Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 116: Ozma, are you a girlie?


Xiao Ran's sudden appearance made the two brothers and sisters who were talking raise their heads in astonishment. They looked at this person who appeared out of nowhere inexplicably. The hair on both sides of Orchid's hair stood up like rabbit ears, which made Xiao Ran's eyebrows look awkward. There was a twitching. This person was indeed of Geraldian blood. He could be considered an alien after all. No wonder even his hair was so flexible.

Ozma looked at Xiao Ran up and down, blinked at Xiao Ran quickly, laughed, patted her head and stood up, stretched out her hand to Xiao Ran, and said in a hurried tone: "You are Sergeant Xiao Ran, no? , now a major, I really appreciate your help for what happened yesterday, saving my incompetent sister, maybe you don’t know, but you are very popular in the current defense force."

"Really?" Xiao Ran touched his nose in embarrassment, stretched out his hand to Ozma, shook it and then let go, smiling: "I really don't know what's going on, can you tell me."

Ozma laughed: "Yesterday, Major Xiao Ran fought with everyone without giving up. He eliminated so many bugs and helped a lot of people. Someone also recorded the scenes of your battle into a video and circulated it in the army. Now you Her popularity in the army is no worse than that of the Galaxy Diva."

"Ah!" Lan Hua suddenly shouted, folding her hands on her chest, Xiao Ran said nervously: "You, are you the one who saved us yesterday? Thank you, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, you will be safe even without me." Xiao Ran glanced at Ozma with a half-smile, which instantly made Ozma laugh awkwardly: "Everywhere, it's all your fault."

"Haha, but there were unnecessary casualties because of my relationship. Let's not talk about it." Xiao Ran waved his hand and said: "It happened that the kid who drove the red-painted machine body was here yesterday. He also had a lot of troubles. Big force.”

Ozma may also be thinking about the death of his comrades in battle. The Tonghe Army suffered heavy casualties, and their faces fell for a moment.

"Really! Where is it?" Lanhua glanced at Xiao Ran in surprise, then turned around and started looking for Alter's figure.

Xiao Ran said: "It should still be checked now. You can see it in a moment."

Lanhua nodded repeatedly: "I will wait for him here."

Ozma's eyes suddenly widened and he grabbed Lanhua's shoulders: "Don't you have to go to class!"

Orchid's mouth pouted. The hair on both sides that looked like rabbit ears suddenly stood up: "Brother! The savior is right in front of me. Don't I want to thank others first!"

Ozma said: "It's more important for you to go to class. Leave it to me to thank you for being the savior."

"No!" Lanhua tilted her head to one side and shouted unhappily: "Brother, how could you do this? I just want to express my gratitude to him in person."


"Humph, stinky brother!"

"You two brothers and sisters have a really good relationship." Xiao Ran shook his head and smiled, and said to Ozma: "Mr. Ozma, it doesn't matter if you take a day and a half off. Look, isn't he here?"

Ozma and Orchid turned their heads at the same time and looked at Catherine, Alt and his group who were walking behind them and were about to go to the blood drawing room.

"Ah! It's him, the beautiful driver with long hair, he saved me!" Lanhua said with joy on her face, and was about to run towards Alter, and suddenly rushed to Alter's body. Before: "It's you, yesterday's princess!"

"Huh?" Art was stunned for a moment when he saw Lanhua. Seeing Lan Hua looking at him happily, he reluctantly smiled: "You are... the girl from yesterday..."

"It's me, my name is Lanhua Li. You can just call me Lanhua from now on." Lanhua happily turned around in front of Alte, and her hair on both sides curled up, showing that she was in a good mood. Happy and excited: "Can you tell me your name?"

Art nodded: "Art, Art Saotome."

"Brother Alt, thank you for saving me yesterday."

Xiao Ran and Ozma also came over. After Moses and Billy saw Xiao Ran, they also shouted: "Sir."

"Yes." Xiao Ran nodded, glanced at Art, who was a little overwhelmed by Orchid's enthusiasm, smiled and asked, "What other tests have not been done?"

Moses said: "The only thing left is a blood test."

"That's soon."

Ozma walked up to Catherine and scratched her hair helplessly. Ruoyou said to Catherine meaningfully: "I didn't expect that a small inspection would lead to Catherine taking action in person. It seems that the problem of insufficient manpower in the army is getting more and more serious."

"Ozma..." Catherine was stunned for a moment. He took a deep breath and said, "This question has nothing to do with veterans like you."

"The military matters have nothing to do with me, but the VF-25 he broke can be managed by our SMS." Ozma spread his hands towards Catherine. The corners of his mouth turned up: "Really, Lieutenant Catherine Glass."

Catherine looked at Ozma with some ups and downs, and there seemed to be something more in her eyes. Finally, she turned her head away slightly: "That's right, VF-25 is under your management. If that's the case, what happens next? It’s up to you.”

Ozma put her index and middle fingers together and tapped the side of her head gently: "I am grateful for the disrespect."

