Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 56: Library 02┃ will only become as good as his adoptive parents


On the face of the Reversed Star Card, there is a beautiful woman with long silver hair. She is wearing a white veil and dance skirt. She walked down from the star screen in the night sky and walked to the water of the galaxy.

Stars shone in the background behind her, several golden carps surrounded the woman, and pale chrysanthemums bloomed on the ground.

The carp is said to represent vitality, while the chrysanthemum symbolizes hope.

The text on the back of the reversed star card reads these lines:

She gives desert travelers an oasis.

She bestows fire on visitors from the snow-capped mountains.

She always gives you hope.

Or despair.

ps: Group curse card, the human side will be shrouded in the shadow of despair, which will slow down everyone's movement speed. Every time a scene prop is destroyed, the speed of the human side will gradually decrease,

Mu Qin roughly understands the function of the reversed star, which is to reduce the overall speed of the human side, and it seems... as long as the props that the human side can obtain in the map are destroyed, the human speed can be lowered. This is a very useful card for ghosts, which can greatly reduce or prevent the progress of humans from escaping the game map.

But at the same time...Muchin feels that the game in the marginal world is fair. Since there are such cards that are extremely beneficial to ghosts in a game, then the human side will also draw cards that are also very beneficial to humans. So Mu Qin can't be too happy too early.

Mu Qin put the reversed star in his hand back into his pocket. He lowered his head and began to think, since he entered this new game with the death card brought in from outside, and what he drew at the beginning of the game was a reversed star... Then in this game, there will be another player who will randomly draw To the Grim Reaper. Therefore, the so-called "double ghost" bureau was formed.

What Mu Qin has to face is not only a human player, but also a player who is also a "ghost" like him.

In this game, there will probably be one or two or more "newcomers". They have a high probability of getting the novice card, the Fool, and of course there is also the possibility of getting other cards. In addition to newcomers, of course there will be one or two "veterans". Among them, there may be someone like Mu Qin who enters the new game with various cards bought from the mall or card dealers.

So everything is unknown.

Mu Qin stopped thinking, he began to look around to determine the scene he was in.

He is in a library.

And it's a very, very huge library.

The library is four floors high, and it is a very wide and huge space. The first floor is a spacious hall. According to Mu Qin's visual inspection, it is about a few hundred square meters, except for the entrance gate of the library, the front desk, and the elevators going up and down. Except for this, the rest of the places are filled with various wooden bookshelves.

The design of those bookshelves is very beautiful. If you look closely, there are exquisite carvings on the edges of the bookshelves. Some of the bookshelves are even equipped with decorative lights. The tones of the decorative lights are mild. Feel.

The bookshelves are neatly arranged side by side, forming an intricate passageway like a maze, and rows of tables and chairs are placed in the middle for those who borrow books to read and rest. And these tables and chairs are also designed in an ancient Chinese style, the kind of rattan chairs, and the staff of the library thoughtfully placed dark brown square pillows on each chair.

All the corners and walls of the hall are equipped with small wooden shelves for people to put books at hand, as well as floor lamps with an antique feel, and there are even ink stickers on the windows. There are some notice boards and warning posters hanging on the walls, requiring no smoking, no noise, no loud talking in the library, and at the same time, people who read and borrow books should take away all the garbage they make.

This huge library adopts an open design. It is the same as the chapel of the orphanage in the first game of Mu Qin. From the first floor, you can directly see the roof of the top floor. The roof is very high, and a huge A gorgeous chandelier, but the light source of that chandelier was not turned on.

Standing in the hall on the first floor and looking up, you can vaguely see the second, third and fourth floors of the library, but because the lights on the upper floors are not turned on, and the biggest chandelier on the roof is not turned on, the above are all pitch black. The darkness seemed to be the sharp claws of some kind of ghost, completely separating the second, third and fourth floors from the first floor where Mu Qin was.

The only light source in this huge library seems to be these floor lamps, wall lamps in the hall on the first floor, and the small desk lamps on the front desk.

The library is not dilapidated, at least it is completely different from the orphanage and the map of the Paradise of Despair that Mu Qin experienced. The bookshelves and books here are well preserved, and the ground is clean and tidy. It looks like it is often maintained by people, but this huge space There was no one there, and it was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

Mu Qin moved his steps and walked to the front desk of the library. He picked up a poster on the desk at the front desk. The name of the library was written on the poster - X City Center Library.

"City center library..." Mu Qin held the poster and said to himself, he remembered! He knows this place! Mu Qin went to high school in City X. Every weekend after work, Mu Qin would go to this downtown library to read and borrow books. In addition to borrowing extra-curricular books, there are also study materials and paper materials that can be borrowed here.

