Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 202: Hopeless Eternal Life 07┃An orderly network


The alien characters that Mu Chen learned are very limited. When Cruise forced the memory pack into his brain to use the bio-printer, he barely learned it.

It is precisely because he does not know many alien characters that it is extremely difficult for Mu Chen to operate the system in the main control room of the spacecraft. The entire screen is full of incomprehensible scriptures.

He guessed the meaning of these fonts relying on the only knowledge he had, but he couldn't be 100% sure of the meaning of each word. This is an alien spaceship, and Mu Chen was worried that he would cause some bad trouble if he operated it carelessly.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Mu Chen, who got nothing, stood in front of the control panel, his whole body was stiff and his face was dazed.

How to do

Mu Chen bowed his head in thought, the top priority, he must go ahead and find the control panel where the language of the spaceship is set, and change the alien language inside to the earth language.

This process is easy to say, but in practice, all kinds of troubles come one after another.

First of all, the first step stumped Mu Chen, he couldn't find the small panel for setting the system language!

Secondly, for some reason, a pop-up window always pops up on the system panel, which seems to remind him to do something, but the "illiterate" Mu Chen can't understand the content of the pop-up window, so he can only choose to ignore it, and move the pop-up windows one by one to side.

He began to open the icons listed in the system panel one by one, browsing through the massive amount of unfamiliar text inside, trying to find some clues.

"—" At this moment, the broadcast in the main control room of the spaceship suddenly rang, and strange notes rang The sound echoed, startled Mu Chen, and looked around unconsciously.

Mu Chen could tell that the radio was speaking in an alien language, but he couldn't understand what it meant. However, the voice of the radio was very cold and stiff, and there were many repetitive syllables in it. It should be a reminder from the intelligent system.

Could it be that my misoperation caused the main system of the spaceship to start warning

Mu Chen's heart was beating like a drum, but his face remained serious and gloomy. He didn't dare to be discouraged, ignored the sound of the radio, and continued to operate on the system screen in the main control room.

No matter what troubles are happening at this moment, Mu Chen should not stop his actions, he must hurry up and do all possible attempts.

Zhou Yue and Mu Qin have now restrained Cruise. The time is what they have fought so hard for. Even if the final result is a disastrous defeat, Mu Chen cannot take even a step back.

"Temporarily switch speech language for object intelligence—Language switch complete—"

Mu Chen, who ignored the radio, was originally concentrating, but this time, the voice on the radio suddenly changed to Chinese! So Mu Chen could no longer ignore the broadcast.

He looked up in horror and focused on the radio.

"Testing the identity of the target, the test result is human, the name is 'Mu Chen', and the number is 'Experiment No. 28', testing its authority... primary authority confirmation."

"Who are you?" Muchen asked subconsciously.

The radio voice ignored Mu Chen's question and continued to broadcast: "Enhance the authority of the target experimental subject No. 28—the advanced authority has been confirmed."

"It has been detected that Subject No. 28 is operating the spacecraft system panel. Do you want to update the system language and convert the target idioms to help it operate?"

After a pause, the radio said again: "The conversion target idiom has been confirmed—the system is updating the language—the language has been updated to 'Earth Chinese'."

"Who is it!?" Mu Chen realized that the system broadcast was not talking to him, but someone was operating the spaceship's system. This unknown person not only raised Mu Chen's authority, but also helped Mu Chen... The system language has been changed to Chinese!

Only Cruise can do this, no... Cruise should be with Zhou Yue!

What's going on, is there... a second Cruise on this spaceship

"Who the hell!? Is it Cruise?"

The system language has been successfully converted, and the screen of the spacecraft console is completely displayed in Chinese, but this time Mu Chen has no intention of continuing to operate the panel, he raised his head and asked loudly in the empty main control room: "Who are you!? answer me!"

"Long time no see, Amu."

A voice suddenly sounded from behind Mu Chen, and Mu Chen turned his head quickly like a conditioned reflex, and saw a holographic phantom as soon as he turned his head.

It is indeed a holographic phantom, which should be projected by the light and shadow projection device on the spacecraft. The image of this phantom appears as... a reindeer

That's right, it's a reindeer, and it's the same one that Amu and Ashin met back then. There are even scars left on his body from being attacked by some kind of beast.

This reindeer was lying on its stomach in a prostrate posture, with its four hooves curled up under its body, looking lazy, but its head was raised high, gently shaking the antlers on its head, and staring at Mu Chen with wet black eyes Look.

Mu Chen was stunned, stared at the reindeer for a while, and asked, "Cruise?"

Cruise pretended to be the reindeer at the beginning, pretending to be injured, and deceived Amu and Axin to win their trust, so that they made their first wish as the key to open the edge of the world.

"I'm not Cruise." Reindeer denied Mu Chen's cognition, but then confirmed: "But I am indeed the first 'Cruise' you met."

"...What do you mean?" Mu Chen was at a loss, his brain was in a mess, "Who the hell are you!? Tell me clearly!"

The reindeer didn't answer Mu Chen's question immediately, it used silence to ease the atmosphere, and gave Mu Chen enough time to digest these horrifying facts, until Mu Chen's breath eased and his heart rate returned to normal.

