Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 111: Enter the main island


One after another, the fighter planes passed through the path cleared by the Lightning Holy Shield. Xiao Ran looked at the United Army's transformed fighters that had fully begun to retreat and also retracted their weapons. They turned to transform and turned on the thrusters to leave at full speed. The Lightning Holy Shield could reach a speed of up to Like the transforming fighters, he was not willing to help those transforming fighters behind him.

And Xiao Ran also found that even if he stayed here with these beaten United Army fighter planes, it would not be of much use. Except for a few bugs that were entangled and fighting with these transformed fighter planes here, most of the bugs had avoided it. This area assaulted the direction of Fleet No. 25, and even defeated several small battleships by the escorting fleet group next to the fleet. Those small battleships were attacked by the red boss bugs, and even a beam of electromagnetic energy was blocked. If it couldn't be stopped, it turned into a burning fireball and exploded. In a few seconds, the flames extinguished and began to emit thick smoke, turning into scattered scrap metal.

Following the withdrawal of the fighter planes from the first line of defense, they joined the second line of defense with a cluster of battleships and started shooting. On one side was the cluster of battleships waiting in full formation, and on the other side was a group of battleships with super maneuverability and firepower to attack bugs, various beams of fire, and electromagnetic energy. Beam cannons, countless missiles and opposing cannon barrages, mutual attacks directly turned the middle area into the most dangerous zone.

Xiao Ran operated the Lightning Holy Shield and kept maneuvering around, either shooting in the defensive cluster, or charging forward and firing for one round, then transformed into MS form and fired a few shots, and then transformed again and rushed back to the friendly forces. . In the process, Xiao Ran also discovered another area where the seed world is slightly better than this world, and that is the miniaturization technology of beam weapons. There are no beam weapons that can be used by deformed fighters in this world, but in beam weapons The output power is completely inferior to the output power of the beam weapon in the seed world. The output power also represents the power of the beam weapon.

The transformation fighters of the United Nations Army that had been following the Lightning Holy Shield in the queue had all been replaced at some point. From the beginning of arriving at this battleship cluster, there have been deformed fighters hovering near the Lightning Shield, but until now, those hovering fighters and deformed fighters have either been destroyed. Either the aircraft was damaged and retreated, leaving countless wreckage of fighter planes in this area. Even Xiao Ran, who had reminders ringing in his ears from time to time, couldn't feel happy, and felt like he wanted to rush into the center of the battle.

Sighing, Xiao Ran watched from the screen that the red bugs were still able to make various evasive maneuvers under the intensive firepower of the battleship cluster, and gradually rushed into the battleship cluster, clearing a small area of firepower in a short time with a few shots. There was a gap for the bugs from behind to rush in. Xiao Ran even saw a yellow bug rushing in front of the red boss bug, blocking the attack of the red boss bug and turning it into pieces. It also reminded Xiao Ran that he was following him. Transforming fighter planes around you.

Xiao Ran, who has watched this anime, actually knows it in his heart. These bugs attacking the 25th Ship Group at this time were just being used. They were attracted by the singing voice of the galactic singer Shirley Lou. They also happened to sense that they were companions living in the human world and wanted to bring them away. After being rescued from the hands of humans and attacking the 25th fleet so desperately, it can be said that the bugs are actually a very united race, and they are not as bloodthirsty and warlike as humans in this world think.

It is only the misunderstanding and incomprehension between the two races that make them stand on opposite sides. And at the end of the plot, the bugs even gave up part of their home planet for the lives of the humans on the 25th Ship Group. Even if he is willing to give up half of his family, he can see that these bugs are not an evil race, and there are not so many twists and turns and conspiracy tracks.

Just when Xiao Ran sighed with some depression. The alarm in the cockpit suddenly sounded, and when he looked closely, an electromagnetic energy beam cannon was flying towards him. Xiao Ran quickly operated the mechanical arm bracket that was now combined with the armed thruster module. When he stretched out, two thruster modules with beam deflection capabilities were blocked in front of him.

