Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 200: Hopeless Eternal Life 05┃Who gave it to him?


"How did you come to the real world...of course it was sent out by my father. Yu Sui was the king at that time, so he must have the ability." Mu Qin said vaguely.

"I have been the will of the world for so long, but I don't know that the king has this ability." Little Xingxing smiled and spread his hands, "The marginal world is a dream world, no matter how it comes from, it is a world composed of spirit and imagination." Space."

"It is fundamentally different from reality." Mu Xing said, "The embodiment of this difference is that...except for energy bodies like the soul, any matter in the marginal world cannot be brought to the real world."

"If any substance in the fringe world can't bring reality, then what's the matter with the white card?" Mu Qin objected, "The king's white card used to lock others, its shape and meaning, is definitely not reality. A product of the world."

"White card? Are you talking about this?" Little Xingxing approached Mu Qin, raised his right hand, and snapped his fingers in front of him. Then, in the blink of an eye, a picture appeared on his hand like magic. White tarot cards come.

Mu Qin was slightly taken aback, "Why do you have a white card?"

"The question is not why I have a white card, but...you hold it first." Mu Xing grabbed Mu Qin's right wrist with his left hand, and then stuffed the white card into his palm.

Mu Qin followed Little Xingxing's movements and subconsciously grasped the white card tightly. The light and smooth texture of the card came from his fingertips, making him more sure of the existence of this card.

Seeing that Mu Qin took the cards, Mu Xing tilted his head and poked his face out, glanced back and forth at Iwan's team behind Mu Qin, and then said to Iwan and the others: "I said you, come here Can you do me a favor?"

Ivan and his team members looked at each other, hesitated for a few seconds, and obediently walked forward and surrounded Mu Qin and Mu Xing.

"Come and see, what is Mu Qin holding in his hand?" Little Xingxing held Mu Qin's right wrist holding the card and raised it high.

Ivan carefully looked at Mu Qin's hand, and replied decisively: "A blank card?"

Ivan was sure that he was not dazzled, his eyesight was very good, and his marksmanship relying on his eyesight was perfect, so he was sure that what Mu Qin was holding was a blank card.

But what Iwan never expected was that other than him, the other members of his team all answered unanimously: "No, he didn't take anything in his hand."

Ivan couldn't help being stunned by the unexpected answers from the team members, turned his head to look at the American teammate closest to him, and questioned in English: "He has a card in his hand, which looks like... a Tarot card? Don't you see it?"

The American also looked confused and looked at his captain inexplicably: "Card? What card? He obviously didn't have anything in his hand."

"No, there is a card there!" Ivan is a bit stubborn and always believes that seeing is believing. And hearing the unbelievable answers from the team members, in order to prove himself, he reached out and took the white card directly from Mu Qin's hand.

"Look! This is the card!" Ivan held the card in front of the team members.

The American teammate was even more confused, and with a hint of grievance, he shook his head and said, "Captain, you really don't have anything in your hand!"

Ivan waved the card in front of each of his teammates, but the Americans, British, and Russians in the team said they didn't see the card.

In the end, even Ivan himself was confused. He seemed to have thought of something, handed the card back to Muqin, and asked, "Are you playing tricks on me?"

Muchin was also very surprised by this scene, and overruled Ivan's questioning of himself, "No, I didn't do anything."

"But none of my teammates can see this card, and they never deceive me." Ivan obviously didn't believe Mu Qin, and said with a frown, "Could it be that you used your weird ability to influence me? brain, let me see hallucinations?"

"... hallucination?" Iwan reminded Mu Qin with one sentence, and Mu Qin suddenly felt enlightened, and suddenly turned his head to look at the little star beside him.

"Yes, it's just an illusion." Mu Xing clicked on the card, and the white card turned into light spots and dissipated under his touch.

"Too much spiritual power is also a problem, my dear Muqin." Little Xingxing narrowed his eyes and outlined a smile on his lips, "You will easily see things that others have built for you with spiritual power, it will deceive you and make your brain Unable to distinguish illusion from reality."

"If the builder is strong enough, just 'seeing' is just a trivial matter. The things built have quality and volume, whether it is touch or smell, you can even taste it."

"Do you mean to tell me..." Mu Qin vaguely guessed the meaning of Mu Xing's words, "The king's white cards used to lock other people are just illusions?"

"At least in the fringe world, the white card is not an illusion." Mu Xing said, "But in the real world, only a very small number of people can see this card, people with strong spiritual power, infected dreamers, etc. Wait, only they can see."

"But Ivan saw it too." Muqin pointed to Ivan who was bewildered behind him, "As far as I know, Ivan is just a thug hired by Mr. He and the others. Without this mission, they and the marginal world There was no contact."

Mu Xing suddenly pointed out the key point: "But you used your mental power on him, right?"

"People who have been attacked by mental power will also have their mental power strengthened, just like an antibody, both mentally and physically have improved their defense."

Mu Qin couldn't believe it, he said in surprise: "This is impossible, if the white card is just an illusion, then why many of my friends have seen this card..."