Immediately afterwards, the reindeer explained everything with a simple sentence: "Amu and Ashin saved me at the beginning, but the person who gave them back was 'Cruise'. I say that, do you understand?"

Although what the reindeer said was abstract, Mu Chen instantly understood what it wanted to express, and his eyes widened: "Are you kidding..."

"Thousands of years, Amu." The reindeer dragged his tone.

"Our family was destroyed tens of millions of years ago. This spaceship is just a relic, and the me you see now is just a remnant of my soul that survived thousands of years ago."

"I am a collection of many consciousnesses. Before my people completely perished, they all chose to fuse their own souls with the souls of their companions. In this way, they continued to merge one by one, and finally formed the existence of 'I'. "

"Our situation is the same as when your brother Ashin acted as the marginal will in the marginal world, but Ashin only fused more than a thousand souls, and he has not completely 'digested' those souls. To be precise, it is incompatible Yes, not at all as a whole.”

"But my people and I are a whole, a real whole. We completely put aside individual differences and differences of thought, and carried out an unprecedented fusion. Only in this way can our consciousness continue until today."

Mu Chen was in a cloud of mist when he heard it, and only felt that something was roaring in his mind, making him uneasy.

"What do you mean?" Mu Chen shook his head, looking at the reindeer in horror, "I don't understand, isn't Cruz's purpose to harvest the souls of all human beings, and then fuse these souls with the souls of your people, Let them be reborn as humans on Earth?"

The reindeer shook his head slightly: "As I said, our family was destroyed tens of thousands of years ago, and we were extinct at that time. No creature's soul can last for thousands of years, even if the soul is preserved in the fringe world of human beings. It can slow down this kind of corruption, but it can't completely prevent the death of the soul."

Mu Chen vaguely understood the meaning of the reindeer: "You mean, in order to pass on the consciousness, the souls of all members of your clan have been fused together to form 'you'?"

"Yes, it's me." The reindeer nodded.

Muchen said incredulously: "What happened to Cruise? What the hell is he doing!? Isn't he saving you?"

The reindeer seemed to hesitate for a while before answering Mu Chen: "Cruise... is a part of me.".

"Part of it?" Mu Chen seemed to understand.

"As I said, when our family was destroyed tens of millions of years ago, we chose to fuse the souls of everyone in the whole family, but the process of fusion did not happen overnight, but in batches. We have billions of people. For more than 608,700 groups."

"Those clansmen with weak souls, multiple reincarnations, and blurred consciousness are the first to fuse, one group at a time, and the group after fusion is then merged with other groups. This mutual fusion has lasted for a long time, until three hundred years When I came to Earth, six hundred thousand groups ended up being just me and one other."

"Yes, I'm here... I think you have already guessed it. There are 600,000 groups, and only Cruise and I are left in the end."

The reindeer lowered its head and seemed to be calculating in its mind, and said: "Here, I must explain to you the social form of our family. You must already know that our civilization and scientific progress, the entire social system is based on spiritual communication. The core works."

"Children will join this huge spiritual network after they mature spiritually. We call this spiritual network ''."

Reindeer saw Mu Chen's bewildered expression, and said with a little joy in his tone: "Sorry, translated into your language, it probably means 'disorderly network'?"

Muchen asked: "A disorderly...net of disorder? I think your social system should be very orderly."

The reindeer tilted his head back: "Maybe it's too 'order', so that we lose the discussion and exploration of life?"

"At that time, some clansmen had already noticed this. The name of the Net of Disorder was their warning to the entire race. Unfortunately, it was of no use."

"Back to the topic, I just said that the children of my clan can only join this network after they are spiritually mature..."

"The growth cycle of our family is similar to yours. It takes at least fifteen years for a newborn child to develop to spiritual maturity."

"During these fifteen years, children cannot join the Net of Disorder, they can only join the spiritual network specially designed for minors. That means their ability to receive and process information will be halved."

The reindeer shook its antlers and said: "Now you should understand that our family has two spiritual networks, one is the 'net of disorder' for adults, and the other is the 'net of safety' for minors."

"Under such circumstances, when our family has been destroyed and a unified decision has been made to merge the souls, about half of the 600,000 groups are 'minor groups'."

"The underage group would only merge with the underage group, and these kids were our last hope at the time. We all thought...if our race could be saved one day, these kids would be a whole new seed."

"So, in order to protect these 'hopes,' we do everything we can, we spend most of our energy on these children, just to keep their souls intact."

Mu Chen understood what the reindeer meant, and he said in horror: "According to what you say... If your clan really continues to merge souls until today, then you are the incarnation of the 'Net of Disorder'!"

"And Cruise..." Muchen looked away from the reindeer, not knowing where to look.

"He is those children," said the reindeer.

"It's been so long, maybe I can't be called a child anymore." The reindeer shook his head slightly, "But it is undeniable that there are too many immature people in the part that makes up Cruise."

"Wait a minute!" Mu Chen interrupted the reindeer's speech, he shook his head, "I'm too lazy to think about what Cruise is, I just want to know why you want to help me control the spaceship and what you want to do! ?”