Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 206: Hopeless Eternal Life 11┃ It seems that there is not much time left for me


Zhou Yue said that Cruise has five human bodies that can move freely.

Of course, Mu Xing already knew the location of one of the bodies. It was the old man's body left by Cruise before he entered the marginal world.

Now that he knew the location, Mu Xing led Mu Qin, Yiwan and others to find the old man's body first.

After discussion, they thought that if Cruise breaks free from Zhou Yue's restraint and leaves the marginal world, then the body that the soul will return to at the first time is most likely to be this old man's body, so they must pay attention to it.

As for the remaining four shells, it will take some time to search for them.

Mu Qin's body is weak and he cannot move easily, and Mu Xing looks young and emaciated.

Captain Ivan didn't even think about letting the two of them go on a treasure hunt, so he told Mu Qin and Mu Xing to stay where they were, while Ivan and his teammates split up and communicated with each other during the process.

The first to reap the rewards was the British in the team. While searching one by one in the stable area alone, he found a "coffin" container with a human body in it. Caucasian male body with red sockets behind ears.

The British put a mark on the container containing the human body, and then communicated their situation with Captain Ivan on the communication channel, and then stayed by the container to wait for orders.

The rest of the team, in the next period of time, also found the human body that was suspected of Cruise's spare body one after another, and reported on the channel one by one, and the good news continued for a while, and the situation was very good.

But soon they discovered a problem.

After finding all five spare bodies, Ivan found the sixth human body with red connectors behind the ears.

"The sixth officer?" Mu Qin was shocked.

"It's indeed the sixth one." Ivan replied using the communicator, and at the same time began to check the body he found. It was a white male with red connectors behind the ears, which perfectly matched the characteristics.

Seeing this situation, Mu Qin couldn't help thinking: "Could it be that Zhou Yue was deceived? Cruise gave him false information?"

Mu Xing speculated: "It's not necessarily false information. Cruise may have created many human bodies, but among these many human bodies, only five are free and normal for him to use."

"The other shells were either scrapped or unusable, but for various reasons, Cruise did not destroy them, but still kept them in the stable zone."

"I think some of the shells discovered by Ivan and the team members are these 'discarded shells'."

Mu Qin understood what he meant, "So it's useless for us to find these shells, we have to find a way to test their activity to see if they are alive and can be used normally?"

"That's right, that's it." Mu Xing paused, and said to Mu Qin, "I thought about it, I'll ask my brother first, since they can control some of the equipment on this spaceship, they should also have a way to help We test the shells."

Before Mu Qin could respond, Mu Xing lowered his head and closed his eyes, and began to contact Mu Chen and Reindeer. After a while, he raised his head again and said to Mu Qin: "They said there is a way, but the operation is a bit troublesome."

"What way?" Mu Qin asked.

Mu Xing said: "I can't dictate, just pass the message to you directly."

After speaking, Mu Xing stretched out his hand to Mu Qin, and Mu Qin didn't resist. The two naturally shook hands and looked at each other. Looking at each other, with a slight dizziness, Mu Qin received the message.

The way to test the activity of these shells is very simple. After all, these shells are stored in special life-support containers, and these containers are connected to the main machine.

Just give the host a signal, and the system program can use electric current to stimulate these shells in the container to test whether they are intact and conscious.

The troublesome point is that there are many shells in the container, and Cruise took precautions. He had already set up permission blocking obstacles for the reindeer, and the reindeer could not directly operate the command host. Therefore, it is necessary for Ivan and his teammates to manually operate the small operation panel on the container and input instructions for the host to test.

The text on the operation board is all alien text, which Ivan and others can’t understand at all, and it is very difficult to operate, so Xiao Xingxing directly entered the operation guide into Mu Qin’s mind, and asked Mu Qin to teach these employees Soldiers how to operate those machines.

It was quite a headache. Mu Qin explained for a long time, but still failed to make Ivan learn to operate these damned alien machines. Finally, Mu Qin thought of a way.

Mu Qin said to Ivan in the communicator: "You still remember that I used mental power directly to pour information into your brain, right?"

When Iwan heard what Mu Qin said, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and he asked in horror: "But I'm in a certain corner of the spaceship right now, far away from you, don't tell me you're so far away? Can you just feed the message directly into my head?"

"Too far away is not enough... However, when I instilled information into your mind before, I left my spiritual imprint in your mind. This imprint causes you to be manipulated by me just by hearing my voice." .”

"My God!" Ivan lost his dignity as the captain of the mercenary and began to howl, "You can't always be like this! Control me like a marionette!"

"I'm sorry!" Mu Qin sincerely apologized, but showed no sign of remorse, "But it's the fastest way for me to directly control your body and demonstrate it to you. It will allow you to quickly master the methods of operating these alien machines."

