Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 109: insect


After entering the shuttle channel, Xiao Ran turned off the propeller of the machine body to save energy consumption, and relied solely on the ability of the disposable fold engine to bring him to the vicinity of the 25th Ship Group.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out of the passage, the alarm in the Lightning Shield cockpit rang. On the screen, more than a dozen missiles with long red trails were flying towards Xiao Ran. The distance is less than twenty meters.

Behind the Lightning Shield, a VF-171 reconnaissance fighter jet has now turned into MS form (generally speaking, human form). This body has no idea of moving, and is just holding it in the hand. The machine gun fired chaotically from left to right, right to left, and a series of bullets hit the Lightning Shield, bringing out a series of sparks.

The pilot of the VF-171 reconnaissance fighter jet didn't notice at all at first. There was a fold jump channel exit slightly behind his head. He didn't react until the Lightning Shield flew out of the exit and was in front of him. He came over, was stunned for a moment, and saw that his attack had hit a machine that he had never seen before and was a friendly force on the radar. He trembled and released the trigger.

"It's a ghost!" Xiao Ran cursed secretly. He pulled the operating lever and stepped on it with both feet to raise the Lightning Shield. He reached out with his right hand on a button next to it, and the one-time fold jump engine that had lost its function instantly popped out. Exploded.

The high heat generated by the self-destruction made some missiles unable to be tracked for a while, and they all rushed into the self-destruction range of the fold engine. Suddenly, a series of flashes exploded one after another at the original position of the Lightning Shield, and bursts of With the fiery red light and black smoke, Xiao Ran also saved the life of the pilot of the already sluggish deformed fighter jet.

The remaining missiles changed their targets after the Lightning Holy Shield appeared, and followed a curve directly towards the Lightning Holy Shield. The speed of the Lightning Holy Shield is also extremely fast in the universe. The speed at which the seven propulsion ports are fully opened is no slower than that of a deformed fighter with advanced energy and propulsion devices. It only takes one second to widen the distance from the missile. The one in the distance transforms into an MS form and faces the target. Incoming missiles. The Vulcan cannon on the head was activated instantly, and the bullets flying out at high speed exploded one missile after another under Xiao Ran's control. The front of the lightning shield was dyed red.

"Beep, beep!" The alarm sounded again. The new enemy appeared on the radar and the prompt of being locked flashed in Xiao Ran's eyes. After a quick glance at the four new light spots on the radar, Xiao Ran once again transformed the body into a mammoth. Instead, he rushed in the direction of the four new light spots and shouted on the public communication channel of the United Army: "Why don't you run away!"

Some startled voices came over: "This is the reconnaissance aircraft RE8 of the 25th Ship Regiment of the Tonghe Army. Thank you for your help. I will leave the interference area immediately and ask for help from the headquarters. Please tell me where you belong."

"Hey, he's running really fast." Looking at VF-171, which had transformed into a fighter jet and was running further and further away, Xiao Ran curled his lips: "Headquarters of the New Earth Alliance and Army, Xiao Ran, a member of the Special Investigation Team, has the rank of sergeant. "

"Ah! Is it from the earth?" A frightened voice screamed, and then said firmly with a trembling voice: "I'm holding on here, you retreat quickly! I definitely can't let anything happen to you here!"

Xiao Ran glanced at the stopped VF-171 on the screen and was stunned for a moment, then quickly said: "Hurry up, I can handle it here!"

More than a dozen missiles appeared on the screen again, and the enemies on the radar also appeared on the screen. Three yellow bugs and one red bug appeared on it. The dozen missiles with long red trails were also shot from the red bug. The other three yellow bugs were directed towards Lightning. The direction of the Holy Shield fires an attack similar to a machine gun Gatling gun.

Xiao Ran didn't have time to worry about whether the reconnaissance plane had left. He maneuvered the body to dodge the shots of three bugs, and flew in several consecutive directions, allowing the Lightning Shield to pass through more than a dozen missiles, or because it was the first time he faced such a large scale and had such a strong ability to change directions. , an extremely fast missile. Even if Xiao Ran was careful, he was still hit by a missile. The direct explosion at close range caused the Lightning Holy Shield to tilt immediately and the entire body trembled.

Listening to the sound in his ears, Xiao Ran held the operating lever tightly with both hands and looked calm. He just glanced at the real-time feedback of the machine with his eyes and found that the machine was not damaged at all due to the attack. Both hands pressed the trigger of the weapon at the same time.

The Gatling cannon under the Lightning Shield immediately sprayed out a series of barrages, and the two coupled beam guns of the armed thruster module also fired several beams in succession. The Gatling Cannon that combines live ammunition and beam fire is extremely fast, and its pure beam attack is not slow either. Dense attacks spewed out from the smoke generated by the explosion, and two beam shots rolled up the smoke and shot directly at a yellow bug.

As the attack spewed out, the intact Lightning Shield also rushed out of the smoke and dust generated by the explosion. Although I have seen Macross F, I have never been able to understand it. It only shoots electromagnetic energy beams, but these How the bug's body generates these substances with bullets and missiles is simply a huge mystery.

The two beams of light emitted by the Lightning Shield first passed through the target selected by Xiao Ran. The penetrating beams made two large holes in the insect's body, which immediately made the insect pause for a moment, followed by a series of Green The cannon attack directly smashed the bug into pieces.

After killing one bug, Xiao Ran ignored the prompt sound and just stared at the remaining three bugs with his two eyes. Because Xiao Ran's attack just now was effective, causing the insects that originally formed an array to scatter in three directions, Xiao Ran completely ignored the red leader insect.

