Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 121: In fact, there is an organization on earth called Celestial Beings


Seeing that everyone's bustling voices stopped again because of his words, and for a while the only sound left was everyone's breathing. However, there were still several people looking at Shirley Lu and Lanhua with their eyes filled with deep curiosity. He was surprised and felt that what Xiao Ran said seemed like a movie.

Xiao Ran thought about it for a moment and said slowly: "What I am going to say next is just something that I and some people with lofty ideals for peace have investigated. It has nothing to do with the Unification Army or any organization or force. The special department of the Earth Unification Army has nothing to do with it. I just have some doubts without any conjecture, conclusion or evidence. Likewise, I don’t have any evidence to prove what I said. It’s up to you to decide whether you believe it or not.”

No one spoke, some nodded, and some frowned.

"Eleven years ago, a survey team was attacked. It was also the first time that vajra appeared in the records. The destruction of the survey team and the emergence of new species made the Earth Unity Army become vigilant, and also made a large number of people with the idea of making humanity better. Or people who want to make mankind safer have gathered together in private. Among these people are scientists, businessmen, retired soldiers, senior government officials, senior military officers, and all kinds of people. Such a person."

"After all, if human beings continue their voyage, they may encounter other life forms or civilizations. The headquarters of the Earth Unity Army secretly began to investigate in detail the circumstances surrounding the attack on the investigation team. This was also done for the sake of another possible racial conquest. Prepare. After those people gathered together, they began to work hard for a common goal, that is, understanding and survival. Not many people knew about them. They were not even an organization. There was no superior or subordinate. Everyone did not care. They are all equal regardless of their status. They are just trying their best to prepare for dialogue or war in private. It can also be said that they are unknown members of the Unification Army, a family, and cooperative partners. They call themselves For heavenly beings.”

"The body I used was given to me by some of them. It is completely different from the transforming fighter. It is a new mobile weapon redesigned and manufactured from scratch. Of course, it is still in the experimental stage."

Xiao Ran paused slightly here, took a look at the expressions on everyone's faces, smiled in his heart, and said: "After conducting a detailed investigation of the investigation team, the Tonghe Army discovered that the research data within the investigation team had been artificially cleared. , some research equipment was damaged, which made the United Nations Army begin to wonder whether the attacking bugs were native products of the universe or biological weapons created by some people due to some conspiracy."

"As the investigation continued, the Special Investigation Department of the Earth Unity Army finally encountered the bugs, and paid a certain price to capture a few bugs and began to study them. People from the Celestial Beings also joined in, but after the research, the researchers They began to divide into two groups. One group believed that bugs were manufactured biological weapons, and the other group believed that bugs should be natural creatures that have existed since ancient times. But what is certain is that the brains of bugs are very small, considering their body size. It is fully capable of thinking and is a product of accepting orders to execute or be manipulated.”

"The two factions started to quarrel. Until someone found out the information about the event that happened on the earth more than fifty years ago, someone discovered that the bug and the bird man seemed to have a lot in common, and then they began to collect any information It’s about something that happened more than fifty years ago. It was also from that time that the surname Nome was mentioned frequently.”

"After our investigation, Mao Nomu seems to have entered the 117th Investigation Group, and Shirley's birthplace seems to be also in the 117th Investigation Group."

Xiao Ran spoke very slowly, maybe because he wanted everyone to accept his words, but in fact, he was giving himself time to compile everything in his head based on the real situation.

"Impossible!" Shirley Lu loudly interrupted Xiao Ran's conversation and said, "I have been living in galaxy since I can remember."

Xiao Ran glanced at Shirley Lu indifferently and said calmly: "Do you have memories when you were born? And I said before that everything is the result of our speculation on the earth. I There must be something wrong with what I said because there is no evidence to prove that what I said is true.”