So under the balance of interests, Ivan could only agree with a sad face, and he shouted: "There will be no next time! You must remove all the strange marks left in my mind or whatever!"

Hearing this tall, muscular man howling at him like a child, Mu Qin was secretly amused, and gently comforted him: "Okay, I understand."

"You're just teasing me!" Ivan said rudely, hammering the alien machine beside him, "Come on, I'm ready!"

After remotely controlling Ivan and showing him the operation guide of the machine, Muqin confirmed that Ivan had completely mastered the method of use, so he cut off the contact with Ivan and asked Ivan to contact his teammates one by one. To test the shells in those containers.

"If you ask me, it's actually quite convenient for these aliens to communicate spiritually." Mu Qin sorted out the information in his mind, casually chatted with Mu Xing beside him, and hesitantly expressed his inner thoughts:

"It's just that human beings don't understand the mystery of this means of communication, and their fear of the unknown limits their thinking. As long as they get through this difficulty, this magical power can change the world."

"I think so too." Little Xingxing tilted his head and looked at Mu Qin, "So... if this incident is over, we really have a chance to drive Cruise away, how do you think the marginal world should deal with it? Should it stay, or let it disappear from the face of the earth along with Cruise."

Muchin paused for a moment, and did not immediately answer Mu Xing's question. Instead, he raised his head and glanced at Mu Xing: "What do you think? You once controlled the fringe world, I thought...you should be the one who has the right to decide. "

"I don't know..." Mu Xing lowered his eyes, "I'm a bad decision maker."

Mu Qin frowned: "You are annoying, Mu Xing."

"Don't think I've let it go, I remember everything you did before. But I think you are a person who can stand your ground, even if others think what you did is wrong, you will die Don't repent, because these things are necessary in your mind, and only by doing them can you make yourself feel better."

"From this point of view, you are no different from humans. Most people are like this. They will do what they think is right."

"As long as you can take responsibility and consequences, there is nothing wrong with being crazy."

Mu Qin stared at Little Xing Xing: "So let me ask you again, if you were to make a decision, would you leave the marginal world? Or let it just disappear."

Mu Xing said helplessly: "Even if you don't ask me this question, you already know the answer. We both know our identities well. We are missing bodies. How can we survive without the marginal world? Of course we can only It stays."

"Haven't you thought about getting rid of the shackles of the marginal world completely, becoming a real human being and living in the real world?" Mu Qin asked.

Little Xingxing didn't believe it: "How can there be such a method? If it really existed, I've been in the marginal world for so many years, and I've already tried it out."

Mu Qin looked down at his arm, and he tried to move his five fingers. The feeling of growing weakness and powerlessness filled every cell in his body.

"Didn't that reindeer say that?" Muqin said, "All newborn souls in this world are formed by the dust of dead souls, so do you think... do we have souls?"

This question seemed to have stumped Little Xingxing, who did not answer, but stared at Mu Qin for a long time.

"If we have souls, then why can't we live in the real world smoothly like other human beings after we are separated from the marginal world? But if we don't have souls, how can I depend on Zhou Yue's soul?"

"What is the 'wish' that made us born?" Mu Qin shook his head, "I still can't figure it out, this feeling is really weird."

"Like a god!" Mu Xing, who was the leader of a cult, has a deep understanding of this. He said, "Those believers began to pray, and we were born according to their wishes. The more beliefs, the stronger the power. But as long as there is no people expect, we cease to exist.”

Mu Qin was puzzled: "Then how can we change from a 'god' to a 'human'?"

"I don't know." Mu Xing said jokingly: "The legendary gods have gone through hardships and pains when they fell into adulthood. They have to strip off their godheads, destroy their god bodies, and fall from heaven to the world. At least you have to die once, right?"

"Totally... die once." Mu Qin muttered this sentence to himself.

"Don't take it seriously, this is just my guess!" Seeing that he was serious, Mu Xing anxiously reached out and grabbed Mu Qin's sleeve, "Don't think about it, it's okay to keep the fringe world, as long as there is a usable body outside , we can also come out of the marginal world like now, can't we?"

Mu Qin raised the corners of his mouth and smiled at Xiao Xingxing when he heard this: "Don't worry, I won't foolishly verify unfounded things, but...it seems that there is not much time left for me."

"Not much time?" Mu Xing didn't understand what he meant for a while, and was stunned for a moment, then seemed to react, and grabbed Mu Qin's sleeve and grabbed Mu Qin's wrist. Can't even feel the pulse.

"Your hands are so cold." Little Xingxing rubbed Mu Qin's hand.