Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 204: Hopeless Eternal Life 09┃ It's definitely not as bad as you think


Muchen never expected the future, especially the future that had little to do with him.

He knows very well that in the future when he can rush out of the earth and out of the solar system, Mu Chen may have died long ago without even dust left, so he only looks forward to the present.

"Tell me about it? Since your philosophy runs counter to Cruise, why didn't you stop Cruise? Instead, let him waste so much time on Earth, just to toss us 'poor and innocent' Humanity!"

"Oh! This problem... you can see my current image." The reindeer finally changed from lying on the ground to standing up, and it shook its antlers, "According to your earth, I am just a 3d projection, I don't have a physical body."

"And I don't have a lot of spare body like Cruise does."

"Originally I still had a reindeer's body, but it was snatched and destroyed by Cruise..." The reindeer seemed a little ashamed, "It's really embarrassing to say it, but I was indeed plotted against by this kid."

Muchen couldn't believe it: "What happened back then? You said that the reindeer rescued by Ah Mu and Ashin should be you, but the person who rewarded them was Cruise. What did Cruise do? ?"

"He wants to kill me." The reindeer said in a flat tone, "Cruise thinks that I'm going back to my home planet and going to die is just stupid. In his mind, it would be better to use the human beings on Earth as food, and then quickly revive some of them. fast."

"I can understand his desire to take shortcuts, but if he did, the end would be the same."

The reindeer began to analyze the situation: "As I said before, the earth is too small and the resources are too few, and using all human beings as sacrifices to resurrect the tribe, even if only a part of the tribe, the resources that need to be consumed are unbelievable. The resources of this planet In a very short period of time, it will be exhausted in Cruise's resurrection plan, and even a lot of resources on the spaceship will be consumed."

"A planet without resources can't support so many people, and we have to leave the earth at that time. However, interstellar travel also requires a lot of resources. In order to save resources and travel, the spacecraft has to reduce weight, and everything that takes time and effort to build on the earth must be discarded. , then what is the use of the previous resurrection plan? In the end, the bamboo basket fetches water in vain, it is meaningless at all."

"Therefore, it is the best policy to do nothing at the beginning and return to the home star to start again while the spacecraft has enough energy and fuel."

The reindeer said: "This is a joint decision made by the billions of fused souls in my body. The best solution is to set off and return immediately."

"But unfortunately, as I said earlier, the consciousness of Cruise is composed of minors. Their spiritual network is relatively closed and backward, and they cannot synchronize with me, so he doesn't listen to me at all, and even treats me Showed hostility and hatred... and I didn't take his abnormal emotions to heart."

"When we arrived on Earth, we had many disputes because of differences of opinion. In order to avoid conflicts and unify our opinions, I tried to connect with him many times, but he refused me."

"At that time, we had just arrived on Earth, and we were very unfamiliar with this planet. We were in the exploration stage, and the environment and gravity of the Earth were unfavorable living conditions for us."

"In order to be able to move freely on Earth, I scanned the body of a nearby reindeer and created a modified body that could hold my soul."

"It's the one you see now." The reindeer shook his body, and walked back and forth a few steps in front of Muchen. "Making this kind of animal body will facilitate us to better integrate into the earth's environment, explore and observe the earth's creatures, and search for some resources we can use."

"I just had an argument with Cruise, and he's ignoring me, and there's nothing I can do about him."

"So I used this body, took part of the equipment and left the spaceship, and wanted to go further to explore the earth. I never thought that Cruise would attack me at this time. He used the biotechnology on the spaceship to It triggered the madness of various large carnivores within a hundred miles, and encircled and suppressed me."

"I should be thankful that the reindeer, a native creature of the earth, runs so fast! I escaped, although I was still seriously injured and unable to move, but later I met Amu and Axin, and they called the doctor to help me deal with the injury and stop the bleeding. "

"I temporarily regained my ability to move, but I fell into a bigger crisis. I knew I couldn't go back to the spaceship. Cruise tried every means to kill me, and I definitely couldn't die on Earth."

"In desperation, I made a last resort decision..." The reindeer pondered for a moment, before telling the truth, "I decided to give up the reindeer's body and hide my soul in a crystal core that I carry with me."

Hearing this, Mu Chen interrupted the reindeer: "Wait? The crystal core you are talking about is the core of the marginal world—that crystal stone?"

