Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 122: Figure under the streetlight


"Of course, it's still what I said before. If you want evidence for what I just said, I can't produce it. Even if I have the evidence, I can't produce it." Xiao Ran lightly knocked on the table. Jeffrey The captain showed an understanding expression and said, "I understand this, but what do you think now?"

"According to my speculation, it is certain that GAXY is currently engaged in a conspiracy, and Grace is the key figure. To be honest, my mission here is to investigate GAXY from the direction of Grace and Shirley. He is planning something."

"But based on what happened yesterday, I already have some ideas. Perhaps the first step of Grace's plan is to awaken the power in Shirley's blood or to find something. The orchid that happened to appear made me think that she The first-step plan should have been completed.”

"Then what is the second step of the plan? I don't know, but no matter what she wants to do, we must not be led by the current situation. However, the last doubt that vajra is a manufactured biological weapon can be directly rejected. , In terms of rationality alone, if the GAXY fleet really has this ability, they don’t have to go to so much trouble at all. As long as they create a sufficient number of bugs, no immigration fleet will be able to resist."

"That means that vajra is definitely a native creature in the universe. It should be an ancient species that has existed in the universe for countless years, a new race that humans are about to come into contact with. For this reason, I doubt that Grace wants to let It is not impossible to control insects through the singing of orchids and Sherry Lou, for example, to gain the power of insects to control the entire world."

"After all, the thinking network that Grace has built now is exactly the same as the model of insects. If the insects really have a queen. Then does Grace have a way to integrate herself into the queen or directly replace the queen? For For Grace now, the human body and appearance are just a shell. Even if the body is destroyed and remade, it is not a problem at all. Because her mind has been uploaded to the network, her body and other things can be changed at any time. It can be replaced. It’s just a consumable item.”

"And one thing you may not know is that Grace was once a researcher of the 117th Investigation Team, and she was a core figure among all researchers. Is it possible that the 117th Investigation Team might have foreseen it a long time ago? I passed the bug but didn’t report it to anyone until Grace researched something, and then the investigation team was attacked due to man-made reasons.”

Everyone present nodded, and they all agreed with Xiao Ran's conjecture. Ozma had already clenched his fists tightly.

Xiao Ran stood up: "One more thing. Why did Grace come to this ship group? We can say that the appearance of Orchid was an accident, but Grace came here definitely because of a pointed reason, that is, this ship group There is something that attracts her, and I can actually think of it if I think about it carefully."

The three members of the fairy team, Glenn, looked confused. Ozma, Captain Jeffrey, and Michelle frowned. The others looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what was so attractive about this ship group. But for Shirley, there is no purpose at all, okay? The reason for coming here was simply to hold a concert, and Shirley rolled her eyes immediately. Said: "I think if I want to make a movie, I will definitely ask you to be the screenwriter."

"It's an honor." Xiao Ran smiled. Seeing that everyone looked confused and couldn't figure out why, he shook his head and said, "It's very simple. That's the route of this convoy. The route of the convoy is in the convoy." It had been determined before departure that the galaxy fleet could not change their route because it involved too much, but what if Grace's target happened to be on the open route of the twenty-fifth fleet? This fleet was heading towards Marching towards the center of the Milky Way. I even doubt whether there is a home planet of bugs in that place. If that is the case. Grace may not have to do anything, as long as she can stay on this ship group. Her goal will be one day It will be achieved.”

Shirley curled her lips, snorted and objected directly: "No way, we will go back to Galaxy after the concert next week. Everything you said is a lie."

"Let's talk like this after a week, if you can really go back." Xiao Ranruo smiled meaningfully, and did not argue with Shirley Lu, but turned to look at the people present. Everyone glanced at each other, narrowed their eyes and said: "In short, no matter what Grace wants to do, as long as Orchid is here and as long as the ship's route does not change, then she will definitely find a way to stay on the ship. What I said a week later It will become clear whether these things are nonsense or not.”

"According to my current thinking, we must first conduct the most detailed physical examination of the orchid, including its blood, cells, and bacteria living in the body. There must be some special reason why the orchid's singing can attract bugs."

"Second, SMS must cooperate with our all-round surveillance work on Leon Mishima. Ozma, you must also use your connections to investigate Leon Mishima. Once Leon Mishima shows up, we can He and Grace were arrested at the same time.”

"No problem, I will do it even if you don't say it." Ozma gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"Yes." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "Third, Miss Shirley Lu, I hope you can use your singing to awaken the power in the orchid body, so that we can take the initiative in our hands instead of being used for who knows what. For the purpose, it is better for us to use this power ourselves and use your songs to communicate with the insects."

"What!" Shirley shook her head in shock, with a hint of fear on her face: "Are you serious?"

