Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 214: We will clear everything brought about by Rule 01┃


"I have ordered those kings to remove their moral support!" Jin said loudly to Zhou Yue, "He will wake up from his dream soon, get ready! Zhou Yue!"

Zhou Yue didn't answer, raised the blade and aimed it at Cruise, and waited for Cruise to open his eyes before going up to give him a knife.

However, Cruise refused to wake up for a long time.

He maintained that stiff posture and expression, standing in place like a stone man, showing no sign of moving.

Zhou Yue waited and waited, and slowly began to feel that something was wrong, froze for a moment, and turned to look at Jin.

Jin also felt strange, and explained: "It's strange, without the king's spiritual support, it stands to reason that his dream should have collapsed, how could he not wake up!?"

After listening to Jin's explanation, Zhou Yue turned her head to look at Cruise again, her expression became serious.

"Otherwise, don't wait for him to wake up, just stab him to death and send him back to the present world. You have marginal will now, and you can throw him out directly!" Jin clenched his fists and gave a neat suggestion.

Zhou Yue also had the same plan. The present Mu Qin had already signaled to him that he was ready, and waited for Zhou Yue to release him.

There was no time for Zhou Yue to hesitate, so he raised his sharp knife and rushed forward.

The blade mixed with mental power pierced straight into Cruise's chest and heart. With Zhou Yue's skills and abilities, it was no surprise that he was killed in one blow.

But Cruise, who was supposed to be killed, suddenly raised his head, stared at Zhou Yue with his eyes open, and even reached out and tightly grasped Zhou Yue's wrist holding the knife.

Cruise's chest wound stabbed by Zhou Yue did not leave any drop of blood, just like what Zhou Yue stabbed was not a big living person, but a puppet that looked like a living person.

"I understand, you and that guy are all in the same group." The puppet Cruise made a hoarse voice, and looked at Zhou Yue with a burning gaze, "From the beginning, I set up a game and waited for me to jump in, yes Bar?"

Zhou Yue didn't speak, he was flustered, grabbed the handle of the knife and wanted to pull the knife out of Cruise's body, but Cruise grabbed his wrist with great strength, Zhou Yue tried to pull his hand out, but I can't move at all.

"Heh... hehe... hahaha... hahahaha!" Cruise suddenly laughed in this situation, he laughed wildly, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked crazy.

"Extremely stupid human!" Cruise grabbed Zhou Yue's wrist tightly, and his nails sank deep into Zhou Yue's flesh and blood.

"Do you really think I'm easy to deal with? Do you really think that if you dig a hole for me to jump down, I'll jump down obediently?" Cruise twisted his face and grinned at Zhou Yue, "You're so stupid, Zhou Yue! "

Zhou Yue's face was serious. He didn't want to talk nonsense with Cruise. Since he couldn't do it, he simply ordered the fringe system in his mind to strip Cruise of his player status and throw him out of the fringe world.

But Zhou Yue was horrified by the answer from the limbic system, because the system's answer was very confusing:

[Identity stripping failed... Unknown illegal program detected... Warning! Virus invasion! The system cannot check itself... System @#¥#%%¥%...]

At the beginning, the system was able to speak a few words that Zhou Yue could understand, but the rest of the language became garbled characters, like countless flies buzzing around Zhou Yue's ears.

"It's useless." Cruise seemed to know what Zhou Yue was doing, and the twisted smile on his face widened further, "Didn't I just say that? Only a fool would obediently jump into your trap, but I'm not a fool. "

"Zhou Yue, from the very beginning, since you asked me to enter the marginal world to play that shit game with you, I knew you had bad intentions."

"So when I came in, I had a virus program for the limbic system. Not only could I go in and out of the world freely, but I could also crash the limbic system in times of crisis, and make the world restart and work for me—this is what I prepared for. Against the web of disorder."

Cruise said with a smirk: "I know that the guy from the Net of Disorder is hiding in the fringe world waiting for an opportunity, but you just happened to appear in front of me, what an experimental material that meets all the perfect standards in my mind! It hit me in the face like a pie falling from the sky, but how can there be such a good thing in reality?"

"The Net of Discord is too powerful, he has so many souls of the same race! I can't beat him head-on, but I don't want to let him die easily, otherwise wouldn't the souls on him be wasted? So I brought This wonderful little program is used to rewrite the system code of the edge world. In the code of the new system, I will sink the net of disorder into the darkness of the edge world, let him become the nourishment of the edge world, so that I can It is a brilliant idea to absorb the nutrients of the disordered web through the new limbic system, without confronting him head-on, and plundering his soul at the same time!"

"Unfortunately, I seem to have miscalculated one step."

Cruise seemed to be suddenly angry. He pinched Zhou Yue's wrist with one hand, and raised the other hand, pinching Zhou Yue's neck severely.

"That guy is more cowardly and cowardly than I thought! He never thought of confronting me. It seems that he just left you here as a bait, but he ran out of the marginal world!" Cruise suddenly It swelled up, and some black mist began to spread around his body, covering his whole body, making him swell up like a black balloon.

Zhou Yue looked familiar with this black mist. Wasn't Mu Xing like this before? After swallowing more than a thousand people, the mental body bulged into a huge black ball, with an astonishing sense of oppression, which caused people to be deeply shocked and collapsed at the first sight.

