Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 196: Hopeless Eternal Life 01┃Do whatever you want?


Of course, it is impossible for Mu Chen to do something to Mu Xing in Cruise's spaceship. Anyway, it is a critical moment now, and Mu Chen will never allow himself to waste precious time like this.

So he severely taught his younger brother who had a broken leg - for example, he knocked a big bump on Mu Xing's forehead.

Mu Xing, who was beaten, was in pain, holding his head with tears in his eyes, and was picked up by Mu Chen and thrown to the corner to face the wall in thought, while Mu Chen continued to input the data of the players into the bio-printer.

"Oh, my brother will only bully me..." Mu Xing, who was facing the wall and thinking about his past, complained endlessly.

"Don't just squat there all the time." Mu Chen heard his younger brother's complaint and sighed.

He didn't dare to look at the naked Mu Xing, so he could only focus all his attention on the printer's control panel, "There should be a place like a dressing room next door, go find some clothes to wear, and bring me a pair of pants by the way."

"And don't run too far. Although Cruise is being restrained by Zhou Yue, we should be careful."

The crying Mu Xing was surprisingly obedient, obediently jumped up from the corner, ran out of the room, and went to the next door to find the "dressing room" Mu Chen mentioned.

Not long after, Mu Xing came back.

"Is this considered clothes?" Mu Xing entered the room holding something that might be considered clothes, and Mu Chen looked at Mu Xing when he heard the sound, and saw what his younger brother was holding in his arms at a glance...

"Spacesuit?" Mu Chen reached out and picked up a white suit from Mu Xing's arms.

It is indeed a spacesuit, but it is the spacesuit worn by Cruise's aliens.

Compared with the thick, bulky spacesuits with oxygen cylinders and glass helmets invented by humans, the spacesuits invented by the Cruise family are incredibly thin and light.

I don't know what material it is made of, but the spacesuit of aliens is a one-piece tights that can tightly wrap every inch of skin on the body, and will automatically change the size according to the body shape of the wearer, even if it is It is quite convenient for humans who are very different from aliens in shape to wear it.

But in terms of function, humans are not suitable for wearing this spacesuit.

One is because the hood of this garment comes with a breathing filter, which perfectly isolates toxic components. But for those aliens, the earth's oxygen is also a toxic component, so this filter will also filter out the oxygen, and humans cannot breathe in this spacesuit.

The second reason is that the density of the clothes is different from that of the space suits invented by the earthlings. The nitrogen contained in human blood will turn into gas in a vacuum environment, causing the volume to expand. If you don’t wear a pressurized and airtight space suit, you will die from various diseases mainly caused by capillary bursting and bleeding.

However, the main reason for Mu Chen and Mu Xing to find clothes was to cover up their shame, not to go to heaven.

"And as long as you don't wear a hood, or take off the filter, it won't cut off the oxygen." Cruise broke off the filters on the two space suits, then hugged his brother, and gave him personally Set of spacesuits.

The two of them put on their clothes and were tightly wrapped up and down. Mu Chen, who finally didn't have to worry about snatching the fire, continued to input player data to the printer.

Mu Xing walked up and down the room boredly.

After about ten minutes, Mu Chen finally fixed the machine, entered all player data into it, and screened out the top 100 players in terms of spiritual power to make the shells first.

Mu Chen chose the automatic production mode. In the following time, Mu Chen will no longer need to handle it. The machine will automatically produce human bodies. At the same time, the robots in the storage cabinets in the room set off one by one to transport the manufactured human bodies to the stable area for storage. .

"Next, let's go to the main control room of the spaceship." Mu Chen suggested to Mu Xing after finishing all this.

Mu Xing said, "Don't worry about it? What if something goes wrong?"

"It's true..." Mu Chen thought for a while, and pressed Mu Xing's shoulder, "Then you stay here to watch, and I will go to the control room by myself."

Mu Xing didn't want to be left alone, but the task was more important at the moment, so he couldn't say anything capricious, so he could only nod silently.

Mu Chen felt the sudden cooling of Little Xingxing's emotions, and leaned over to touch his head to comfort him, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon, let's separate for a while, okay?"

Mu Xing couldn't be more obedient, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Mu Chen felt sorry for his younger brother, but he had no choice but to tell him: "If something happens, run away immediately, send me a message, and I will rush to your side."

"Don't worry about me, you should be more dangerous." Mu Xing said, "Have you been to the spaceship control room? There won't be any problems there, right?"

"On the entire spaceship, only Cruise is the only 'alive' alien. All the other aliens are in a deep sleep state. The only ones that can move are the robots for service, handling, and cleaning. They will not block creatures. With Cruise's pass, there's no problem."

Mu Chen said to his younger brother: "And you just need to hide in this room of the bioprinter, don't go out casually, and just watch the machine keep running."

"I understand." Mu Xing nodded to express that he understood.

"Then I'm leaving." Muchen emphasized.

Mu Xing said: "Come back quickly, be careful on the road."

The two parted briefly after embracing each other, and Mu Chen left the room with the bioprinter without looking back—he was afraid that he would not be able to leave by himself.

On the other side, Ivan and his team have followed the underground tunnel into the glass tunnel in the river, and arrived at the main entrance of the spaceship.

On the other hand, Zhang Ya led Mu Qin to catch up and successfully joined Iwan and the others.

"Zhang Ya!" Hearing footsteps from behind, Ivan and the others thought that there was an enemy attacking from behind, so they set up their weapons and aimed at the rear. When they saw Zhang Ya limping up with Mu Qin …

Ivan breathed a sigh of relief, but he became angry again, and scolded, "Didn't I tell you to stay behind!?"

