Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 203: Hopeless Eternal Life 08┃We will meet again in the vast galaxy


"If I say I will help you, do you believe me?" Reindeer asked Muchen.

Muchen replied decisively: "I don't believe it."

The reindeer sighed: "I think so too. For you humans, trusting us alien creatures that popped up out of nowhere means huge risks and disasters visible to the naked eye."

"But..." the reindeer continued, "even if you don't trust me, what can you do? With your meager understanding of our planet and culture in your head? You can't control this spaceship, so come to In the end, I helped you, and you cannot deny my help to you."

Mu Chen said: "I can also understand it as 'the reason why you help me is to dispel my vigilance so that I can be better used by you', this kind of coercion and temptation is too low-level, I will not So easy to fall for."

"Smart human beings." The reindeer seems to be smiling, "You are full of wisdom but have little knowledge, and you hold opportunities but stand still, but you have received the mercy of the God of Nature... Yes, you have the ability to live Courage is the ultimate secret to the reproduction and evolution of living things."

Mu Chen didn't quite understand the meaning of the reindeer's words, he couldn't help frowning: "What are you talking about?"

"I'm envious of you," replied the reindeer.

"Envy?" Mu Chen couldn't understand even more.

"You should know, about the reason why our family will be destroyed?" The reindeer stared at Mu Chen's eyes with dark eyes.

Mu Chen looked away and thought for two seconds, uncertain: "I probably understand... your family has adopted the method of constantly replacing new bodies in order to live forever. When you get old, sick, or your body is destroyed, you can change to better and younger ones. The new body continues to live on...”

"Then, the soul is worn out in the process of constantly changing the body, becomes fragile, and will collapse at any time, and can no longer control the new body... These broken souls can only be preserved in the fringe world that can slow down the decay."

"But there are more and more broken souls like this, and your family is finally going to destruction."

When Mu Chen said this, he glanced at the reindeer, "Of course, I only know now that you broken souls have long chosen the way of soul fusion to continue consciousness and memory... Therefore, what Cruise wants to resurrect what exactly is it?"

"What he wants to resurrect is death." The reindeer replied, "The continuation of species lies in the fact that every creature has a heart of fear of death. Because of fear of death, all creatures will struggle to survive. Killing, eating, and multiplying are all continuations. means of life."

"But our family doesn't have such a heart of fear. The connected spiritual network wears down our emotions, and the superb technology gives us 'immortality'. So far, we have lost the fear of death forever."

"We have gradually become cold and boring, like machines." The reindeer seemed a little sad, "Maintaining a fixed route, mechanically repeating every day's routine, eating, sleeping, working and multiplying, these are all programs. "

"Our fertility rate is getting lower and lower, and there are even a large number of newborns who have no 'self-awareness' at all - that is, the children are born as empty shells."

"These empty shells can't even do the most basic life activity 'breathing'. The umbilical cord connected to the mother's body can still help them deliver nutrients and the gas they need, but once they leave the mother's body, they will die within a few minutes."

"At this time, we realized." The reindeer said intentionally, "Death...and life are always connected together."

"We must die before we can be born again."

Mu Chen was confused: "I still don't understand, what does it mean that you have to die before you can get a new life?"

"Didn't you realize that? The continuation of life is an extremely cruel thing." The reindeer said, "Amu, think about it carefully, what is the reason why you can live well, until now?"

Mu Chen was at a loss, "It's because... my parents gave birth to me, and then..."

"It depends on eating." The reindeer pointed out the truth.

"Eating?" Muchen couldn't understand why the reindeer emphasized such a simple thing, "Isn't this a matter of course? Everyone can eat."

"What you eat is life." The reindeer raised his voice slightly. "The vegetables and meat you eat are all stripped from each life. Their death makes you survive."

This is indeed a very simple truth, which everyone understands. The food that everyone eats is the fruit and branches that all kinds of plants work hard to absorb nutrients and add photosynthesis to stretch out. , Blood and fat accumulated during breathing.

They were all alive, trying very hard to live.

"The soul is the same." The reindeer unfolded a new and terrifying concept for Mu Chen, "The soul is also like a different kind of creature. If a creature wants to survive, it must eat other creatures. And the birth of a new soul, By absorbing the dust of dead souls."