"But after our investigation, it is certain. You are definitely a descendant of Mao Nomu, and your parents were also killed by Gaxy's people. The purpose is for you, the person who inherited the bloodline of the 'Guide of Wind', and you. earrings." Xiao Ran said, looking straight at Shirley Lu: "Also, please don't interrupt me before I finish speaking!"

"Huh, whatever you said is wrong anyway, I won't believe anything you say." Shirley sat down, raised her chin with her hands and tilted her head away from her habitual habit.

Xiao Ran shrugged his shoulders and continued: "I just said that Daomao Nomu entered the 117th Investigation Team. As for what research is being conducted there, we don't know because there are no research records for us to refer to. But on Earth In the past, the research on bugs also discovered something new, that is, space crystal, a kind of purple crystal that can transmit information across barriers in the universe, and can also be used as a beacon for space jumps. When Shirley Lu After the fame spread on the Earth, we discovered that Shirley Lou's earrings were actually made of this crystal, so the Earth Unity Army began to send the first batch of investigators to Gaxy to investigate."

"During the investigation of GAXY, many people were killed by intelligence agents who concealed their identities, and some very strange messages were sent to the earth. Some people in GAXY's senior management gradually stopped showing up a long time ago and can no longer be found. There were no traces of their lives, as if this person was no longer there. But later investigators discovered that all this was related to the biochemical transformation vigorously promoted by Gaxy. Those who disappeared should have put their minds into an unknown world. After building a network, people who have not disappeared can link to this network and communicate with other people no matter where they are, and there is some unknown conspiracy going on."

"And this network should have a common matrix, just like... "

"Insects, just like bugs, right?" Luka suddenly interjected. After finishing speaking, his face suddenly turned red and he lowered his head, and his voice became softer: "Some insect groups rely on the queen for their existence. , the Queen is their mother body. If you add the space crystal you mentioned, Mr. Major, then all the Queen's information can be transmitted to the individual bugs based on this crystal."

"Luca is right." Xiao Ran smiled at Luka, glanced at everyone who had already shown shocked expressions, and continued: "We began to doubt whether there was any connection between galaxy and bugs. So the second time was just and aboveboard. They sent an investigation team to Gaxy again to investigate, not afraid of them hiding or not finding anything. I just hope that they will continue to attack the people of the investigation team again. As long as they dare to do evil things, the Earth Unity Army will not If they need more evidence, they can directly send an army to Gaxy. At that time, they can no longer hide whatever they want."

"However, there are many factions within the investigation team, and there are even people from the group behind the Gaxy Ship Group, so even if something can be investigated, it is likely to be hidden."

"For this reason, there are not many people in the investigation team who know about some confidential tasks and information, and I happen to be one of them. And because I have the help of the Celestial Being organization behind me, I only know a few things. More, I also received a more confidential task from the Tonghe Army Headquarters, which was to investigate Shirley Lu and Grace. It happened that the two of them were often together, so it was enough for me to conduct the investigation alone. "

"The investigation of Shirley Lu is entirely because she is a descendant of the Nome family. Some people think that there may be some relationship between bugs and the bird people that appear on the earth. After all, the space crystal on the earrings is a product that only exists in the bodies of bugs. , then Shirley Lou may also have something to do with insects."

"As for why Grace is being investigated, it's because the special investigation department of the United Army discovered that Grace was also a member of the 117th fleet. She appeared in the galaxy inexplicably and was 'resurrected'. So after arriving at the galaxy fleet At that time, I received information from the lurkers who were still hiding in the Gaxy ship group, saying that Shirley Lu and Grace had come to the No. 25 ship group, so I followed them, and happened to meet the bugs and had a fight."

"As for my discovery that the orchid's song can attract insects, it was really just an accident. During yesterday's battle, I discovered that the insect approaching the orchid did not actually want to attack her, but just wanted to make contact with her. Indeed, It really makes me feel a little weird and inexplicable.”

"But after I learned something about orchids, I think I understood something." Xiao Ran said this, turning to look at Ozma: "Mr. Ozma, I think you should also understand something." .”