And Cruise gives people more feeling than Mu Xing. Zhou Yue should have understood that Cruise is more terrifying than Mu Xing before. In the fantasy world that embodies the spirit and soul, Cruise's power will explode, showing a terrifying posture that Zhou Yue and others can't imagine.

"But it doesn't matter, I've kept my back on the outside!" Cruise's voice at this moment is no longer like a human voice. The voice is hoarse and sharp, and it has an accent, as if it was spoken by countless people. The voices overlapped, making one's back numb.

"Whether it's in the fringe world or in the real world, that stupid reindeer is nothing but prey in my hands, and you—Zhou Yue!" Cruise's body has completely swelled into a huge, irregular black object , His hands pinching Zhou Yue's wrist and neck also turned into black tentacles.

Zhou Yue couldn't move. He felt that his consciousness was being invaded by a terrible force. He couldn't concentrate on thinking, and gradually couldn't see clearly.

"Zhou Yue!" Jin yelled at him, Jin was also grabbed by the inflated Cruise with black spiritual tentacles, and other players around were also caught by Cruise's black tentacles one by one The mental body is submerged, and even the entire safe house is filled with these terrible black substances. At this moment, all the players who stay in the safe house in the overlapping space will be eaten by Cruise one by one.

Zhou Yue...

"Zhou Yue!" Zhou Yue heard someone calling him, he opened his eyes and saw that it was Mu Qin.

His Mu Qin is very good-looking, standing in front of him, with a faint smile on his mouth, holding Zhou Yue's hand with one hand.

Zhou Yue's heart was filled with a wonderful sense of happiness, he couldn't help holding Mu Qin's hand back, pulling Mu Qin a little closer, and hugging him.

I only have one simple wish.

"I want to be with you." Zhou Yue said, "Being ordinary, happy, and joyful, living the most ordinary life, eating, sleeping, walking and shopping together, growing old together, it's as simple as that."

"Such a simple wish will definitely come true, right?" Zhou Yue softly asked Mu Qin in his arms, but did not get an answer.

Zhou Yue looked down at Mu Qin.

The Mu Qin in his arms was just a phantom, especially when Zhou Yue realized this, the Mu Qin in his arms quickly turned into bits and pieces and disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

The surroundings are white, and the horizon cannot be seen. The sky and the earth seem to be connected together, and it is white.

Zhou Yue took a step forward in confusion. He felt that his feet were in the clouds. He didn't have that down-to-earth feeling, and his whole body was light.

Where is this

Zhou Yue suddenly felt that someone was watching him.

It was a very weird feeling, indescribable, but Zhou Yue knew that someone was looking at him, and he seemed to be able to feel that... gaze, gaze that was watching him.

What's frightening is that the line of sight is projected from all directions, from front to back, left, right, and even up and down, he can feel that he is being watched.

Who, who is watching me

Zhou Yue asked this question in her heart.

Interestingly, someone answered him:

[Hello, humans, we are the rules.]

"Rules?" Zhou Yue asked stupidly. He felt that the voice that answered him was very ethereal, with no gender or age, no mood swings, no emotional color, empty but shocking.

[The rules that control the universe and time and space, or 'god', or 'demon', or 'cosmic will'.]

Zhou Yue was stunned, he thought he might be dreaming: "What did you say?"

[You know what we are talking about.]

"Us?" Zhou Yue grasped the other party's subject.


"Okay, okay! You..." Zhou Yue took a deep breath to calm down quickly. He remembered what happened before. He remembered that he was swallowed by the inflated Cruise. He just wanted to say something, but the rules first One step interrupted his speech.

[Humans, do you want to know how the edge world was born?]

Zhou Yue felt that this so-called rule could completely spy on her own thoughts.

[Of course we can know your thoughts, we are all-knowing and omnipotent.]

The rules answered Zhou Yue again.

"So you are really 'gods'!?" Zhou Yue was extremely surprised.

[Yes and no. We are similar to the gods in human imagination, but very different from the gods in human imagination.]

[We are bystanders, orderers, and balancers.]

Zhou Yue didn't speak, he couldn't understand what this rule was saying.

[No need to understand.]

"Okay, then can you tell me how the fringe world was born?" Zhou Yue brought the topic back.

[There are tens of thousands of universes, and there are thousands of "rules" like us. And the fringe world you call is a small space stolen by the Kaya race from other universes. It has the special rule power of other universes, but there is no small space for the owner.]

"The Kaya tribe...?" Zhou Yue seemed to understand.

[The guy you call 'Cruise' is from the Kaya tribe. Their ancestors stole the small space from the universe β-3789 thousands of years ago and brought it back to our universe.]

[The rules of each universe are different. Universe β-3789 is an unfinished universe. The rules there create a peculiar power of dreams. The powers you experience in the marginal world are all caused by the power of dreams. In the fringe world, dreams are reality.]

Zhou Yue nodded: "I understand, the fringe world is a product of other universes, it was stolen and shouldn't appear in our world, so... what do you mean?"

[We want to completely destroy the products from other universes like the edge world, and eliminate all the influence they have brought to our universe. No matter in the past, present or future, we will clear everything brought by the edge world.]

Zhou Yue was taken aback by the rules, and instinctively vetoed: "No! This won't work!"