Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 63: Library 09┃A doll with a steel heart and no soul


Occasionally, Mu Qin feels that there is another self in his body.

The other self is very cruel and cold-blooded, without the slightest emotion, and will not sympathize with others, just like a puppet with a steel heart and no soul.

This soulless puppet will inadvertently occupy Mu Qin's surface consciousness, slowly eating Mu Qin's brain with cold and darkness, and make Mu Qin perform various extreme behaviors under certain circumstances, no matter it is years Whether it was the gold store robbery before or this double ghost game in the library, Mu Qin can clearly realize the extreme indifference deep in his heart. He has no grievances about depriving others of their lives, as if he was born to be a murderer .

Awareness of this fact terrifies Mouthin, but the most frightening thing is that sometimes he doesn't even feel the fear.

Mu Qin found that his emotions were disappearing. While he was brandishing a knife to take the lives of others one by one, all the joys, anger, sorrows and joys were leaving him, as if a part of his soul was pulled away by something, and he came from a A healthy human being with all kinds of emotions has become something else, some other species, an unspeakable monster.

This feeling is quite scary, so Mu Qin will try his best to forget it instinctively. He tries to ignore the sense of disobedience and focus on the things in front of him.

The last "human" Qiao Yuanfei, although he kept pleading for mercy and begged Mu Qin to let him go, but Mu Qin did not soften his heart. He still killed Qiao Yuanfei and slit his throat with a knife.

This process was quite easy. There was only one medical card left on Qiao Yuanfei's body. In the process of being chased by the killer, it didn't make much difference whether to use this card or not. Qiao Yuanfei knew that he had no way out. So he chose to catch him without a fight. He stood still and waited for Mu Qin's slaughter. Mu Qin even witnessed Qiao Yuanfei's desperate eyes before he died.

This made Mu Qin realize that the other party really wanted to live.

"I'm sorry... I probably don't have one." After killing someone, Mu Qin apologized calmly. He didn't have much sincerity but seemed very sincere. He stood in front of Qiao Yuanfei's body and whispered to him, " I don't feel… the guilt you're talking about."

After saying this, Mu Qin stretched out his left hand to cover his eyes, then took a deep breath and tried to calm down the strange emotions slowly creeping up in his heart. It took him a long time to calm down, and then he slowly got out of the state of "all emotions disappeared". When Zhong regained his senses, he tremblingly said to Qiao Yuanfei: "Don't be afraid, after death, we will all go to the same place."

But where do dead players go in this fringe world

Mu Qin has been thinking about this issue. He has always felt that since the marginal world is connected to dreams and hell, then the dead players must also go to hell.

But does hell really exist

Mu Qin panted slightly, and while he was standing there thinking, he suddenly heard an unexpected sound from the bookshelf next to him.

It was the clanging sound of a book falling on the ground, mixed with the rattling sound of pages being turned. This sudden sound made Mu Qin, who had just finished the battle and was still in a sensitive state, turn his head suddenly, and quickly looked at The source of the sound—there is a row of parallel bookshelves. There are some books about history on the bookshelves. A book with a red cover fell on the ground. It was unfolded, and dense characters on the pages could be seen.

Mu Qin hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the book that fell on the ground. He walked to the side of the book and bent down to pick it up. It was a thick and heavy book. Book, Mu Qin glanced at the title on the cover of the book, "XX City Chronicle" came into view, this is a book that records the changes in the city, Mu Qin simply flipped through it, and it was boring and piled up Words of rhetoric.

There was nothing unusual about this book, Mu Qin closed the book. Then he glanced at the bookshelf beside him. There was a vacancy among the densely packed books on the bookshelf. It is estimated that this chronicle fell from here.

But it is strange that the books on the bookshelf are so tightly arranged, one by one are closely attached to each other, and each book is tightly clamped. If someone hadn't deliberately pulled it out, this book should not have easily fallen off the bookshelf Yes, but it fell and caught Mu Qin's attention.

Mu Qin thought for a while, lifted the chronicle in his hand, and put it back on the bookshelf. Then Mu Qin stepped back and left the bookshelf. He walked only a few steps away, and soon heard a book coming from behind him again. The sound of falling to the ground.

So Mu Qin turned his head again and found that it was still the chronicle, which had fallen to the ground again.

Mu Qin walked over again, walked to the side of the chronicle, and looked down at the opened page of the book.

