's outline.

Mu Chen couldn't tell who he was at this moment, was he Mu Chen or A Mu? He himself does not know.

Cruise's soul experiment was so successful that it eliminated all possibility of failure and made the two lonely souls blend together seamlessly.

For Mu Chen at this moment, Amu's life seems to be his past life, something he himself has done, a memory he has forgotten and then recalled again.

A Mu is him, Mu Chen is also him, they are undoubtedly the same person.

But it's not the same person.

Mu Chen hugged the body in his arms tightly, and kissed him deeply. He held Ashin's waist with one hand, and supported the back of Ashin's head with the other, and kissed him in a gesture of wanting to eat him.

Ashin in his arms was quickly kissed by Amu so hard to breathe, his body trembled instinctively, then he opened his black eyes in a daze, and pushed Amu's chest feebly with both hands.

Ah Mu let go of him at the right time, so that Ashin had time to breathe.

After panting for a while, Ashin finally came back to his senses slowly, his confused eyes became bright, he stretched out his hand to hug Amu's back, lay in Amu's arms, raised his head and stared at Amu with shining eyes Look, foolishly shouting: "Brother!"

Amu couldn't help rubbing the soft hair on his forehead.

The 16-year-old Ashin is thin and not tall, with a delicate and beautiful face. His whole body is as green as a budding flower, and he looks very cute nestled in Amu's arms.

Moreover, he has been looking at Amu with somewhat expectant and dependent eyes all the time. As he looks at him, his eyes become moist and affectionate, and the corners of his eyes are also red. .

Amu rubbed him vigorously, and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't look at me like that, I can't help but do something."

Ashin buried his head in Amu's neck and said in a muffled voice, "Brother, you miss you so much."

"Me too." Amu gently stroked his hair.

Ashin sniffed and choked, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I know."

"We won't be separated again, will we?"

"No." Amu's voice became hoarse, "We will be together forever."

"You lied to me!" Ashin started making trouble out of no reason, and grabbed Amu's clothes tightly, "You always lied to me. You also said before that you would be together forever, but in the end you left me alone."

"No." A Mu pressed the back of Ashin's head, put his lips on the other's, and said vaguely, "I will definitely not lie to you this time."

"You swear!" Ashin twitched and rubbed his lips with Amu.

"I swear." Amu smiled and kissed him again and again, "If I break my promise to you again this time, I won't be too bad!"

Ashin's eyes widened suddenly, he straightened up and stared at Amu, and said solemnly: "No, this won't work!"

"Why not?"

"You can't do without a big bad!" Ashin raised his voice and shouted, and finally his voice suddenly became quieter, his cheeks were red and he said, "If you don't have a big bad, you can't do...do that."

"Hey..." Amu smirked: "Baby likes my big bad so much?"

Ashin's face turned redder, like a ripe apple, but the words he said were straightforward, frank and provocative: "I like every part of you, including big bad bad of course!"

Amu was caught off guard, and was teased by his younger brother with a word, and two suspicious blushes appeared on his face. He coughed twice and sighed: "I wanted to do something bad to you, but time The location and location are wrong... Forget it, let's get down to business."

Mu Xing looked down at the opponent's bad boy regretfully, and said hesitantly, "But it's already..."

"No!" Mu Chen interrupted Xiao Xingxing's speech with righteous words, put his hands on his younger brother's shoulders, and took a deep breath, "Go find you some clothes to wear, we can easily get caught if we don't have any clothes on."

Mu Xing said: "I really don't want me to give it to you..."

"No need!" Mu Chen's head grew big, and he pinched Little Xingxing's face with a smirk, "My Xingxing is getting bolder and bolder, believe it or not, I'll fuck you to death right now!?"

"Well..." Mu Xing pitifully rubbed her cheeks that were sore from being pinched by Mu Chen, and by the way, slightly separated her legs, so that her naked lower body could be seen at a glance, and she just sat on Mu Chen's body like that, and said softly: "Then, Then... fuck, fuck me."

"Fuck!" Mu Chen finally couldn't bear to swear.