Mu Qin also asked Zhou Yue to come with him, but Zhou Yue didn't come after one or two visits. Zhou Yue was not very interested in the books in the library. The big study room is filled with all the books Zhou Yue needs. As long as there are books he wants to read, the Zhou family will prepare them for him.

Because it happened many years ago, this library has never been to this library since Mu Qin went to join the army. This downtown library may have been renovated after Mnuchin left, because the shape of the library is completely different from what Mouchin remembered.

In the past, this library was a very common and closed building, with four floors, and each floor had seven or eight rooms, in which various books were placed in different categories. Find any book you want in that separate compartment.

But now, this library seems to have removed all the internal rooms or compartments, and changed the whole building into a large open space, where all the bookshelves and books are displayed, which is not only spacious and bright, but also invisible. Expand the space to accommodate more bookshelves and books.

Coupled with the beautiful design, it can also attract more readers.

But now, Mu Qin doesn't like this design very much.

It's too spacious to hide.

Mu Qin, who has become a "ghost", just needs to hide himself very much.

Mouchin then found a knife tucked inside a magazine on a magazine shelf next to the front desk. Mu Qin heard from Zhou Yue that players who become ghosts will randomly refresh a knife near their birth point, which is regarded as a weapon for ghost players. Can be taken away and used by humans.

Mu Qin chose to take it. He held the handle and looked at the blade, looking at his face faintly reflected on the sharp blade.

It's not a bad game model to hide yourself in front of humans, and then defeat each human one by one, but Mu Qin thinks it's too slow.

He doesn't have time to waste with others, since he wants to kill someone, let's be thorough.

It's not like he didn't kill people anyway.

Speaking of which, the judge was right about the gold store robbery that year. Mu Qin was not defending himself by taking the gun, he was killing people.

The moment he raised the muzzle of the gun and blasted the robber's head, what he thought was - hit the bull's-eye!

Mu Qin felt a little suffocated in his chest, and his hand holding the blade trembled slightly. He took a deep breath, he held the handle of the knife with his right hand, and cut the palm of his left hand with the blade, blood immediately gushed out of the wound like pearls. Then Mu Qin clenched his injured left hand, and when he opened it again, the wound on the palm of his left hand healed. Except for the remaining blood on the hand, the wound completely disappeared.

"The pain has decreased, but there is still a slight pain." Mu Qin felt the feeling of hurting himself with a blade just now. Zhou Yue said that the killer is immune to pain and dizziness. I'm afraid it's not completely immune, but it has a strong resistance to pain. Ability, this is probably to alleviate the discomfort brought by the killer when he takes heavy damage and heals himself at a high speed.

Because of the reduced perception of pain, general dizziness does not have much effect on the killer. If you want to stop the killer, you must deal great damage to the killer, or use cards in the Tarot that can stun or control the killer. No wonder the card merchant Viscount told Muqin before, as long as you are human, never let the killer get the inverted pope. The inverted pope is immune to all negative effects. The killer who gets this card can't be controlled even if he is immortal. It is invincible.

Mu Qin squeezed his fist again. When he squeezed his fist, the bones and joints of his fingers made the creaking sound. He could clearly feel the strength of his body. It was a very mysterious and indescribable feeling, but he knew that he was The strength is so strong that he believes that he can lift the huge bookshelf full of books with one hand.

With such power and immortality, it is no wonder that in the eyes of killers, human beings can be slaughtered like soft little white rabbits.

But we still can't act too hastily, because Mu Qin hasn't figured out the "hole cards" in the hands of human beings. At least he has to figure out what cards they are holding and what effect they have before Mu Qin can really start to make a move.

Mu Qin then took a newspaper from the bookshelf at the front desk, glanced at the distribution map of the library area hanging on the wall of the front desk, and remembered the general division of the library and the location of the upper and lower entrances and exits. Then he left the front desk area. He walked along the wall. There should be a toilet on the first floor of the library in front of him. He was going to go around the toilet.

Because Mu Qin feels that the toilet in the library has a high probability of being a "birth point". The map of this game is such a big library. Apart from the main door, Mu Qin vaguely remembers that there is a back door at the exit of the library. These two doors are probably the "exit" of the map. Find the keys to these two doors , is the key to escape from the map, which is also the main task of the human side.

Although the library looks quite big, as a battlefield for six people to fight, it is actually very, very small. Therefore, Mu Qin can easily guess that the six players should be refreshed in different places of the library, the first floor, the second floor, the third floor and the fourth floor. There may be one or two people on each floor. The location is really easy to guess.