On the spread out page, among the densely packed characters, there are several words marked with red water-based pen—the specific characters are circled with red pen, and these circled words are combined into one sentence: knock Break the wall and let me out.

Mu Qin bent down and picked up the chronicle again, read the circled words on the page again, then raised his head and looked at a wall not far from the bookshelf.

Mnuchin had read a newspaper on the bookshelves at the front desk of the library before, and the newspaper reported about the haunting incident on the second floor of the library. It is said that a few years ago, a female student killed her cheating boyfriend in a single room on the second floor of the library, chopped the body up, covered the entire wall with blood, and then committed suicide. Then the administrator of the library asked someone to close the single room on the second floor, and blocked the door of the single room with cement and bricks.

After the single room is blocked, such supernatural events will often occur on the second floor of the library, such as women crying, tables and chairs moving, books on the shelves falling by themselves, etc...

Mu Qin believes that the information left on the map is not all groundless. The system must hope that players will discover and find it, so it puts these information in various obvious positions.

Therefore, Mu Qin has to believe that there are indeed ghosts and ghosts on the second floor of this library—everyone on the human side except Chu Xin is dead, and Chu Xin obediently remained silent on the first floor. Looking down from the railing of the platform on the second floor, one could see Chu Xin concentrating on flipping through the books on the bookshelf in the hall on the first floor.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for this "Chronicle of XX City" to fall from the bookshelf inexplicably without human intervention. Thinking about it carefully, the only reason why ghosts are responsible can be believed.

After all, the fringe world is a "magical" world, and it is normal for a few ghosts to exist.

The words circled in red pen are probably the message left by the ghost to Mu Qin. The other party hoped that Mu Qin would help break down the wall. After thinking about it, Mu Qin felt that after breaking the wall, there might be some kind of exit inside. Although Mu Qin, who is a ghost, can't use these props, he can find them for Chu Xin.

Therefore, Mu Qin found a fire ax from the stairwell on the second floor, and returned to the wall with the ax in hand.

There are indeed many single study rooms on the second floor, and the doors of each study room are neatly and orderly distributed. Among them, two doors are very far apart, and there are traces of fresh paint on the middle wall, which can be seen at a glance by those who are interested. The traces of this new painting are caused by re-laying bricks, pasting cement, and painting the wall to block them.

Mu Qin observed for a while, then started to smash the freshly painted walls with an axe. The power of the god of death was extraordinary. When he hit it like this, a big hole was cut in the wall in an instant.

Behind the hole in the wall was indeed a small, dusty room, filled with tattered tables, chairs and bookshelves, and covered with dust. After Mu Qin dug open the wall, the dust inside overflowed, and there was a rotten stench, which made Mu Qin frown uncontrollably.

After the dust cleared, Mu Qin went straight in to have a look. This small room is not big. After entering the door, there are bookshelves on the left and right walls, and there are many broken tables and chairs piled up in the middle. A chandelier with a simple and elegant shape hangs from the center of the ceiling. Mu Qin fumbled for the light switch on the wall, and after pressing it, he found that the wiring of the house was still working, because the light was turned on and instantly illuminated everything.

Probably because it is a study room, the light source is a cold light that protects the eyes, and it is very bright, illuminating the small room clearly.

This closed study room seems to have been cleaned up before it was closed, and all the valuable things inside have been removed, only worn-out tables and chairs and worn-out bookshelves. There are some old books on the bookshelves. Broken pages, damaged, and unrecognizable books were randomly piled up on the ground in the bookshelves and corners.

"It seems that unnecessary books and garbage are piled up here." Mu Qin said to himself, and began to search for something in this small room.

He remembered that he read in the newspaper that this girl who killed herself in the study room and then committed suicide wrote a "novel" in a notebook with her own blood, and hid it on a certain bookshelf in this library , but no one has discovered this "blood book" so far, so everyone else thinks it is a false statement.

However, in the fringe world, there is nothing false or false, as long as there is this clue, it proves its existence.

So Mu Qin began to search for these old books stacked on the bookshelf in this "rediscovering the sun" study room. He flipped through one by one, and when he was halfway through, he suddenly heard a woman's laughter.

It wasn't Chu Xin's voice, Chu Xin's voice was soft. Mu Qin could tell that it was a woman's voice he had never heard before.

So Mu Qin turned his head and looked at the source of the sound.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qin saw a ghost in the innermost corner of the room.