"Yes, that's the one." The reindeer nodded. "I don't want to die on the earth. My purpose is to bring my huge soul dust back to the mother planet to breed new life. If I die on the earth, I will really be finished."

"However, Cruise wanted to kill me. He had premeditated it, so he took control of the spaceship while I was out. I thought about it and thought it would be safer to put my soul in the edge world, because I have the highest authority. , In case of any accident, Cruise has no ability to pull me out of the crystal core."

"The soul is placed in the crystal stone, and my spiritual ability allows me to still control the body of the reindeer, so I let the reindeer run back to the spaceship at full speed with the stone in its mouth, thinking that as long as I return to the spaceship, I will be able to regain control of the spaceship .”

"But I failed. Cruise snatched the reindeer's body and failed to give me a chance to return to the spaceship. He even controlled the reindeer, took the crystal stone that hid me in his mouth, and returned to the meeting with Amu and Amu. Letters, gave them stones as gifts."

"Wait, that means..." Mu Chen sensed the point of the reindeer story, "You were inside that crystal stone!? Even after Amu and Ashin died and entered the marginal world, you were also inside! ?”

"I'm here," the reindeer admitted frankly.

"However, I did not interfere with human thoughts, so I just hid in the deepest part of the marginal world, disguising myself as the lowest level of darkness. As for how many people came in and how many things happened in the marginal world, I just watched and Nevermind."

Mu Chen's eyes widened: "What about the limbic system?"

"The limbic system is the basic auxiliary system of the marginal world. I have the highest authority and can order it to do anything, but as I said, I have no intention of interfering with human beings, so I just stay quietly."

"What about Mu Qin!?" Mu Chen raised the point loudly, "Was that child born in the marginal world, that thought body, sent out by you?"

The reindeer sighed: "Yes, I sent it out."

"Why did you do this? And, if you were hiding in the fringe world and couldn't go out, how did you send Mu Qin out? And also made a human body for him?"

"There is no reason, it's just a whim... For our family whose fertility is declining day by day, the emergence of new life means hope. It is probably for this reason that I want to interfere with the existence of Mu Qin."

"In addition, the edge system can be connected to the main system of the spaceship to remotely control some basic equipment on the spaceship. Although it does not allow me to regain control of the spaceship, it is more than enough to create a baby body for Mu Qin back then."

Mu Chen still couldn't imagine the truth of the matter to be like this. He stretched out his hands to his forehead, feeling extremely surprised and horrified, "So why are you able to control the spaceship again now?"

"Because Cruise was led away by you!" The reindeer seemed quite happy when he said this, "I think Cruise also planned to enter the fringe world to search for me at the beginning."

"The flow of time in the real world and the border world is different. A hundred years have passed in this world, and a thousand years have passed in the border world. He probably felt that after so many years, I have not moved in the border world, so he speculated that I had become weak, so he agreed Entering the fringe world with Zhou Yue... actually went in to find me."

Mu Chen said: "But you didn't become weak, and how did you escape from Cruise's eyeliner and come out of the marginal world?"

"It's all thanks to your brother." The reindeer pointed at Muchen with its hoof.

"My brother... you mean my little Xingxing?" Mu Chen thought of Mu Xing.

"Yes, it's Mu Xing. He created the identity of Marginal Will, changed the mode of Marginal World, made the people who entered Marginal World become players and then played the game of death, and those who were eliminated would be stuffed into the bottom darkness of Marginal World—that's where I hid. The place."

Mu Chen realized something terrifying: "So, you ate the souls of those eliminated players?"

"Eat it? No, no, no..." The reindeer shook his head, "I said that I am a combination of countless souls, and I am also the incarnation of the disordered web. I just integrated the souls of those players into myself and let them join my spirit. It's just the Internet."

"They will assimilate with me and lose themselves... This may be a terrible thing in your human concept, but I want to say that it is definitely not as bad as you think."

"Because of the existence of these players, they provide me with strength, so that I have not become weak from the passage of time over the years."

"As for how I escaped Cruise's eyeliner and left the marginal world, or because of your brother, I was attached to him. When you used various tricks to avoid Cruise's sight, I have been quietly talking with you. Together, you returned to the real world together."

Mu Chen was shocked: "So when I did that with Mu Xing, you were there too!?"

"I've been here all the time." The reindeer said indifferently, solemnly, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in your human mating process, and I respect personal privacy, so I didn't see anything!"

Muchen: "..."