Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 218: Rule 05 (End)┃Go to the new world


"Mu Qin..." In a daze, Mu Qin seemed to hear Zhou Yue's voice, echoing in his ear, whispering his name.

Mu Qin's first reaction was to think that the spiritual link between himself and Zhou Yue had finally recovered, but in fact it didn't. When Mu Qin desperately called Zhou Yue again in his heart, Zhou Yue still didn't respond.

After losing contact with Zhou Yue, Mu Qin's spiritual consciousness was in a short but seemingly eternal tranquility.

It was a suffocating tranquility, which even made Mu Qin feel that his soul seemed to be eroded by this tranquility, and part of it was slowly deprived of it.

Then, Mu Qin belatedly realized that he was shaking all over.

He has been weak all the time, and every step is very difficult, as if he wants to pull his leg out of the muddy swamp, try to move forward, and continue to repeat the process. This made Mu Qin's body extremely heavy, and even breathing was consuming what little energy he had left.

This symptom appeared after Mu Qin left the marginal world, and he discussed it with Mu Xing.

Although there is no evidence, Mu Qin believes that this is the rule warning him that he has gone too far, he is not a life in this world, he is not human at all, and he has not been recognized.

Symptoms of weakness have always existed, but Mu Qin is a person with a strong will, and he has suppressed this weakness. He has always been reliable in front of others, and even though he is pale and weak, he has never fallen down.

But now... I don't know why, this feeling of weakness suddenly expanded rapidly.

It became extremely intense, depriving Mu Qin of all his senses in just a few seconds.

Confused, the things in front of me began to become distorted, stained with strange colors, as if someone knocked over various paint buckets, and then used these paints to splash everything in Mu Qin's sight with messy colors, Turn the world seen by Mu Qin into a grotesque scene.

"Although it seems that the response is a little slow, I just detected it again!" Others seemed not to notice Mu Qin's strangeness, and the reindeer yelled over there: "The energy fluctuations in the marginal world have disappeared! I don't know how to return thing, but this time it really disappeared!"

Is it? disappeared? The fantasy world that gave birth to me.

Mu Qin struggled to pick up the radio, and gave the Ivan team who had been waiting for a long time an order to shoot and kill all of Cruise's spare bodies.

Regardless of whether the fringe world disappears or not, as long as these shells are gone, Cruise's soul has nowhere to go. He can only return to his alien shell and sleep in a narrow "crystal coffin". Honestly, he was brought back to his home planet by the reindeer.

After working hard for so long, is it really possible to end all this today

Mu Qin was exhausted, not even able to stand up. He threw the walkie-talkie on the ground, and his whole body was lying on the ground.

"Mu Qin?" Finally someone noticed Mu Qin's dire situation, and it was Mu Xing who came over.

Mu Xing knelt beside Mu Qin, stretched out his hand to hold Mu Qin's arm, he checked Mu Qin's physical condition, and Mu Xing said: "Your hands are cold, your pulse is weak, you look like you are about to die .”

"... I'm really dying." Mu Qin was telling the truth.

"Is it because the fringe world really disappeared this time?" Mu Xing felt a little strange, "Why didn't it disappear immediately when we destroyed the fringe core just now, but was delayed for a few minutes?"

Muchin laughed and said, "Who knows? But the delay of a few minutes has prolonged my life for a few more minutes."

"But you have become like this, but I have no problem at all. Is Ashin's identity so powerful?" Mu Xing touched his chest.

After speaking, Mu Xing also looked at Mu Chen and the reindeer over there. Mu Chen and the reindeer didn't seem to have seen the fallen Mu Qin at all. The reindeer continued to toss its spaceship, and Mu Chen was helping it.

"It's like a passport. You have come to a new world, but you don't have a passport to this world. Then you are a black household. The owner here will definitely drive you away." Mu Qin took a deep breath and slowed down the rhythm of his speech. , "It seems that I will be driven away today."

"Is there any other way? Or... just like me, I can completely integrate with a certain human being." Mu Xing held Mu Qin's hand tightly, and he gestured to Mu Qin for the reindeer and Mu Chen who were still moving, and said: "Look, you fell to the ground. The reindeer and my brother didn't even look at it. They seemed to have completely forgotten about you. They're starting to forget now."

Mu Qin said: "...probably because my sense of existence is deprived, everyone will gradually forget that I have existed, forget my name and my face, forget what I have said and what I have done..."

"Stay away from me, Mu Xing... Although you seem to be fine at the moment, I don't know if I will affect you."

"If I disappear later, please help me take care of Zhou Yue." Mu Qin was very calm. Even when he was about to disappear and collapse, he didn't have any violent emotional ups and downs. What he said was very plain, but he In my heart, I still worry about Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue, Zhou Yue... Zhou Yue!

That is his most cherished person.

"Zhou... Yue?" Mu Xing showed a strange expression. He seemed to have thought about it carefully, but he still didn't think of anything, so he asked Mu Qin with doubts: "Who is Zhou Yue?"

There was a crack in Mu Qin's calm expression, he stared at Mu Xing with wide eyes: "You...don't remember Zhou Yue?"

"I don't remember... Is it someone I knew before?" Mu Xing looked at Mu Qin seriously, feeling uneasy, "Am I also affected by the rules?"

Mu Qin didn't speak, he lay down flat and cast his dull eyes on the ceiling.