It was definitely a ghost, because "she" was translucent, very blurred in bright light, only a human-shaped outline. The clothes she was wearing seemed to be school uniforms, high school summer uniforms for both men and women were uniform white short-sleeved shirts and baggy trousers, so this ghost was also dressed in this way.

She has waist-length hair, black and long, draped softly over her shoulders. He was about the same height as Chu Xin, and seemed a little shorter than Chu Xin. She seems to be floating without touching the ground... Because the outline of the feet is too transparent, it looks like she has no feet, so Mu Qin can't tell whether she is standing on the ground honestly, or floating a few centimeters above the ground.

In addition, Mu Qin basically looked down on her face, the translucent ghost was too vague, and there was a feeling that it was about to disappear.

It was this ghost who laughed, and when Mu Qin looked at her, she was still laughing.

She laughed for a while, and found that Mu Qin was looking at her, so she stopped laughing, and said to Mu Qin, as if surprised, "Are you looking at me?"

"Who else can I see?" Mu Qin is not afraid of ghosts, because looking at this ghost girl, Mu Qin suddenly recalled the "ghost mother" he had seen in his childhood, the "mother" that Mu Qin once thought was a hallucination. ".

Now that I think about it, that might not be an illusion.

The ghost girl was surprised and happy, and said to Mu Qin: "It's a happy and regrettable thing that someone can see me."

"Happy...and regretful?" Mu Qin was puzzled, "Why regretful?"

"Because you're leaving soon," said the ghost girl, "You won't stay in this map for long, you'll leave here, and when you leave, we'll never see each other again, so I feel sorry .”

Mu Qin was very surprised by what the ghost girl said, and he said in amazement: "Do you know that this is... a map?"

"Of course I know, because I was created by the will of the marginal world." The ghost girl floated out from the corner, and she swayed to Mu Qin, getting closer to Mu Qin.

She continued, "When World Will created this map, it also created everything related to the map. The map is a perfect copy of the scene in the real world, and I... was also derived when the map was born. product."

"The real me has died in the real world, and has become a kind of magnetic field similar to ghosts. When the will of the world copied the library, it also copied this magnetic field... Yes, I am just a copy."

Mouchin was shocked by how well the ghost girl knew the truth: "You know how you were born, don't you feel scared or have any other feelings?"

After listening to Mu Qin's words, the ghost girl seemed to tilt her head to think for a while, and then answered Mu Qin: "Probably because I'm not a real human being. I don't have any great feelings. Besides, even if I have feelings, it's useless." , I have no power to change my situation, I can only choose to let nature take its course."

"My existence is very short. After you leave, the map will disappear, and I will also disappear... Unless other players want to enter this map next time, the will of the world will reopen the map, and I will wake up again .But when will the next batch of players come? The chance of re-opening the map is very slim, so I will say this is the last time between you and me."

When the ghost girl said this, Mu Qin also began to feel regretful, and whispered: "The first and the last..."

"By the way, the item you're looking for is on the top shelf of the bookshelf. It's the fifth book from the left." The ghost girl pointed out the items he needed for Mu Qin, and said at the same time: "That's the real book in the real world. A 'novel' I wrote was rumored to be written in blood, but it's not that exaggerated. It was just written with an ordinary red water-based pen. At the beginning of the novel, I only had a red pen on hand. It changed back to black, and it was written with red pen all the time."

Mu Qin raised his head and stretched out his arms to get the book on the top shelf, and successfully touched the so-called "blood book" - a beautiful and exquisite notebook wrapped in a blue patterned book cover.

After opening it, I glanced at it casually, and it was covered with beautiful and clear red writing.

The ghost girl chirped in Mu Qin's ear: "If you want, you can read this novel. Although I don't write it very well, I'm still very happy if there are readers. You will be my first novel too. The last reader."

"What kind of story is it?" Mu Qin stroked the beautiful font on the notebook with his fingers.

The ghost girl laughed like a silver bell: "A stupid love story of a stupid girl."

"Of course, you can choose not to read it, because this story is really boring." The girl wandered back and forth in the room, "There is a key hidden in the cover of this book, and this key corresponds to the door of the basement. Finally, Whether you read it or not, I hope you can burn this book before you leave, and I will disappear after I burn it, I don’t want to disappear with the map, so I hope to disappear now.”

"Even if it is burned, if the map is restarted next time, you will still be awakened?" Mu Qin thinks so.

The ghost girl replied: "It doesn't matter, I just don't want to disappear silently by myself after everyone is gone or dead. That feeling is too uncomfortable."