Since Mu Qin was "born" on the first floor, and the first floor is very wide and the lights are on, and Mu Qin didn't hear footsteps or see anyone, then it is assumed that someone else was "born" on the first floor like Mu Qin If so, the other party must have appeared on the first floor where Mu Qin couldn't see it. Where is the place he couldn't see

One is in the closed elevator going up and down the stairs, and the other is the bathroom.

After all, the elevator is a tool for going up and down the stairs. If the people refreshed upstairs come down, it is easy for Mu Qin to bump into more than one person. So Mu Qin decided to try his luck in the toilet, to see if he could bump into an unlucky guy who was alone.

If Mu Qin didn't meet anyone in the toilet, then he would go in and wash off the blood that he cut out on his hands... himself.

Mu Qin quickly found the toilet. He deliberately slowed down his steps when approaching the toilet, and at the same time lowered the sound of his footsteps. Walking quietly is an important part of what he learned in the army.

The reason why Mu Qin walked quietly was because he heard the sound from the toilet—he guessed right, the toilet was indeed the birth point of one of them, and someone spawned here.

Not only did it refresh here, but also turned on the faucet. After running the water for a while, Mu Qin heard the sound of the other party turning off the faucet.

The voice came from the women's toilet on the right, but it was not confirmed whether the other party was a man or a woman.

Mu Qin didn't rush into the women's toilet. He thought for a while at the door, took out a knife and cut his hand again, then threw the blood on the ground, faked the blood, and then calmly slowed down while dripping blood. Step... Quietly, he walked into the men's room next to him. He deliberately pulled the door of the men's room hard, made a sound, and then hid in the shadow behind the door of the men's room and waited.

It depends on whether that person is fooled or not.

If the other party is a newcomer, when they hear the sound and then see the blood, they may be curious and worried, especially if they are sympathetic, they will worry if someone is injured when they see the blood. So I will definitely go in to check. As long as that person does this, he will immediately fall into Mu Qin's trap. Mu Qin can cover his mouth from behind and cut his throat.

If the other party is not fooled and turns around and leaves after seeing the blood, then it is likely to be a veteran. Of course, there are also some veterans who are full of confidence. Even if they know it is a trap, they will come in to investigate.

Thinking about these possible situations, Mu Qin took a deep breath and calmed down, waiting calmly. He has already thought about how to act in this game. He doesn't plan to show up in front of anyone, because he is too lazy to disguise himself. It takes time and energy to pretend, and it is a waste of time to lie, especially Mu Qin. He absolutely cannot let go of this inverse star on his body. Therefore, Mnuchin decided to take the form of full-scale assassination.

Assassination has a great advantage. As long as Mu Qin is fast enough and hides enough, he can kill the opponent even if the opponent can't use the card.

In this way, Mu Qin doesn't have to think over and over again how to deal with human cards.

After all, there is another killer. Mu Qin doesn't know who the opponent is or how strong he is. This method is the best.

With such a plan, Mu Qin continued to hide behind the door of the men's room calmly, and waited for less than a minute. The man in the women's room next door seemed to be unable to hold back, and slowly walked out from the inside. Mu Qin heard the other party pushing away The sound of the toilet door, and the sound of cautious footsteps.

The other party seemed to have found the bloodstains on the ground, and must have seen the half-covered men's room door along the bloodstains. Mu Qin could feel that the other party was hesitating. He saw the bloodstains, and then what would he do? Come in and check it out, or turn around and leave because you are afraid

Mu Qin didn't move at all, he was extremely patient, he didn't feel any fear or anxiety about what would happen next, it was the first time he realized that he was actually very similar to Zhou Yue, in a way, they were both quite cold-blooded and ruthless people.

The bait was cast down, and the prey outside finally couldn't resist the vigorous curiosity. Mu Qin heard the sound of the other party walking towards the men's toilet, and the footsteps were getting closer and closer to Mu Qin.

Mu Qin stepped back without a trace, completely immersing himself in the darkness, holding his breath and listening intently to the movement outside. He clearly heard the other party walking to the door of the men's room.

Then the man began to push the door, and the door was gently pushed open by the man with a gap, the light from outside spilled in, and the light formed long and thin strips on the ceramic floor of the toilet. Then the man seemed to be afraid, so he didn't come in immediately, but poked his head outside, and asked in a low voice into the toilet: "Is anyone there?"

It was a woman's voice.

The very thin, soft and young voice seemed to be trembling with fear.

This female voice made Mu Qin slightly stunned, but he still settled down and waited silently.

