Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 213: Hopeless Eternal Life 18┃Resurrection on this planet


After preparing for so long, of course we must achieve the most perfect victory.

Cruise was trapped in a dream step by step, Zhou Yue and Jin worked together to maintain stability in the marginal world, Mu Qin joined others to stay on the spaceship in the real world and continued to arrange, while the reindeer was racking his brains to break through Cruz. The firewall left on the spacecraft.

Time passed by every minute and every second, although Muqin and Ivan's team had found five spare bodies belonging to Cruise, but because Cruise still had many other scrapped bodies...

After a tight and intense discussion, they all felt that no hidden dangers could be left. Since there is still plenty of time, they might as well change their plan and find out all the discarded shells that meet the characteristics!

So, in the next hour, Ivan and his elite team visited every corner of the alien spaceship.

Cooperating with the reindeer's continuous breach of the firewall, the reindeer gave Ivan and others one after another permission to open various roadblocks and restricted areas on the spacecraft, and they finally found all the shells used by Cruise.

Later, Ivan reported the results to Muqin: "In addition to the five activated bodies, we also found 11 white male bodies that also have red connectors behind the ears."

"Six of these 11 shells, we found in a room that looked like a herbarium, were soaked in a liquid similar to formalin, and the shells were so swollen that they were completely unusable."

"The other five are all placed in the 'crystal coffin' for life support. I have tested their activity with the method you gave me, but they are all unusable. But just in case, I still give all the found bodies They're all loaded with miniature bombs."

"I asked my subordinates to guard the five important bodies nearby. When you give an order, I press the button, and they will all explode. Even if something goes wrong, my subordinates will dedicate themselves to killing them!"

"Great job, Mr. Ivan!" Mu Qin was not stingy in his praise on the walkie-talkie.

"Then what should we do next?" Ivan, who had nothing to do for the time being, felt a little uncomfortable.

"Just wait for the news." At this point, Mu Qin had to admit that he was a little excited, and squeezed the radio in his hand, "Just wait."

Mu Qin's side is going very well, and the reindeer has also made a breakthrough!

The reindeer circled cheerfully in mid-air using the stereoscopic projection, and happily told Muchen, "Thanks to you for delaying enough time!"

Muchen said, "Successful?"

"Yes, I have almost broken through all the firewalls left by Cruise! Although there are still some minor problems that cannot be resolved, they are harmless. The control of this spaceship has completely returned to my hands!"

"There is really no problem?" Mu Chen couldn't believe that things would go so smoothly. During the time when the reindeer was trying to break through the firewall, he had been serving as an assistant, manually debugging the code for the reindeer in the main control room of the spacecraft. After all, the reindeer has no entity now. For some basic operations, the original manual is more efficient.

A group of people on the spacecraft bear tons of pressure, and their spirits are always in a state of high concentration and tension. Mu Chen originally thought that Cruise would be very difficult to deal with, thinking that Cruise would return to the real world at any time to disrupt all their plans.

But the worst result did not happen. Is Cruise really safely trapped in a dream within a dream

"Even if he finds something is wrong now, it's too late!" The reindeer said bouncingly, "I contacted Mu Qin and Mu Xing, and they found all of Cruise's spare bodies!"

"Now, I will use the spaceship system to monitor these spare bodies at all times. Once Cruise escapes from the dream, no matter which body he wakes up on, I will know immediately."

"I will send a signal to Mu Qin to destroy these bodies. Cruise's soul has no body to hold, and will only return to his original body in the end. The original body cannot leave the training cabin, and he will be trapped in that narrow In the crystal coffin, just as you planned."

Mu Chen said: "Then you will start the spaceship and take Cruise back to your home planet?"

"Yes, we will say goodbye at that time." Seeing the victory in sight, the dormancy and hiding in the marginal world for nearly a thousand years finally paid off, the reindeer was very happy, and his tone was mixed with trills, "I can finally go home! "

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment. At this moment, he heard infinite yearning, excitement and gratification from the words of the reindeer. The sense of satisfaction of getting what he wanted came from the reindeer, an alien creature that should not be human. clearly manifested.

"The souls of countless compatriots in me are clamoring to go home, hoping to fall into a long and deep sleep on the soil of their hometown every moment."

