Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 75: Qixia Hospital 07┃Those unnecessary self-esteem and grudges should be let go


Since Qiu Zijia didn't understand, Zhou Yue didn't bother to explain too much, so he turned his head and continued walking. And Qiu Zijia behind him decided to follow behind him after thinking for a few seconds. Zhou Yue looked back at him at this time, as if she didn't mind such a small tail behind her.

The two didn't say anything about alliance and cooperation, but they naturally chose to act together.

Then they started looking for clues about this hospital.

They casually searched a few rooms as if wandering around.

Qiu Zijia said: "A certain relative of my parents used to work in this hospital, but I don't know what kind of position it was, maybe it was the director of a certain department. Having said that... there seems to be something ulterior in the Fengxia Hospital."

Zhou Yue casually picked up the newspaper on the newspaper shelf, looked at it for a while and said, "You don't need to tell me, I know all the inside story of this hospital."

"Do you know?" Qiu Zijia looked at Zhou Yue strangely, "Every player who enters the map is connected to the map, so... what connection do you have with this Qixia Hospital?"

Zhou Yue said: "This hospital has something to do with the illegal business that my family secretly runs."

When Qiu Zijia heard it, he immediately understood: "So, you are still the young master of some rich family?"

Zhou Yue smiled sarcastically: "Yeah, I really can be regarded as the 'elder young master'."

"Then, young master, what's the inside story of Fengxia Hospital, can you tell me, a little guy like me?" Qiu Zijia still wanted to know the information, but the act of asking Zhou Yue for the information with a stern face made him feel uncomfortable. He was uncomfortable, and there was an inexplicable irony in his tone.

Zhou Yue didn't care, he had always disliked his life experience. Thinking about explaining a few words to Qiu Zijia, he replied: "Human organ smuggling... some people will do this, as long as the price is high enough from patients or people who need organs, some people will illegally obtain other people's organs, from executed prisoners. , fugitives, black households, and refugees. The disassembly and assembly of these organs requires the help of professional doctors, and the organs need to be preserved in a sterile and special environment. There are some people in Qixia Hospital who specialize in helping these smugglers and making profits from them."

Qiu Zijia looked at the dilapidated surroundings, "Is this the reason why this hospital was abandoned? The police solved this human organ smuggling case?"

"Part of it." Zhou Yue glanced at the newspaper in his hand again, "I remember that the human organ smuggling case was a big one back then, but it was suppressed by the relevant departments, and it didn't have any impact on the public. Just mentioned a few words, and soon the rumors passed."

"Then young master, you said just now that your family's underground business is for this?" Qiu Zijia looked at Zhou Yue in disbelief.

Zhou Yue turned her head and smiled grimly at Qiu Zijia, and said softly: "What makes you think that my family and I are kind people? As long as there is money to be made, a businessman will do anything."

"That's right, none of us are good people." Qiu Zijia sneered, "That's why we entered this ghostly place."

Zhou Yue added: "After the human body smuggling case came out, some of the top executives of Fengxia Hospital were arrested and imprisoned, others began to disband, investors also withdrew their capital one after another, and the hospital suffered losses. No one was willing to take over. This mess, and then over time ... it becomes what it is now."

After Zhou Yue briefly told Qiu Zijia what she knew, she began to go down the stairs. In Zhou Yue's impression, this hospital had three exits. One is the gate of the hospital, the other is the back door of the hospital, and the other is the special underground passage of the hospital—this special underground passage is also called the emergency fire exit. It will only be turned on when a major accident occurs in the hospital, allowing doctors and medical staff to transfer and escape with the patient at the fastest speed.

However, this fire exit has not been used since the establishment of the hospital, and the various fire prevention and disaster prevention measures of Fuxia Hospital are not bad.

Zhou Yue guessed that the normal exits on the map of Fengxia Hospital were the front and back doors of the hospital. As for the hidden exit, it should be the fire exit, because the fire exit needs to meet certain conditions before it can be opened, so there is a high probability that it is a hidden exit.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yue glanced back at Qiu Zijia indiscriminately.

Zhou Yue was not a ghost in this game, and he didn't bring any other main cards with him, because he and Mu Qin hurriedly set a time to enter the game, and he didn't have many reward points left, so he couldn't buy more cards to bring in. The game is over, otherwise, according to Zhou Yue's habit, he will definitely bring a death card.

Zhou Yue is more used to being a "hunter" role than being chased by ghosts as a human being. He is not only a killer for the killer's special evil reward box, but also partly because of his nature. He knows that he is so cruel A cold-blooded person, just like his ruthless parents.

Zhou Yue never thought of changing herself like this, until after meeting Mu Qin again in the marginal world, Zhou Yue suddenly had the idea of wanting to change herself.

The border world can be called a game of punishing criminals. Only those who are guilty of crimes will enter here. Even if Zhou Yue is not locked by the king's white card, maybe after he dies, he will still enter this extremely terrifying place. in the world.

In the past, Zhou Yue was not afraid. He was not afraid of death, nor was he afraid of the world he would enter after death. These were all indifferent things to Zhou Yue. He acted rashly and never feared any challenges.

But now Zhou Yue is terrified. After reuniting with Mu Qin, after meeting in this terrible world, Zhou Yue began to hope that she could leave the marginal world as soon as possible, return to reality as soon as possible, and be with Mu Qin as soon as possible.

