Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 82: Fengxia Hospital 14┃Who is the real guilty person?


After Zhou Yue left, Qiu Zijia and Wei Zhi continued to explore inside the hospital, searching for information about the hospital's exit. They walked through the corridor of the hospital, down the stairs, and came to the reception hall at the main entrance of the hospital.

Fengxia Hospital adopts a completely enclosed design, all buildings are close together, there are "bridges" connecting each other between buildings, there is a small decorative garden in the middle of the building, and a small courtyard for entertainment and walking behind the floors. The entire hospital was completely surrounded by high spiked walls, and there was no other exit except for the hospital gate, back door, and special escape routes.

This hospital is really huge, it can be regarded as a magnificent hospital. But its location is not good. It is built in a remote old city that is waiting to be demolished, and it is close to the suburbs. From this hospital, go northwest for a few miles, and you will be able to see rolling mountains and wilderness.

Especially after the demolition of the old city, the city government intends to re-plan the roads of the old city and classify the old city as an industrial zone, so the nearby residents and vendors have moved away from this area, making the already remote area even more deserted and There is no one inhabited, only this glorious hospital stands here alone.

When Qiu Zijia and Wei Zhi came to the reception hall at the gate of the hospital, they could see the gate of Qixia Hospital, which was a glass sliding door, but the outside of the glass door was covered with an iron rolling shutter, so they could not see the scene outside the door.

In the reception hall of the hospital, there are several potted plants for decoration, and they are not fake flowers and trees made of plastic, but fresh plants, but they have withered now, and some pots seem to have been knocked down maliciously , the flower pot was broken all over the place, soil and debris were everywhere.

In the reception hall, there were several rows of benches for people to rest on. These chairs were covered with dust, and some of the chairs were stained with dirt that was not known to be blood or other things. It was a dark layer.

Qiu Zijia also saw a wheelchair parked in the corner, with a gray dress hanging on it... I don't know if it was Qiu Zijia's illusion, Qiu Zijia felt that the wheelchair seemed to be moving, its tires were turning slightly, and it slid forward. for a short distance.

But when Qiu Zijia looked carefully, he felt that the wheelchair was still quietly parked in the corner, motionless, as if the "moving" he had just seen was just an illusion of Qiu Zijia.

Qiu Zijia immediately felt creepy, but quickly took a deep breath to force himself to calm down. In fact, this is not the first time Qiu Zijia has seen this "supernatural phenomenon"... Almost every map he has experienced, these strange things will happen of supernatural phenomena.

For example, if you turn your head suddenly, you will find that the table and chair have shifted slightly, and when you check the corner you have checked again, you will find extra bloodstains or blood characters, and occasionally there will be strange sounds from the water pipe or ventilation pipe... and so on.

This kind of supernatural phenomenon is very subtle and easily overlooked, and the unwary person can't even feel it at all, and most of these phenomena have no meaning, and will not provide you with clues about the exit or props. To put it a bit worse, these "spiritual phenomena" are completely deliberately created by the game system to scare players.

But occasionally, Qiu Zijia also feels that in these maps, there really seem to be some existences that cannot be caught by the naked eye. They shuttle aimlessly in the house and corridors. At certain moments, their power can affect the surrounding things. , which deliver messages to living players in unique ways.

Qiu Zijia and Wei Zhi cooperated with each other and quickly searched the entire reception hall of the hospital.

There is a front desk and a registration area in the reception hall. Qiu Zijia found a personnel work assignment list at the front desk. He quickly glanced at the list, and then shouted to Wei Zhi who was investigating the registration area: "I think I know Where is the key to the hospital gate!"

Hearing Qiu Zijia's call, Wei Zhi left the registration gate and walked to Qiu Zijia's side, and checked the personnel work assignment table with him.

After Wei Zhi came over, Qiu Zijia put the work distribution form under the light of the desk lamp at the front desk, then pointed to a name "Shang Simin" on the work distribution form, and next to the name Shang Simin, I don't know who it was, With a black water-based pen, he wrote a line of words "give her the key to the door" very scribbled.

After seeing this line of writing, Qiu Zijia and Wei Zhi looked at each other and started discussing.

Qiu Zijia said: "Generally speaking, the key to the gate is kept by the front desk or the security guard, and sometimes it may be handed over to the cleaning staff. After all, whoever comes first will be responsible for opening the door, so this person named Shang Simin... the name seems to be Girl, she might be a receptionist, but I searched everywhere in the front desk cabinet just now, and I didn't see anything like a key."

Wei Zhi said: "We can look for her file, maybe she is a nurse."

Wei Zhi seems to know a lot about the inside story of this Fengxia Hospital. He said: "Every department of this hospital has a rest room dedicated to nurses. There are storage cabinets for personal belongings in the rest room. Nurses come to When they go to work, they will put their personal belongings and clothes in the cabinet, if this Shang Simin is a nurse, maybe they will also put the door key in the cabinet."

Qiu Zijia nodded after listening to Wei Zhi's brief introduction: "I understand, but... How do you know this hospital so well?"

Wei Zhi didn't hide anything, and even answered straightforwardly: "I... was a doctor in this hospital a long time ago."

"Doctor?" Qiu Zijia was taken aback by him, and couldn't help but take three steps back, looking up and down at the man in front of him who was not tall, not good-looking... even a little sloppy.

"Don't look at me, I'm not a doctor anymore." Wei Zhi said in a low voice, "I was revoked to practice medicine, and I was jailed for six years because of medical malpractice, and I was only released a while ago. Doing odd jobs, delivering food, and one day it was raining and the road was so slippery, my motorcycle went off the road and fell into the river, I couldn't swim to the bank, and I drowned."

