Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 112: Meet the president


An hour later, Xiao Ran sat on a chair in the Presidential Office of the Presidential Palace and seemed calm with his eyes closed, but in his heart he was really surprised and happy.

Fortunately, after this battle, the remaining combat points of only 2,800 suddenly exceeded 10,000 points. I killed 3 red bugs at the boss level and received 3,000 combat points of 1,000 each. In the battle, I killed 4 bugs at the soldier level at the beginning, 3 on the main island, and 8 more during the space battle. Each bug was rewarded 500, for a total of 15 yellow bugs at the soldier level. I got After getting 7,500 battle merit points, including the remaining battle merit points, Xiao Ran already had more than 13,300 battle merit points. These battle merit points were obtained too easily.

Although he has received so many rewards, his authority has not been improved. At this time, the authority of a sergeant needs a total of 50,000 combat points to be upgraded to the authority of a second lieutenant. After calculation, it is still almost 10,000 points short of the authority.

He was so surprised that after killing the last three miscellaneous-level bugs that ran into the main island, the bugs' attack stopped and then retreated. Xiao Ran also quickly received the news that the top commander of the United Army was going to meet with him. Perhaps the ship group It was also strange that the Earth side actually sent an investigation team to the remote immigration ship group without any notice.

After parking the Lightning Holy Shield in a hangar in the military zone of the main island, the person who came to pick up Xiao Ran did not take him to the headquarters of the military zone. Instead, he changed direction and came to the presidential palace. Only then did Xiao Ran react. It turns out that the highest command of the integrated defense force of the 25th Fleet is also in the hands of the president. But how can the defense force and the government, which are obviously one family, be considered two camps? At this time, Xiao Ran also triggered his first main mission in this world.

"Main mission 1 has been started: Investigate lurking enemies. The mission reward is 1,000 points. If the mission fails, 2,000 combat points will be deducted. The evaluation reward after the mission is determined based on the completion of the mission."

"Investigating the lurking enemy?" Xiao Ran was a little confused when he received this task: "Who is this lurking enemy talking about? Is it the bug hiding under the hull? Or is it the conspirator from the galaxy fleet? .Or is it the betrayer of the 25th Fleet?"

Xiao Ran raised his hand gently on the chair without making a sound: "Wait a minute, if I didn't know the development of the plot. After experiencing the battle with the insects, my first reaction should be that there might be enemies near the fleet. Hidden, or possibly hiding on the ship. After all, bugs can be considered enemies now."

"And the enemy mentioned in the mission did not specify who it was. It just said that the enemy was investigating the lurking enemy. This enemy may have been designated as a bug without knowing it." Xiao Ran opened his eyes and touched the workman, thinking: "For To me, that doesn’t seem to be the case. If you want to achieve a high degree of task completion, you should probably consider this aspect.”

At this time, the door to the President's Office suddenly opened, revealing a young man with blue hair wearing a uniform of the United Army. But when it was worn on him, it didn't feel like a soldier at all, only a fancy feeling.

The man put his hands behind his back and walked up to Xiao Ran with a smile. Xiao Ran also stood up and saluted him.

The man nodded with a smile, but said: "I am Leon Mishima, the chief assistant officer of the presidential palace. From today on, I will cooperate with you in some investigations, but I hope you remember that this is not the earth. I hope you don't Do things that make me feel embarrassed."

Xiao Ran looked at Leon Mishima and smiled, this guy was the traitor hiding in the Twenty-fifth Ship Group. He has been cooperating with the actions of Gaxy's conspirators, and later assassinated the president of the 25th Ship Group, and took the position of president himself. In other words, this is also a goal in Xiao Ran's mission.

Xiao Ran said: "I will keep the commander's instructions in mind. Is there anything else I need to tell you? If not, I would like to know when the President of the fleet can meet with me."

Leon watched Xiao Ran nod his head and took a step back. He stretched out his hand to give a hint and then turned around and left. Xiao Ran smiled coldly in her heart as she watched his leaving figure and walked into the president's office.

At this time, the somewhat elderly President was waiting for Xiao Ran to come in with a big cigar in his mouth. After seeing Xiao Ran, he put his hands on the table and looked up and down at Xiao Ran, who was wearing a black pilot uniform: "You said you are from Earth?"

Xiao Ran nodded: "Yes."

The president frowned and asked, "Then why haven't we received any news that someone from the investigation team has returned?"

Xiao Ran stood up straight and said: "This is a confidential mission. The investigation team was divided into at least two teams and went to different places. My team and I went to the galaxy ship group first. But I have other missions and my superiors gave me freedom The right to act, so I came here, and my mission is also related to this ship group."

The president frowned and glanced at Xiao Ran. Nodding: "What is your mission? Of course, if it is confidential, it goes without saying. I have asked my assistant officer to do his best to cooperate with you."