Mu Qin suddenly wanted to ask the ghost girl a question, he asked: "If you are a ghost, can you see the soul of the dead?"

"Are you referring to those people you just killed?" The ghost girl pointed out Mu Qin's thoughts.

Mu Qin didn't evade, and nodded obediently: "Yes, can you see it?"

The ghost girl continued to laugh: "They left. Unlike me, after the players die, their souls will leave the map immediately... As for where to go, I don't know, but I think... that should be a peaceful place."

"A peaceful place?" Mu Qin was slightly puzzled.

"Yeah." The ghost girl said gently, "Don't think about it, forget everything, it's a cold and dark place that is very peaceful."

Mu Qin talked a lot with this ghost girl, because this girl seems to know some deep information about the fringe world, such as... She knows what kind of existence the will of the fringe world is.

"What kind of existence?" Mu Qin asked.

The ghost girl said: "I can't describe it specifically... Well, it is a huge thought with no form and profound wisdom. It is very, very great and shocking, although it is also cruel and ruthless."

Mu Qin couldn't help but said: "Then you know the will of this world, why do you want to create a marginal world?"

"Probably for screening." The ghost girl said.

"Screening?" Mu Qin was a little surprised, "Screening what?"

"I don't know..." Phantom spread his hands and shook his head, "I only know that the will of the world has been looking for a suitable person, but it seems that it has not been selected."

Mu Qin said: "I'm surprised, you know so much, how do you know?"

"When the will of the world created me... How should I put it, I seem to have glimpsed the scales and horns of that huge thought... Maybe it's not even the scales and horns, but I did get some information, about the game information of this marginal world." Ghost The girl thought, "That great thought doesn't seem to mind my prying, probably because it thinks that I can't be seen by others, can't communicate with others, and my existence is very short, so it doesn't bother to care about me."

The ghost girl knew so many things, which surprised Muqin and was also very pleasantly surprised, but he still asked the ghost for confirmation: "Do you know the Butterfly Throne?"

"The Butterfly Throne... I know this, although I haven't seen it before." The ghost said to Mu Qin: "So, do you want to know how to find the Butterfly Throne?"

"Looking for the Butterfly Throne?" Mu Qin was even more shocked, "Can you find that thing?"

"Yes." The ghost girl said surprisingly, she smiled: "The Butterfly Throne is easy to appear. Generally speaking, the longer a map exists, the higher the probability of the Butterfly Throne being spawned. Stay in this map for a little longer, and the Butterfly Throne will be 100% spawned."

"How long will you stay specifically?" Mu Qin asked.

"Then I don't know. It depends on the probability. Some maps can be spawned in a day or two, and some need ten days and a half months, but players who can stay in a map for ten days and a half months can Very few. After all, the map is only so big, and the resources inside are limited, so whether food and water can last ten days is a problem."

The ghost girl knew more than Mu Qin imagined, which made Mu Qin very excited. He wanted to get more intelligence and information from the ghost girl, so he continued to communicate with the girl.

Mu Qin and the ghost mentioned the Butterfly Throne, mainly to confirm whether the "king" on the Butterfly Throne can really be killed. Although Mu Qin and Zhou Yue had discussed to let the usurper take the death card and reverse the world to kill the king, this action was only planned and carried out in their imagination, and no one could guarantee whether it would actually be implemented.

But the ghost girl promised, she said: "The God of Death card and the reverse world, a very good combination, can definitely kill the king. In fact, the God of death card and the reversed wheel of fortune can also achieve the same effect, but there is a time limit, and The effect of the wheel of fortune is weaker than against the world, and it is prone to accidents."

"If I take these two cards and go to a certain throne map and kill the king on the throne, will I definitely become the 'next king'? I mean, after all, I have the reverse world in me, do I Can it be used to get rid of the shackles of the throne?" Mu Qin also wanted to know this.

The ghost shook his head at this: "No, the effect of the reverse world is not that strong. The throne is equivalent to a part of the map, and it is a kind of building that is always in an 'invincible' state. The reverse world can only let you get rid of the king's control, but There is no way to free you from the shackles of the throne."

Mu Qin understood, and sighed helplessly: "That is to say, if I want to kill the king, but don't want to be bound by the throne myself, I can only find 'others' to do it for me."

"I can kill the king without being bound..." The ghost girl rubbed her chin in a contemplative state, "I think, maybe it can be done."

Mu Qin stared at her with wide eyes: "Is it really possible? Then what should I do?"