Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 210: Hopeless Eternal Life 15┃There are many people in the room!


Cruise, who was blocked, was not discouraged, he thought for a moment, at least he now understands why the number of active players on the blackboard has decreased.

From the words of number 2343, it can be inferred that a group of players who have awakened their spiritual power used their power to control others to snatch cards, and thus became unscrupulous.

Ordinary players who haven't awakened are also belatedly aware that something is wrong, they dare not act rashly, and can only occasionally leave messages on the blackboard to test.

Cruise, who wanted to understand this, changed his mind, turned around and woke up Zhou Yue, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa, and said, "You just said that you want me to give the cards to other players face to face, so you don't have to go to other people's safe houses, I also Can call other players into my safe house, right?"

"Of course." Zhou Yue yawned and answered vaguely, "But I'm going to sit here and sleep, and I won't leave. I hope the players you called won't have any objections to my existence."

"He/she won't have any objections." After confirming this from Zhou Yue, Cruise continued to return to the blackboard to operate. This time, he only left the player number like other players did, and did not add any other redundant words .

Zhou Yue behind Cruise looked at this scene and smiled slightly, which was meaningful.

Compared with the no one cared about just now, someone contacted Cruise soon this time.

Although it was just a simple task, Cruise was inexplicably aroused at the moment. He calmed down, cleared his voice slightly, and started talking to the strange player opposite.

"We don't speak dark words." The player number who came to talk to Cruise was 4122. 4122 has good conversation skills and understands the psychology of most players today. He said, "I want your Cards, I want to use some methods to exchange them."

"In what way?" Cruise asked.

"We are very clear that judging from the current rules of the game, if all of us cling to the cards in our hands and don't make any changes or back down, then we can only hold this ten-point card forever. card, stay forever in this bad world."

4122 said, "So, let's gamble for the cards."

Cruise asked in surprise, "Gambling?"

"Yes, gambling." 4122 said, "We can't attack or rob each other, so we can only get cards in this way. The system in the safe house will not give us any items other than food, so we use the most primitive way, rock-paper-scissors?"

"Two out of three rounds, whoever loses will give the opponent a ten card."

4122 is obviously very confident. I am afraid that he has used this method to obtain cards from others before.

Of course, Cruise has no problem. Originally, he wanted to give away the cards in his hand, as long as he deliberately lost to 4122.

"Okay, that's the way it is," Cruise said. "Is that you coming to my safe house, or am I going to your place?"

"Go to your safe house." 4122 said.

Cruise said: "I have to remind you, there is someone in my room, but you don't need to worry about him, he just rests and sleeps here with me, he can't do anything, but if you are worried, you can let me go there there."

Cruise understands the mentality of these players. They are very cautious, and the slightest risk will make them discouraged. Even if it's just a show, Cruise has to behave like them in order to gain the corresponding trust.

However, to Cruise's surprise, after hearing Cruise's words, 4122 was silent for a while before saying, "Is there someone in your room?"

"... Yes, what's wrong?" Cruise asked puzzled.

"You are too arrogant, brother." 4122's tone was sarcasm, "Combine with others to trick me, right? You still tell me so openly? You are really capable!"

Cruise was stunned and didn't understand what this guy was talking about. Cruise said: "I didn't cheat you. If you don't believe me, I just said it, and I can go to your place."

"I know the routines of you guys. Do you think you can do whatever you want with a little mental power? Don't dream! Let me tell you, I will definitely let you guys kick the iron plate!"

After finishing speaking, 4122 hung up the call with a snap, and the whole process stunned Cruise.

No, what the hell is going on!

Cruise really couldn't understand the inexplicable thoughts of these human beings. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that there should be nothing wrong with what he just said. Didn't he just mention that Zhou Yue is here, why did he suddenly change his face

Cruise looked back at Zhou Yue who was still asleep, no matter how he thought about it, he didn't think it should be Zhou Yue's problem. Could it be that he didn't understand the mentality of these players enough

But what is the mentality of these players

In the past, Cruise didn't need to understand what humans think. After all, Cruise has technological strength far surpassing that of humans. He regards humans as ants. Does Cruise need to care about what a group of ants are thinking

But unfortunately, now he needs it, he desperately needs to know what the hell these damned ants are thinking!

After failing twice in a row and failing to send out the cards in his hand, Cruise was so angry that his face turned green. He tried to take a deep breath to calm his impetuous mood, and it took him a long time to calm down.

After calculating the time, more than ten minutes passed, and almost half an hour was wasted like this, but he still hadn't completed the task!