Operating the Aegis Gundam to transform, the long high-energy beam cannon was raised, and the aiming device in the cockpit popped out instantly, and began to lock on the second yellow soldier insect. Xiao Ran, who had C-level driving skills and quick locking skills, , it didn't take too long to lock the target again, and pressed the trigger again as soon as his eyes flashed. The yellow energy beam suddenly spurted out from the muzzle and flew towards the target.

Xiao Ran after shooting. Without even looking to see if he hit the enemy, he operated the holy shield again to transform into a horse. He accelerated and chased the last yellow bug. At the same time, another prompt sounded in his ears.

It bypassed the missiles flying with long tails. When it was unavoidable, he used the Gatling Cannon to destroy all the missiles blocking the way in front, and flew out from the smoke and light exploded by the destroyed missiles. The Lightning Holy Shield bit tightly behind the yellow bug. After several consecutive attacks with the Gatling Cannon and the combined beam gun, the yellow bug was easily dispatched.

The remaining red bug leader also paused for a moment and then began to attack the Lightning Shield again. The electromagnetic energy beams and numerous missiles burst out from the bug's body. Attacking the Holy Shield, just one insect gave Xiao Ran a feeling of walking through a barrage, a feeling he could not feel at all in the seed world.

All of a sudden. The Lightning Holy Shield and the red bug boss chase each other and attack each other. Under such pursuit, the red bug fully demonstrated its strength that was multiple times more powerful than the yellow bug. Its flying movements were more flexible and its speed was much faster.

Xiao Ran had never fought like this in the seed world. Most of the time, it was you shooting and dodging, or conducting high-speed raids, or pulling out the beam sword to slash. He had never tried to move at high speed. You bite me and I bite you. This kind of pursuit battle is a fighting method that Xiao Ran must get familiar with. Of course, he can also stop immediately. Transforming into a familiar MS form to fight, I believe it is not too difficult to deal with this bug.

However, Xiao Ran was getting familiar with this new way of fighting and accumulating his own fighting experience. Since I have chosen the assault-type specialization, the body is also a deformable body. Of course, I should take advantage of the time when there are not many enemies to get familiar with it and familiarize myself with the fighting method in the MA form.

When the Holy Shield Gundam once again avoided the electromagnetic energy beam attack, the screen was once again filled with missiles framed by red logos. Facing the attacks of insects several times in a row, Xiao Ran had already learned a lot about how to dodge these things. The experience is that it is nothing more than bursting and detonating, or suddenly changing directions and turning around. Of course, it would be even better if the Lightning Holy Shield was equipped with a launcher for thermal decoy rounds.

With a few spins and a quick change of direction, the Lightning Shield avoided the locks of most of the missiles. The remaining missiles were exploded by the Gatling cannon that changed its direction. Xiao Ran had just thought of a transformation to end the battle. Suddenly, the radar showed that dozens of light spots appeared again behind the Lightning Shield, and more new light spots appeared among these light spots.

Looking through the rear monitor, Xiao Ran broke out in a few drops of cold sweat. The dense missiles on the screen were flying towards him. The simultaneous shooting of dozens of insects also formed a real barrage for Xiao Ran. Moreover, this Among the dozens of bugs, there were four or five red bug leaders, and they shot beams of electromagnetic energy at him.

In front of him was a battle point that he almost held in his hand, and behind him were the vicious pursuers. Xiao Ran's eyes suddenly flashed with light: "There is no other way, fight quickly!"

For a moment, time in Xiao Ran's world slowed down. It should be said that his thinking, reflection and actions all became faster. Xiao Ran stopped preparing to transform, and all the thrusters of the Holy Shield Gundam lit up. The sudden increase in speed brought a long stream of light behind him, rushing towards the red bug that had been sparring for several rounds, spinning to avoid countless bullets coming from behind, leading the countless flying missiles, dodging All attacks from the bugs in front rushed to the front of the red bugs.

This time, Xiao Ran did not continue to attack in the form of a horse, and then watched helplessly as the bug dodged and pursued it in the form of a horse. Instead, he deformed and inserted the shield of his left arm directly into the body of the red bug. His right arm pointed towards He leaned back and pulled, holding a big sword that was similar to the machine body and swung it down directly, drawing a beautiful arc and cutting the insect in half.

After killing the bugs in front of him, Xiao Ran's eyes returned to normal, he transformed his body into a horse again and began to evacuate in the direction of Fleet No. 25.

Although Xiao Ran was retreating, in the eyes of the many pilots of the 25th Fleet who came to support, the black machine body, which seemed to be a new type of aircraft, showed super combat effectiveness in front of them and avoided countless attacks from behind. The attack swirled in the barrage, dancing with countless missiles, but the direction of advancement was not changed in any way. It kept moving towards the target. It was not until it got close to the target that it transformed and chopped the red bug into two. Half. All the movements are so direct and full of beauty, even the movements of transforming and escaping are so decisive.

The pilots and pilots flying the transforming fighter planes from afar watched Xiao Ran's battle clearly under the broadcast of the reconnaissance aircraft with long-distance detection capabilities, and even sent a call message to Xiao Ran.

"Thank you for your help. Fortunately. We will take over the next battle and you can go directly to the fleet."

Xiao Ran shook his head and rolled his eyes, thinking: "Leave it to you? Don't cry and ask me for help for a while." ()

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