After a while, as if trying to understand something, Mu Qin said slowly: "It's okay, don't remember."

"Live well in this world, Mu Xing." Mu Qin let out a long sigh of relief, "Live a little longer, maybe I will have a chance to come back here and meet you in the future..."

"Although I hated you at first. But this is really an interesting life." Mu Qin smiled.

Mu Xing also smiled helplessly: "You left in a cool way, we still have a lot of mess here."

"I can only leave it to you."

"Leave it to me." Mu Xing agreed.

"Goodbye, then."


Just blinking his eyes, Mu Qin, who was held tightly by Mu Xing, disappeared.

It disappeared suddenly, and there is no such a beautiful scene where it becomes a spot of light and dissipates.

Mu Xing froze for a moment, looking at his hands.

Mu Chen next to him came over and picked up his younger brother, and asked with a smile, "What are you squatting here for? Are you hungry? We haven't eaten anything after working for a long time."

Mu Xing reached out and hugged Mu Chen's neck, and buried his head in his brother's chest.

"What's wrong?" Mu Chen felt that his little Xingxing seemed a little depressed, so he kissed his forehead to express his comfort.

"It's nothing...but I'm really hungry." Mu Xing said, "I want to eat the love meal that my brother makes for me every day, brother, can you cook it?"

"Yes." Mu Chen doted on him, but narrowed his eyes dangerously, "I will feed you into a little fat man, and then eat you."

Mu Xing smiled foolishly.

Things are really over. Cruise didn't have another sudden change. After the edge world collapsed, his spare body was completely destroyed, and he really got back into his alien shell, closed his eyes, and fell into a long deep sleep .

The reindeer were surprised that he came back so well and did not continue to make trouble, but only for a moment, and soon they began to clean up the mess left by this series of accidents.

The reindeer first used the rescue robot on the spaceship to rescue Ned and his party who were trapped in the bottom of the lake outside, and sent the wounded to a nearby base for medical treatment.

And Ivan's team stayed on the spaceship, and together with Mu Chen, began to count those players who survived from the marginal world and even possessed a body, which can be called "resurrected from the dead".

Perhaps due to the influence of the rules, most of these players have amnesia, and they look very well-behaved. Jin is also among them. He still retains some memories, but not many.

Reindeer and Muchen discussed it. Although they actively rescued the players from the fringe world, players are players. People who have experienced life-and-death battles and have high spiritual power are dangerous to human society.

They feel that this group of dangerous guys should not be easily released back into human society. Moreover, among this group of people, some of them died decades ago. It is absolutely certain that such a group of dead people will suddenly appear and cause chaos. .

How should we deal with it? A group of people are in trouble.

The reindeer said jokingly, "Why don't you come with me? I'll take you all back to my home planet. There are still many technological products, buildings and civilizations of my family left on my home planet."

"I'm going to die when I go back. After I die, I hope that someone can help inherit and build the remaining technology and civilization of my family. You can go to my place for reference and study. In the future, you can also bring new technology back to Earth and help The development of the two civilizations has become a symbol of maintaining the friendship between the two races, and this burden is in your hands!"

Although he said this casually, Mu Chen nodded unexpectedly, thinking that the reindeer's proposal was very good, and said solemnly: "This is very good, so let's do it!"

I will discuss it with Mr. He later, and ask them to pull those believers whose lives have been destroyed in a mess by the influence of fringe gods, and pull them over as soon as they can to form a huge space exploration team.

Started another thrilling adventure.

When Mu Qin came back to his senses, he found that he was walking on a road paved with white ribbons.

It's the kind of huge but soft white ribbon, about five or six meters wide, long... the length that extends to the end of the horizon.

It is not a real white ribbon, but if you look closely, it is actually a thin layer of white gas, elongated and spread under Muqin's feet, occasionally changing color under the light, red, yellow and blue Various colors of green and blue change, just like the rainbow bridge described in fairy tales.

Mu Qin didn't really step on it, but floated on it.

Surrounded by the vast and dark cosmic starry sky, dotted with stars, silent, beautiful and magnificent.

Mu Qin didn't know why he was floating on such a strange road. His mind was empty, and he kept floating forward without thinking about anything.

After floating for a while, Mu Qin found a figure appeared in front of him.

The man stopped in front of Mu Qin and waited there, as if he was waiting for Mu Qin.

Mu Qin floated over, and the man stretched out his hand to Mu Qin. Mu Qin subconsciously stretched out his hand to respond, holding hands with the other party and staying close together.

"I waited for you a long time."

"let's go."

"Where should I go?"

"Go to the new world."

—End of the text—

The author has something to say: There is no extra story. To make it more complicated, I can actually write a few more chapters, but I don't think it is necessary, so I can stop here.

The writing of the article is slow, and the old news is still full of gods. It is really difficult for the readers who follow the article. Thank you for watching my work. If you like it, please support a wave of my new article - just click into my author column See my new article [If I live forever]

The new article does not intend to write infinite streams or any complicated brain holes anymore. I want to write some light-hearted and sweet articles about daily life, cute things, marriage and love, and I don’t want to write another one or two hundred It’s a long article for a chapter, and a short novelette that ends with hundreds of thousands of words may allow me to relax from my tense state.

I know that my writing is not very good, and I have been at the same level for so many years, and my state is also very poor.

I hope that after the end of this article, I can set foot on a new height again.

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