Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 212: Hopeless Eternal Life 17┃ Peeling off the skin is still an illusion


Cruise is not an ordinary player who is weak and weak. At least in the case of a complete collapse of the safe house, he has another option, which is to contact the main system of the marginal world, enter the escape code, and let the main system take him out of the marginal world completely. .

This is Cruise's trump card, even if he removed all permissions under Zhou Yue's intentional or unintentional supervision and became an ordinary player, he still has things that ordinary players cannot do.

It's just that Cruise didn't understand very much, he couldn't figure it out.

Cruise asked King aloud, "What did you do? Why did the safe house crash? How did you crash the safe house?"

Jin didn't seem to want to answer Cruise's question, he looked at Cruise with a half-smile: "I didn't do anything. But the safe house just collapsed, and I not only knew that the safe house would collapse, but I also knew that the whole edge The world is collapsing, all code data here will be deleted, game maps, skill props, mall items, everything is gone.”

Jin's words made Cruise's eyes widen, and he wondered if Zhou Yue couldn't wait? After all, only Zhou Yue was able to delete things in the game, and accidentally deleted the safe house, which led to the current situation

But if it was deleted by Zhou Yue, how would this guy named Jin know? Could it be that Zhou Yue colluded with this Jin

Cruise couldn't figure it out, and he didn't bother to think about it. Anyway, the safe house was gone at the moment, and the players in the safe house all fell out, floating scattered in the dark void.

Now there is nothing in the fringe world, and it has returned to its most primitive form, leaving only this silent and dark chaos. All players maintain an eternal posture. Their faces are expressionless like puppets, as if they want to Like being swallowed by darkness.

Cruise is very irritable, his plans are interrupted by various emergencies again and again, and the tasks he promised Zhou Yue are always inexplicably blocked. Now Cruise is immersed in anxiety and anxiety. Suspicion, his patience has been exhausted, and his mind is full of strange ideas. He waited for a while, but Zhou Yue came to him for a long time, so Cruise decided not to wait.

He started to contact the main system in an attempt to leave this world.

He closed his eyes and heard the response from the main system, the main system quickly received his order, and counted down in his mind, counting from ten to one, he would be able to return to the real world.

Jin floated aside without speaking. He stared at Cruise intently, as if he knew what Cruise was doing, and couldn't help a sly smile from the corner of his mouth.

The task of Jin and Zhou Yue is to delay Cruise's time as much as possible and let him stay in the marginal world for a little longer.

In order to buy more preparation time for Mu Qin and others who are preparing to stay in this world.

But both Jin and Zhou Yue are very clear that Cruise is not a guy they can keep if they want. They all know that Cruise has reserved a hole card for themselves, the hole card that allows Cruise to come and leave whenever he wants. .

This is quite a headache, because in this case, no matter what measures are taken, whether it is to pursue the victory or retreat, as long as Cruise thinks of leaving, then he can leave. Even if Zhou Yue obtained Cruise's promise that Cruise must complete the task assigned to him by Zhou Yue within an hour before leaving, Cruise can also abandon this illusory promise at any time and turn around and leave.

Cruise, who is not a human, why should he keep the promise of human beings

This chain of commitment, which is more fragile than glass, is useless, and it can't hold Cruise at all.

Therefore, the so-called commitment can only be temporary, Zhou Yue and Jin must think of more ways to contain Cruise, lock him firmly, and imprison him in the marginal world.

How to do it? What exactly should I do to tie this guy up

Mu Qin outside gave Zhou Yue a wonderful suggestion: "How about letting him have a dream within a dream?"

Put another layer of illusion on the illusion, and after peeling off the skin, it is still an illusion. There is nothing more wonderful than this. So Zhou Yue and Jin took action immediately, Zhou Yue was responsible for attracting attention in front of Cruise, and Jin went to find the 20 to 30 Butterfly Thrones distributed in different throne maps in the marginal world, and found the ones on it. kings, and join forces with these kings.

The kings sitting on the throne are a group of monsters with explosive mental power. They have been bound by the throne for too long, and their bodies and minds have decayed. Just like the Yu Sui I saw before, they maintained a rigid posture on that chair for a long time The silence went on, as if it could last until the end of time.

Of course, it may also be because it is too boring. Jin didn't put much effort in persuading this group of kings. He easily got the support of all the kings. Using the power of these kings, Jin can send all the players in the entire border world They all come together, as Cruise saw just now, and King brings these players together and hypnotizes them.

To weave a superb illusion for a non-human like Cruise, it is not enough to rely on the spiritual power of one or two people, but the spiritual power of so many people connected together should be enough no matter what you think.

This is a bold attempt, the inspiration is proposed by Mu Qin, the structure is made by Zhou Yue and Jin, but the technical support and guidance are given by the reindeer. Only the reindeer knows Cruise best, and only the reindeer knows what kind of illusion will not make people feel happy. Cruise became suspicious.

From the moment Kim snapped his fingers at Cruise, the dream unfolded.

The collapse of the safe house and the weightlessness of the environment are actually illusions, and they are also to cover up the incongruity that Cruise feels when he enters the dream, so as to avoid his suspicion.

So in fact, Cruise is still standing with Jin in the safe house full of players. Like those players, he stands there stupidly, expressionless.

In the dream, Cruise thought that he had really contacted the main system and returned to the real world logically.

When the ten-second countdown in his mind reached zero, when Cruise opened his eyes, he found that he had returned to his old man's body and was standing in a dark aisle of the spaceship.

strangeness? Before I entered the border world, I should have put my body in a deep sleep box. Why did I appear in the aisle when I opened my eyes

Cruise was stunned for a moment, and a bad idea lingered in his mind. He immediately set off to the main control room of the spaceship, trying to check the situation of the spaceship there.

At the stall where Cruise fell into a dream, the reindeer outside also breathed a long sigh of relief, and said to Mu Chen: "It's done, he won't be able to come out for a while now, we still have enough time to do more things."

"Great." Mu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "We can take advantage of this stage to improve our various actions a little bit."