Zhang Ya was very wronged, glanced at Mu Qin beside him, and said to the captain: "Captain, I really want to stay behind, but..."

Iwan followed Zhang Ya's gaze to look at Mu Qin, thinking that this person had some weird abilities, and he must have used this to control or threaten Zhang Ya... After all, Zhang Ya is a teammate who is very loyal to orders and will never disobey the captain's orders .

After thinking about the reason, Ivan couldn't continue to criticize Zhang Ya, so he walked up to Mu Qin and said to Mu Qin, "You are so weak, you really shouldn't have followed."

"I have something to do on my own, so I must follow." Mu Qin said, and glanced at the crowd by the way, "But you, if you want, you can stop here and go back to report to Mr. He."

Ivan immediately objected: "This is not good, our task has not been completed, and the team cannot retreat until we get the crystal stone!"

"It's useless to get it." Mu Qin sighed, "You can't take the stone out of this spaceship at all."

Speaking of the spaceship, Ivan and the others were startled, and then they all raised their heads with a tacit understanding, and looked at the huge flying object in front of them.

This spaceship was settled in the depths of the river. The river was deep and muddy. It should have been pitch black and nothing could be seen clearly.

But the spaceship was lit with lights, or light strips, and these light strips surrounded the entire spaceship in a streamlined shape. The light from the light strips illuminated the bottom of the deep river, and perfectly outlined the shape of the spaceship.

The spaceship is triangular in shape, just like the paper airplanes that children fold out of paper. It has no redundant structure, and there is no trace of stitching.

It can't be described in any words, like a product in a science fiction movie.

"My God!" the British in Ivan's team exclaimed.

"How do we get in?" After observing the general appearance of the spaceship in the underwater passage, the group couldn't help discussing it, and the focus of the discussion moved to the door of the spaceship.

It's almost as if this alien spaceship has no doors, because its surface is one piece, without any gaps, not even a door crack.

But fortunately, the door of the spaceship is engraved with many densely packed unknown characters, so the door engraved with characters can be distinguished from the smooth outer wall of the spaceship, allowing people to recognize that this is the door.

Mu Qin said: "It is impossible to get in from the outside, we can only wait for someone inside to open the door."

Hearing Mu Qin's words, Ivan was shocked and said, "Is there anyone inside? I mean... there are alien creatures in this spaceship?"

"Of course there are, not only that, but many more." Muqin paused, looked at Ivan strangely, and asked, "Are you really going in? It would be better to retreat now, because if you go in later I can't guarantee what will happen."

Ivan confirmed: "We must complete the mission, and our mission not only requires us to retrieve the crystal stone, but also requires us to protect you."

"Protecting you is an additional requirement of Mr. He, and your personal safety is even ranked first." Ivan sighed, "So as long as you go in, we must go in."

"He Xian really has a heart." Mu Qin smiled helplessly with his eyebrows bent.

Afterwards, Mu Qin resolutely assured Ivan and the others that someone would come to help them open the door later, so the group waited at the gate of the spaceship for a while... No, maybe more than a while.

"How long do we have to wait?" Ivan checked his watch almost non-stop. "Thirteen minutes have passed."

"There is a high probability that the respondent will not be able to find the door, or... is studying how to open it." Mu Qin guessed.

Ivan was shocked when he heard this remark: "Is this person really reliable?"

"If you are not reliable, you have to be reliable." Mu Qin spread his hands indifferently, "Anyway, we have to go in."

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet." Ivan hesitated for a moment, but still asked tentatively: "What do you want to do when you enter this spaceship? Do you want to retrieve that crystal stone?"

"It doesn't matter if you find the crystal stone or not." Mu Qin shook his head, "I'll kill someone when I go in."

Mu Qin's words became more and more outrageous, and Iwan and his party were all confused. They didn't have any resistance to Mu Qin's murder. After all, this group of people were all mercenaries who licked blood. Just killing a few people is not a big deal.

Therefore, the focus of Ivan's attention is not even Mu Qin's "why do you want to kill people", but: "Do you really have the strength to kill people?"

Ivan looked up and down Mu Qin with questioning eyes, shook his head and said, "You are too weak to even lift a knife."

"It doesn't take much effort to kill a few sleeping people." Mu Qin thought for a while, "But you are right, I am indeed too weak, so...Captain Ivan, since you are all going to follow me in, then Just help me with the task."

Mnuchin's mission is to enter the spaceship and kill several of Cruise's spare husks in order to prevent Cruise from returning to the present world from the edge.

Originally, Mu Qin should not have done this task, because Mu Qin's body is too weak at the moment, and he has to start from Mr. He's research base and land on the spaceship at the risk of traveling thousands of miles.

However, only Mu Qin can complete this task, because only Mu Qin and Zhou Yue are in a state of spiritual connection, and any information Zhou Yue obtains in the marginal world can be transmitted to Mu Qin immediately.

In short, only Mnuchin can be the operator to ensure that this operation, whether in the fringe world or in the real world, can maintain a consistent pace.

Moreover, Cruise has set up an "emergency ejection program" before entering the game. As long as Cruise's few functional bodies left in this world are injured, Cruise will immediately eject from the marginal world and return to the real world.

It will be a matter of time before Cruise returns to the real world. What Mu Qin and others have to do is to delay his return.

Zhou Yue asked Cruise in the fringe world to find out how many useful bodies he has.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qin started to kill those useful human bodies one by one, but the killing process must be timely and fast, so that Cruise's soul would have nowhere to go, and could only return to his outer shell. In the body of the star.

However, the alien shell can't move in the Earth's atmosphere, which means that Cruise can't get out of the small glass coffin filled with repair fluid.

As long as Cruise is trapped, isn't it up to Mnuchin and others to do whatever they want