Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 208: Hopeless Eternal Life 13┃So, I will not answer your question even more


What if it is really a pawn

Although there is no evidence, Cruise is convinced that Zhou Yue may be a pawn. He even believes that the "adult group" must have already laid a trap for him to take the bait.

Thinking of this, Cruise panicked more and more, trying to urge himself to take immediate action to deal with these sinister traps set by the adult group.

The most sensible thing to do is to leave the marginal world immediately, to prevent yourself from being plotted against by the adult group if you make a wrong step.

Cruise reserved a back door for himself in advance, and he lied to Zhou Yue that as long as his spare body outside was damaged, he would be ejected from the edge world.

But in reality, Cruise can leave the Rimworld whenever and wherever he wants.

It is really good to leave whenever you want, but there are also some small disadvantages. After all, the fringe world is a small space independent of the real world. Although the soul does not have as many restrictions as the body, it still needs a little waiting time.

The waiting time is about ten seconds, and in the same way as Mu Xing and others escaped from the fringe world, Cruise also needs to destroy his own body in the game by committing suicide before he can get out of the fringe world.

Cruise is so afraid of the reindeer because, as the embodiment of the "adult group" and the "net of disorder", the spirit of the reindeer is very strong.

In the past, the reindeer were quite tolerant towards Cruise. The reason for this was that Cruise was of the same race; on the other hand, Cruise was the incarnation of the minor group, adhering to the principle of "everyone is responsible for caring for children". With the concept of ", the reindeer naturally indulged Cruise.

However, today is different from the past, the reindeer who have learned the lesson will never give Cruise any chance this time, so if Cruise does not take precautions and confronts the reindeer head-on, it is easy to be connected by his consciousness and easily pulled away to assimilate.

If the ending is in this direction, Cruise's self-will will disappear under the assimilation of the reindeer, he can only follow the trend, and will forever lose the opportunity to act independently.

The consequences are so serious, but the daring Cruise doesn't want to be so timid when facing the adult group.

For many years, Cruise has been cautious and cautious about the adult group, but it is his attitude of walking on thin ice that makes many of his plans impossible to carry out.

The reindeer is a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh! Even if he was "sealed" into the fringe world, it seemed to cast a lingering shadow deep in Cruise's heart, hindering his actions all the time. Cruise knew that he had to die once and for all. Get rid of it!

Just kill it.

This was Cruise's original idea... three hundred years later, this idea has never changed.

It’s just that when Cruise started to carry out the murder plan three hundred years ago, he was inexperienced and not strong enough mentally. The hesitation at that moment led to Cruise’s failure. He failed to kill the reindeer and gave the reindeer a chance. Flee into the fringe world and hide.

The Edge World is a huge thermostat safe, which has been locked many times. Cruise can open some of them with his authority, but not all of them. The reindeer hid behind those locks that Cruise couldn't open, hiding very tightly.

At that time, Cruise failed to kill the reindeer, but he was relieved. He believed that the reindeer had nowhere to escape.

There is indeed no danger of life in the safe, but it is also equivalent to trapping yourself. If you don't want to stay in it and be trapped to death, sooner or later, the reindeer will have to come out and have to come out.

Cruise thought: When he can no longer hide himself and comes out on his own initiative, I will kill him again.

Cruise thought very well. He believed that after the reindeer came out without a body and only a spirit body, it could not stay in this world for a long time. The fragile body of humans or other animals could not bear the huge soul of the reindeer. As a result, the reindeer still had to run back to the spaceship. Try to get a shell for yourself.

So Cruise just needs to stay in the spaceship and wait for the rabbit.

In order to shorten the waiting time, Cruise also deliberately threw out the edge world body "Crystal Stone" and threw it to humans to let them toss at will. Maybe the reindeer will relax their vigilance and come out early when they see Cruise throwing the stone.

It's just that Cruise never expected that it was himself who was the first to lose his temper.

After searching around the fringe world, he couldn't feel the breath of the reindeer, and Zhou Yue, who might be the bait thrown by the reindeer, gave Cruise unprecedented pressure.

Did the reindeer really run out

In a way that Cruise also didn't expect, he left the marginal world unknowingly!

Zhou Yue had previously shown "spiritual power" in front of Cruise, which attracted Cruise's attention. Then he said he wanted to "play a game" with him, forcing Cruise into the fringe world to delay time.

All these behaviors may be covering the reindeer!

Then when Cruise was confused by Zhou Yue, the reindeer could logically run out of the edge world, seize control of the spaceship, trap Cruise in turn, and then assimilate to destroy Cruise.

The conjecture is terrible! Crew suddenly became anxious. He dropped the boring players who were talking to him in front of the blackboard, and started to start the return process to return to the real world.

At this time, Zhou Yue, who had been quietly following Cruise, saw that he was abnormal, so she came to talk to Cruise.

"You were in a daze for a long time just now. Did you think of something?" Zhou Yue said as gently as possible. He vaguely noticed that Cruise was emotionally chaotic and unstable. This was a critical period, and he must stabilize Cruise.