Cruise became anxious on a rare occasion. This time, he seized the time to browse the messages on the blackboard again, found a player with the number 1006, and initiated a voice call to the other party, but was rejected.

Cruise, who was rejected, froze for a moment, and then persevered in initiating a communication with another player, but was rejected again.

In this way, being rejected about five or six times in a row, Cruise began to doubt life.

what happened

Cruise watched as the number of messages on the blackboard became less and less. At first, there were dozens of messages, then there were more than a dozen, and now there are only a handful of messages.

Cruise was very puzzled. He looked at the few messages on the blackboard, gritted his teeth and chose one of them, the player numbered 3574.

After initiating the communication, this time it was not rejected, but accepted.

Cruise felt an inexplicable sigh of relief in his heart, and then he couldn't wait to say to number 3574: "You..."

As soon as Cruise uttered a syllable, number 3574 forcibly interrupted him and said, "Go to my safe house, will you come?"

Cruise was even more confused. The previous two he talked about and got blocked every minute, but this one was so direct that he asked Cruise to go to his safe house.

"You let me go to your safe house?" Cruise couldn't help but confirm this.

"That's right, will you come or not? I'm impatient!" The voice of the number 3574 was rough and thick, and people couldn't help but picture a 1.88-meter-long Northeast man in his heart.

"Come on!" Cruise knew that he had to seize the opportunity. As long as he could enter other people's houses, he would have the opportunity to send out the cards in his hand. As long as the task was completed, it was none of Cruise's business. .

Not long after Cruise said the words, the number 3574 sent an invitation to Cruise. Cruise looked at the prompt given to him by the system, and felt a feeling of "finally!" after all the hard work.

Cruise immediately clicked to confirm, the system prompted a sentence to start the transmission, and then Cruise felt his body suspended for a while, and when the things in front of him became clear again, Cruise saw a scene that shocked him.

He was indeed teleported into someone's safe house, but there were a lot of people in that room!

Including Cruise, the safe house was densely packed with people, some standing, some sitting in the corner, and some walking around.

The safe house seems to have been enlarged in order to accommodate more people. After Cruise came in, he glanced over and saw that there were about 30 people.

These people are all wearing the kind of gray clothes unique to players, so they are indeed players.

But how can there be so many players crammed into the same safe house

When Cruise was shocked, a player walked by and patted Cruise on the shoulder. When Cruise looked back at him, the man said, "Are you just here? What's your name?"

Cruise was a little speechless, he was still in horror, so he stared at the man in front of him. This is a very short man, about 1.65 meters tall, about the same as an ordinary girl.

Seeing that Cruise didn't speak, the short man said to himself again: "I'm being obtrusive. If you don't want to say your name, then give your number."

"1408." Cruz newspaper.

"Oh, you were pulled in by me just now." The short man also followed his own registration number, "I am 3574 who just invited you over, and I am the owner of this safe house."

The rough ore voice that doesn't match his figure is really impressive. Cruise glanced at the short man, then at the crowd around him, and asked, "Why are there so many players in your room?"

"I summoned them here." 3574 said, "I have something to announce later, the more people who know, the better, that's why I summoned so many players."

"Wait, the information on the players on the blackboard is getting less and less. Is it because you are recruiting? You have gathered all the players?" Cruise seemed to understand why the information on the blackboard had decreased.

"Not only me, but my companions are also calling other players. Most of the players have been gathered by us one by one." 3574 briefly explained.

"What are you going to do?" Cruise asked subconsciously.

3574 said: "I will announce later, you wait here for a while, don't rush to leave, the good show will be staged soon."

After finishing speaking, 3574 left, apparently to greet other people, leaving Cruise alone.

Cruise touched his chin and thought for a while, thinking this was a good opportunity. He doesn't care what these players want to do when they gather. There are so many players in the room now, he just needs to grab one at random and stuff the cards into the hands of others.

Thinking of this, Cruise immediately acted and reached out to grab a player who was closest to him, but the player looked back at Cruise and threw Cruise's hand away.

"Wait a minute!" Cruise yelled at the man, he was not reconciled, he was in a hurry, he had wasted too much time, he desperately needed to throw the card out, to whomever he wanted.

Hearing Cruise's shout, the man turned around and wanted to hear what Cruise had to say. At this time, 3574 suddenly walked to the middle of the crowd, set up a horn, and shouted "Everyone!" to focus everyone's attention.

Everyone's attention was drawn away by 3574, and everyone moved closer to 3574, while Cruise was left at the end of the crowd.