He wanted to survive, and he hoped that he could live longer and longer, and he would not come to such a world after death, even if he went to hell, as long as he could stay with Mu Qin for a long time.

So Zhou Yue wants to change herself. Assuming they can really return to reality this time, Zhou Yue will definitely do a lot of good things to make up for the mistakes he made. I only hope that God can give him more time. All the time was spent with Mu Qin.

Only at this moment can Zhou Yue feel the urgency of time, but there are not many opportunities left for him.

Zhou Yue and Qiu Zijia walked down the stairs one after another. After a long silence, Zhou Yue suddenly said, "Let's cooperate."

Qiu Zijia didn't even realize that Zhou Yue was talking to him for a while, Qiu Zijia paused, and asked Zhou Yue, "How do you want to cooperate?"

Zhou Yue said: "Humans have to help each other to get out of this place, so... let's show the cards, and we can take care of each other only if we know each other."

Qiu Zijia gritted his teeth slightly when he heard the words. He didn't trust Zhou Yue very much. Rather, Zhou Yue had always terrified him. As long as he thought of Zhou Yue's pursuit of him in the orphanage map in the first round, Qiu Zijia felt that he couldn't take it for granted. Facing Zhou Yue, but without cooperating with Zhou Yue, Qiu Zijia's survival rate is indeed very low.

Like Mu Qin, the picture of Qixia Hospital is the fourth game that Qiu Zijia experienced. He survived the first game with the help of Mu Qin. Most of the people he met in the second game were novices, and ghosts were not very reliable, so Qiu Zijia barely survived. The third game was a bit less good. In this game, the ghost players were very powerful and almost wiped out all humans. Qiu Zijia was seriously injured and crawled out of the gate.

Although the experience of the game is not as many as those of the veterans, Qiu Zijia has gradually gained his own understanding of this game, knowing the various rules in the game and the functions of various main cards and sub-cards.

Qiu Zijia didn't know how far he could go, but Mu Qin once encouraged him, and it was also because of Mu Qin's encouragement that Qiu Zijia came up with the idea of trying to live hard.

To survive, Qiu Zijia should let go of those unnecessary self-esteem and grudges.

So Qiu Zijia had a showdown with Zhou Yue, and he replied: "My luck was not very good in this round, and I drew a reversed card, so in order not to create opportunities for the killer, I hid that card, it is a reversed card." Temperance... what about you? What cards do you have?"

Since there was a showdown, Zhou Yue didn't hide it: "The sun is reversed."

Qiu Zijia was very surprised when he heard it, and said, "Why is it another reversed card? Does this game mean to favor ghosts? If the cards are all reversed cards, how can humans live?"

Zhou Yue guessed; "The fringe world is fair. Between the two forces of humans and killers, if one of them is too strong, Goddess of Luck will stand on the weaker side... So, if there are many negative cards in this game... If there is a place card, either there is an exceptionally strong person on the human side, or the ghost is too weak, so we have to use this method to enhance the ability of the ghost."

When Zhou Yue said this, Qiu Zijia felt very reasonable, so he nodded and said, "That's why the game ghost is too weak... That's good, we can hide all the reversed cards."

Qiu Zijia asked Zhou Yue curiously: "I have never seen the effect of the sun card, and what is the effect of the inverted sun? Can you tell me?"

Zhou Yue took out the cards in his pocket and showed Qiu Zijia a look.

Sure enough, there is a huge sun on the sun card. Underneath is a man in a white robe with wings sitting on the back of a huge crow. The crow wears a crown on its head, which symbolizes the king of birds.

Zhou Yue said: "The stars, the moon, and the sun, these three cards are all group buff cards. The stars can make the human side move slightly faster. The more props the human gets, the faster the movement speed. Reversed Stars are for slowing down. The more props the killer gets or destroys, the slower the human's movement speed will be. This card is actually not very useful, because whether it is speeding up or slowing down, it seems to be the same, but occasionally miraculous."

"The moon is a cover of darkness. The person holding the card can get a certain degree of night vision ability. He and his teammates around him in a certain range will not be easily detected in the dark. It is not stealth, it just becomes very hidden. , the sound is very small, and the traces left quickly disappear.”

"The moon card has an advantage, it can identify ghosts, because ghosts cannot enjoy the dark protection effect of the moon card, so the person holding the moon card goes to the dark place with other teammates, whoever makes the loudest noise is the ghost .”

"The reversed moon is the opposite effect. When ghosts wear this card, they can also gain night vision ability. Ghosts are not easy to be detected in the dark, and they are perfect for elusiveness."

"The sun is the shelter of light. As long as the person holding the card and his teammates within a certain range see a place with a huge light source, there will be a 'Hope Surge' effect that lasts for about five or six seconds. This effect can provide A huge amount of acceleration will make you run very fast, so the sun is also called the 'group acceleration' card. But this card has a CD, after a group acceleration, it cannot be accelerated again within three minutes."

"If the killer is carrying the reversed sun, he will get the effect of 'disgusting hope'. After activation, he can collectively decelerate all humans within a certain range around him. The deceleration time lasts for five or six seconds, and also has a three-minute CD."