Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 215: Rule 02┃The only choice


"No, this won't work!"

[Why not? It's because of that guy named Mu Qin? You fell in love with him, but what you fell in love with was a fantasy.]

Zhou Yue could not accept this statement: "Mu Qin is a human being! He has parents, personality, and self-will. How can you say that he is a product of fantasy?"

[The birth of every human being follows the rules of our universe. Only human beings born in the real world are human beings. Mu Qin is not, and we cannot recognize him.]

This is the principle of the rules, and Zhou Yue knows that he can't change the "God"'s mind.

He was very flustered at this moment, but he didn't know how to refute the other party's speech. He was too rational to yell like a child. He could only clenched his fists and asked almost mournfully:

"Then what should I do? How can I get you to admit him?"

[You want us to admit him?]

"You can see through my thoughts, so why bother to ask?" Zhou Yue said.

The rules were silent for a while.

[Don't be nervous, Zhou Yue. We may not fail to meet your expectations.]

[According to the rules, we should not interfere with human affairs, but because of the huge influence from other universes this time, which has destroyed the rules and stability of our universe, and may even destroy two precious life races, we have no choice but to share with you touch.]

[You are not the most critical person in all events, but you are the most suitable person to make choices.]

"What do you mean? I don't understand!" Zhou Yue said loudly.

[The choice depends on you, Zhou Yue.]The rules don't want to explain too much to Zhou Yue, they or they all know that Zhou Yue can understand.

[Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Kaya tribe stole a small space from universe β-3789, and this small space is the prototype of the edge world.]

[Subsequently, the Kaya tribe used their advanced technology to break the barrier between the universe and the universe, deciphered the secret of the small space, and used the small space to derive several spaces similar to the marginal world.]

[For tens of thousands of years, the technological strength of the Kaya people has been flourishing, and the civilization has developed rapidly, forming an extreme social form based on spiritual communication. They broke through the limitations of the planet and stepped into the universe. To this day, everything about the Kaya people is inseparable from this stolen small space.]

[It can even be said that if the Kaya people failed to obtain this small space, they may not have achieved what they are today. Like many other life races, they may be ups and downs or disappear in the river of time.]

[Similarly, without this small space, you humans would not be trapped in the marginal world today, and you would live and develop as before, without having to fight wits and courage with the enemies from the Kaya tribe.]

"So? What do you want to say?" Hearing this, Zhou Yue probably understood what was going on in the fringe world, but he still didn't understand why the rules should explain this to him.

[We intend to eliminate the marginal world from the source.]

[That is to say, we will go back tens of millions of years ago, to the time period when the Kayas stole other small spaces in the universe, and erase their stealing of spaces from history. If the accident happens, then all subsequent accidents will not happen.]

For the rules, erasing history may be a very simple matter, but to Zhou Yue's ears, it made him tremble all over, and his heart beat with fear.

"It means that as long as you do this, the Kayas...maybe they will not perish and continue to stay on their own planet. They may also perish, but for other reasons. But the biggest possibility is: Cruise and Reindeer aren't going to come to Earth, they're not going to bring fringe worlds, there's not going to be a lot of people dying and suffering, and there's not going to be Mouchin either, right?"


Zhou Yue almost tried his best not to lose control of his emotions.

Although it is very selfish, although it is not fair to other people, Zhou Yue could not keep calm about Mu Qin's matter. Zhou Yue said: "Do you have to do this? There is no other way to solve the problem?"

[This is a mistake, Zhou Yue. We should have discovered the problem eons ago and stopped it at the source, but we didn't. Even in the following period of time, when we discovered the problem, we did not take effective measures.]

[Every race of life born in the universe is lucky and favored by us, the Kaya race is the same, and so are you humans. Erasing history will allow you to encounter countless possibilities, and your future will become an unknown that even our rules cannot pursue. Among them, the regression or even destruction of civilization is the last thing we want to see.]

Zhou Yue seemed to understand something, he raised his head: "The meaning of this is... You seem to very much hope to see the birth of various life races in the universe, and the rise and prosperity of their civilizations?"


"Although you want to see the rise of various races and civilizations, you can't personally guide these civilizations, you can only watch silently from the sidelines, maintaining the stability of the universe?"


"Why?" Zhou Yue didn't quite understand this cosmic structure.

[Life and will are the core of the world. We can observe, but we cannot interfere.]

The words of the rules were short and general, and Zhou Yue could barely understand them. He thought for a moment, and although he still didn't quite understand it, he accepted the rhetoric of the rules.

Zhou Yue stroked her chin and said, "I understand. To put it bluntly, you are just worried. If the fact that the Kayas steal other small spaces in the universe is erased from history, the Kayas will not have the achievements they have today. They may even fall into a slump and disappear completely in the torrent of time."