Xiao Ran stopped, deliberately scanned the room, shook his head and blinked at the president, the meaning was very obvious, but he said: "I'm sorry, sir, I don't think I can tell you."

The president was stunned for a moment when he saw Xiao Ran's expression that had completely different meanings than what he said. He glanced at his office and nodded: "Okay, in that case, I won't ask any more questions. Our fleet has not been here for a long, long time. There are people coming from Earth. Earth, I was also born there. Judging from your transforming fighter plane, the Earth may have undergone great changes. If nothing happens today, I want to talk to you. You also Tell me what the current situation of the earth is."

"That's my honor." Xiao Ran smiled and nodded.

The president stood up and walked out with a smile. Xiao Ran took the lead to open the door of the office and followed behind the president. The two of them walked out of the presidential palace directly and walked slowly aimlessly. Behind the two of them, a group of Obviously the task of bodyguard also followed closely.

It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that the president said with a smile on his face: "Now that you are out, you can say anything."

Xiao Ran nodded. While admiring the beautiful scenery on the main island, he said: "Our investigation mission this time was caused by the destruction of the 117th Investigation Group."

The president frowned: "Investigation Team 117? The investigation team that was destroyed by Vajra eleven years ago?"

Xiao Ran said: "Yes, that incident can be said to be the first appearance of vajra, and the earth is also secretly investigating that incident. The results of the investigation are somewhat unexpected. All the research results were thought to have been burned. And people who were thought to be dead appeared in the galaxy ship group, which caused us a lot of doubts."

"As the investigation deepened, we discovered that some people in the galaxy fleet seemed to be secretly carrying out some conspiracy. Since then, we have been exploring their news. Although we did not investigate the real situation, the galaxy fleet began to The vigorous promotion of human body modification technology has also allowed the seniors of the investigation team to discover some clues. Among those who have been modified, there are only a small number of people who can perform mind linking, and each of those people is in the galaxy ship group. Senior people, things have gotten more complicated since then.”

"Then the Earth Army Headquarters captured a vajra for research and found that these bugs also have a group information sharing method similar to mind linking, and also found a material crystal in the bug's body. We found that this crystal actually has The ability to link information across barriers also has the function of fold jumping beacons.”

"We began to wonder what connection these bugs had with the Gaxy Ship Group, and what they had to do with the 117th Investigation Group, so the Earth Army headquarters directly sent an investigation team to the Gaxy Ship Group, and at the same time, a team of The mysterious figure on board also came to this ship group. I followed her here, but was immediately attacked by insects. I had to consider whether there was any connection between them. "

"In addition, during the investigation, I also discovered that there are several people in this ship group who also have a very deep relationship with the 117th Investigation Group. Even in the intelligence feedback, a major figure is letting people monitor everyone. A survivor of the 117th Investigation Team, and seems to have connections with Gaxy."

"In this way, this fleet may have fallen into a conspiracy, and it is a very dangerous conspiracy that may even lead to the destruction of the entire fleet."

"Huh?" The president frowned tightly and looked at Xiao Ran: "Who is that person?"

"Your assistant, Leon Mishima." Xiao Ran slowly said a name that made the president's eyes sharpen instantly. But then he returned to normal and lowered his voice and said, "Are you telling the truth?"

Xiao Ran asked back: "Does your Excellency the President think that I would be bored and come all the way from the earth just to cause trouble for someone I don't know at all?"

His Excellency the President took out a cigar from his arms and lit it: "I will have someone investigate him."

"Sorry, based on some feedback. It seems that the President has been monitored by him, and there seems to be a group of people under him who only follow his orders." Xiao Ran curled his lips and glanced at the President with a half-smile. : "So for your own safety, just pretend you don't know anything."

While the President was lighting up the cigarette, he clenched his teeth tightly and held the lighter tightly with his hand. His eyes were filled with anger: "That damn bastard."

"Your Excellency, please relax. Who knows if any of the bodyguards behind you are from him?" Xiao Ran said with a smile, "If Your Excellency, the President, believes me, it won't take long for me to put the evidence on you." Of course, after all, I am here alone, and I hope to get a small team that is completely loyal to you. After all, the results of the investigation will also be good for you."

The president took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down: "I will send you a few people, and I will sign a warrant for you to ask all parties to fully cooperate with you."

Xiao Ran nodded: "I also need to include some interference rights of SMS, because for me currently, they are the only ones who are clean."

"I will help you solve this problem." The president nodded, glanced at Xiao Ran and frowned and said: "Although you were sent by the Earth Unification Army headquarters, your military rank is too low, so I will let you temporarily join the Defense Unification Army. Within the military establishment, we have sufficient rights to conduct investigations."

"Yes, Your Excellency, President." Xiao Ran saluted the President and said, "If possible, I hope to start monitoring the two people from Gaxy tonight." ()

ps: The previous neutron jammer part has been changed