Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 129: Galaxy's call for help


A few days passed, and finally Shirley Lu's concert was about to begin. Just the day before the concert, Shirley Lu slipped out of the hotel again and found Xiao Ran, holding hands under the endless starry sky. Starting to walk slowly, until the two of them had circled a large circle, Xiao Ran sent Shirley back to the hotel. △¢

Outside the hotel door, Shirley Lu took the initiative to let go of Xiao Ran's hand, raised her head and pretended not to care and said, "You will come tomorrow, right?"

Xiao Ran smiled and nodded: "Of course I will come. Why wouldn't I go to your concert?"

"Hey, here you go, here is the ticket. If I don't see you tomorrow, hum." Shirley took out a ticket from her body and slapped it on Xiao Ran's hand. She put her left hand on her waist and her right hand and tapped Xiao Ran's forehead: "I will definitely give you a good look."

"I got it." Xiao Ran nodded and gently tapped Shirley's forehead with his lips: "Okay, go back and rest quickly. You will have to be tired for a whole day tomorrow."

"Well, I'll go back first." Shirley Lu nodded, made a goodbye gesture to Xiao Ran and turned around to leave. Xiao Ran glanced at the ticket in his hand, shook his head slightly and turned back home.

Before five o'clock the next day, Xiao Ran was woken up by Billy. He put on his clothes and hurried to the president's mansion. It should have been dark yet, but the lights were brightly lit in the president's mansion. There were many voices. When Xiao Ran was taken outside the study door of the Presidential Palace by the person who came to greet him, he could also hear the fierce quarrel in the study. The person who greeted him asked Xiao Ran to wait and then walked into the study. Within a few minutes, the door to the study room opened, and a group of people with red faces walked out.

"Hey, you're here. I just need to ask you, the investigator, about something."

Xiao Ran turned his head and looked in the direction where the voice came from. The speaker officially appeared in front of people, Leon Mishima, who always had a smile on his face. Seeing this person, Xiao Ran also put on a smile: "Hello, Assistant Officer Mishima. I wonder what happened?"

Leon Mishima narrowed his eyes: "The Gaxy fleet was attacked by Vajra, and we are currently discussing whether to send troops for rescue. I also want to see what Investigator Xiao Ran's opinion is."

"What!" The expression on Xiao Ran's face was very surprised, as if he couldn't believe it: "How could it be?"

Seeing Xiao Ran's expression, who would have thought that he had already prepared for what happened today. In the plot, it was also the same day that Shirley Lu started singing. The No. 25 Fleet received a request for help from the Gaxy Fleet and dispatched The army and SMS went to provide support, but in the end only two battleships belonging to the Gaxy Fleet Defense Force were rescued, while the main island of the Gaxy Fleet was lost.

Leon Mishima saw Xiao Ran's expression and just smiled without saying anything. Xiao Ran frowned and pretended to be thoughtful, and said: "I don't know what the President is thinking, and I don't have the right to decide anything, but whether it is rescue or not, I will respect the President. I will also do my best to express my opinions.”

"Really." Leon Mishima smiled meaningfully, suddenly changed the topic and asked: "I wonder how the task of investigator Xiao Ran has been completed now? I heard that your relationship with that big star has developed very recently. Not bad, it’s quite enviable.”

"Where." Xiao Ran smiled awkwardly, shook his head and said helplessly: "I don't even have a clue about the mission. It's a deadlock."

"Oh?" Leon Mishima asked pretending to be surprised, "In that case, maybe I can also provide some help."

Xiao Ran smiled and shook his head: "Then I'll trouble Auxiliary Officer Mishima. If necessary, I will definitely contact Assistant Officer Mishima."

"Yes." Leon Mishima nodded, turned around and left. Xiao Ran looked at Leon Mishima's leaving figure and smiled coldly, then walked into the president's study.

President Glass's face was full of tiredness. When he saw Xiao Ran coming in, he just raised his head: "You're here."

"Yes." Xiao Ran saluted President Glass and said, "I don't know why the president came to me."

"You already know everything. It's so unexpected that the galaxy fleet would be attacked." President Glass rubbed his temples, looked at Xiao Ran and asked: "I thought vajra was made by galaxy Biological weapons. I really didn’t expect that the result would be like this. Do you think we should send out this rescue?”

Xiao Ran nodded heavily: "Yes, because we are all human beings, we should all send troops to rescue."

President Glass wanted to hear what Xiao Ran thought, but after Xiao Ran just answered his question, he stood at attention in front of him, with no expression on his face. It seemed that he had made up his mind to ask and answer.

Seeing Xiao Ran's appearance, President Glass immediately understood why. His expression did not change at all, and he said: "I have seen your combat ability. If support is to be sent, I hope you can also participate."


"Well, SMS should also be dispatched. You should report there and be prepared. If you want to send support, you have to leave this afternoon at the latest." The president took out a cigar from the drawer and pointed it at Xiao Ran He waved his hand and said, "Go ahead and leave everything to you."