Cruise didn't answer, but instead glanced at Zhou Yue with a strange look.

Cruise's gaze made Zhou Yue's breathing inexplicably stagnant for a moment. He reacted sharply and said, "Do you want to leave? Cruise"

Zhou Yue stopped Cruise, who was about to take action, with a word. Cruise was startled, wondering if Zhou Yue had seen through his previous lies and knew that he could enter and exit the marginal world at will

However, Zhou Yue didn't give him time to deal with it, and said softly: "Okay, if Cruise wants to leave, just leave!"

This is actually a typical, even crude, move to retreat, but Cruise, who has no understanding of human scheming at all, was still fooled. He heard Zhou Yue's words, and saw Zhou Yue's face that seemed like With a smile that wasn't a smile, I couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Cruise thought again, if Zhou Yue was really the bait deliberately thrown by the reindeer, his duty should be to try his best to trap Cruise so as to delay his time, how could he let him go so easily now

Could it be that... the reindeer really came out of the fringe world, got everything done outside, successfully seized control of the spaceship, and everything was fine, and Zhou Yue didn't need to continue performing to delay time before letting Zhou Yue let him go

No, it's impossible! The reindeer can't move so fast!

Cruise has set up so many defense programs on the spacecraft system, all of which are used to target the reindeer. The purpose is to prevent the reindeer from regaining control of the spacecraft in a short time.

Although these defense programs can't completely stop the reindeer's footsteps, Cruise is sure that they still have some effect. Without five or six hours, the reindeer will definitely not be able to decipher so many programs!

Cruise had been in Rimworld for less than an hour, and if the reindeer left after Cruise entered Rimworld, that hour would not have been enough for the reindeer.

So, what was it that made Zhou Yue uncharacteristically decide to let Cruise go

"So you know that I can go out anytime, right?" Cruise asked.

Zhou Yue: "Of course, it's easy to see that you didn't intend to finish this ultimate game with me from the very beginning."

After all, Zhou Yue paused, and then said: "But I won't blame you for this, just leave if you want to leave, but your leaving means breaking the contract, so I won't honor our previous agreement, follow you Don’t even think about going out and being an experimental subject for you unconditionally.”

When Cruise heard this, he became more and more anxious. He was a little confused about the situation, and a feeling that the situation was slowly getting out of control lingered in his heart, and Cruise was restless.

"Is this game really that important to you?" Cruise began to insinuate, he wanted to dig out some information from Zhou Yue's mouth, he wanted to find out Zhou Yue's identity and intentions, and see what Zhou Yue was Not the bait the reindeer threw him.

Cruise said: "I don't believe it, Zhou Yue, I think you are a smart person. Smart people always know how to live better, but you actually want to destroy the marginal world together!"

"What's wrong with that?" Zhou Yue said, "I have been away from reality for many years, I am used to fighting and fighting here, I have adapted to the environment here, returning to reality is no longer a unique option for me, I want to stay in this world where I can kill with pleasure, and perish with it."

Zhou Yue was so calm, her expressions and words were so on point, and she couldn't see anything wrong.

Cruise was a little anxious, he didn't want to continue to go around with Zhou Yue, entangled in some unimportant topics, he couldn't wait to get straight to the point, and said bluntly: "Okay! I don't care whether you go or stay now, Zhou Yue... I just want to You told me one thing, you can use the spiritual blade, which means that you have definitely fused with someone's soul! And the fusion was very successful!"

"But as far as I know, soul fusion is not easy, because the probability of it happening naturally is too low. I think someone has definitely helped you. Tell me who this person is!"

"What?" Zhou Yue shook her head inexplicably, "I didn't understand what you meant, I did have a soul fusion with someone, but it wasn't done with the help of someone, it really happened naturally."

Zhou Yue's answer didn't answer the point at all, which made Cruise even more anxious. The expression on his face became distorted, and he turned up his volume: "Don't talk nonsense with me! Zhou Yue, there must be someone behind you who helped you, that person Who is it!? Or, who is the one who merged with your soul!?"

Facing the angry Cruise, Zhou Yue still looked undisciplined, and sneered: "You don't even want to complete my game according to my requirements, but you still want me to answer your questions, don't you think it's rude? ?”

"Politeness?" Cruise obviously decided to tear his skin apart, and Zhou Yue's perfunctory and negligent attitude made his teeth itch with hatred, "You are really interesting, human! The whole world is a huge dark jungle, as small as a planet The ecological circle on the planet is as large as the entire galaxy, the galaxy, and even the universe. All species survive by competition and fighting. Your identities and mine are opposites, so how can you be polite!"

Cruise's words contained threats inside and out, but Zhou Yue didn't feel fear at all, he was still very casual and leisurely: "Oh, this is indeed my mistake, we are not friends, and we are not polite... So, I am even more uncomfortable. I will answer your question."