However, at the end of the conversation, Mu Qin stopped abruptly, as if he realized something: "Yes, they are all influenced by me."

"You are a humanoid self-propelled spiritual signal transmitter." Mu Xing shrugged, "Those who are close to you, those who are in tune with your thinking, are especially susceptible to your influence, let's say...you are actually similar to the infectious nature of the crystal stone Somewhat similar."

"If the white card that can be brought to the real world is just an illusion, then what's the matter with me?" Mu Qin finally realized the crux of the matter, "Yu Sui said he sent me to the real world... no , could it be my mother?"

"That's what I'm wondering about." Mu Xing walked around Mu Qin twice, "Didn't your mother tell you anything?"

"Mu Chen told me. He said that Mu Qingyun is the same as He Qiu's lineage. He is also a 'guardian' arranged by Cruise long ago, and it is also a dark thread arranged in the marginal world."

The main reason why Cruise wants to arrange these guardians is to set a shackle for the fringe world and prevent the power of the fringe world from exploding in advance.

Cruise himself is well aware of the power of the fringe world and the enormous impact it can have on humanity.

Therefore, if before Cruise's soul experiment is completely successful, all human beings have been reduced to dreamers... Cruise is worried that if something happens to the soul experiment later, so many human souls will be wasted in vain.

Moreover, the existence of the rules also prevents Cruise from reaching the sky in one step. If Cruise is really unscrupulous and allows the marginal world to affect reality and completely "dream people" all mankind in a short period of time, the rules will definitely be the first to refuse.

Therefore, Cruise must take it step by step, combine the souls of the same race with humans, penetrate into human society bit by bit, and eventually occupy the entire earth.

Rimworld is Cruise's first step, and it's crucial, but not too big a step. There are too many potential interference factors, and Cruise can only put shackles on this crucial first step.

Mu Qingyun is one of the components of this shackle, and she is also the person who made Mu Qin born.

"Mom, she..." Under Little Xingxing's questioning, Mu Qin opened his mouth. He thought of a certain possibility, but the moment he touched this possibility, his scalp felt numb.

Mu Qin couldn't continue thinking. So he gave up the conversation with Mu Xing, turned around, and began to call Zhou Yue through the spiritual level.

Zhou Yue has been dealing with Cruise, and did not pay attention to Mu Qin's movements just now. When Mu Qin called him, Zhou Yue felt the violent fluctuation of Mu Qin's emotions through spiritual connection.

"Mumu, what's the matter?" Zhou Yue submitted a positive and joyful spirit to Mu Qin to appease Mu Qin's manic psychology.

Mu Qin said to Zhou Yue: "Zhou Yue, my mother passed on her memory to you before, did you get any information from her?"

Zhou Yue didn't know why, "But I also shared those memories with you."

"Those memories are simply a bunch of data, and their content is nothing more than automatically written into the world recovery program when the marginal world collapsed and separated. It was Cruise who wanted to prevent Muchen from really destroying the marginal world...or it may be to prevent the marginal world from being destroyed. other external forces to destroy, and preventive measures taken in advance.”

"Of course, this precautionary measure can be used by us now. In case our actions are too big and cause the rules to rebound, this procedure may play a little role."

"I know what you mean, I mean... besides this, doesn't my mother inherit any other memories from you?" Mu Qin felt a little scared for no reason.

"Others..." Zhou Yue felt Mu Qin's fear, and couldn't help comforting him with all her strength, "No, there is nothing but this. Mu Mu, your spirit is not very good, what happened?"

"I remembered something that I had overlooked." Mu Qin replied, and then he became agitated. He warned Zhou Yue, "Zhou Yue, be careful with Cruise! I think he probably knows my existence!"

"... What did you say?!" Mu Qin's words made Zhou Yue's eyes widen. He glanced at Cruise over there without any trace, not knowing if it was some kind of coincidence. Cruise was also looking at him at the moment. Zhou Yue.

After forming an alliance with Mu Chen, Mu Xing and others, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue launched a number of plans against Cruise, but the premise of these plans was that Cruise had no knowledge of Mu Qin's existence. .

Mu Qin's appearance was an accident that no one could have expected.

So they all felt that it was impossible for Cruise to know the existence of Mu Qin, especially in the years when Mu Xing became a marginal will and controlled the dream world for so many years.

Cruise seemed to be only in the dark, occasionally observing Mu Xing and judging Mu Xing's state, and didn't bother to care about the rest, only focusing on his own soul experiment.

Cruise may know some of what Mu Xing has done in the fringe world, but Mu Qin thinks he certainly doesn't know everything.

But this is just Mu Qin's opinion. How can they infer what the facts are

Yu Sui told Mu Qin that he used the power of the king to send Mu Qin to the real world.

But now Mu Xing told him that it is impossible to bring any matter in the marginal world to the present world, and the white card is just an illusion projection, so Mu Qin, who is a missing body, even if he can really go to the real world, he will not There may be entities.

It is obviously impossible for Mu Qin to have a physical body, but he has grown up like an ordinary human being for so many years, so who gave him the body he has now