"I will not disappoint His Excellency the President." After Xiao Ran finished speaking, he saluted another military salute and then turned around and left. His expression did not change much until he walked out of the presidential palace, and got into the car driven by Billy. Xiao Ran said: "Go to i."

Moses turned his head from the front row, frowned and asked, "Sir, what happened?"

"An expected thing." Xiao Ran leaned back leisurely and said with some disgust: "One thing that gave Grace a legitimate reason to continue to stay in this ship group is that galaxy was attacked by insects. In my opinion, It was just a self-directed and self-acted farce, but I never expected that an entire fleet of ships would be used as props to further their own plot."

Moses opened his mouth wide, and Billy couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Xiao Ran, his eyes filled with deep astonishment. Then both of them felt a chill coming from their bodies. A whole ship group, how much could that be? People will lose their lives because of this.

Moses gritted his teeth and asked, "Sir, when can we arrest Grace and Leon?"

Xiao Ran glanced at Moses and sighed slightly: "If I could, I would arrest them directly. But it's not possible now. A single move can affect the whole body. We can't be impulsive. We have to wait. Trust me, when we take action The moment it happens, it’s time to send them straight to hell.”

In Xiao Ran's opinion, the best time to arrest is not now, but it is not too far away from now. Only at that time can everyone get the stolen goods.

The car drove quickly and soon arrived in front of i's building. Xiao Ran called Angelo's phone on the way. When Xiao Ran arrived, Angelo was already waiting outside the gate.

Angelo didn't have too many smiles on his face now. He just said hello to Xiao Ran and hurriedly led Xiao Ran into the building: "I was shocked when I heard you said that the galaxy fleet was attacked. , rushed over quickly."

"Trouble." Xiao Ran nodded and asked in a deep voice: "How is my body? Can I attack?"

Angelo shook his head in embarrassment: "No, if it was just research on cracking armored weapons, it might still be too late, but I have people dismantle all the energy systems and transmission pipelines of the body. There is absolutely no way we can do it today."

"What about the VF-25 you prepared for me?" Xiao Ran turned to look at Angelo.

"It's ready. You can drive away at any time." Angelo took Xiao Ran into an elevator. As soon as the elevator started, it started to descend. Angelo said: "We have equipped you with special equipment based on your body. , the heavy-duty backpack was enlarged. The bomb load capacity was increased, and four engines were added to the backpack. On the way here, I also asked people to find a way to add twin-mounted rotating beam cannons to the body, but the power may not be as powerful. The beam cannon used by your suit."

Xiao Ran nodded: "It doesn't matter. These are enough."

"Ding." The sound of the elevator arriving sounded. When the elevator door slowly opened to both sides, a fully armed pure black fighter also appeared in Xiao Ran's eyes. The huge heavy equipment almost covers the entire body of the aircraft. It looks like a super-enhanced and thickened version of an ordinary transforming fighter plane. It also has an enlarged heavy-duty backpack that can be used as armor. The missile launch port is in a reasonable position. The positions were arranged densely. At random, there were many more than the one Xiao Ran used before. Moreover, under the memory, there were two more rotatable turret-type beam cannons, and two larger ones. The twin rotating beam cannons are now beginning to be installed on top of the fuselage.

"VF-25s, a commander-type aircraft, is the same as the one used by Major Ozma." Angelo took Xiao Ran to the bottom of the aircraft and began to introduce it to Xiao Ran: "The heavy backpack used is specially used by Major Ozma. The enhanced version of the armored backpack is more powerful than Major Ozma, but it is heavier and more difficult to control. As for the main weapon, we have equipped you with the VF-25G SSL-9B wearer. The armor-piercing sniper rifle uses ultra-high-speed armor-piercing explosive ammunition, which is absolutely sufficient in terms of firepower, and the deformed head is equipped with four small laser machine guns. Although it cannot break the insect's defense, it is better than nothing."

"What about melee weapons?"

Angelo said with some embarrassment: "Two combat knives. You can use the pin-point defense system to enhance the penetration ability."

Xiao Ran glanced at Angelo and was speechless, thought for a while and said: "There is a beam melee weapon on the left and right wrists of my body. It is not yet 7 o'clock, and it will take five hours to dismantle and load this body." On the arm.”

"Is it the beam saber in the options of the machine's equipment?" Angelo's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I'll have someone make it right away. Mr. Xiao Ran doesn't know if he can show it to us. , we couldn’t activate any weapons on the machine without you these days, and we have always been curious about this thing.”

Xiao Ran shook his head speechlessly: "Let's go, while I'm still here." (Please search Piao Tian Literature for better and faster updates!

ps: Yizui is really drunk. It was past 2 o'clock when I finished writing Chapter 4 yesterday. After finishing writing, I forgot the most important thing, publishing it. Haha, it's funny.

Okay, I'm speechless. Yizui himself is also speechless. What's more important is that Yizui has to take care of the baby alone from morning to night. This is a very serious problem.