"Yes, very seriously. You have to remember that this is about the lives of tens of millions of people in this fleet, and also about the safety of the entire human race." Xiao Ran looked at Shirley very seriously: "Whether you believe my words or not, but The singing of the two of you definitely has extraordinary power. I believe that using this power to communicate with insects will definitely have unexpected results. Even in the face of war, your singing can give the soldiers extraordinary power. .”

"To be honest. I heard the two of them singing during the battle just now. I really felt that my body was full of power at that time." Grant, who had been silent for a long time, stretched out his hands and squeezed them gently. Those who participated in the battle also nodded. They all responded: "I also noticed what Grant said."

Michelle also pushed up her glasses and said, "Yes, I felt particularly calm at that time."

"Hey." Shirley shook her lips and tilted her head: "You speak so righteously, Ling Ran. Is it because I don't agree to it anymore, so you have to remember that there are not many things like asking me to do things for free. "

"I know." Xiao Ran smiled slightly and nodded lightly to Shirley: "I know that maybe you and Grace have a deep relationship, but I hope you don't tell her everything I said today. Even if you don’t help us in other ways.”

There was a trace of hesitation in Shirley's eyes. She looked at the people present and then at Xiao Ran. Finally, she lowered her head and became silent. It wasn't until a few minutes later that he raised his head: "I'm just a singer, I won't get involved in your affairs."

"Thank you, Miss Shirley Lu." Xiao Ran expressed his gratitude solemnly and bowed directly to Shirley Lu: "Thank you for everything you have done for us, the ship, and mankind."

"Thank you, Miss Shirley Lou, for humanity and for peace." Next, Ozma also stood up, and Michelle looked at it and stood up as well. One by one, everyone stood up and bent down to Shirley.

"You guys..." Sherry Lu was stunned for a moment, her expression fluctuated and she closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and quickly adjusted her emotions. Standing tall with his arms folded, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled softly and said: "I don't want to help you, I just want this guy to know that everything he said is nonsense."

"I also hope I'm talking nonsense." Xiao Ran stood up straight and smiled at Shirley Lu. He glanced at everyone and said: "There are not many people I can trust here, but SMS is definitely among them. I hope you can fully cooperate with my work in the next period of time."


Xiao Ran nodded, with a smile on his face: "From now on, except for the things I just arranged, everything else will be as normal without any changes. Everything said in the room today will not be leaked. After a week, I think it will be There will be a resolution."


After that, everyone in the room left, and those who left did so with deep doubts and extreme shock. Although there is no evidence for what Xiao Ran said today, it makes perfect sense when he says it one by one. The tone and speed of Xiao Ran's words and the serious expression on his face also made these people unknowingly They believed what he said, and the shock these words brought to them was absolutely huge, making them feel a little confused when they left.

Art also joined SMS. Of course, this was Ozma's invitation and the reason why Art heard so many confidential things. And now, after hearing these things, he really knew the original ship group. There are so many threats to face, and insect attacks are not accidental.

After Ozma finalized Art's affairs, he left Art to Michelle for training, and left in a hurry with Orchid. As for the welcome event for the newcomers, it was postponed to the next day.

Xiao Ran also learned from Moses that Luca was the second son of i, a large enterprise in the 25th Ship Group. He was also interested in chatting with him and asked Luca to tell i that he was willing to work with him. They talked about the Lightning Shield and left SMS.

After working for almost a day, it was already night outside when Xiao Ran came out, but after Xiao Ran came out, he found a lonely figure leaning on the lamppost under a street lamp, with his head lowered and his hands behind his back looking at the ground.

"Why are you still here?" Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment when he saw this figure. After waving his hands to Moses and Billy to signal them to leave first, he walked towards Moses and Billy with vague smiles. That figure.

Walking in front of that figure, Xiao Ran felt a natural and pleasant fragrance blowing against his face, making him touch his nose unconsciously: "Miss Shirley, didn't I arrange for someone to take you back? Why are you still here? ? "()

ps: Thanks to Nana Charisen for the tip, thank you very much.

With Nana’s 50,000 reward, Yizui will update five chapters, but to celebrate the appearance of the first leader of this book, Yizui will update ten chapters! After adding one chapter with a 100 monthly ticket, there are eleven chapters. These eleven chapters are expected to be completed in three to four days. Of course, this does not include the two chapters that are required every day.

Also, please give me a monthly pass. In fact, the collection of this book is really not very high, but book friends have also been very helpful in pushing Infinite War Machine to a higher position in the science fiction category. Yizui is also very grateful to everyone.

But yesterday and today, Juhua of the monthly ticket list "Infinite Battle" was exploded several times, and in the end it still did not enter the top ten. This is unbearable, and book friends certainly can't bear it. Everyone is gathered here for Infinite Battle, how can we tolerate Daihua again? Exploded!

He is also drunk and shouting: Monthly tickets, lots of monthly tickets, let the machine war explode infinitely!