"And the absence of the Kaya tribe will also affect the development of our human beings. In this accident, Cruise brought the marginal world to the earth. Although it caused a series of disasters and casualties, there are pros and cons. However, this incident still helps the development of human civilization on our planet to some extent."

"You expect to see the rise of civilization, so you are reluctant to part with the signs and achievements of the development of the Kaya people and human civilization, but you are afraid that the marginal world will continue to develop, and it will become more and more serious, and it will become a bad situation where two civilizations are led by dogs, so run away Come and discuss with me, hoping to stop the loss in time, weigh the matter and get the best outcome."

[You are very smart, Zhou Yue.]

"However, the development of the Kaya people's civilization has always originated from the small space brought by other universes. It can be seen that their social form and core technology have also evolved from that small space. This is really no problem. ?"

"And, doesn't the space-stolen universe β-3789 have any opinion on this?"

[No problem, the Kaya tribe has already been destroyed once. If they can return to their home planet smoothly this time, the situation will start to improve. As for other universes, this is not something you humans should worry about.]

Zhou Yue understood completely, and he said pleasantly: "So you support me, support me and Mu Qin's plan? We want to send Cruise and the reindeer back to their planet, will you help me too?"

[Of course, your plan is very good, we are very supportive. But as we said before, we are the rules and cannot help anyone with our own hands.]

[Only you, Zhou Yue, we will give you a chance to choose.]

"Choice? What kind of choice are you talking about!?" Zhou Yue couldn't wait to ask.

"Cruise is cunning, that guy will definitely explode! Before he was tricked by Zhou Yue to the edge of the world, he must be fully prepared. Apart from these hidden spare bodies, I think he has hidden other Backhand."

Ten minutes before Zhou Yue was swallowed by Cruise in the fringe world.

After all, the reindeer was not that stupid. At the critical moment, he finally thought of the crux of the matter, so he began to discuss with Mu Chen, Mu Xing and Mu Qin.

"You said Cruise is hiding something behind him? What kind of back hand?" Mnuchin asked first.

"Simply put, Cruise and I are both huge spiritual bodies that have devoured countless souls. You can imagine this when you think back to the image of Mu Xing who swallowed more than a thousand players before. Ke and I Ruth's mental body size is dozens of times larger than that."

"And the fringe world is a dream world, where the spiritual body will materialize. Once Cruise uses his mental power to explode..."

Of course Mu Qin could imagine it, his heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help becoming nervous: "Wouldn't Zhou Yue be very dangerous when facing Cruise!?"

"It's really dangerous." The reindeer said, "There are so many players left in the fringe world. If these players are not careful, they will be eaten by Cruise and become the nourishment for his spirit. It's going to be very difficult to deal with."

Mu Chen interjected: "According to what you said, Zhou Yue is not Cruise's opponent at all. The only one who can beat Cruise is you who has the same great mental power as him. Can't you go to the edge and meet Cruise yourself?" Fight against Si, drive him out of the marginal world, only outside our plan can be implemented, isn't it?"

The reindeer was very ashamed, and said in a low voice: "I, I am not good at fighting. Our family likes peace and never conflicts. If I confront Cruise head-on, I don't have the confidence to suppress him. If I am swallowed by him instead Time... Wouldn't it be even worse?"

"Ah... I'm in trouble." Mu Chen had a headache. "You are obviously of the same clan, but you are considered elders! Why are there so many differences in personalities!?"

"I... I don't know either." The reindeer hung down its antlers aggrieved.

Mu Qin became impatient, his mind was full of Zhou Yue, and he said angrily: "So why are you talking about such an important matter now!? Time is running out, is there any way to deal with Cruise?"

"There are! Of course there are!" The reindeer didn't want to make Mu Qin angry, and hastily told the truth, "You also know that the social form of our clan is that the whole clan is united and connected spiritually to form a huge spiritual network called The Net of Discord, I am the incarnation of the 'Net of Discord'."

"Although our family's mental network technology is mature, occasionally there will be mental power explosion accidents caused by large-scale mental instability. In order to deal with this kind of runaway situation, our technical team has developed a special device—a mental stabilizer .”

"Mental Stabilizer. As the name suggests, it is a device used to stabilize and restrain the mental power of others. This device is designed very well and is basically used in the stage of dealing with large-scale mental power explosions. No matter how powerful your mental power is, this thing can Perfect suppression... I think it's not difficult to use it to deal with Cruise."

Mu Qin immediately said: "In this case, where is the stabilizer? There should be one on the spaceship."

"Yes!" The reindeer was elated, "This device is relatively large and fills up a room. I just checked it with the spaceship's system. It is intact and functional. It is perfect to use against Cruise!"

"Wait a minute?" When Mu Qin heard the reindeer's words, he had an ominous premonition, and his eyes widened. "You said that thing is intact?"