"I mean, do you understand?" The reindeer stared at Mu Chen, "You were once... no, it was the dust of many dead souls, combined together, and turned into a new life."

"But our family doesn't have these dusts." The reindeer sighed, "Because we gave up death for the sake of eternal life, we all keep our souls in those special spaces, and try our best to prevent their apoptosis. There are no dead souls to provide nourishment for newborn souls , of course it is impossible for a new soul to be born."

"That's what I mean when I say, 'Before you die, you are born again.'"

When the reindeer said this, he seemed to be very tired. He lowered his high-raised deer head, and the whole deer crawled on the ground. "We have entered a dead end from the beginning, of course... it is not too late."

"Now, there is another way to save our family." The reindeer said, "It is to return to our home planet, open all the special spaces used to preserve souls, and exile me and the souls that make me up on that land , let the dust of souls be scattered on that planet."

"After tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years, new life will be born on that planet... You can even use the existing high technology to catalyze this process. At that time, our race will reappear in this universe , with a new attitude.”

"Even if I am no longer me at that time, both civilization and technology will disappear along with the memory, but it is also a chance to start again."

When Mu Chen heard what the reindeer said, he finally understood the meaning of the other party. The explosive information flipped in his mind, making it difficult for him to digest for a while, "So...you mean...you want to go back to your own planet up, and die?"

"That's right, I just want to drive this spaceship back to my home planet, and then die." The reindeer replied, "This is my purpose, it is my home reconstruction plan."

"But Cruise runs counter to my ideas." The reindeer shook his head and stared at Mu Chen again, "His idea is to use human beings as a brand-new soul nourishment to gain a new life on earth."

"But to be honest, he really is still a child, and his thoughts are really... How can I put it in your human words, naive?"

In fact, Mu Chen could understand Cruise's thoughts, so he asked the reindeer suspiciously: "Is there something wrong with Cruise's ideas? If Cruise succeeds, wouldn't your family be able to travel to the earth as quickly as possible?" Reborn on the planet? Isn’t it much better than returning to the home planet and then going to die?”

"Let me just say it plain and simple, although it may hurt you." The reindeer pondered seriously, and said to Muchen: "I don't look down on your earth, and I don't look down on you humans."

"Huh?" Muchen was taken aback by this answer.

"The earth is too small!" the reindeer shouted loudly. "It is ten thousand times smaller than our original home planet! The resources are also pitifully scarce! I can't even imagine that such a small planet can give birth to intelligent life!"

"With only this little resource, do you want to develop into a strong and huge race? It is impossible to rush out of the planet and go to the universe! So from a long-term perspective, I will not allow the huge soul dust of our race to fall on you On Earth!"

"Besides, your earth doesn't have so many resources to support so many souls and lives. I also have my own selfishness. I want dust to dust to dust—fallen leaves to roots. Our souls will return to where they came from!"

The reindeer's statement completely convinced Mu Chen in an instant. Although he did feel a little bit shocked, Mu Chen felt that... what the reindeer said was really right!

Humans are indeed not a profitable and powerful race, and the earth is just a small planet like dust. The meat is no bigger than a mosquito, and the meat is not enough to fit between the teeth. what.

"It's just that Cruise guy can't wait to make a name for himself on your earth, that's why I said he's just a kid, naive!" Reindeer sighed uncontrollably in the tone of an elder, "If it's true I fulfilled Cruise's wishes and integrated into your earth to become a human being, that is really the end of the road for our family—it is hopeless!"

Mu Chen felt that ten thousand arrows had been stabbed in his heart by a reindeer, and he covered his chest as if he was about to have a heart attack, "Can you stop calling us humans as if we are dying?"

"I'm sorry, that's why I said that I might hurt you." Reindeer comforted Mu Chen in a timely and considerate manner, "But I just want to tell you the truth."

"I understand." Muchen breathed a sigh of relief, "So to you, our earth and human beings are just ants, and you don't even care about it."

"This, this is too much, and I don't really treat you as ants..." The reindeer flicked its short tail awkwardly, and continued to sigh, "Of course, my cognition is not 100% accurate. , what if you really have a chance? Step out of this small planet and step into the huge universe... "

The reindeer thought about it: "At that time, we will meet again in the vast galaxy."