"Phew." Ozma patted Orchid, who was looking at him with doubtful eyes, and sighed helplessly. Nodding slightly: "Luka, take Orchid out for a walk."

Orchid, who was expecting Ozma to say something, was stunned for a moment, then she puffed up her mouth and shouted dissatisfiedly: "Brother! I don't want to go out."

Bobby stood up with his little thumb up, walked directly to Lanhua, and said seductively: "Oh, sister Lanhua, you don't know too much about the military, otherwise you will definitely be arrested. If you are What will happen if we are arrested?"

Luka also stood up and walked to Lanhua's side with his mouth pouted. Art, who had been sitting silently, also stood up and wanted to accompany Lan Hua out, but was stopped by Xiao Ran directly: "Alt, you too Listen, after all, this is also related to your future choices."

Art was stunned for a moment, nodded and gave Orchid a charming, typical princess-like smile to comfort her. Orchid's face immediately turned red, she stood up, folded her hands and followed Bobby away.

Ozma smashed her fist on the table, gritted her teeth and said, "Lanhua is a survivor of the 117th Investigation Team, because I failed to protect her family 11 years ago. All her parents and brothers... so... I didn't Not his biological brother, thank you, Major Xiao Ran, for never saying this."

"What!" Art and Shirley shouted in surprise at the same time. Alt even said: "Kelanhua... doesn't she know?"

Xiao Ran answered Art's question for Ozma: "Dissociative amnesia, although I don't quite understand it, I feel it should be one of the psychogenic amnesias."

"Absolutely. Anyway, Lanhua doesn't remember anything about that time." Ozma nodded and said, "Lanhua's parents seemed to be researchers of the 117th Investigation Group at that time, and she also had an older brother. Unfortunately, he was also involved in the attack. Died."

"No, I do have a little information about this. Originally, the Earth Unification Army did not know that Lanhua had strayed to the No. 25 Ship Group, otherwise Lanhua would have become one of the people under investigation." Xiao Ran motioned to Moses to pour it for him After drinking a glass of water, he continued: "Because according to the information I obtained, Lanhua's biological brother has been in GAXY for a long time. He has lost his memory and has been biochemically modified. He is now a member of the GAXY Ship Group's Defense Unity Army. A major, but it was Grace’s orders.”

"Her biological brother... is still alive?" Ozma's eyes widened, and he didn't know whether he was happy or sad.

"Yeah." Xiao Ran took a sip of the water brought by Moses, pondered for a while and said: "No matter what Gaxy's conspiracy is, Grace is a key figure. Of course, I think Miss Shirley knows nothing about it. , it just exists to be used. This can be seen from the code name assigned to Ms. Shirley Lu by the senior management of GAXY. It seems to be called fairy9. Miss Shirley Lu, do you know this code name?"

Shirley Lu shook her head, with a hint of confusion on her face.

"I believe you." Xiao Ran smiled gently at Shirley, then turned to look at Ozma: "And Orchid, like Shirley, is a descendant of the victims of Investigation Group 117, and Today, the special ability in the orchid's singing has been confirmed, so your doubts should have been answered. As for who is monitoring the orchid, I can tell you clearly that that person is the chief assistant officer of the presidential palace, Leon. Mishima!”

"He not only monitored Orchid, but also the President. He also deliberately approached Miss Catherine for some special purposes. But now it seems that he was successful." Xiao Ran smiled in front of Ozma's darkened expression. Said: "In addition to monitoring these people, he is more closely related to the Gaxy Ship Group. To be more direct, he has a very close connection with Grace, such as the exchange of information, giving Grace certain conveniences, etc., but their contact We were very careful and we never got any evidence.” ()

ps: Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, let the mecha war explode the chrysanthemum ahead and keep moving forward. Whether it is a monthly ticket or a recommended vote, vote for the mecha war infinity! ! ! ! !