The next second the electromagnetic energy beam had already struck. After approaching the front of the Lightning Shield, Xiao Ran clearly saw faint ripples spreading out in front of his body, and then the speed of the electromagnetic energy beam seemed to be slowed down. The same thing happened. In less than a second, a curve changed direction and went back to the side of the Lightning Shield. Xiao Ran turned around and saw that the redirected attack rushed directly into a battleship that was shooting happily. Here, a tragedy suddenly occurred.

"Nah!" Xiao Ran's eyebrows began to twitch. Turning his head to glare at the red bug shooting at him, his eyes suddenly lit up. I used quick lock again and opened the obtained plug-in for the first time - a B-level plug-in. Powerful shooting module.

The Lightning Holy Shield composite armed thruster module retracted both sides at once, and the Kraken complex phaser on the chest with both arms began to light up. Powerful energy began to gather in the chest. Because of the use of plug-ins, surging The energy even produced an energy polymerization reaction in front of the chest. Finally, after Xiao Ran pulled the trigger, the powerful energy spurted directly from the Lightning Shield's chest, and a long red electromagnetic light instantly appeared on the battlefield.

The beam shot from the chest of the Holy Shield Gundam directly passed through the red boss insect that shot at him. The long red beam extended from the chest of the Holy Shield Gundam for a long, long distance, killing all those on this line. Everything exploded, bringing out a series of flashes of fire and explosions. This beam lasted for three seconds before slowly dissipating.

Xiao Ran lowered his head and glanced at the energy source, and was also surprised. After using the powerful shooting module, the consumption of the Kraken Cannon, which originally only required 30 points per shot, was fully increased to 300 (the previous omission has been changed, the second What is missing is skill specialization, fire specialization has been added, has been changed.), and there is also a prompt on the body feedback system that the Kraken Cannon is temporarily unusable due to overheating.

Xiao Ran was surprised at the energy consumption of this attack, because after this attack, the two batteries of the Holy Shield Gundam had been completely consumed, and the third energy battery only had 1,300 energy points left. The people of the United Army were even more shocked. They were shocked that this unknown new machine actually launched such a powerful attack. This was an attack power that the weapons used by the transforming fighter planes could not reach at all. At the same time, the Lightning Holy Shield and the Xiao Ran entered the field of vision of some people.

At this time, there was some chaos on the side of the battlefield. Countless missiles with long white trails suddenly appeared, catching the bugs off guard. Two new deformed fighter jets inserted into the battlefield from the direction where the missiles appeared. As soon as they appeared, they each killed a yellow bug behind the two fighter planes. Following the formation of two VF-19 fighter planes, they caused considerable losses to the bugs as soon as they appeared.

In the communication channel, a mature and steady voice sounded: "Senior Sergeant Xiao Ran, please answer, Sergeant Xiao Ran, please answer!"

"Received, please tell me." Xiao Ran replied to the communication, glanced at the communication source that appeared on the communication channel and raised his eyebrows slightly: SMS.

"This is SMS. I am the captain of the skull team, Ozma Lee. We will send a fighter formation to protect you from the battlefield. Please follow the fighter formation to break away from the battle and go to the main island ship."

"Ozma Lee?" When Xiao Ran heard this name, he remembered who the owner of this voice was. In the plot, the male protagonist's team leader has a mature and steady personality, but his personality changes when it comes to his sister. He has excellent driving skills and can use heavy equipment that even the male protagonist cannot use properly. He is also the brother of Lanhua Li, one of the two heroines, and can be regarded as a major character in Macross F.

Xiao Ran looked at the few remaining energy values, and he already had the intention to withdraw from the battle, but he said: "The battle is not over yet. You want me to escape?"

Ozma was stunned for a moment, and then said after hesitating for a few seconds: "I understand, please be more careful."

Although he refused to leave the battlefield. However, Xiao Ran still drove the Lightning Holy Shield to move some distance to the rear, raised the high-energy beam cannon in his hand and began to support the United Army fighter planes that were fighting with the insects. He did not dare to continue the high-energy-consuming attack method.

After rescuing some people from the bug attacks, Xiao Ran's mood became more and more intense as he watched helplessly as the targets were not hit or the fighter planes exploded one after another under the bug attacks. heavy.