When Wei Zhi said this, Qiu Zijia suddenly remembered that Zhou Yue had told him before that the senior management of this Qixia Hospital was involved in human body smuggling cases, and Wei Zhi had worked as a doctor in this hospital...

Qiu Zijia couldn't help asking, "What kind of medical accident?"

Wei Zhi turned his head and glanced at Qiu Zijia with slightly gloomy eyes: "Actually, it wasn't a medical accident, it was me who killed someone on purpose."

Qiu Zijia's heart skipped a beat: "Why did you kill someone?"

"The patient I operated on was a human organ smuggler."

After thinking for a long time, Wei Zhi said: "This is a gray area, because the donation of human remains and organs must be approved by the person himself or his immediate family members. Few people will choose to be buried or turned into a handful of ashes in a crematorium, donating organs or remains, but many people are waiting for their organs to save their lives."

"So this kind of industry has happened. There is such a group of people. They hunt for targets from all over the world. They target those who commit suicide, and those who have no parents, no relatives and friends, and people who are alone. They will focus on this kind of people. Once they wait for this When someone has an accident, they will go to the hospital to guard, and together with some unscrupulous doctors, they will dig out all the organs that can be used by the person."

"Usually, there are no relatives to collect the corpses of such lonely guys, so in the end... these corpses will still be donated to medical research for autopsy."

Wei Zhi said: "Sometimes the higher authorities won't be too strict about this. Some of these organ diggers just waited for something to happen to someone else, and they made sure that they had no relatives or friends before digging them up. They kicked them. It’s a blow to the patient. You can’t say they’re right because they’re doing something illegal, but you can’t say they’re wrong, it saves another person’s life.”

"But some smugglers are really crazy. They can't wait, and they attack others before they are dead. Some people don't even need to die. They can be revived after a rescue, but they still drag people to death, and then dig up their organs directly. .”

Wei Zhi stopped talking here, Qiu Zijia looked at him quietly: "And then?"

"Then... no Then, this Qixia Hospital has been doing these illegal activities secretly. Although I have not participated in it, I know the inside story. On the day I performed the operation on this guy, I suddenly felt very angry, so I intentionally committed a crime during the operation. Lots of mistakes, and he died from postoperative complications."

"After that, the family of the smuggler rushed to the hospital to complain, probably saying that he wanted me to go to jail, and it was better to sit longer, so the hospital's senior management also blamed me for the medical accident committed by another doctor. He was taken away by the police for committing two medical malpractice, was investigated for criminal responsibility, and was sentenced to six years in prison."

Then Wei Zhi raised his head suddenly, looked at the deserted Qixia Hospital in front of him, and said, "But it was worth it. Before I entered the cell, I submitted to a trustworthy policeman the information I had collected over the years. All the evidence and reports about the smuggling of human organs in Qixia Hospital, and even murdering others for organs."

Wei Zhi's tone of voice was very gloomy, but there was a strange light in his eyes, which made Qiu Zijia's heart inexplicably goose bumps, making Qiu Zijia both a little horrified and inexplicably comfortable.

Qiu Zijia has always found it very strange, because he always meets people like Wei Zhi... this kind of player who has no choice but to kill.

For example, Qiu Zijia met a woman in her thirties in the last game. Her 14-year-old daughter was raped by an ugly and dirty old man. The family appealed for their daughter and hoped that the law would severely punish the criminal. The criminal finally did. Into the cage.

But in the end, he was only sentenced to three years, and the family members of the criminal worked together and bribed everywhere to find connections. In the end, the man's sentence was commuted, and he was released after only staying in it for a year and a half.

After they came out, they even wanted revenge in a frenzy. They splashed paint on the door of their house, wrote insulting words on the wall, and sent their daughter nude photos and messages taken during the rape. Their daughter suffered from severe neurasthenia and depression Inertial suicide, almost destroyed in this life.

The police also reported it, but because the other party did not do anything other than intimidation and insult, the police bluntly said that they could not control too much.

Later, the girl's mother went out to buy vegetables one day, and bought a new kitchen knife because the kitchen knife at home was broken. When she came back, she saw the rapist wandering around their house, and then the mother suddenly had courage. , She was so angry that she took out the kitchen knife she had just bought, went up and chopped that man up!

And she was sentenced to death for it.

After that, this mother came to the edge of the world, and she was the ghost that Qiu Zijia met in the last game.

Qiu Zijia didn't know whether the mother deliberately fabricated her experience in front of Qiu Zijia to gain sympathy, but if what she said was true, Qiu Zijia believed that she was not guilty at all.

Being forced to that level, if you want to be patient blindly, endure other people's bullying and atrocities that may be committed at any time, if you can be considered a good person if you endure to that extent, Qiu Zijia would rather be a bad person.

This mother's story is by no means an exception. Qiu Zijia met several players with similar experiences in the previous rounds, and now he met such a Wei Zhi, which made Qiu Zijia always suspicious.

He is very puzzled, what is the sign of judging the player's "guilty" in the marginal world system

Qiu Zijia thought of himself, he thought he was guilty, he killed his brother, so after entering the marginal world, Qiu Zijia felt that it was only natural that he should enter this kind of place. But at the same time, Qiu Zijia knew very well that the reason why he killed his brother was entirely due to his parents' invisible connivance and behavior hints. In this incident, Qiu Zijia was not the perpetrator, but was used by the perpetrator. tools, and possibly even a victim.

So, who is the real "guilty" person

Just when Qiu Zijia was deep in thought, there was a sudden wave of weak air fluctuations around Wei Zhi, and a person appeared beside Wei Zhi out of thin air, it was Jin who had just been teleported.