Art had also heard the conversation between Ozma and Catherine. He looked at the SMS uniform that Ozma was wearing and murmured: "SMS?"

Catherine closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths to calm down, walked up to Xiao Ran and saluted with a military salute: "Major Xiao Ran, let's leave first."

Xiao Ran nodded: "Well, be sure to remember what I told you yesterday. In addition, if Shirley calls you to ask you about the child, just tell her that I have the thing in my hand and ask her to come to me. That's fine. Just give her my contact information."

Catherine glanced at Xiao Ran in confusion, nodded and left with the two soldiers. Ozma breathed out softly: "Huh, I really met this troublesome woman again. Hey, that boy over there. , hurry up and get the last check done!"

"Moses, take him for a checkup." Xiao Ran said to Moses. The latter nodded and led Alt into the blood drawing room. Lan Hua also accompanied him inside, and only Xiao Ran was left outside. Billy and Ozma.

After closing the door of the blood drawing room, Ozma looked at Xiao Ran with a straight face: "Major Xiao Ran. Thank you for not telling me the identity of the pilot, but are you here because of that boy?"

"It's really incredible that the famous captain of the Skeleton Team can do nothing in front of his sister." Xiao Ran chuckled and his expression became serious: "I do have something to do with that kid named Alt. , but I also have something I want to talk to you about, but I didn’t expect to meet you here. I think you should also have been notified that SMS will fully cooperate with my work from today on. I also own the SMS section It’s a matter of interfering with command authority.”

"I know, although it's only temporary... But, hey." Ozma showed a helpless expression and saluted Xiao Ran: "Captain of the Skeleton Team, Major Ozma. Lee has met the commander."

Xiao Ran nodded and saluted Ozma: "Member of the special investigation team of the Earth Alliance Army Headquarters, special major investigator of the 25th Fleet Defense Alliance Army, Xiao Ran."

The two of them put their hands down at the same time, looked at each other and laughed in unison. Ozma said with a smile: "I didn't expect that I just saw your battle yesterday and was really shocked. Today we will temporarily work together." "

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "This is only temporary. My mission is very important. It is related to the safety of President Glass and the entire 25th Ship Group. On a larger scale, it may also be related to the safety of the entire human world, and President Glass also needs I have determined some things, so we will investigate together and leave it to me. There are not many people in this fleet that I can trust, but SMS is definitely one of them, so I asked President Glass to negotiate for your cooperation. I."

"Huh? You're not the only investigator sent by the Earth Alliance Army, right?" Ozma frowned tightly. Billy on the side heard what was going on for the first time and couldn't help but look. Towards Xiao Ran.

"No. There are a hundred people in the investigation team, but I only know the whereabouts of half of them." Xiao Ran said here. He also shook his head slightly and sighed: "Moreover, the situation and forces on Earth are also more complicated. Not every member of the investigation team will really obey the orders of the Earth Unity Army Headquarters. On the surface, they are soldiers, but privately they are Private armies of certain groups, so those people are not worthy of trust.”

Billy and Ozma opened their mouths, and the latter said in disbelief: "I really didn't expect that the situation on Earth is so complicated. Even Tong Hejun can't control everything on Earth?"

Xiao Ran shook his head: "No, you should know that most of the immigration fleets rely on these companies for their existence. Even the armaments used by the Unification Army are provided by these companies. Without the help of these companies, the Earth will be unified." The military may not be able to get so many immigrant ships out."

"After so many years, you can imagine how much power these companies have accumulated. Even the headquarters of the Tonghe Army cannot find out. And the earth is also the most serious place where various companies and fleets compete with the earth for resources, population, force, rights and Money is the focus of the competition, which also leads to the United Nations Headquarters having to look at the reflections of these companies when doing things. In comparison, the various ship groups in the universe are truly innocent places, and among the entire investigation team, there are also Only I know the true mission."

Ozma frowned slightly and shook his head in disbelief: "Then what do we need to do now?"

"A lot." Xiao Ran looked around and said expressionlessly: "About vajra, about your sister, about the traitor who appeared on the island, and about the spy on the island."

"My sister!? Orchid!?" Ozma only focused on the word "sister". His eyes suddenly widened and he lowered his voice and said in a deep voice: "How could Orchid get involved in these things?"

Xiao Ran pouted: "Don't you know that Lan Hua has been under surveillance?"

"What!" Ozma shouted angrily: "Who is it, bastard!"

Xiao Ran patted Ozma on the shoulder: "Calm down, this is not the place to talk. You take the orchid to SMS, and I will go there in the afternoon. By the way, you should want Art to join SMS, wait until I finish the work We will take him there together later.”

"Yes." Ozma responded heavily with eyes blazing: "No matter who it is, I will never let him go!"

Xiao Ran saw Ozma who had almost lost his mind and suddenly asked, "Ozma, I want to ask you."

"Huh? What?"

Xiao Ran touched his nose and chuckled: "Are you a girl lover?" ()