A few minutes later, like divine help, two red bugs passed through the layers of attacks under the dense barrage, leading several yellow bugs to break through the defense line of the battleship cluster again. Along the way, they destroyed no less than five warships and flew directly towards the main island.

The insect's route was not within Xiao Ran's attack range. In fact, it was within his attack range. Xiao Ran also let go of the two bugs and watched helplessly as a red bug landed on the zenith barrier of the main island. He blasted a gap in the zenith barrier and got in. Below this gap, there is an ocean, mountain peaks, grasslands, and a huge city that can accommodate tens of millions of people. It is also the most important in the immigration fleet. living area of residence.

Less than a minute before the bug got in, a red transforming fighter plane also chased after it from a distance, passed directly through the gap that was being closed, and followed it into the super huge main island ship.

Xiao Ran looked at it and then operated the Holy Shield Gundam to fly towards the zenith barrier. He followed the example and made a hole in it and then flew in. As soon as he entered the barrier, he instantly regained his ability. Gaining the feeling of being able to distinguish between above and below again, he transformed his body into a ma form and began to slow down in the so-called sky and began to look for the figure of the red bug.

After the Lightning Shield flew into the main island, Ozma, who had spoken to Xiao Ran, was driving his transforming fighter jet not far away. He watched dumbfoundedly as the Lightning Shield's two cannons blasted out the zenith barrier. With the movement of a big hole, it circled around outside the zenith barrier and then flew into a passage outside the main island. As the deformed fighter plane left, three more yellow ones soon followed. The insects also stood on the zenith barrier, and once again violently blasted a gap in the barrier and flew in one after another.

Soon, Xiao Ran finally found his target and saw what he wanted to see through the monitor screen. A young man was driving the red-painted aircraft that flew into the main island before and was attacking the red insect leader. Shooting was going on, and not far from the bug, a girl with green hair was sitting on the ground with a scared look on her face.

This boy and girl are none other than Saotome Alt, the male protagonist of Macross F, and Orchid Lee, one of the female protagonists.

"Under the condition of simulating the ecological environment on the ground..." Xiao Ran took a deep breath, raised the corners of his mouth, pushed forward with his hands, and the thrusters of the Lightning Holy Shield suddenly burst out with a bright light, and rushed towards it at an unparalleled speed. The red bug leader said: "The Holy Shield is more flexible than a fighter like VF!"

The Lightning Holy Shield rushed directly to the top of the red insect. He quickly transformed and fell from the sky. He took off the tactical composite armor from behind with both arms. He directly used the armor that transformed into a big sword as a door panel and slapped the insect away. It flew more than ten meters away, and then with a sudden thrust, the sword penetrated the bug's body directly, and the Vulcan cannon on the head started shooting at the bug's head.

A lot of mucus spurted out from the insect's wound, and the pair of shining eyes slowly extinguished after flashing, and the two claws fell down powerlessly without any movement.

Xiao Ran operated the Lightning Holy Shield to pull out the weapon inserted into the insect's body. He slowly turned around and started to change the form of the tactical composite weapon, because after killing the insect, there were still enemies approaching.

Ozma appeared here driving a fighter plane that had transformed into a mobile suit. What he saw was the black body pulling out a huge sword-shaped weapon from the insect's body, and then holding the big sword with both arms and slowly Slowly turning around and raising it straight forward, the weapon began to deform, and the sword began to separate from the middle, revealing a Gatling cannon inside, and turned into a shelf fixed on the ground.

The tactical composite weapon changed from the sword form to the turret form and sat on the ground. The two beam guns on the thruster module were also raised. Ozma didn't know that a few bugs flew in again, but he had seen the animation. How could Xiao Ran forget it? When he saw the huge figure flying in this direction on the screen, Xiao Ran's eyes flickered and he activated Quick Lock again.

"Beep, beep, beep..." In one second, the three bugs were directly locked.

The next moment, flames burst out from the muzzle of the Gatling cannon, shooting out a series of bullets and countless small beams. The two beam rifles also spit out rays of death. ()