Seeing that there was no response in the men's room for a long time, the woman swallowed and pushed the door further open. The door creaked under her push, then she took two steps inside and began to grope on the wall next to the door. Seems to be looking for a switch to turn on the toilet light.

Mu Qin stepped behind her at the moment when she reached out to find the toilet light switch, covered her mouth and nose with his left hand to prevent her from making a sound, and pressed the knife on the woman's neck with his right hand. He should have stabbed her right away. Cut the poor woman's throat and killed it instantly, but Mu Qin hesitated for a while.

If the other party is a man, maybe Mu Qin will attack, but the other party is a woman...

It's not because the other party is a woman, Mu Qin will underestimate her, but this woman is obviously a novice, the toilet is so dark, there are bloodstains on the floor, and the situation is obviously so dangerous, she still ventures in and wants to turn on the light to see Looking at the situation, it was so stupid that Mu Qin couldn't bear to look directly at him.

So Mu Qin hesitated, he didn't choose to cut her immediately, but just clamped her down, so the woman began to struggle instinctively. It was like a tickle, and it didn't even feel like she was struggling.

Mu Qin covered the woman's mouth with his left hand, and strangled her neck with his right hand holding the knife, dragging her back to the shadow of the toilet. In the middle, Mu Qin relaxed a little, and let go of the hand covering her mouth and nose, because she felt that covering her mouth and nose made her almost suffocate. Then the woman got rid of Mu Qin's shackles. She panted violently, and stumbled to escape, but she was very fragile, and just took a step when she sprained her foot and fell directly to the ground.

So Mu Qin squatted down, grabbed the woman's shoulders, turned her over, grabbed her neck and pressed her to the ground.

In fact, Mu Qin only grabbed her neck very lightly, but she still looked like she was about to roll her eyes. She grabbed Mu Qin's hand and struggled vigorously. He glanced at the woman's face.

This is a very young woman...or should be called a girl, at most nineteen or twenty years old, with a thin body, about 1.6 meters tall, more than a little bit shorter than Mu Qin, and definitely less than a hundred catties , Mu Qin can lift her up with one hand. She has waist-length black hair and is quite pretty, with an oval face and small and exquisite features.

The girl was terrified, especially when Mu Qin grabbed her and raised the cold blade in his hand, she was frightened and cried.

She didn't cry, Mu Qin pinched her neck so that she couldn't make a sound, she could only make the sound of suffocating to the extreme short breath, and at the same time she kept crying, big teardrops fell from her eye sockets one by one pop up. Mu Qin glared at her, holding the knife and not knowing where to stab it, finally he could only sigh, let go of his hand and got up to let her run.

Seeing Mu Qin let go, the girl froze for a moment, and got up while sobbing. Her foot seemed to be really sprained, and she couldn't run very fast when she stood up. She ran to the door of the toilet step by step and just wanted to go out, but Mu Qin walked over to the girl's arm in two steps, and said softly: "Don't move." .”

The girl was frightened by him, and she didn't dare to move at once, and stood obediently, breathing rapidly.

She seemed to understand very well that at this moment, only by being obedient and obedient can the perpetrator let her go.

Holding the girl's hand, Mu Qin kept sighing in his heart. He still overestimated his awareness. He thought he could kill anyone quietly. In fact, he could do it, but he didn't expect a At the beginning, there is no way to deal with such an innocent girl who is crying out of breath, okay?

Obviously know that there are no real innocents in this game.

Sure enough, Mu Qin still couldn't be truly cold-blooded and ruthless, because he was brought up too well, especially in those years when he was with his adoptive parents. His adoptive parents were good people, and they only taught Mu Qin to do the right thing. Having received such an excellent education since he was a child, the best side will be engraved on Mu Qin's soul, and Mu Qin will only become as good as his adoptive parents in the end.

So in the end, Mu Qin could only sigh uncontrollably, and he thought about it:

Forget it, don't kill this girl yet, just stay by your side and use her as a cover.

Originally, Mu Qin wanted to assassinate humans one by one and get rid of another killer, but now that this variable exists, he simply became more adaptable.

Mu Qin made up his mind and asked the girl in a low voice, "What's your name?"

The girl trembled slightly, and tremblingly replied: "Chu...Chu Xin, my name is Chu Xin."

Mu Qin thought for a moment, then continued to say to the girl: "Chu Xin, listen, from now on, my identity is your boyfriend, and you are my girlfriend. Everyone else I meet next, if you ask me, you You have to tell others that I am your boyfriend, you know?"

Chu Xin slowly returned: "I know... I know..."

"Don't leave my sight, don't leave my side." Mu Qin said in a low and gentle voice, "As long as you are by my side, no one can hurt you."