"Sigh." The reindeer sighed, "Unfortunately, we originally set out from our home planet to find the hope of reviving the race, but we turned around a lot, and finally found that hope has always been on our home planet."

"May you human beings also cherish your own planet! Because the universe is too huge, almost endless, every life race born in such a huge universe is an extraordinarily precious treasure, and the birth of life The planet is unique."

After hearing what the reindeer said, Mu Chen felt mixed feelings in his heart. He pondered for a while, and finally summoned up the courage to say: "I can't represent all human beings, but I can represent myself and my brother. I will cherish it very much." Everything around me, and at the same time... very happy to meet you."

The reindeer was stunned, and shook the plum blossom horns on Mu Chen's head.

The reindeer seemed a little shy, and was silent for a while before continuing: "Let's not gossip, let's continue our theme. Now that everything is ready, it's time to release Cruise from the dream. Trapped, we also have time to deal with players in the fringe world, and clean up the mess Cruise left on Earth, what do you think?"

"Very good." Mu Chen smiled, "I never thought you would be willing to do so much for us."

"I can't help it!" The reindeer shook his head, "According to what you people on earth say, I am the parent of the bear child Cruise, and it is always my fault that the child caused trouble outside. You can go home early and start working!"

"How's the situation?" The air blurred and distorted, and Zhou Yue teleported directly to Jin's side. The two stood together and carefully observed Cruise, who was petrified in place.

"It seems to be very stable, and the kings who provided the spirit didn't report any bad news to me... So, this guy is indeed in a dream within a dream state." Jin said, "I just don't know what kind of dream he had, The dream was constructed by Cruise's kin, the reindeer himself."

Zhou Yue said: "Mu Qin just gave me the news. He said that they are fully prepared outside, just wait for us to release Cruise and let him return to the present world, and Mu Qin will take care of the rest."

Jin turned to look at Zhou Yue: "Are you going to let him go?"

"Yes, enough time has passed, let him out."

Jin took a deep breath: "I hope there will be no accidents."

"No." Zhou Yue rubbed her hands, and then conjured a shining sharp knife out of nowhere.

Zhou Yue stroked the blade, and said softly: "The moment he wakes up, I will stab him to death immediately, and I will attach my spiritual power to the blade to destroy the stability of his soul, and wait for him to leave the marginal world. He will be more vulnerable than ever."

"I see." Jin nodded. He backed away some distance, and ordered the hypnotized players around him to also open up enough space for Zhou Yue to play freely.

Then Kim said, "Let's get started."

This is not the real world, this is a dream!

Cruise also doesn't know when he first realized this.

Perhaps from the very beginning when he stepped into this dream world, he had vaguely noticed something was wrong, but Cruise's thinking stopped as if frozen, and he couldn't concentrate on thinking. He was like a ghost who had lost himself, in this illusion. wandering around.

This dream is very realistic, completely simulating the environment of the spaceship that Cruise is familiar with. He spent countless days and nights on this spaceship, and he was full of ambitions to revive his race, so he began to do what he had done before. Just like I said, soaking in the laboratory, constantly calculating some unknown data.

He spent a long, long time in such boring data calculations. When Cruise reacted belatedly, panic filled his heart.

What am I doing? Cruise looked at the garbled paper in his hand.

How long have I been in this damn dream? Cruise asked himself again in a daze.

But he has no answers, and he doesn't know how he got sober.

Cruise tried hard to recall what happened before he stepped into this strange dream, and he quickly thought of the marginal world, Zhou Yue, and the last Jin he saw.

what is going on? Could it be that... I was calculated

Cruise, who realized this, slowly calmed down after a short period of mental confusion.

No, in time, I still have time.

Cruise murmured to himself to comfort himself.

It's okay, Cruise, it's just a small trap, set by the reindeer, you expected that, didn't you

That stupid reindeer is still as stupid and stupid as ever. Although it is indeed worthy of praise that he knows how to trap himself with a dream in a dream this time, so what

After all, even if the reindeer managed to trap Cruise, taking control of the spacecraft while Cruise was trapped, it would not be a problem for Cruise.

Cruise is very smart. Before he started to plan, he anticipated all his failures and took precautions against each of these outcomes.

He will succeed, he will not be as weak as a reindeer and want to die, he will definitely resurrect his race on this planet.